I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 254 Search Korean Baitiao and Korean Walmart

When the Tae Hee landed at Gimpo Airport, Zhou Zhiyi and Gu Jieun rushed to the airport to pick them up.

Zhou Zhiyi was not surprised when he saw Han Jiaren, and asked very thoughtfully: "Miss Han Jiaren, we have prepared a special car for you. Would you like to go home first, or go back to the hotel to stay for a while?"

Han Jiaren returned to Seoul today and had not notified Yan Zhengxun. It might be awkward if she went home directly. But she didn't want to stay in a hotel. If reporters saw it, rumors of marriage would spread again.

Seeing Han Jiaren's hesitation, Song Yi understood immediately, "How about you go to Elysian Ski Resort for a few days, or you can bring your uncle and aunt over for a vacation. You will communicate with Zhengxun in the next few days, Go home when it’s okay. If you need my help with anything, please contact Xiuna first and she will notify me as soon as possible."

Han Jiaren is a native of Seoul. If she lived at her parents' house, her parents would also know that she and Yan Zhengxun had a fight. Elysian Ski Resort is relatively private, and many celebrities go skiing there, so it is perfect for Han Jiaren to stay at the resort for a while.

"Thank you, President Song. I will be disrespectful. You are busy in advance. We will contact you when you are free." Han Jiaren accepted Song Yi's invitation and chose to stay in a resort to avoid the limelight.

After Han Jiaren left the airport in the car, Zhou Zhiyi commented on Han Jiaren, "She is a woman who understands emotions and knows how to advance and retreat. If it were some female stars in SA, they would like to let the entire entertainment industry know that she is in love with a noble person."

Although Song Yi is only one year older than Zhou Zhiyi, he has always treated Zhou Zhiyi as a junior. After Zhou Zhiyi became the secretary of the board of directors, both Song Yi and Zhou Zhiyi needed to adjust and adapt.

He reminded Jiang Xiuna, "Xiuna, please remember to say hello to the resort. All expenses incurred by Han Jiaren at the resort these days are my personal account. When she leaves the resort, just ask the resort to send her the consumption bill. Remember Don’t use company accounts.”

Jiang Xiuna wrote this down, "Okay, President."

After giving orders to Jiang Xiuna, Song Yi got into the car and asked Gu Zhien to sit in the back row with him. Jiang Xiuna had to sit in another car with Zhou Zhiyi.

When Gu Zhien got into the car, Song Yi patted the back of Gu Zhien's hand and said, "Thanks to you this time. Without you taking the lead in making a new recording, we wouldn't have been able to replace the original recording so quickly."

Gu Zhien knew that Song Yi's car was equipped with an anti-monitoring device, so he didn't have to worry about others hearing their conversation.

She quietly pulled her hand back and sat upright, "President, I am not doing it for you. If you stay here for a few years, our SA Soft listing plan may also be aborted, and the shares that the company will cash out to me will become insignificant." It’s valuable. If I help you, I’m helping myself. We’re all in the same boat.”

SA Soft has a total of four top executives. Quan Zhouhao worked at CYworld before, and Liu Yongjun’s previous company was NHN Company. The former is a subsidiary of SK Group, and the latter has an ambiguous relationship with Samsung Group.

If Song Yi hands over the synthesis and recording work to Quan Zhouhao and Liu Yongjun, it is not ruled out that someone under them will tip off SK or Samsung, which will eventually lead to the failure of the plan to steal the news.

Now that these two people have been eliminated, the only most suitable candidates are Gu Zhien and Chen Xinyu.

Song Yi believed that Chen Xinyu would not betray him, but Chen Jianxi and his son must have placed many informants around Chen Xinyu, so it was more reliable to let Gu Zhien take the lead in doing this. After all, among the five major consortiums, LG is Song Yi's only remaining solid ally.

LG Group supplies LCD screens and mobile phone batteries for SA Electronics' smartphone plans, and Yanggye Semiconductor Factory supplies memory for smartphones. At such a critical moment, LG Group least wanted anything to happen to Song Yi.

Song Yi knew that Ju Zhien was jealous of Han Jiaren when he saw Han Jiaren flying back to Seoul with him, so he showed a business-like attitude.

He took advantage of the scheme and hugged Gu Zhien, "Zhien, I met Li Yingai at the birthday party this time. Li Yingai gave me an idea to get Shen Yinhe to take the bait and take the initiative to star in the film produced by our SA Films Movie."

