I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 253 Flight Attendant Han Jiaren

Han Jiaren found it strange that Yan Zhengxun left her alone on Deyogi Island after the quarrel with her. However, although Song Yi spent the past few days on vacation with her during the day, he never made any undue demands on her.

Both sisters Kim Hee-won returned to Seoul one after another, and Choi Sun-hee also returned to ABS TV station to replace Zhou Dongyong as the new president.

The SA Group official website has issued an announcement announcing the company's personnel changes. Zhou Zhiyi, vice president and financial director of SA Construction, succeeded Cui Shanji and became the secretary of the board of directors of SA Group and was elected to the SA Group Council.

The list of SA Group Board of Directors has been changed from the previous 7 to 9 people. In addition to Zhou Zhiyi, who was newly elected to the Board of Directors, SA Sports Foundation President Kim Hee-won was also elected to the SA Group Board of Directors for the first time, still maintaining an odd number.

The list of nine people is SA Group Chairman Song Yi, Vice Chairman Zheng Eunxuan, SA Group CEO Zhou Mengkui, SA Capital President Li Yiji, SA Bank President Lee Jae-yong, New Asia Advertising Board Chairman Liao Yu, SA TV Station President Cui Shanhui, SA Sports Foundation Kim Hee-won and SA Board Secretary Zhou Zhiyi.

In addition to Song Yi, Hyundai family members already occupy three seats on the SA Group Board of Directors. SA Capital President Li Yizhi is also a former subordinate of Zhou Mengxian. Therefore, as soon as Zhou Zhiyi entered the board of directors, Cui Shanhui retained the position of director, and added Kim Xiyuan's director seat to ensure that he could always firmly control the voting power of the SA Group board of directors.

On the first night of Yan Zhengxun's return to Seoul, Song Yi and S.E.S played mahjong on the yacht all night. After the S.E.S group returned to Seoul, the group that played mahjong with Song Yi in the evening was changed from the S.E.S group to the Fin.K.L group.

It is said that Song Yi and Fin.K.L played the name tag game on the yacht. Lee Hyori, Ok Joo Hyun, Lee Jin and Sung Yuri each had a name tag attached to their backs, and Song Yi also had four layers of name tags attached to his back.

If Song Yi tears off the name tags on the backs of members of the Fin.K.L group, then the member will return to the room to accept Song Yi's punishment.

If Song Yi's name tag is torn off by a member of Fin.K.L, then Song Yi will agree to this member's request. When both Li Zhen and Ok Zhuxuan accepted Song Yi's individual punishment, Song Yi also gave a symbolic release and asked Li Zhen to tear off the name tag on his back.

Li Zhen was also more loyal and asked Song Yi to allow her to return to SA with Ok Joo Hyun to re-form the complete Fin.K.L group.

Song Yi contacted Chen Meijing of CJ Entertainment to discuss the contract issues between Ok Joo Hyun and Li Zhen. Chen Meijing smiled, "I knew that sending Li Zhen and Yu Zhuxuan to your birthday party was like a meat bun beating a dog. They will never come back."

"Okay, I won't embarrass Li Zhen and the others about the contract issue. You, the SA agent, can just pay the liquidated damages as normal. We will handle business matters, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the other directors." Chen Meijing thought about it and agreed to Song Yi happily. request.

With the help of Blue Ocean Capital Fund, Marvel Studios and Artisan Entertainment have officially merged to form a new Marvel Studios, with Kevin Feige as the CEO of Marvel Studios and Shen Shen, head of SA Pictures' North American studio. Tetsu also joined the board of directors of the new Marvel Studios. SA Films also took over Artisan Entertainment’s North American promotion and distribution channels.

The new Marvel Studios has begun preparations to produce its first superhero movie. Under Song Yi's recommendation, the first movie of the new Marvel Studios is "Iron Man", and SA Pictures has also become "Iron Man". of distribution companies in North America and Asia.

The estimated total production cost of "Iron Man" is as high as US$140 million, and the total production costs will be shared by New Marvel Pictures and SA Pictures. SA Films has successfully gained a foothold in the highly competitive Hollywood market through capital mergers and acquisitions.

Even though CJ Entertainment has produced many more movies in South Korea than SA Pictures, the total box office of the two companies' movies is about the same. Starting from "Memories of Murder" in 2003, SA Pictures has been the box office champion almost every year.

In the Korean film market, CJ Entertainment and SA Pictures can be said to be on par, but in the North American market, SA Pictures is undoubtedly much stronger than CJ Entertainment.

