I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 245 Song Yuxi regards death as death

"I am going to let Cui Shanhui take over as the president of ABS TV. She was the director of public relations department of SA before, and later she was in charge of the work of SA Welfare Foundation. Her father is the chairman of East Asia Group, and she grew up in the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper office since she was a child. It can be said that It comes from family education. I feel more at ease when she takes charge of ABS TV station." Song Yi said.

"Isn't Cui Shanji the secretary of the board of directors of SA? The secretary of the board of directors is a very important position. If you transfer her away, who will take over Director Cui's job?" Xia Meiai asked.

Xia Meiai is now targeting the 2007 presidential election. Song Yi and SA Group are important allies that she relies on. Naturally, she is also very concerned about the personnel changes of SA Group.

"After Shan Ji goes to ABS TV station, Zhi Yi will no longer need to stay in SA Construction. She will take over the position of secretary of the board of directors." Song Yi said.

"Well, although Zhiyi is young, she has also experienced in important positions in the past few years. It is just right for her to take over as the secretary of the board of directors. When Enxuan retires, she will just be able to take over the position of vice president of Enxuan." Xia Meiai agreed with Song Yi's personnel arrangements.

SA Group is a large consortium formed by the merger of Xinya Group and Asan Group. The Song Yi family controls the Xinya subsidiary of the SA Group, and the Zheng Enxuan family controls the Asan subsidiary of the SA Group. This is the tacit understanding between Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan .

Now Zheng Enxuan does not need to rush to give up his position to Zhou Zhiyi. After Zhou Zhiyi has a few more years of experience on the SA Group board of directors, Zheng Enxuan can safely hand over the position of vice president of SA Group to his daughter Zhou Zhiyi and then live a long life.

Xia Meiai and Song Yi exchanged a few words, and then found Zhou Dongyong. Zhou Dongyong and Xia Meiai seemed to have a dispute. Zheng Enxuan was about to go over to persuade them, but Song Yi stopped them.

"Zhou Dongyong is a stern person with a soft heart. If he really had the courage to fall out, he would run up to me and yell at me."

"He didn't dare to gamble because he was afraid that I would really kill him. He made a lot of money during his two years as the president of ABS TV station. It was merciful of me not to send him in," Song Yi said.

"I don't object to you keeping Zhiyi by your side at work, but you should be restrained in the company and stop playing with women in the company. If Zhiyi hits you, your image of being a careful person will be shattered to pieces." Zheng Enxuan reminded Song Yi.

"Don't worry, Zhiyi is a smart person. Even if she sees it accidentally, she will pretend not to know. Haven't you noticed that whether she is going to your office or coming to my office to report work, she will knock on the door in advance or Just contact her by phone. I guess she most likely guessed our relationship, but she just didn't want to reveal it," Song Yi said.

Zheng Enxuan suddenly said, "I asked why Zhiyi agreed to work in China so readily. It turned out that he was avoiding me. Hey, in fact, when I am with you, I don't feel sorry for Mengxian. After all, he was single-minded before. When it comes to work, you have neglected me for too long, otherwise I wouldn’t have given you a chance to make a move. But I still feel quite guilty for the third sister and brother Zhiyi.”

"This is the difference between sisters Zhiyi and Zhuyi. Zhiyi is more thoughtful in thinking and has your style. Zhuyi can't hide things in her heart. If she knows, Uncle Mengxian will definitely know. Then you and Mengxian will know. Uncle Xian will definitely get divorced, how can we still have SA today?" Song Yi felt lucky to survive the disaster.

Zheng Enxuan agreed with Song Yi's judgment, "At that time, Ashan was powerful and Xinya was weak. Of course you couldn't protect me. Now that SA is at its peak, the situation is different. Now even if Mengxian knew about the two of us, he would still pretend Tsukuru doesn’t know.”

"After all, he is still counting on Mingxuan to inherit this industry from Zhiyi after Zhiyi takes over. When Mingxuan fully grows up, it will be the right time for Asan Group to separate from SA Group."

"Speaking of which, Meng Xian probably thought of this when he entrusted us, mother and daughter, to you before he was imprisoned. After all, his brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps. If Ashan Group is handed over to them, , this industry will most likely not be saved. By the way, I'm a little curious now, when did you become interested in me?" Zheng Enxuan asked.

