I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 251 Le Xiyi’s betrayal (please do not subscribe repeatedly)

"You said goodbye to Yan Zhengxun and went out of your way to hug Han Jiaren. You are really bad." Cui Shanji saw Song Yi's behavior in the distance and couldn't help but tease him.

"It's better that you cooperated well. If you hadn't happened to meet Yan Zhengxun and said that you saw Han Jiaren on the beach, he wouldn't have come here to find Han Jiaren." Song Yi praised Cui Shanji.

"You don't want to go to such a spacious place like the beach. You insist on dragging Han Jiaren to take shelter behind the rocks. You two men and women came out of such a remote place. No wonder Yan Zhengxun misunderstood you. You and Han Jiaren are quite elegant. You chose them specially. It’s a place like this to have an affair.” Cui Shanji said.

Song Yi had a dark look on his face, "Where are you thinking? Apart from the hug just now, Han Jiaren and I are innocent. I have never even held her hand."

"That's right. If you want to hold Han Jiaren's hand, will she refuse?" Cui Shanji disagreed.

"If I use my power to force Han Jiaren to submit, what's the difference between me and Jin Gehao and Jin Dongbin?" Song Yi laughed at himself.

"Do you not quite understand what I mean? After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that I am deliberately trying to instigate the relationship between Yan Zhengxun and Han Jiaren. When Han Jiaren's marriage is in danger, I can take advantage of it."

"I have never been a person with a strong sense of justice. If you compare the differences between the methods of Jin Gehao and his son and mine, their approach is to force girls into prostitution, while mine can barely be regarded as inducing girls into prostitution. Men have two major hobbies, pulling in good girls. Women go to the sea to persuade prostitutes to be good." Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji didn't want to hear Song Yi being so self-deprecating, "Why talk about yourself in such a bad way. I understand what you mean. There is no choice in forcing a good girl into prostitution. There is no way to resist. This is the most desperate thing."

Song Yi snapped his fingers, "Bingo! You're right! It's not in vain that you have followed me these past few years, and you will understand what I mean in no time."

"Everyone is created equal and everyone is an independent individual. I think everyone should have the right to choose and make their own decision whether to do something or not to do it."

"I like Song Woo-seok. I voted for him and supported him as president. You agree with Zheng Jinhui, so you choose to vote for her. This is our freedom. Everyone's right to choose cannot be taken away."

"I am not the kind of person who has an overflowing sense of justice, and I will not stand up for others for no reason. The producer and director hinted that the actress would sleep with him in exchange for a certain role. This is a deal in itself."

"If both parties are willing to do it, and the actress is willing to make such sacrifices for the sake of advancement, that is her freedom."

"But if the actress is already unwilling to sleep with her in exchange for the role, and her agent or agency uses other means to coerce her into completing the deal, this violates my bottom line."

"This world is inherently rotten. The more glamorous and successful people there are, the more filthy they are. Compared to ordinary people, rich people have a lower moral bottom line."

"Ordinary people have been taught by their parents since childhood to abide by the law, follow the rules, and not cause trouble. Little do they know that this kind of useless kindness will make their lives more difficult. When they face various injustices in society, they have become accustomed to being submissive. . When the time comes, they will be the ones who suffer, they will still be the ones doing the hard work, and they will still be the ones who are submissive and dare not fight. These people often do the most work, get the least money, and are always last in the list of promotions and salary increases. This is how people Good people are deceived."

"Compared with ordinary people who abide by the law, rich people have no respect for the law at all. They are used to collusion between officials and businessmen, using power and money to pave the way and settle troubles. In the end, big problems are reduced to trivial matters."

"Compared to ordinary people, I am certainly not a good person, but compared to the Korean chaebols who regard the law as nothing, I can be called a saint."

"At my level, we all like to deal with people who abide by the rules. The father and son Jin Gehao don't like to abide by the rules, so Samsung, Hyundai, LG and SK don't like to play with the Lotte family." Song Yi concluded.

