I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 250 Testing Han Jiaren

On November 29, SA Pictures, the Asian distribution company of "Kung Fu Panda", announced that the film will be released on December 23.

The release time in Asia is one week later than that in the North American market. SA Pictures and CJ Entertainment will continue to participate in the production of "Kung Fu Panda 2" next year. In the future, they do not rule out the launch of spin-off movies of "Kung Fu Panda", starring Jun Ji-hyun's Qiao Xiaolong as the protagonist. .

This film, produced by SA Films, will be released simultaneously in mainland China, South Korea and Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Island for the first time.

During the movie's release, Cheng Long and Angelina Jolie will come to Seoul to attend the movie premiere at the HugeDream Film Center of T.H.E Art Museum.

Song Yi's birthday party has ended, and some important guests have left the island one after another. People like Zheng Enxuan, Song Suying, Chen Fuzhen and Lin Xiangyu took the Taixi private jet directly back to Seoul.

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee put the group of them on the plane. Song Suying and Kim Tae Hee hugged each other goodbye, "Tae Hee, after you return to Seoul, I will call Fuzhen, and the three of us will get together again."

Zheng Eunxuan was unhappy and said to Song Suying: "You used to call me He Fuzhen every time. Now that you have a new person named Taehee, you just leave me, the old person, aside?"

Chen Fuzhen hugged Zheng Enxuan, "I must not forget you. You are the noble person that our President Song thanked last night. He has already said that without you, there would be no SA today. The richest man in South Korea, President Song Yi, wants to thank the noble person the most. We How dare you neglect it? Don’t worry, no matter what group activities Suying and I participate in in the future, we will definitely count you in the share."

Zheng Enxuan understood Chen Fuzhen's hint, and her face turned red. She didn't know how she could be so bold last night, so she confusedly agreed to play four-person mahjong with Song Suying, Chen Fuzhen, and Song Yi for half the night.

Previously at Elysian Ski Resort, Zheng Eunxuan and Song Suying hung out in the same room as Song Yi for the whole afternoon. She and Song Suying are similar in age and have similar status, so they can really play together. But when Chen Fuzhen was added among them, the situation changed again.

Song Yi was the first to deal with Zheng Enxuan, then defeated Chen Fuzhen, and finally it was Song Suying's turn.

Song Suying finally said bitterly: "If I really get pregnant unexpectedly today, Sister Enxuan and Fuzhen, you two are accomplices, and Song Yi is the culprit."

Chen Fuzhen was not afraid at all, and advised Song Suying, "Sister Suying, you are different from us. If we are pregnant with Song Yi's child now, we dare not give birth to it. After all, I don't have a husband now, and Sister Enxuan Having a husband is the same as not having a husband. You and Cui Anyuan are still maintaining a superficial courtesy. If you were pregnant, Cui Anyuan would not dare to kick you out. After all, your father is a former president and has a lot of influence in the army. Influence."

Song Suying couldn't laugh or cry, "My youngest son is in junior high school. Now everyone knows that Cui Anyuan is with that vixen Jin Xiying almost every night. We don't live together at all. If I get pregnant, how do you want the outside world to see me? ?”

"Divorce if you get pregnant! You have a lot of SA stocks now, and you are not short of money. When the time comes, you will take care of the child alone and raise him. Then you can just let the child take your surname. "Chen Fuzhen gave Song Suying advice. She really felt that there was no need for Song Suying to tolerate it all the time.

Choi Anyuan has now blatantly taken his lover Kim Hee-young to certain public events in South Korea and no longer avoids people. Cui Anyuan did this to force Song Suying to go to the palace and demonstrate.

Zheng Eunxuan and Song Suying shared the same hatred. She sympathized with Song Suying's experience, "Now that Kim Heeyoung is pregnant, this guy Cui Anyuan might even deliberately show up in front of you with a pregnant Kim Heeyoung to disgust you."