Song Yi blushed and coughed, "Actually, it was at my great-uncle's funeral, when you were wearing white mourning clothes, that made me treat you as a woman for the first time."

Zheng Enxuan glanced at Song Yi, "You are really a bastard. You dared to think about me at my father-in-law's funeral. Isn't it the often said 'a widow is pretty and a filial piety'? In fact, women are very sensitive to men's eyes. Then For a moment I thought I had guessed wrong, after all, there is a generation gap between us."

"But I admit that Meng Xian is more far-sighted than me. After all, the Asan Group at that time needed you to not follow the routine in order to ensure our control over the Asan Group." Zheng Enxuan recalled that three or four years ago, she was thinking all the time. We should worry that Ashan Group will go bankrupt or be annexed.

"This is a person who is so scared that he is afraid of his life. If you hadn't blackmailed Zhong Xiaotong and applied for a special loan of US$200 million in the name of New Asia Entertainment, SA Group would not have developed so fast." Zheng Enxuan sighed.

"We had so few things at that time. Even if New Asia Entertainment went bankrupt, we would have to go back to the mainland to make a comeback. That's not possible now. The SA Group has a huge business. Behind tens of thousands of employees are tens of thousands of families, and the responsibilities are even heavier. So I don’t have the courage to fight to the death. This is why I am willing to let Zhou Dongyong go. If Zhou Dongyong didn’t spit out the money three years ago, I would definitely send him to prison for a few years." Song Yi said .

"At that time, the SA Group had not yet established a firm foothold. You needed to establish your authority, so Li Guangming had to die. Now that you have several children, you have to be merciful and merciful. It's not like Zhou Dongyong has committed an unforgivable crime. mistake."

"In a power struggle, as long as you don't make a mistake in your position, stand on the wrong team, or be greedy for points, it's nothing. When New Asia went public through Shinhan Media, Cui Shanhui held a large number of SA Group stocks. Of course she would not make this mistake. It’s a financial mistake like Zhou Dongyong’s because she doesn’t like this small amount of money.”

"But others don't have as good conditions as Cui Shanji. If you change the president, he may still make economic mistakes. When the water is clear, there will be no fish." Zheng Eunxuan said.

“However, the salary of the president-level executives of our SA subsidiary is the highest among the top ten consortiums. If wages, bonuses and stock awards are included, they can all buy a large flat-floor apartment in The One Apartment. I don’t understand why they have Why are you dissatisfied?" Song Yi believes in high salary and integrity, and is relatively generous to his senior management team.

Zheng Enxuan smiled and said, "Song Yi, your personal assets now exceed 5 billion US dollars. You can't spend all this money in ten lifetimes, not to mention a lifetime. Then you have so much money now, why are you not satisfied?"

Song Yi was shocked when he heard what Zheng Enxuan said. He understood the root of the problem. Because he regarded the SA Group as his private property, Zhou Dongyong was embezzling his money by being greedy and possessive, so he was so dissatisfied with Zhou Dongyong.

He now understood why the presidents of large Korean consortiums were so prone to economic cases. Whether it was Chen Jianxi, Cui Anyuan or Zhou Mengjiu, they all used the company as a cash machine and tried every means to put the money in the company account into their own pockets. Of course, this is also related to the overly dispersed shareholdings of South Korea’s five major consortiums.

Xia Meiai and Zhou Dongyong had obviously reached an agreement, and they walked over to Song Yi together.

Zheng Enxuan was about to leave when Xia Meiai called out to her, "Vice President Zheng, please wait a moment. There is something I need to discuss with you here."

Zheng Enxuan had no choice but to stop. She knew that Zhou Dongyong came here to resign to Song Yi, and she did not want to get involved to avoid making Zhou Dongyong look bad.

"Minister Xia, if you have any questions, just tell me. You don't need to discuss anything with me." Zheng Enxuan said with a smile.

"No, no, no, this matter really needs to be discussed with President Song and Vice President Zheng."

