I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 252 Substituting one thing for another

"Has Song Yi not returned to Seoul yet?" Le Xiyi, who had just arrived at the Suwon Prosecutor's Office from Seoul, first confirmed Song Yi's whereabouts with his subordinates after going to work.

"No, the information I have received so far is that Han Jiaren and her husband Yan Zhengxun had a big fight on Dyogi Island. Yan Zhengxun returned to Seoul alone, and Han Jiaren stayed on the island for vacation."

"Lejian, if Song Yi has been with Han Jiaren these two days, can the Suwon Prosecutor's Office summon Han Jiaren to the prosecutor's office for investigation in the name of cooperating with the investigation?"

Le Xiyi heard his subordinate's thoughts and shook his head, "Don't make matters worse. Even if Han Jia sleeps with Song Yi, how many secrets of Song Yi will she know?"

"The location of every meeting between Song Yi and Xia Meiai is very secret, either in the study of his villa in Chengbeidong, or at Xia Meiai's home, or in his Rolls-Royce. As long as a third person is present, they will The two have never discussed confidential matters and have a strong sense of confidentiality."

"Song Yi is the richest man in South Korea, and Xia Meiai is the Minister of Justice. Their cases already have enough gold content. When we turn Song Yi's case into a solid case, Song Woo-suk's support rate will definitely drop significantly."

"Once Representative Jung Jin-hye takes over the Blue House, I will be able to replace the old guy Lee Sang-dae as the prosecutor-general, and you can also become the prosecutor-general of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office."

"Female celebrities in the entertainment industry like to evade taxes, and tax cases are originally within the scope of our prosecutors' investigation. When you become the chief prosecutor of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office, female celebrities will naturally beg you to reduce their criminal liability. , At that time, do you still care about a mere Han Jiaren?" Le Xiyi warned his subordinates.

"By the way, is Li Yuan still in the hall these days?" Ever since Le Xiyi learned that Li Yuan was Li Xiangda's only son, he had been very wary of Li Yuan.

"Li Yuan took wedding leave when she came back from Deyogi Island. Now she is planning the wedding. I haven't seen him in the past few days." replied the subordinate.

Le Xiyi felt relieved. If Li Yuan was not in the prosecutor's office, there would be no way to ruin his affairs and no way to inform Song Yi.

He once thought that Li Xiangda, an old fox, was actually leaning towards him. However, after Li Yuan and Song Jingyan got engaged, he found out that Li Xiangda had defected to Song Yuxi.

Li Xiangda first sat on the mountain and watched the fight between tigers and let Le Xiyi and Xia Meiai fight. After Xia Meiai won, he chose to join Song Yuxi's camp.

Through his son's marriage, Lee Sang-dae is now related to the current president Song Woo-seok, the Hyundai family, and the LG family, making his position as the prosecutor general more stable. Although Le Xiyi always wants to displace Li Xiangda from his position, why doesn't Li Xiangda's son Li Yuan want to displace him from Le Xiyi's position?

Le Xiyi had heard before that Song Yuxi was planning to introduce his daughter Song Jingyan to Song Yi. Song Yi felt that Song Jingyan's appearance was not outstanding enough, so he declined in the end and arranged for her to work at an investment fund in the mainland, which was considered a kind of compensation.

Li Yuan, Li Yuan, you married a woman Song Yi didn't want in your second marriage. Song Yi and Song Jingyan have such a close relationship. Be careful of him walking with Song Jingyan and putting a hat on you. Le Xiyi couldn't help but make malicious guesses.

Le Xiyi clapped his hands and said, "Park Zhenhuan said that Song Yi and Jin Chengguo have already had a relationship, otherwise Song Yi would not recommend Jin Chengguo to replace Park Zhenhuan as the director of national intelligence."

"I checked and found that New Asia Entertainment applied for special loans of US$75 million, US$7500 and US$50 million respectively from Kookmin Bank, Hanhui Bank and Shinhan Bank in 2001, totaling US$200 million. During the loan period A total of 5 years.”

"After July 2002, New Asia Media repaid part of the loan. In May 2003, New Asia Media repaid all the US$200 million loan."

"New Asia Entertainment had just acquired two companies, Shin Cine Communications and DSP Entertainment, when it applied for this $200 million loan."

"Not long after these two mergers and acquisitions were completed, New Asia Entertainment was able to apply for a loan of US$200 million. Is this timing too coincidental?" Le Xiyi asked his subordinates.