"Since Cui Anyuan is unkind, don't blame us for being unjust. For a man who doesn't love you, he doesn't care even if you have someone outside. But if you are pregnant with Song Yi's child, it will be unfair to Cui Anyuan and Jin Xiying The strongest revenge." Zheng Enxuan said.

Song Suying was finally convinced by the cooperation between Zheng Enxuan and Chen Fuzhen. In the end, she did not forget to drag Zheng Enxuan into the water together and let Zheng Enxuan accompany her. After all, good sisters share blessings and share hardships.

Seeing that Chen Fuzhen and the others were talking more and more outrageously, Song Yi was afraid that Kim Tae Hee might get some clues, so he and Kim Tae Hee got off the plane together after chatting for a few words.

Kim Tae Hee was very envious when she saw the close relationship between Chen Fuzhen and the three of them, "Hubby, if only I could have two such good best friends when I reach President Fuzhen's age."

Song Yi was a little confused, "Didn't you have two good best friends in college? Xianzhen and Ha Ni have been keeping in touch with you for so many years. They meet often and share interesting things in life online."

"Although Hyunjin and Ha Ni are both good friends of mine, their attitudes towards me are very different."

"Sister Xianzhen's attitude towards me and you has not changed much over the years, and the atmosphere when the two of us chat is relatively relaxed."

"But Ha Ni is different. With the increase of your personal wealth, Ha Ni is now a little bit flattering and likes to follow my words to chat with me. Seeing that my good friend in the past has almost become my follower, I I actually feel very sad." Kim Tae Hee sighed a little.

"Xianzhen's father is the prosecutor general. When she faces you, she will not be at a disadvantage psychologically. Your identities and status are not much different, and you can interact as equals, so the friendship will not deteriorate."

"And Ha Ni's parents only have a little money. Even if she wants to stay normal and be friends with you, her parents will not agree. They will only tell Ha Ni to let her interact with you more. As long as you are a good friend, It can bring a lot of benefits to Honey’s family.”

"The main reason why Chen Fuzhen is able to hang out with Sister Suying and Sister Eunxuan is because the three people's identities and status are relatively close. This can only mean one problem. If you don't belong to your own circle, there is no need to forcefully blend in." Song Song Yi said.

"What's unnecessary?" Jin Xiyuan, who was walking towards them, met Kim Tae Hee and the others and asked.

When Kim Tae Hee talked about Lee Honey's change of attitude, Kim Hee Won didn't take it seriously, "In life, things often go wrong as you wish, but you can talk to people the same way. The most valuable thing about friends is fineness, but not the most valuable thing is having many friends. There are only one or two who can be close to each other. Good friends are enough."

Jin Xiyuan issued an eviction order to Song Yi, "Oppa, I want to take a walk and chat with Taixi. Why don't you go to the pier first? I just saw Brother Zaican and Shan Ji there."

Song Yi glanced at Jin Xiyuan suspiciously. He didn't understand what Jin Xiyuan and Kim Tae Hee had to talk about privately, and they needed to avoid him.

When he left Chen Fuzhen's bedroom and returned to his own room to rest last night, he passed Jin Xiyuan's bedroom on the way. Could it be that Jin Xiyuan discovered that Song Yi was not sleeping in her room last night, so she went to Kim Tae Hee to complain, and the two sisters discussed how to get Song Yi to confess?

Jin Taixi smiled apologetically at Song Yi, "Hubby, you go over first. My sister and I will go over to find you later."

Song Yi felt a little uneasy, so he had no choice but to walk to the beach next to the pier out of boredom. Song Yi walked barefoot on the beach twice, but did not see Chen Zaican and Cui Shanji.

The sea breeze in November was still biting. Song Yi, who was bored, was about to return to the campsite in the center, but he happened to meet Han Jiaren who was about to take a walk on the beach.

Han Jiaren wore a black and white satin dress today. The dress was bias-cut and sleeveless, revealing her slender and smooth arms and clavicle lines. It was simple and a little sexy.