Li Zhen and Ok Zhuxuan's positions in CJ Entertainment are a bit vague, and they are not popular artists. Of course she is willing to do a favor for Song Yi.

Of course, if it were the other way around, if Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri were in CJ Entertainment and CJ Entertainment returned Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri to the SA Group, Chen Meijing would not be so easy to talk to.

After all, with the popularity of the program "Running Man" in Asia, Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Jong Kook and Lee Hyori also have many fans in Asia.

Almost all the artists who came to the island to celebrate Song Yi's birthday have left, leaving only Han Jiaren.

Han Jiaren was thinking wildly every night, wondering whether Song Yi would come and knock on the door. If he knocks on the door, she will choose to open it or not. As a result, she waited and waited, and suddenly she received shocking news. Song Yi was going to take a private plane back to Seoul today!

She was really anxious now. The reason why Yan Zhengxun quarreled with her was because she felt that Han Jia and Song Yi were not clear about each other. She has stayed in Dyogi Island for so many days at the risk of being misunderstood by her husband Yan Zhengxun. But Song Yi did nothing and went back to Seoul. How about playing?

Han Jiaren hurriedly found Song Yi, who was discussing things with his secretary Jiang Xiuna. When Jiang Xiuna saw Han Jiaren coming, she wisely made room for the two of them to talk.

She looked at Song Yi expectantly, "President Song, I heard that you are flying back to Seoul today to end your vacation. Is this true?"

Song Yi nodded, "That's it. There are still many things in the company waiting for me to go back and deal with. I have taken all my annual leave this year, and it's time to start working. Mrs. Yan, don't worry, I will take you with me on the way. Brought back to Seoul.”

Han Jiaren bit her lip and glanced at Song Yi angrily. She didn't care whether Song Yi took her back to Seoul or not. "President Song, I have something to ask you. I don't think it's convenient for us to spare a few minutes now so we can chat."

Song Yi looked at the time and told Jiang Xiuna, "Xiuna, you can help me pack my luggage later. Han Jiaren and I will go for a walk on the beach. I'll be back soon."

Jiang Xiuna glanced at Han Jiaren, who stood next to Song Yi with lowered eyebrows. She smiled without exposing Han Jiaren's little thoughts, "Okay, President, do you need my help to pack Miss Jiaren's luggage?"

Han Jiaren waved her hands quickly, "No, no, thank you, Secretary Jiang. I don't have much luggage, I can just pack it up later."

Song Yi and Han Jiaren walked towards the beach, and unknowingly they walked to the back of the boulder. Song Yi spoke first, "Mrs. Yan, if you have any questions, you can ask me now. There are no outsiders here."

Han Jiaren's expression was a bit resentful, "When Zhengxun was on the island, President Song used to say "Miss Beauty", but now that Zhengxun is not on the island, President Song said "Mrs. Yan". President Song wants to remind me that I have a husband. A woman?"

Song Yi chuckled, "Miss Jiaren misunderstood. Xiuna was right next to me just now. I don't want her to misunderstand our relationship."

Han Jiaren looked at Song Yi aggressively, "President Song is afraid of Secretary Jiang's misunderstanding, but not afraid of Zhengxun's misunderstanding? Why did Zhengxun quarrel with me a few days ago? Isn't it because President Song deliberately made him misunderstand?"

Song Yi's expression turned serious for a moment, "You are wrong about this. Yan Zhengxun's quarrel with you may have something to do with me, but the root of the problem lies with himself."

"Either he believes you, after all, we didn't do anything that day. Or he pretends not to know, and is good to you and him."

"The problem with Yan Zhengxun is that he neither believes in you nor is willing to pretend to be deaf and dumb. He is also reluctant to give up the film and television resources provided to him by SA, and then leaves you alone on Deyogi Island. He has considered your considerations. "?" Song Yi asked.

Han Jiaren knew that Song Yi was right, and she really had no reason to vent her resentment on Song Yi.

"President Song, isn't the conflict between Zhengxun and I exactly what you want to see?" Han Jiaren glanced at Song Yi resentfully.

Song Yi cried out, "Miss Jiaren, you have wronged me by saying this. I have never had the idea of ​​destroying your marriage. I am just a small episode in your marriage. If you can understand each other's hearts, there is a high probability that you will still marry." Yeon Jung-hoon will continue to walk through this life together."

Han Jiaren's expression was very cold, "President Song means that you just want to play with me and don't want to be responsible for me, right?"