"It's like this. A member of the Culture, Sports, Tourism, Broadcasting and Communications Committee in the National Assembly resigned this month. We need President Zhou Dongyong to return to work in the National Assembly to open the National Assembly. After all, President Zhou Dongyong is an effective member of your SA Group. If you want to I must say hello to you two." Xia Meiai said.

The Korean National Assembly has 16 standing committees, and the Culture, Sports, Tourism, Broadcasting and Communications Committee is one of them.

The Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission is composed of five people, two of whom are directly appointed by the president, and one is nominated by a member of Congress of the president’s party. The nominee is selected from the members of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Congress. Other parties in Congress nominate the remaining two candidates.

Zhou Dongyong previously served as chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission, and now he has returned to the National Assembly's Culture, Sports, Tourism, Broadcasting and Communications Committee to continue serving as a member of Congress. It seems that there is no change in the rank, but the power in the hands is completely different.

Zhou Dongyong was previously a powerful member of the ruling party, but now he has become an ordinary member of the 300 members of Congress, and his power has been marginalized.

Zheng Enxuan knew that Xia Meiai had left some dignity to Zhou Dongyong, so he laughed and said, "Minister Xia's words are serious. Our SA has always supported the work of opening up the National Assembly. Now that President Zhou is returning to work in the National Assembly, it is a happy event and we must support it." Before President Zhou completes the handover of work, our SA will hold a farewell party at the ABS TV station, and President Song and I will both attend."

Zhou Dongyong glanced at Song Yi. He saw that Song Yi did not agree with Zheng Enxuan's proposal, and he did not want to bring trouble to himself. If on the day of the farewell party, the employees of ABS TV station collectively accused him and prevented him from coming off the stage, wouldn't it be a joke for Song Yi?

Thinking of this, Zhou Dongyong quickly refused and said politely: "Thank you, Vice President Zheng, for your kindness. It's really no need. When I came to ABS TV station, I just wanted to stand on the first shift. Now ABS is on the right track, as a As the first president of ABS, my mission has been accomplished.”

"President, Vice President Zheng, I will complete the handover of work with Cui Shanji as soon as possible, so that President Cui can start working on ABS TV station as soon as possible." Zhou Dongyong said reluctantly.

Now the situation is stronger than others. Song Yi helped arrange the marriages of Song Yuxi's children. Song Yuxi's trust in Song Yi has reached its peak. He will not give in now.

Song Woo-seok's son Song Jianhao married Zhou Zhuyi of the Hyundai family, and his daughter Song Jingyan married Lee Won, the son of Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae, and became in-laws with the LG family through his son Song Jianhao's marriage.

Song Woo-seok now has the support of the Hyundai Family, the LG Family, the SA Group and the Attorney General. His current ruling foundation is much stronger than when he first took office as president in 2003, and the Song Woo-seok government is much stronger than the Zhong Xiaotong government.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Six-Party Talks, Song Woo-seok and the United States have reached an agreement. The two parties have agreed that the US military in South Korea will return wartime command rights to the South Korean army in 2013.

Song Woo-seok's resumption of South Korea's wartime command aroused heated discussions among Korean netizens. They all commented that Song Woo-seok was a great and heroic president. South Korea finally no longer needs to be a vassal of the United States and has taken a key step towards becoming an independent Asian power.

Of course Song Yi supports South Korea in taking back its wartime command rights. If South Korea does not take back its wartime command rights, it will have no way to take the next step, reducing the number of US troops stationed in South Korea and allowing US troops in South Korea to withdraw to Japan or even Guam.

If South Korea does not have wartime command authority, once war resumes on the peninsula, the South Korean army will naturally be coerced by the US military stationed in South Korea and open fire on the north of the same nation. By then, long-term peace and stability on the Korean peninsula will eventually be in vain.

Of course, even though we have reached an agreement now, it is still unknown whether the US military in South Korea will be able to return wartime command rights as scheduled eight years later.

If the president at that time had been Ha Mi-ae or Park Dong-ho, then of course they would have taken back wartime command rights as scheduled as they inherited Song Woo-seok's governing philosophy.

But once conservatives like Zheng Jinhui or Le Xiyi come to power, it is unknown whether they will take back wartime command rights. Maybe Le Xiyi, who is afraid of death, will take the initiative to return wartime command to the US military stationed in South Korea. This is definitely something he can do.