Gu Zhien became interested now, "Oh? What did Li Yingai say? Li Yingai was able to steal Zheng Haoyong from Shen Yinhe, so he must know her love rival very well."

Song Yi did not sell out, "Lee Young-ae means to let our two companies, SA Pictures and CJ Entertainment, jointly produce a big-budget movie."

"At that time, it will be revealed to the public that our first choice for the heroine of SA Pictures is Lee Young-ae, and CJ Entertainment's preferred heroine is Shim Yinhe. Then we will let Shim Yinhe and Li Yingai compete in the ring."

"Actually, Shen Yinhe has a lot of opinions about Lee Young-ae. If she can have the opportunity to cut off Lee Young-ae's important role, she is actually willing to come back."

"As long as Shen Yinhe agrees to star in the movie produced by our SA Films, I will have a way to get her to crawl into my bed. If Chi Shangyu does business honestly, I really don't have a good way to control Chi Shangyu. "

"But Ji Sang-woo doesn't know how to live or die and insists on hanging out with Lee Chang-hui of the Grand National Party, so don't blame me for killing him. Park Jin-hwan installed monitoring equipment at Ha Mi-ae's house. Lee Chang-hui is an insider and has nothing to do with him. When the time comes, Digging out the carrots and bringing out the mud, Chi Shangyu who was following Li Changhui became cannon fodder."

"Whether Chi Shangyu's matter is big or small, it's not up to me to deal with him when the time comes. If Shen Yinhe wants to keep her husband, then she has to beg me to let Chi Shangyu go. Shang Yu Yima. How about you join me and wait for Shen Yinhe to come and watch her show?" Song Yi suggested.

Li Young-ae snatched Zheng Haoyong from Shen Yinhe, and Shen Yinhe snatched Ji Shangyu from Gu Zhien. Now, in order to save Chi Shangyu, Shen Yinhe has to personally beg Gu Zhien. This is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant.

"Sure enough, the person who knows you best is always your enemy, not your friend. It's hard for Shen Yinhe not to fall for this idea proposed by Li Yingai. If Shen Yinhe stays at home and is a housewife, there is really nothing we can do. Once we get in touch with her, as long as she is willing to come out and make a movie, we have all the ways to hold her in check," said Goo Ji-eun.

Song Yi lowered his head, kissed Gu Zhien, and joked with Ju Zhien, "Since Chi Shangyu's wife is about to take the bait, look at when I will sleep with Chi Shangyu's ex-wife again, and take revenge on the heartless Chi Shangyu." Guy?"

Ju Zhien blushed because of Song Yi, "It's not like you can't open the door to my house. You are always welcome in my bedroom. But you just returned to Seoul today, why don't you go home and spend some time with Tae Hee first?" Well, you haven’t seen your son for several days, don’t you miss him?”

Song Yi was a little ashamed, and he kissed Gu Zhien again, "That makes sense. I will go back to Chengbeidong today, and then I will find you when I am free in the next two days."

In the afternoon of that day, Song Yi first went back to SA Soft and focused on inspecting the work of Sohan.com. Liu Yongjun and Gu Zhien reported on the recent work of Sohan.com, and Zhou Zhiyi participated in the meeting of Sohan.com for the first time.

Song Yi is very satisfied with Liu Yongjun's work, "It seems that the 40 million US dollars in shopping coupons issued last time were indeed used, and it also brought many new users to Sohan.com."

"I had a chat with Lee Jae-yong last time. SA Bank is willing to cooperate more with Sohan.com in financial business to help Sohan.com develop."

"I think our Sohan.com can provide users with an Internet credit consumption product. The name of this product is Sohan Baitiao." Song Yi began to introduce.

"Sohan Baitiao?" Liu Yongjun and Gu Zhien looked at each other, "President, can you introduce Baitiao product in detail?"

"Actually, this Souhan Baitiao is similar to an exclusive credit card for users of Souhan.com, but the issuing institution of this credit card is not a bank, but our Souhan.com."

"The product features of Sohan Baitiao are 'consumption first, payment later, real-time approval, and installment as you wish'. My initial idea is to provide Sohan users with three starting limits, which are US$100, US$500 and US$2,000."

“If Sohan.com users choose to pay with Sohan Baitiao, our platform must settle with the merchant normally.”