Song Yi didn't expect Han Jiaren to speak so bluntly, and coughed a few times awkwardly, "You can't say that, I haven't played yet."

When Han Jiaren heard what Song Yi said, she felt even more angry, "President Song, you are not playing, but in the past few days on the island, both Zhengxun and the people around you have misunderstood our relationship. Thought I had slept with you.”

"Now that my reputation has been ruined by you, you have to fly back to Seoul today. Since you never planned to sleep with me from the beginning to the end, why did you let Zhengxun misunderstand that we were having an affair a few days ago?" Han Jiaren was very happy. He was puzzled by Song Yi's behavior.

Of course, it was impossible for Song Yi to tell Han Jiaren that the reason why he left Han Jiaren on the island was to distract Le Xiyi.

Now that Park Tae-sik has replaced the recording in Le Xiyi's hands, there is no need for Song Yi to stay on Deyogi Island.

Since Le Xiyi brought the recording pen to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office, he will definitely summon Song Yi to conduct relevant investigations in the next few days. Because the other party involved in this case is the current Minister of Justice, Ha Mi-ae, the Suwon Prosecutor's Office does not have the authority to summon Ha Mi-ae.

Prosecutor General Li Xiangdae is Song Yuxi's employee, and it is impossible for Le Xiyi to transfer the case to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office for investigation. The most effective way is for Le Xiyi to transfer the recording pen to Zheng Jinhui, who will initiate a hearing in the Korean Congress. At that time, both Xia Meiai and Song Yi must attend the congressional hearing. Both Ha Mi-ae and Song Yi must accept political inquiries from Grand National Party lawmakers.

In 1988, Song Woo-seok became a "hearing star" when he insisted on criticizing Hyundai Group CEO Zhou Zhengyong at the congressional hearing that year. Through live television, unknown political novice Song Woo-seok suddenly became well-known in South Korea.

At that time, not long after the death of Samsung founder Chen Byung-cheol, Zhou Zhengyong officially replaced Chen Byung-cheol and became the richest man in South Korea. This hearing also laid a foundation of public opinion for Song Woo-seok and laid favorable conditions for him to take office at the Blue House in the future.

Now Le Xiyi obviously wants to copy Song Woo-seok's success. If Le Xiyi can defeat Justice Minister Xia Miai and South Korea's richest man Song Yi in a congressional hearing, then Le Xiyi will really become famous in Korean politics. He now wants to step on Xia Meiai and Song Yi to succeed and become the indispensable second figure of the Grand National Party.

Now that Le Xiyi has set the stage, Song Yi of course has to return to Seoul to support him. If he had not returned to Seoul, Le Xiyi would have been worried about him absconding to other countries on a private plane, right?

Song Yi thought that if Le Xiyi found out that the congressional hearing was also set up by Song Yi, and waited for him to jump in, would Le Xiyi be so desperate that he vomited blood?

Han Jiaren noticed the smile at the corner of Song Yi's mouth. She thought Song Yi was laughing at her, "President Song, I know you are very rich. I have searched all over Korea and can't find anyone richer than you. I also know that you are very rich." He has energy and can be said to cover the sky with one hand in the Korean entertainment industry, making people go east while others dare not go west."

"I'm just a low-level actor, and I'm really not worthy of your favor. If you don't like me, please don't tease me again and again."

"Now I just want to stop acting after playing "Witch Yoo Hee" and "Veteran", withdraw from the industry, stay at home, take care of my husband and raise children, and live a peaceful housewife's life. Here I also implore Chairman Song to let me go free. , please don’t disturb my peaceful life again, okay?" Han Jiaren begged Song Yi pitifully.

Song Yi looked at Han Jiaren's beautiful face and suddenly felt a heartbeat towards her. He looked at Han Jiaren. The two looked at each other without speaking.

Han Jiaren is known as the queen of beautiful noses. Her nose forms a straight line from the tip of her nose to the space between her eyebrows. Moreover, the tip of Han Jiaren's nose is not big but very upturned. She looks small and exquisite no matter from any angle.

Not only is she tall, her facial features are as delicate as a doll, and a nose mole is the icing on the cake. In the Korean entertainment industry where plastic surgery beauties are everywhere, natural beauties like Han Ga-in, Kim Tae-hee, and Song Hye-kyo have naturally become popular goddesses.

After Yeon Jung Hoon and Han Ga In got married in April this year, they broke the hearts of countless movie fans. TVXQ's Changmin reluctantly changed Han Ga-in's wallpaper, and Kim Jaejoong even squatted on the ground and cried.