"The chaebol family in Seoul feels that Jin Gehao's family can't survive in Seoul. They are just like a nouveau riche who made a fortune on the lap of the Japanese. They have no background and it is normal to look down on their family. So Zhou Dashan of the modern family We are all quite surprised that he is willing to marry the daughter of Jin Gehao's wife," Cui Shanji said.

Song Yi was a little disapproving, "Dashan's father Zhou Mengyu was originally an illegitimate son, and he was not a direct descendant of the modern family. The two people's family backgrounds are evenly matched. Jin Youmei inherited her mother's beauty, and Zhou Dashan was the youngest son, so he couldn't get any share. How much family property can be spread to a rich mother-in-law like Xu Meijing? Let’s burn high incense!”

Cui Shanji heard Song Yi speak so bluntly about Zhou Dashan's life experience, "It seems that you are really planning to break away from the modern family. You even revealed Zhou Mengyu's illegitimate son's identity?"

Song Yi smiled, this was already a well-known secret among wealthy families in Seoul. Zhou Zhengyong has eight sons in total. Except for Zhou Mengbi who died in a car accident, the second son Zhou Mengjiu inherited Hyundai Motor, the third son Zhou Menggen inherited Hyundai Department Store, the fifth son Zhou Mengxian inherited Asan Group, and the sixth son Zhou Mengzhun inherited Hyundai Heavy Industries. These legitimate sons can often see their names on the Korean rich list. How can other illegitimate sons be assigned to the core industries of the modern family?

Although the Prince Rebellion broke out in the huge Hyundai Group in 2000, the internal fighting among Zhou Zhengyong's sons began in the late 1980s.

Hyundai Aluminum is the most important supplier of Hyundai Motor. How could Hyundai Motor Chairman Zhou Mengjiu tolerate his illegitimate son Zhou Mengyu inheriting this company in the future.

Zhou Mengyu fell on his head when he was young and suffered from mental illness. In fact, he did not want to take over the family company. He wanted to become a writer, and finally succumbed to family pressure and took over Hyundai Aluminum.

When Zhou Mengjiu and Zhou Mengxian fought to inherit the Hyundai Group, Zhou Mengyu chose not to help each other.

However, not helping each other means offending two people at the same time. Zhou Mengjiu quietly attracted Zhou Menggen, Zhou Mengzhun and Zhou Mengyun, began to isolate Zhou Mengxian from the family, and prepared to acquire Zhou Mengyu's Modern Aluminum Industry.

Zhou Mengyu, who was finally forced to have a mental breakdown, committed suicide by taking poison. Soon after, Hyundai Aluminum naturally became a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor.

After Zhou Mengyu passed away, Zhou Mengjiu kindly comforted his younger siblings and three nephews. The two families had close ties, and Zhou Mengjiu raised the three nephews. Hyundai Aluminum was later renamed Hyundai BNG Steel, and Zhou Mengjiu handed over the management of Hyundai BNG Steel to Zhou Mengyu’s eldest son Zhou Xuanlai.

When Song Yi heard from Zheng Enxuan how cruel Zhou Mengjiu was to Zhou Mengyu, he felt that he still underestimated Zhou Mengjiu. If we were to put it in ancient times, Zhou Mengjiu would also be a hero.

With the acquiescence of his father Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Mengjiu drove his uncle Zhou Shiyong out of Hyundai Motor and established himself as king.

Zhou Zhengyong wanted Zhou Mengyu to control Modern Aluminum to check and balance Zhou Mengjiu, but Zhou Mengjiu still did not hesitate to attack Zhou Mengyu. In the end, Zhou Mengyu, whose property was taken away, committed suicide by taking poison.

As a result, Zhou Mengyu's front leg had just died, and Zhou Mengjiu immediately comforted Zhou Mengyu's orphaned and widowed mother as if nothing was wrong, leaving Zhou Mengyu's family to rely on Zhou Mengjiu for their livelihood.