"But haven't we already checked the loan contracts and archives of these three banks? There are no violations in Xinya Entertainment's loan materials, and the bank staff have not collected Xinya Entertainment's property. If we keep a close eye on this direction , could it be that the case was handled in the wrong direction?" the subordinate asked.

"After New Asia Entertainment acquires Shin Cine Communications and DSP Entertainment, New Asia Entertainment's asset statement can barely reach over 100 billion won."

"If you open a company and your company is worth a total of 100 billion won, can you borrow 100 billion won from the bank?" Le Xiyi asked his subordinates.

"How is this possible? You can lend 50 billion won, but you still require grandpa to sue grandma and rely on various connections." The subordinate replied.

"But our President Song is so powerful. He didn't give anything away without asking. He borrowed a total of 200 million US dollars in special loans from these three banks. He is worthy of being the richest man in South Korea, and his business talent is fully demonstrated."

"Do you know why New Asia Entertainment divided this US$200 million loan into three tranches? First, it is to reduce the difficulty of bank review. If New Asia Entertainment chooses a bank to lend US$200 million, it will not be worth selling New Asia Entertainment Two hundred million dollars.”

"It was out of this consideration that Song Yi divided the US$200 million loan into three banks and applied for it. It was precisely because this US$200 million loan was so clean that I suspected Song Yi."

"When Song Yi went to these three banks to apply for loans, Jin Chengguo, the then Secretary General of the Cheong Wa Dae, accompanied him throughout the process. That's why the loan application for Xinya Entertainment was so smooth. Who do you think Jin Chengguo received to assist Song Yi in the application? This loan?" Le Xiyi's eyes flashed.

The subordinate suddenly realized, and he even lamented Le Xiyi's ambition. Not only did Le Xiyi want to bring down Xia Meiai, but he also wanted to bring down the progressive Zhong Xiaotong and Song Yuxi together!

Le Xiyi is now flirting with the conservative Zheng Jinhui. He wants to overthrow Song Yuxi and Zhong Xiaotong as a vote, so that when he joins the Grand National Party, he can be reused by Zheng Jinhui.

While Le Xiyi was plotting against Song Yi, Samsung Crown Princess Lin Zhiling had already visited Le Xiyi and Xin Minjing's private residence in Seocho District as scheduled. After receiving the news, Xin Minjing did not go to SMJ Gallery today, but waited at home for Lin Chiling's visit.

When Xin Minjing saw Lin Zhiling's car parked in front of her house, she felt much more at ease. She has already informed Song Yi. What to do next depends on Song Yi's arrangements.

"Mrs. Chen, I heard that you are still pregnant. I'm really sorry to ask you to make a special trip for such a trivial matter." Xin Minjing was very polite.

Lin Zhiling smiled and shook her head, "It's not that delicate, and it's not like she's pregnant with her first child. After going to the hospital for a checkup, the baby is healthier. It's better for the body to move around."

"Representative Xin and Chief Prosecutor Le have been married for some time. Have you not considered having a child while you are still young?" Lin Zhiling asked Xin Minjing.

Xin Minjing's expression froze. She knew that Lin Zhiling was either mentioning this on purpose or it was just a chat between ladies. "Xi Yi said that the past two years were a critical period for his career, and he thought about having children in two years. Fortunately, his father-in-law and mother-in-law were more mature. I am open-minded and not in a hurry to have grandchildren.”

Lin Zhiling mused, Xin Minjing is thirty-three this year, and there are many women in South Korea who give birth to children in their thirties. In two years' time, it will be the presidential election year in South Korea. It seems that Le Xiyi has quietly embraced Zheng Jinhui's lap, so it is said that these two years are a critical period for his career.

"Representative Xin, I heard that you bought a piece of porcelain at an overseas auction house, called a Goryeo celadon emerald melon-rimmed ewer, so I made a special trip to visit you. This porcelain is also a masterpiece among the Kangjin kiln celadon from the Goryeo Dynasty. Porcelain, next month will be my father-in-law's sixty-fourth birthday, and Zai Rong and I are planning to give him a memorable birthday gift, but we just don't know if Representative Xin is willing to bear the pain and part with it?" Lin Zhiling explained her intention.

Xin Minjing discovered that Song Yi was really very scheming and had already laid the groundwork for Lin Zhiling's visit today.

The celadon emerald melon-rimmed ewer in her hand was indeed bought from a foreign auction house, but the porcelain seller was Song Yi. She had told Song Yi before that in addition to collecting calligraphy and paintings, she also liked some expensive porcelain, especially the celadon produced by Kangjin Kiln in the Goryeo Dynasty.