Han Jiaren noticed that Song Yi's eyes were getting hotter and hotter. She couldn't help but take a step back and found that she was leaning on the boulder again, falling into a dilemma with no way out.

Song Yi and Han Jiaren were close to each other. Han Jiaren was stunned when she noticed Song Yi's aggressive intentions. Although she had been mentally prepared to sleep with Song Yi every day these days, when the moment really came, she was still a little at a loss.

"President Song, please don't be here, okay? What should I do if someone sees me?" Han Jiaren said.

Song Yi lowered his head and kissed Han Jiaren, "Miss Jiaren, don't worry, I won't offend the beauty here. But since the atmosphere has reached this point, you have to let me collect some interest first, right?"

As soon as Song Yi finished speaking, he held Han Jiaren in his arms, and the two of them spent a beautiful time behind the boulder.

By the time Han Jiaren left the beach, she had been kissed by Song Yi and was a little unsteady. She needed to lean on Song Yi to maintain balance.

Song Yi personally helped Han Jiaren onto the Taixi private plane, and then the two of them hurried to the bedroom in the rear cabin of the plane. At this time, Song Yi did not forget the business and called Jiang Xiuna, "Xiuna, Miss Jiaren is feeling a little unwell today. I helped her to rest on the plane. Please help Miss Jiaren pack her luggage later." , pack it together and take it on the plane, and we will return to Seoul together in the afternoon."

Jiang Xiuna heard Han Jiaren's charming smile coming from the other end of the phone. It was obvious that Song Yi was playing with Han Jiaren in the bedroom on the plane at this time.

She couldn't help but shook her head. Song Yi was avoiding her less and less now. Now she just hopes that Song Yi and the others can end the fight as soon as possible, so that she doesn't have to listen to Han Jiaren when she takes the plane. She still remembers that Li Jingshu's scream made her blush when the Taixi took off for the first time.

Thank God, by the time Jiang Xiuna boarded the plane, Song Yi and Han Jiaren were already busy. Song Yi and Han Jiaren sat neatly dressed in the restaurant to dine, and Song Yi opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Han Jiaren looked a little nostalgic when she saw the clothes of the stewardess on the Taehee, "I entered the entertainment industry in 2002 by shooting an Asiana Airlines commercial. If I hadn't become an actor, I might have become a stewardess."

"Tae Hee and her sister Hee Won worked for Korean Air before she joined Xinya Entertainment. All the uniforms of the flight attendants on my plane were provided by Korean Air, and they are still a little different from the uniforms of Asiana Airlines flight attendants. Xiuna, do you think the stewardess uniform of Korean Air or Asiana Airlines looks better?" Song Yi asked.

"For Ms. Han Ga-in, she looks good no matter which company's stewardess uniform she wears. It is said that after Ms. Han Ga-in finished filming the Asiana Airlines commercial, many passengers wanted to meet Ms. Han Ga-in on Asiana Airlines flights. ." Jiang Xiuna said.

"Secretary Jiang is joking, but I personally think Korean Air's flight attendant uniforms are better. Asiana Airlines' flight attendant uniforms are somewhat similar to those of All Nippon Airways. I have never worn such a beautiful flight attendant uniform from Korean Air." ." Han Jiaren said with regret.

When Jiang Xiuna heard what Han Jiaren said, she already suspected that Han Jiaren said it deliberately to please Song Yi.

"Miss Han Jiaren, I see that your height and weight are about the same as the flight attendant Li Baona on the plane. There is also a brand new flight attendant uniform in the airplane locker room. Why don't you try it on? Our president usually likes to see other people wearing professional clothes. Just pretend." Jiang Xiuna suggested.

When Song Yi heard what Jiang Xiuna said, he couldn't help but glare at her, but he really wanted to see Han Jiaren put on the stewardess uniform, so he didn't refute.

Han Jiaren obviously wanted to provide Song Yi with one-time service today and leave a good impression on Song Yi. She went directly to the dressing room to change into her stewardess uniform, then walked up to Song Yi wearing high heels.

I saw her squatting in front of Song Yi, holding the armrests of Song Yi's seat with both hands, "Hello, President Song, I am Han Jiaren, the flight attendant of this Taixi flight. I will provide you with one-on-one service for the entire flight. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Song Yi looked at the graceful Han Jiaren, and he felt that he needed to go to the bedroom again now.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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