Zhou Zheng never wanted to hand over Hyundai Group to Zhou Mengjiu. However, Zhou Mengjiu, who was unconvinced, joined forces with Zhou Menggen and Zhou Mengzhun to separate Hyundai Group's three most profitable businesses, Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Department Store, and Hyundai Heavy Industries, making Zhou Mengxian a polished commander.

Without Song Yi's three-point modern plan, Zhou Mengxian's family would inherit the Ashan Group and get rid of the debt quagmire of the Hyundai Group. Sooner or later, Zhou Mengxian would still be forced by Zhou Mengjiu to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

"Last time, for Dashan's marriage, I went to Dashan's house and found out that Uncle Mengyu's widow was quite charming. She must have been a beauty when she was young. No wonder Uncle Mengjiu took so much trouble to take care of their mother and son for more than ten years. Years." Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji was amused by Song Yi, "Bah, bah, bah, you dare to gossip about the matters between the elders, and you are not afraid of others scolding you for being neither big nor small."

She sighed, "After Zhou Mengyu committed suicide, the situation for them, orphans and widowers, will always be more difficult. Zhou Mengyu is not popular in modern families. You, the fourth aunt, must find a strong person to rely on. After all, under the big tree It’s nice to enjoy the cool air.”

"Thinking of this, I heard an interesting rumor. After my great-uncle first became rich, he brought his younger brothers and sisters over from the countryside. Not only was he very kind to his younger brothers, but he was also kind to his younger brothers and sisters. He also took care of two My younger siblings have gone to the movies together. Maybe, as an elder brother, it’s also an inheritance to take care of my younger siblings." Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji rolled her eyes at Song Yi and said, "Fuck you, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. Are you trying to find an excuse for your romantic reputation? President Song, do you think there are no challenges in business? In order to pursue excitement, you Only then will you tirelessly pursue one famous lady or beautiful star after another. If after your death, your experience of hunting for women is written into your autobiography, it will definitely become the best-selling book in South Korea."

Song Yi was just about to answer Cui Shanji's question, but when he saw Kim Taehee running towards him with a mobile phone, he immediately realized that something big had happened.

Kim Tae Hee has a very stable personality, and she is pregnant now. If it were not an urgent matter, Kim Tae Hee would not be able to come to him.

Song Yi quickly ran towards Jin Taixi and supported Jin Taixi with one hand. "Don't worry, I will be there if the sky falls. You calm down first. What happened?"

Kim Tae Hee's face turned pale, "Xin Minjing from SMJ Gallery just called me. She said that Le Xiyi monitored the conversation between you and Xia Mei Ai by monitoring Xia Mei Ai. The recording content related to the 2007 presidential election of the Open National Conference. He Prepare to submit the recording as evidence to the prosecutor's office to prosecute you for abuse of power."

Song Yi was shocked when he heard this. This matter was no small matter. If this recording is submitted to the prosecutor's office, Zheng Jinhui, Cui Anyuan, Chen Zaiyong and Jin Gehao will not let Song Yi go, and will pursue him fiercely and will not give up until he is sent to prison.

Kim Tae Hee obviously also thought about this consequence, so he wanted to notify Song Yi as soon as possible and let Song Yi make the decision.

Now we have to race against time. If Le Xiyi is asked to submit the recording, Song Yi will be passive.

The reason why Xin Minjing chose to inform Kim Tae Hee instead of calling Song Yi directly was also due to this consideration. Xin Minjing was worried that once she called Song Yi, if the suspicious Le Xiyi monitored the call between Xin Minjing and Song Yi, the secret relationship between Song Yi and Xin Minjing would also be exposed.

Song Yi originally wanted to fly to Hong Kong Island to avoid the limelight, but he subconsciously rejected it. If Song Yi stays in South Korea, even if Le Xiyi unites with Zheng Jinhui, it will not be easy to bring down Song Yi.