After Song Yi heard about it, she took note of it and asked someone to find this Goryeo celadon emerald melon-edge ewer, and then gave it to her through auction.

The seller paid the auction house a normal handling fee. The auction money she handed over to the seller was used by Song Yi to buy a house in Frankfurt, Germany, and registered it under Xin Minjing's personal name. Xin Minjing later stayed in this house for a few days when he went to Germany for a cultural exchange visit.

Goryeo celadon was developed under the influence of the Yue kiln of the Tang Dynasty and the Ru kiln of the Song Dynasty. By the Southern Song Dynasty, the shape, decoration, glaze color and production technology of Goryeo celadon had reached a very high level.

For example, the blue and white porcelain plum, bird and bamboo pattern pot, one of South Korea's top ten national treasures, is a work of Goryeo celadon. It cleverly uses relief, engraving, and hollowing techniques, and uses curves, light and shadow to create a tranquil and elegant artistic beauty.

Chen Jianxi used to like to collect some precious porcelain and put them in the Samsung Art Museum. Today, Lin Zhiling came to visit Xin Minjing, hoping to buy the celadon that Xin Minjing had photographed and give it to Chen Jianxi as a birthday gift. The reason was so legitimate that neither Le Xiyi nor Chen Zaiyong would be suspicious.

"Mrs. Chen, let's not rush. Let's go to the study to appreciate this piece of porcelain. If you are really interested in buying it, I am willing to part with it," Xin Minjing said.

Xin Minjing and Lin Zhiling entered the study together. Xin Minjing opened the safe. At the bottom of the safe was the precious celadon emerald melon edged ewer.

Lin Zhiling saw the recorder on the top of the safe and glanced at Xin Minjing, who nodded.

Xin Minjing was about to take out the voice recorder, but Lin Zhiling stopped her. "Your husband must have marked it. As long as you move the recorder, he will definitely notice it. Don't touch it. Song Yi gave me the tool."

Lin Zhiling picked up a windproof lighter from her pocket and placed it next to the recording pen. Although this windproof lighter looks small, it contains a complete set of eavesdropping equipment that can transcribe all the contents of the recording pen. When Lin Zhiling took the lighter away, she got the entire content of the recording without anyone noticing.

Xin Minjing felt that she was careless. If she touched this recorder today, Le Xiyi would most likely notice it. She was willing to help Song Yi, but she didn't want to involve herself for Song Yi.

She especially admires Song Yi now. Even the Crown Princess of Samsung belongs to Song Yi and is willing to take risks to help Song Yi obtain the recording content. Perhaps there are internal agents from Song Yi in the five major consortiums, just to prevent the five major consortiums from stabbing him in the back one day.

Xin Minjing felt that Song Yi might have been wary of Le Xiyi early on, so he captured her in the SMJ Gallery not long after getting to know her.

Xin Minjing and Lin Zhiling spent a long time admiring the celadon emerald-colored melon-rimmed ewer. Finally, Lin Zhiling said to Xin Minjing: "Representative Xin, I personally really like this piece of celadon. The most rare thing is that its appearance is very good. If you put it Entering the Samsung Leeum Museum is also a treasure. However, the price of 2 billion won is not low, and I still need to go back and discuss it with Jae Yong."

Xin Minjing knew that all the recordings had been transcribed, so she stood up and sent Lin Zhiling off, "Yes, but I still hope Mrs. Chen will hurry up. Because besides you, Song Suying, the director of Caidi Art Museum, is also interested in buying this celadon. , she will also come to see this piece of porcelain tomorrow."

Lin Zhiling knew clearly that her task today was to transcribe, and Song Suying would come to visit tomorrow to replace the recording that Le Xiyi had obtained with a new synthesized recording.

The so-called synthetic recording means that SA Soft's technicians record the conversation between Song Yi and Xia Meiai in advance, then intercept each word individually, and then synthesize a conversation.

For example, Song Yi said a few words, "I went to work", "What to eat tonight", "Jun Ji-hyun's new movie is very good", "Are there guests at home?", then these few sentences can be extracted into a sentence Synthesized recording "I went to Jun Ji-hyun's new home."

"I understand, I will reply to you as soon as possible." Lin Zhiling replied.

Xin Minjing carefully put the porcelain into the safe, and Lin Zhiling took away the windproof lighter. She needs to give this lighter to Chen Fuzhen as soon as possible, and Chen Fuzhen will give it to Gu Zhien of SA Soft. Koo Ji-eun will lead SA Soft's professional technical staff to produce a flawless synthetic recording.