When Han Jiaren looked up and saw Song Yi, she was also very surprised, "Hello, President Song, are you walking on the beach alone?"

Song Yi nodded, "Miss Beauty, it's better to meet by chance than to meet each other. Now that we have met, can you accompany me for a walk on the beach to kill some time?"

When Han Jiaren heard what Song Yi said, her expression was a little hesitant. After all, Song Yi had a reputation for being romantic. She was not afraid of being alone with Song Yi, but she was afraid of being bumped into by her husband Yan Zhengxun and misunderstanding.

Seeing Han Jiaren's expression, Song Yi's tone suddenly became a little colder, "It seems like I was rude, so I'll go back first. See you next time."

When Han Jiaren heard what Song Yi said, she felt a little anxious. Other Korean actresses were eager to have the opportunity to be alone with Song Yi for a while. How could she push away this opportunity?

She was just taking a walk with Song Yi, not doing anything else with Song Yi. Even if Zhengxun knew about it, he would understand her difficulties. After all, there were so many people on the island, and she didn't believe that Song Yi would do anything wrong to her.

"President Song, you misunderstood. The main reason is that I wore a pair of high heels this morning, which is not very convenient for walking on the beach. So, please wait a moment, I will take off my shoes first, and I will come back to put them on after we finish walking." .”

Han Jiaren sat on a stone and took off her white high heels. She noticed Song Yi's eyes looking at her white feet, and she felt a little shy.

She stood up and stepped on the white sand with her bare feet, "Okay, President Song, let's go."

Song Yi glanced at Han Jiaren appreciatively, "Seeing your performance just now, I feel more and more that I didn't pick the wrong person. You are indeed the best choice to star in "Witch Youxi". Ma Youxi himself is a complex of contradictions. Others They only praise her for being capable and successful in her career, but people forget that she is also a very beautiful and charming woman.”

Han Jiaren had already read the script of "Witch Youxi", and she and Song Yi seriously discussed the script and the character of the heroine Ma Youxi.

"To the audience, Ma Youxi is an omnipotent advertising company president at work, but in life she is a little woman who needs to rely on others. How can the audience distinguish Ma Youxi in these two states at first glance? In fact, Ma Youxi's glasses That’s the key.”

"In fact, the reason why Ma Youxi wears glasses at work is to add a touch of majesty to her and to cover up her own beauty. When she puts on her glasses, she is a majestic advertising company president, and when she takes off her glasses, she is a beautiful Young women.”

"Most of the people around Ma Youxi have only seen Ma Youxi at work. Only the male protagonist Cai Wulong has seen Ma Youxi at work and in life." Han Jiaren gushed about her understanding of Ma Youxi's character.

Song Yi nodded frequently after hearing this. Han Jiaren really grasped the essence of Ma Youxi's character. Ma Youxi's glasses are also a very important prop in the TV series.

"Miss Beauty, the witch Youxi has two faces in the TV series, with a very sharp contrast. I see that you understand the character of Ma Youxi so thoroughly. Do you do the same in reality?" Song Yi asked.

"What does President Song mean?" Han Jiaren asked in confusion.

Song Yi and Han Jiaren walked to a huge rock on the beach to take shelter from the wind, and Song Yi expressed his doubts.

"What I mean is that Miss Beauty, as an actress, got married so early. I heard that you plan to officially retire after filming "Witch Yoo Hee" and "Veteran", return to your family, and be a good wife and mother."

"I want to know if a good wife and mother like Miss Han Jiaren can play the role of a bad woman like a mistress?" Song Yi took half a step forward and looked at Han Jiaren with burning eyes, waiting for Han Jiaren's answer.

"Mistress?" Han Jiaren was confused. Her back was blocked by a boulder. If someone hadn't happened to walk to this corner of the beach, it would have been difficult to see Song Yi and Han Jiaren.