So now Song Woo-seok and the United States are betting, and both sides are trading time for space. Assuming that a progressive is elected president of South Korea eight years later, then reducing the number of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea is a high probability. If a conservative president comes to power eight years later, the status of the US military in South Korea will still be as stable as Mount Tai.

Song Woo-seok had talked about this issue with Song Yi before, "With the exception of South Korea's previous presidents, Zheng Puxi and Quan Zhanfa, who came to power under the military government, almost every democratically elected president has been more or less constrained by the Americans. In fact, the root of the problem is It’s just that our Korean army does not have its own wartime command authority, and it always feels like there is an emperor above our heads.”

"Now the Americans need me to come forward and negotiate with Beijing to get them to give up the development of mushroom bombs. If I don't take back the wartime command of the South Korean army at this time, am I going to leave this problem to Ha Mi-ae or Park Dong-ho?" Song Woo-seok said .

"Uncle Song, if you propose to take back wartime command right now, the United States will be forced to agree to you. But once you step down, if the next president is a conservative, you will be wildly retaliated by the Americans and face political liquidation. We may not be able to protect you then." Although Song Yi appreciated Song Yuxi's courage, he still couldn't help but remind him.

"I have thought about this problem for a long time. I will be sixty soon and have reached retirement age. Now that Jianhao and Jingyan's marriage has been decided, I have no regrets in my life."

"For me, I am not even afraid of death. Am I still afraid of American revenge? I really like the calligraphy your father gave me before, 'I would rather take it from the straight line than ask for it from the song'. That's what I do. You are so open and aboveboard, are you still afraid of revenge from Zheng Jinhui and the others?"

"On the matter of taking back wartime command authority, I have no room for compromise. I also have the courage to say, 'Even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go.'" Song Yuxi said with high spirits.

Thinking of Song Yuxi's attitude of looking forward to death, Song Yi became more and more disdainful of Zhou Dongyong, who was greedy for petty profits. He really didn't understand why Song Yuxi chose Zhou Dongyong as his ally in the election campaign. After all, Dao was not conspiring with each other.

Song Yi took the initiative to shake hands with Zhou Dongyong and said with a sincere face: "On behalf of SA Group, I would like to thank President Zhou for his hard work at ABS TV station. ABS TV station is President Zhou's natal family. President Zhou is also welcome to return to his natal home anytime in the future. come and see."

"Here I also wish President Zhou great ambitions after returning to work in the National Assembly and a steady rise in his official career. If you can find me, Song Yi, in the future, please be sure to ask. You're welcome. We are all our own people." Song Yi said .

When Zhou Dongyong heard what Song Yi said, his face suddenly became much better. Now that there are only two years left before the 2007 presidential election, he must now choose one of the three big figures who opened up the National Assembly, Ha Mi-ae, Park Dong-ho or Han Jinli, to join their campaign.

In this way, after they are elected president, he can resume his important position in the Blue House and then return to the center of power in South Korean politics. Every presidential election is a major reshuffle of the power of the major political parties in South Korea.

Although Zhou Dongyong had surrendered to Song Yi today and obediently handed over his position as president of ABS TV station, he was still a little unwilling in his heart.

"Song Yi, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi. After Song Yuxi steps down, you'd better hope that SA Group can develop better and better and keep your status as the richest man in South Korea. Otherwise, I will definitely let you one day Taste the feeling of being bullied by a dog when a tiger falls flat." Zhou Dongyong thought to himself.

Song Yi probably guessed what Zhou Dongyong was thinking at this time, but he didn't take it to heart. Zhou Dongyong was a man of great ambition and talent, who put pleasure first and hardship second. He was really not a qualified political elite. As long as Song Yi is strong and Zhou Dongyong is weak, Zhou Dongyong will always fear him and obey him.

He didn't think Zhou Dongyong could make any waves. An ordinary member of Congress was nothing. Now Song Yi could directly influence more than ten members of Congress. Zhou Zhengyong has inherited all the political resources he left behind when he ran for president of South Korea. This is the biggest inheritance Zhou Zhengyong left to him, not the mere US$10 million.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow!

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