I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 255 The future of Lin Zhiling’s youngest son

On January 9, 2006, Samsung Group Chairman Chen Jianxi celebrated his 64th birthday. The Samsung Group Secretary Office held a luxurious birthday party for Chen Jianxi at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul.

Before this year, Chen Jianxi's birthdays were usually spent with his family. However, this year Chen Jianxi suddenly changed his style of doing things. He took the opportunity of a birthday party to invite various subsidiaries of Samsung Group to gather together. It is said that starting from Chennai, Chen Jianxi’s birthday party has been included in the Samsung Group’s schedule.

On the day of the birthday party, Samsung invited many well-known Korean artists to sing and used precious ingredients flown from abroad. The banquet costing 1 billion won was borne by Samsung Group.

SA's singers Kim Jong Kook, Baek Ji Young and Lee Hyori also received invitations from Samsung Group's secretary office, but the three of them declined Samsung's invitation because they couldn't miss their schedules.

Chen Zaiyong was very dissatisfied with this, "Xinyu is a senior executive of SA Soft after all. Isn't it a coincidence that Kim Jong-kook and the others unanimously rejected the performance invitation from the group's secretary office?"

Lin Chiling knew why Kim Jong Kook and the others refused. The relationship between SA Group and Samsung was now a little tense. Le Xiyi of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office has been very active in Seoul recently. He has successively visited Cui Anyuan, chairman of SK Group, Shin Dongbin, chairman of Lotte Group, and Chen Zaiyong. They are plotting to join forces to deal with Song Yi.

The only link between Samsung and SA is Chen Xinyu. You, Chen Zaiyong, are ready to fight with Le Xiyi against Song Yi. How could Song Yi agree to SA's singer celebrating Chen Jianxi's birthday? Isn't the group secretary office asking for trouble?

"There are so many singers in South Korea, why don't you focus on the singers in SA? Do you have a crush on one of them, Baek Ji-young or Lee Hyori?" Lin Chiling asked Chen Jae-yong.

Chen Zaiyong was very unhappy, "What nonsense are you talking about? I mean since Song Yi became the richest man, even SA's artists have become a lot more arrogant. We have never seen any public events planned by our Samsung Group before. Which company's artist dares to say no?"

Lin Zhiling heard Chen Zaiyong say this and felt that what he said made sense. As South Korea's largest conglomerate, every Korean knows the weight of the word Samsung. Indeed, no artist has ever refused Samsung's invitation before.

"Didn't Xinyu ask for help? Lee Hyori and Kim Jong Kook went to mainland China to record "Running Man". Many mainland college students posted photos of their encounters with the "Running Man" crew on Renren.com .”

"Baek Ji-young was also invited to participate in this year's Paris Spring Fashion Week. Her personal underwear brand YarSi.b has been quite popular in the past two years. She has frequently appeared in major fashion shows in the past two years. I almost forgot that she is still a celebrity. She's a singer." Lin Zhiling explained.

When Chen Zaiyong heard Lin Chiling's words, he felt even more unhappy and snorted, "It seems that you pay close attention to SA's movements. You even know the whereabouts of SA singers."

"Yes, Elephant Group's condiments have doubled their mainland sales through Taobao's Korean pavilion, and will soon equal the sales in the Korean domestic market. Sohan.com is now the God of Wealth of your Elephant Group. You can’t help but care about it.”

"But I remind you that since you marry me, you are a member of our Samsung family. You must put the interests of our family first, don't stand in the wrong team, and do things that hurt your relatives and make your enemies happy. If One day you betray me, it will be a price you cannot bear." Chen Zaiyong said coldly.

Lin Zhiling's heart tightened, but her expression did not change, "As a son-in-law, don't you want to see the Elephant Group's performance increase and its stock price rise? Could it be that you have the intention of annexing our Elephant Group, so you don't want the Elephant Group to have operational problems? ?”

Not far away, Chen Fuzhen noticed the smell of gunpowder between Chen Zaiyong and Lin Zhiling, and quickly came over to smooth things over, "Brother, sister-in-law, today is my father's birthday party. Is there anything we can't talk about after we get home?"

"Brother, my father was full of praise for the Goryeo celadon emerald melon-rimmed ewer that my sister-in-law gave me today. She gave it in the name of you and your wife, and it made you stand out in front of the executives of Samsung Group. Everyone praised you. Your filial piety is commendable. Now that my sister-in-law is pregnant again, brother, can't you give way to her?" Chen Fuzhen began to persuade.

Chen Zai-rong's face turned pale. Putting aside everything else, the birthday gift prepared by Lin Zhiling for Chen Jianxi was really hard to find fault with. But the business cooperation between Elephant Group and Sohan.com is indeed a thorn in his heart. His father-in-law, Lin Yuchang, has no son. Chen Zaiyong has already regarded the Elephant Group as his own and wants to annex the Elephant Group at any time.