"Yes, mistress, you heard it right. Miss Beauty, in fact, the judges of the three major European film festivals prefer incest. They hope to dig out the dark side of human nature and then interpret it. Director Kim Ki-duk in 2004 The film "Empty Room" won the Silver Lion Award. It tells the love story of a young woman Sun Hwa and a boy Tae Seok. If you were Sun Hwa and met such a husband, would you choose to cheat and be with Tae Seok? "Song Yi continued to ask.

Han Jiaren was a little panicked and leaned against the stone. "President Song, I have lived a happy life since my marriage. Zhengxun has been very good to me, otherwise I would not have gotten married so early."

Song Yi's expression was somewhat meaningful, "Really? A happy couple doesn't need to emphasize that they live a happy life. This kind of woman who always talks about how good her husband is to her is actually just using her feelings to neutralize her. She just uses the sweet moment to forget the pain her husband has caused her."

"Miss Han Jiaren, there is no need for you to deceive yourself like this. In fact, when our SA came to invite you to my birthday party, Yan Zhengxun refused at first. When he later heard that he had the opportunity to star in the second male lead in the movie "Veteran" No. He quickly changed his attitude and agreed. Did you see that your husband, who you said loved you so much, betrayed you so easily for a second male lead?"

"If SA Pictures arranges for him to play the leading role in a big-budget movie, or even an important role in a Hollywood blockbuster, as long as someone makes a hint to him, believe it or not, he will take the initiative to get you drunk and send you to my room. ? This kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry, and you are not a little girl who has never seen anything."

"This guy Yan Zhengxun has always been lucky. He obviously got the role of "Veteran" by eating your soft rice, but he is unwilling to admit it. If the two of us leave here now, we happen to meet you. Husband, in fact, neither of us has done anything, but the seeds of suspicion have been planted in his heart. He doesn't dare to ask you if something happened with me. He will only use other excuses to quarrel with you, or even fight you. .”

"Actually, Yeon Jung-hoon should learn from Rain. You don't care about other people's opinions and just eat Song Hye-kyo's soft rice openly. If I want to see Song Hye-kyo in the middle of the night, Rain can personally drive Song Hye-kyo to the downstairs of my house. Yeon Jung-hoon I know that his acting skills are not top-notch, and if it weren’t for you, a beautiful wife, he would never have the chance to get a film contract for a big-budget action movie like "Veteran" in his life, but he is still deceiving himself in his heart, hoping that I will let him go. Your cute little sheep, don’t you think he’s ridiculous?” Song Yi asked.

When Han Jiaren heard Song Yi unabashedly express his possessiveness towards her, she felt mixed feelings. Korean female artists all know that there is no actor who is not as popular as Song Yi. Jun Ji-hyun became famous in Asia with "My Naughty Girlfriend" and has now entered the Hollywood market.

Son Ye-jin also became popular in China, Japan and South Korea with her movie "If Love Is a Will", and received various endorsements. With the movie "Winter Sonata", Song Hye Kyo bought several houses in Seoul and Tokyo, and immediately became a well-known rich woman in the Korean entertainment industry. Go Hyun-jung, Sung Yu-ri, Moon Geun-young, all these popular actors are indispensable behind the scenes, Song Yi.

Han Jiaren has also watched the first project of The X-Files before. She originally thought that the rumors about Song Yi in the .

If Song Yi is willing to help her, she may not be able to become the next Jun Ji-hyun, Son Ye-jin or Song Hye-kyo. This is the reason why Han Jiaren feels happy.

As for worries, it's simple, she is married now after all. If she wasn't married and was just dating Yan Zhengxun, then it wouldn't be a big deal if she followed Song Yi today. But if she, who is married, is revealed to have a close relationship with Song Yi in the future, she may be collectively petitioned by angry Korean netizens to ask her to get out of the entertainment industry.

Han Jiaren was still making her final struggle and said weakly, "President Song, your wife is the most beautiful woman in Korea, Kim Tae Hee. The company also has beauties such as Jun Ji Hyun, Song Hye Kyo, Son Ye Jin and Sung Yuri. Why do you have to target me?" , after all, I’m married, I can’t do anything that would be sorry for Zhengxun.”