When Le Xiyi returned home that night, he immediately checked the recorder in the safe. When he confirmed that the marks on the recorder had not been touched, he felt relieved.

After he put the recorder in the safe, he was going to make another mark, but Xin Minjing called him in the bathroom to help rub his back.

Le Xiyi hadn't taken a bath with Xin Minjing for a long time. He thought it was too late to come back later to mark the place, so he locked the safe door and went to the bathroom, "Honey, don't worry, I'll be here soon. "

At this time, Song Yi's personal bodyguard Park Taizhi was like a dexterous big cat, sneaking into Le Xiyi's private house quietly. Park Taizhi had already seen the floor plan of Le Xiyi's house. He quickly entered the study, opened the password, and replaced the recording pen in the safe. Park Tae-sik wiped off the fingerprint marks on the surface of the safe and then quietly left the house.

Park Tae-sik is the bodyguard arranged by Hyundai Group founder Zhou Zhengyong for Song Yi. He was previously a member of South Korea's most elite special forces, the Black Berets. After he retired from the army, he joined the Hyundai Group to provide security for the core members of the Hyundai family. Defense work. Before retiring, South Korea's National Intelligence Service invited Park Tae-sik to join, but Park Tae-sik refused.

Park Tae-sik was an orphan. He was funded by the Hyundai Welfare Foundation to go to school and then entered the army. Zhou Zhengyong bought him a house, married a wife, and had children. How could he give up his job at Hyundai Group and join the National Intelligence Service?

After leaving Le Xiyi's private house, Park Tae-sik got the recorder, returned to the car and listened to the contents of the recorder. After confirming that he had got it correctly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He will hand the recording pen to Zheng Enxuan later, and Zheng Enxuan will hand it to Xia Meiai.

Xia Meiai will use the contents of the voice recorder to find out the monitoring equipment in her home. When the time comes, she will cooperate with Director of National Intelligence Kim Sung-kook to follow the map and wipe out the monitoring network of former Director Park Jin-hwan.

In 1997, the National Intelligence Service erupted in a scandal involving the monitoring of senior Korean political and economic circles. The monitoring equipment in Xia Meiai's home was left behind by the Chung Man-you government. Except for Kim Sung-kook in this term, the previous National Intelligence Service has a very close relationship with the US military stationed in South Korea. The Americans penetrate South Korea through a powerful monitoring and intelligence network, affecting South Korea's political and economic structure.

In the bathroom, Le Xiyi immediately became vigilant when he learned that Song Suying from the SK family was coming to taste the celadon emerald melon-rimmed ewer that Xin Minjing had photographed tomorrow.

Unlike Lin Zhiling, Song Suying of the SK family has a good personal relationship with Song Yi. She was a student of Song Yi's father Song Mingzhe when she was studying at Yonsei University.

When Kim Tae Hee was planning to build the T.H.E Art Museum, Song Suying also provided a lot of suggestions. Le Xiyi subconsciously felt that Song Suying came here with bad intentions, so he decided to take the recording pen to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office for safekeeping tomorrow to avoid long nights and dreams.

After taking a shower, Le Xiyi returned to the study, took out the recorder from the safe, and listened to the recording again. After confirming that the recorder was OK, he put it back in the safe and marked it again.

After Song Yi, who was far away on Deyogi Island, heard that everything was settled, he was finally able to relax from the tense mood of the past two days.

"Taizhi, you did a good job. In two years, our SA Pictures will make an action movie based on you called "The Red Bold Agent", and then we will ask Yuan Bin to play you. Then the male protagonist will My name is Park Tae-sik, what do you think?" Song Yi joked with Park Tae-sik.

"President, for people like us, the lower profile the better. The fewer people recognize us, the better. If you make such a movie, I will not be able to stay with the president and protect you." It's safe." Park Tae-sik hesitated.

Song Yi said to Park Tae-sik: "You are wrong. I have always been rewarded for my merits and punished for my mistakes. After the movie is filmed, you can live a normal life with your wife and children. By then I will arrange for you to work as a security supervisor at SA Soft, working from nine to six, with normal weekends, so you can spend more time with your children."

When Park Taizhi heard what Song Yi said, he was very grateful. He had really thought about devoting his life to the modern family. But Song Yi now gave him a better choice, and he had no reason to refuse Song Yi's kindness.

Thank you for your monthly votes. Park Tae-sik in "The Red Bull" is really handsome!

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