If Song Yi does not escape, he can still win the trust and support of the Korean public. If Song Yi escapes before the battle, the reputation of SA Group and Song Yi will be completely damaged and there is no way to restore it.

Koreans themselves are a nation with low self-esteem and arrogance. Koreans also have a complicated attitude towards Song Yi, the richest man.

Young people in South Korea admire Song Yi very much and think that Song Yi is a business wizard and a role model for them to strive for and learn from. Middle-aged and elderly Koreans actually reject Song Yi. After all, Song Yi was a Chinese national before and later became a Korean national.

If Song Yi's mother, Zhou Shulan, is the niece of Hyundai Group founder Zhou Zhengyong, Koreans would simply not be able to accept a Chinese coming to South Korea and becoming the richest man in South Korea.

If Koreans hear the recordings of Xia Meiai and Song Yi, they will definitely attack Song Yi's Chinese heritage. By then, Song Yi and the SA Group will really become a street rat, and everyone will shout for beatings.

Song Yi thought of a countermeasure, "I can't go back to Seoul now. If I return to Seoul suddenly, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of this guy Le Xiyi, and then it will alarm the snake."

"The first problem now is to get this recording, Taixi. Phones are not insured now, and there is a risk of monitoring at any time. You go back to Seoul now and find Chen Fuzhen. Let Chen Fuzhen inform Lin Zhiling to visit Xin Minjing. Lin Zhiling does not need to get it. Recording, she just needs to remember what is said in the recording.”

"Sister Soyoung, Sister Eunxuan or Chen Fuzhen are not suitable to show up at Xin Minjing's house. As the crown princess of Samsung, Lin Zhiling's visit to Xin Minjing will definitely not arouse Le Xiyi's alert. I guess Le Xiyi has already established a connection with Chen Jae-yong. , Chen Zaiyong has been against me many times, it is impossible for him to doubt Chen Zaiyong’s wife.”

Jin Taixi guessed a little bit, "Are you going to make another fake recording and then replace the real one at Le Xiyi's house?"

Song Yi felt lucky that Le Xiyi was still too greedy and wanted to single-handedly unseat Song Yi, the richest man in South Korea, to fulfill his reputation.

If Le Xiyi handed the recording to Zheng Jinhui as soon as possible after getting it, both Song Yi and Xia Meiai would be miserable. Xia Miai will be forced to resign as Minister of Justice by then, let alone think about joining the Blue House.

Kim Tae Hee was a little confused today, and she felt that she had been greatly shocked. She knew that Le Xiyi and Song Yi were at odds. At that time, Xia Meiai and Le Xiyi were fighting. Xia Meiai transferred Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office as chief prosecutor. At that time, Le Xiyi Knowing that Song Yi and he were not the same person, he already felt different.

What she doesn't understand now is why Le Xiyi is preparing to deal with Song Yi, and why Le Xiyi's wife Xin Minjing would abandon her husband Le Xiyi without hesitation and choose to inform Song Yi.

Not only Xin Minjing, listening to Song Yi's words, Chen Fuzhen and Lin Zhiling of the Samsung family have long become Song Yi's allies.

This morning, Jin Xiyuan told Kim Tae Hee a terrible fact. Chen Fuzhen, the eldest princess of Samsung, is also Song Yi's secret lover. Because she noticed last night that Song Yi entered Chen Fuzhen's bedroom in the middle of the night and only returned to her room in the early morning. When Song Yi returned to the room yesterday, he was already staggering and walking with his hands on the wall. Apparently, he had a hard fight with Chen Fuzhen last night.

Chen Fu is really Song Yi's woman, so it makes sense that she is willing to help Song Yi. Then why is Samsung Crown Princess Lin Zhiling willing to take such a big risk and go to Le Xiyi's house to help Song Yi get the recording content?

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I would like to recommend a new book "The Guide to the Top" by a veteran author of Huayu. I am also following it, so you can give it a read.

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