Song Yi smiled and said, "Miss Jiaren, you understand wrong. I, Song Yi, never like to force others. After all, forceful melons are not sweet. The weather is getting cold, so let's go back first."

Han Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Song Yi said. Fortunately, Song Yi was still more gentlemanly. If Song Yi really touched her behind the stone, she wouldn't be able to resist. She would probably have to give in half-heartedly.

Song Yi and Han Jiaren walked around the rocks and returned to the beach. When Han Jiaren walked back to the beach, Han Jiaren found Yan Zhengxun looking for her on the beach.

Yan Zhengxun noticed that there were some pleats on Han Jiaren's skirt and there was some sand on it. He had already figured out what Song Yi and Han Jiaren were doing behind the stone.

Han Jiaren felt bad now. She wanted to explain to Yan Zhengxun that she and Song Yi really didn't do anything. They just ran behind the giant to take shelter. She glanced at Song Yi for help, hoping that Song Yi could mediate.

"Zhengxun, I just discussed the script of "Witch Yoo Hee" with the beauty, and we had a great time. Next time we have a chance, the three of us will discuss the script of "Veteran" together. I have to go back to the camp beforehand. Goodbye .”

When Han Jiaren heard Song Yi say this, she almost burst into tears. I asked you to help explain, not to add fuel to your anger. Although what you said is true, Zhengxun doesn't sound like that. You are afraid that our husband and wife will not quarrel.

When Yan Zhengxun heard what Song Yi said, he was so angry that he almost exploded. He tried his best to catch Han Jiaren and regarded her as a treasure. He held her in his hands for fear of losing her and held her in his mouth for fear of melting. Now you are actually dragging my wife around in the wild, you are going too far!

Seeing that Yan Zhengxun didn't respond, Song Yi's expression suddenly turned grim, "Zhengxun, I'm saying goodbye to you, didn't you hear me?"

Yan Zhengxun and Song Yi looked at each other and were directly overwhelmed by Song Yi's aura. He was like a mouse seeing a cat. His anger disappeared immediately. He quickly squeezed out a smile and said, "The beauty can have the opportunity to meet Song Yi." It is her honor to discuss the script with her. If you are busy in advance, ask me next time you have the opportunity and I will bring my beautiful lady to visit you."

When Han Jiaren heard what Yan Zhengxun said, she felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. She remembered what Song Yi had just said. SA had previously invited Han Jiaren to attend Song Yi's birthday party alone, but Yan Zhengxun declined. But once SA proposed that Yan Zhengxun should play the supporting actor role in "Veteran", Yan Zhengxun immediately brought her to fawn over Song Yi.

She actually felt a little regretful now. If she had known that Yan Zhengxun had such an attitude when facing top chaebols and was willing to sacrifice his wife to please Song Yi, then she might as well have followed Song Yi behind the boulder just now. So what's the point of her hard work just now to stick to her bottom line and protect Yan Zhengxun's reputation?

If Yan Zhengxun raised his fist now and struck Song Yi a few times, Song Yi would think that Yan Zhengxun was a man and could protect his wife, so he would give up the idea of ​​hitting Han Jiaren. It's a pity that there are not many male artists in the Korean entertainment industry who are men, and their bones are relatively soft. When they see a big shot with a higher status than themselves, they kneel down before others can say anything.

Song Yi walked back to Han Jiaren and hugged Han Jiaren tightly. Han Jiaren didn't expect that Song Yi would hug her in front of Yan Zhengxun, and he didn't know where to put his hands for a while.

Song Yi said to Han Jiaren: "Your husband has misunderstood us now. I have been stigmatized without doing anything. I accompanied you to blow the cold wind all morning, so you have to let me hug you as compensation. If your husband If you dare to bully you, come to me and I will definitely make the decision for you. If you figure it out, don't rush back to Seoul these days, I will wait for you at any time."

Last night's chapter was blocked. I'll repost it after editing. It will still be available tonight.

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