"The installment period of Sohan Baitiao is divided into 3, 6, 9 and 12 installments. Users repay in equal amounts of principal and interest. The installment fee of Baitiao must be lower than the installment fee of credit cards from Samsung, Hyundai and LG. In this way, the product Sohan Baitiao will be sufficiently competitive," Song Yi said.

Gu Zhien raised her question, "Will anyone really use the $100 quota?"

Song Yi smiled. Gu Zhien's family was well off and she had never been worried about lack of money. "Ii Tiao is just a supplement to credit card payment, and is not intended to completely replace credit cards. Currently, the average number of credit cards held by South Korea's economically active population is as high as 4.4, but there are still more than 10 million people in South Korea who do not have a credit card. These talents They are our main users of Baitiao.”

"Although this $100 limit may not seem high, it can solve the urgent needs of some low-income groups in society. They can use IOUs to buy grain, oil, rice, noodles or eggs online without having to ask family or friends." Song Yi said.

Song Yi then remembered Pinduoduo’s use now, pay later function, which allows 10 days from the time the seller delivers the goods to the time the customer confirms receipt. For some people who only pay money, they can use Pinduoduo’s use-now-pay-later function as a credit card.

Unlike the mainland market, the credit card industry in South Korea is very mature, and consumers are accustomed to using credit cards issued by major companies whether they are spending money in physical stores or shopping online. It is not easy for Sohan.com to change consumers' consumption habits through the product Sohan Baitiao.

As the president of Sohan.com, Liu Yongjun thinks more about policy and regulatory issues. "We Sohan.com is just an Internet company. If we issue financial products like Sohan Baitiao, do we need to obtain the consent of the Korean Financial Supervisory Service?"

"You are wrong about this. The main operator of the Souhan Baitiao product is not Sohan.com, but SA Bank. SA Bank provides this consumer product to the tens of millions of Sohan.com users. We Souhan.com Hanwang is just a platform partner, providing data support and technical support for Sohan Baitiao." Song Yi said.

Liu Yongjun understood now. The predecessor of SA Bank was the Korea Exchange Bank. The market share of credit cards issued by this bank was very low. It was far inferior to major credit card companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, and LG, and it was also inferior to Woori. Bank, KB Korea Bank, Shinhan Bank and other established banks.

Therefore, Song Yi and Lee Jae-yong took a different approach and designed Souhan Baitiao, a consumer product for users of Souhan.com, targeting the low- and middle-income groups in South Korea, focusing on the white households without credit cards.

Liu Yongjun feels that the product Sohan Baitiao is a powerful supplement to Sohan.com’s payment system and can also attract more users to register and use Sohan.com. He has no reason to refuse.

"I think Baitiao's consumer product is very competitive. I will take time to visit Director Lee Jae-yong to discuss the design details of Baitiao's product with him, and then come up with a specific plan and submit it to you, Chairman. Approval." Liu Yongjun said.

“The user group for the initial pilot should be as small as possible. We don’t need to rush to expand the number of users of Baitiao, let alone publicize it widely. We will start quietly, and when the product operation plan matures, we will recommend it to users of Souhan.com. "Song Yi explained.

Koo Ji-eun agreed, "If we focus on promoting Baitiao from the beginning, then companies such as Samsung Credit Card and Hyundai Credit Card may cancel their cooperation with our Sohan.com and support their group's shopping websites instead."

Song Yi thought that the reason why Huabei, a consumer installment product under a certain mainland store, would be so popular in the future is because Huabei supports the vast majority of offline stores. If Sohan.com wants to promote Baitiao, then offline shopping malls must be deployed early.

"I heard that Shinsegae Department Store has begun to contact Wal-Mart and is planning to acquire 100% of the equity of Wal-Mart Korea and take over Wal-Mart's Korean stores. Yongjun, please contact the board of directors of Wal-Mart and tell us that Sohan.com also intends to buy Wal-Mart South Korea. As a supplement to online business." Song Yi ordered.

Liu Yongjun was completely confused now. He really couldn't keep up with Song Yi's unconstrained way of thinking. Although Sohan.com has a Sohan Mall main store in Dongdaemun, apart from the Sohan Mall main store, Sohan Mall has not expanded to important cities such as Incheon, Busan, Ulsan, Gwangju, Daejeon, Daegu, and Jeju.

If Sohan.com acquires Walmart Korea, does it want to transform Wal-Mart stores into offline stores of Sohan Mall?

Moreover, since New World Department Store has already contacted the Korean Wal-Mart team, if Sohan.com proposes an acquisition at this time, wouldn't it give Wal-Mart the opportunity to raise prices on the ground?

After Liu Yongjun joined SA, he heard that Song Yi and Zhou Rongzhen of the Samsung family were not getting along well. Zhou Rongzhen's ex-wife Gao Xianzhen later became a contracted artist of SA. Sohan.com is now proposing to acquire South Korea's Wal-Mart. Is it to create trouble for this guy Zhou Rongzhen? Liu Yongjun was a little confused.

Song Yi did not explain. He has now begun to consider that if he breaks away from the Hyundai family, Hyundai Department Store is likely to stop cooperation with the SA Group.

Currently, one-third of the cinemas in the HugeDream Cinema Line are located in modern department stores across South Korea. If the lease between HugeDream Cinema and Hyundai Department Store expires, HugeDream Cinema will have to find another location.

Whether it is for the HugeDream theater chain or for the offline promotion of Sohan Baitiao, Sohan.com’s acquisition of South Korea’s Walmart is imperative.

"The SA Soft Board of Directors has raised 900 billion won for the acquisition of Sohan.com. If necessary, the upper limit of this acquisition fund can be increased to 1 trillion won. My request is that Sohan.com must Is there any problem in taking control of South Korea's Wal-Mart before Shinsegae Department Store?" Song Yi looked at Liu Yongjun.

In Song Yi's impression, foreign retail giants have all lost out of the Korean market. South Korea's E-Land Group acquired Carrefour, and New World Department Store acquired South Korea's Wal-Mart.

In April 2006, the famous Korean ready-to-wear brand E-Land Group acquired Carrefour of South Korea and officially took over Carrefour's 32 stores in South Korea.

In May 2006, Shinsegae Department Store invested 825 billion won (a total of 930 won per US dollar) to buy 100% of the shares of Walmart Korea.

The reason why Song Yi targeted Wal-Mart instead of Carrefour was mainly because Carrefour's reputation in the mainland retail market has always been average. He also wants to wait until SA Soft is launched and take advantage of the Yanjing Olympics to open Sohan Mall to first- and second-tier cities in the mainland.

"President, please feel free to leave it to me." Liu Yongjun has investigated the situation of South Korea's Wal-Mart and South Korea's Carrefour before. He has a clear understanding of the actual transaction value of South Korea's Wal-Mart and is full of confidence.

Now that all the business matters have been discussed, Song Yi is ready to go home for dinner. Song Yi called Kim Tae Hee and learned that Jin's mother came from Ulsan today. She also cooked a lot of delicious food at home and was waiting for Song Yi to come home for dinner.

Song Yi took the opportunity to invite Zhou Zhiyi and Gu Zhien, "Zhiyi, Zhien, my mother-in-law came from Ulsan to visit Hyungsoo, and she also cooked a lot of delicious food at home. How about you have dinner at my house today and then go back?" ?”

Zhou Zhiyi waved his hand, "I have to go back and cook for Guang Mo, maybe next time. Sister Zhien, you are going to eat alone when you go back, why not go to the president's house for a meal."

Gu Zhien was a little moved. After all, there was no one at home, so it was a bit deserted. "Would it be too much trouble for you?"

Song Yi smiled, "What's the matter? It's not like you don't know Taixi and the others. In addition to my mother-in-law, Zhiyi's mother will also come here. Uncle Mengxian and I are neighbors in Seongbuk-dong, and Zhiyi's mother often comes to our house Have a meal."

Ju Zhien felt relieved when she heard that Zheng Enxuan was an acquaintance. If it was Song Yi's family dinner, she would be too embarrassed to go and disturb it. "That's right. I've long heard that the chef at the president's house is from China. His skills are very good. I've been admiring them for a long time. I finally have the opportunity to try them."

Zhou Zhiyi joked with Gu Zhien, "The president's house not only has delicious food, but also has a lot of good wine. Sister Zhien, don't you like drinking red wine? You can drink it to your heart's content today. If you get drunk, just ask the president Just stay at home and it won't delay your work tomorrow."

When Ju Zhien heard what Zhou Zhiyi said, she glanced at Song Yi guiltily. She didn't know if Zhou Zhiyi saw the relationship between her and Song Yi, so he suggested that she stay at Song Yi's house for the night. Could it be that Song Yi dared to touch her room in the middle of the night and steal some fragrance?

I have something to do on Friday, so I’ll update in advance. See you tomorrow!

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