Who would have known that Lin Zhiling did not follow the routine, and through the relationship with Sohan.com, she helped Elephant Group successfully develop overseas markets and revitalized this old Korean brand.

Not only that, Lin Zhiling also suggested that her father Lin Yuchang select a young talent from the Elephant Group to join the Elephant Group. When the time comes, the child born will have the surname of Lin Xiangyu, so there will be no need to worry about Lin Yuchang being old and having no successor to the Elephant Group's huge industry.

Chen Zaiyong felt that Lin Zhiling was actually wary of him, and the couple had already grown discordant. He will not reflect on himself and will only blame Sohan.com or Song Yi. Now he only hopes that Le Xiyi can convict Song Yi as soon as possible. Once Song Yi becomes a prisoner, he will have no time to worry about the Elephant Group.

"Instead of persuading me, it is better to advise your sister-in-law to keep distance from SA. My father clearly told me that SA has entered the field of consumer electronics. There is intelligence that SA Electronics is developing a new electronic product like iPod. My father said Song Yi is very ambitious and will become Samsung Electronics' number one rival in two or three years. I don't want Zhiling to be indistinguishable from our enemy by then!" Chen Zaiyong said angrily and left.

Lin Zhiling was a little troubled, "You have also seen your eldest brother's attitude. The last time Xiangyu attended Song Yi's birthday party on behalf of the Elephant Group, he talked about it for a long time, and even you complained about it."

Chen Fuzhen has a deep understanding. She was dismissed from her position as president of Samsung Everland because she was too close to the SA Group, and only retained her position as president of Shilla Hotel.

Chen Zaiyong hopes that Chen Jianxi can also remove Chen Fuzhen as the president of Shilla Hotel. In this way, Chen Fuzhen will completely lose power and will be unable to shake Chen Zaiyong's heir status.

However, Luo Hongxi woke up Chen Zaiyong. Your sister Chen Fuzhen stayed at the Shilla Hotel and was bound by the Samsung family. If she is also removed from the position of president of Shilla Hotel, and then Chen Fuzhen directly joins SA Group as president of hotel business to compete with Samsung, wouldn't it make you more passive?

Now that the SA Group's AXA Tokyo luxury resort has become famous, the SA Group is also preparing to copy the AXA Tokyo model to various parts of Asia to create top luxury hotels of different styles. China alone has selected four places to build luxury resorts: Moganshan, Sanya, Rongcheng and Jiuzhaigou.

Sheng'an Real Estate, a subsidiary of SA Group, is now among the top twenty large-scale real estate companies in mainland China. SA Group's construction of luxury resorts in mainland China naturally requires the cooperation of Sheng'an Real Estate.

"Brother is right. If SA really enters the consumer electronics industry, then SA Electronics will become our Samsung competitor like LG Electronics."

"Father, in order to cope with SA's attack, the cooperation between Shilla Hotel and Sohan.com will definitely be suspended. Xinyu's job at Yahoo Korea cannot be saved. The cooperation between Elephant Group and Sohan.com has been very in-depth. There is no way you can take it off. If you are really asked to choose between Samsung and SA, where should you go, sister-in-law?" Chen Fuzhen asked Lin Chiling.

"This is also something I have been thinking about. The conflict between me and your eldest brother seems difficult to reconcile. Although my father-in-law seems to like the celadon I sent today, he also doesn't like my involvement in the specific business affairs of the Elephant Group. . But my parents are old and Xiangyu can’t take charge of things alone. I don’t care, who will take care of it?” Lin Zhiling was helpless.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you suggested that Uncle Lin find a son-in-law for Xiang Yu so that Xiang Yu's children can inherit the Elephant Group in the future."

"Actually, in addition to Xiangyu's children, the child in your belly also has the inheritance rights of the Elephant Group. If you return to work at the Elephant Group, wouldn't it be okay to hand the company over to him when he grows up? "Chen Fuzhen suggested.

Lin Zhiling was slightly startled when she heard what Chen Fuzhen said. She understood what Chen Fuzhen meant. She and Chen Fuzhen accompanied Song Yi to fight against three landlords at The One Apartment, and she became pregnant not long after returning.

It was precisely because she knew that Song Yi was the biological father of the child in her belly that she was willing to take such a big risk and go to Le Xiyi's house to copy the entire content of the recording for Song Yi.

Lin Zhiling glanced at Chen Zaiyong in the distance and said to Chen Fuzhen: "You mean to let me divorce your brother, and then take this child back to my parents' home and let him be named Lin with me? You are crazy. How can the Samsung family agree to the child?" Does your last name belong to me?”

Chen Fuzhen said calmly, "It depends on what the eldest brother thinks. If the child in your belly is confirmed to be the sole heir of the third generation of the Elephant Group and can inherit the family business of the Elephant Group, then what will happen to the child? What does it matter if your surname is Lin or Chen?"

Lin Chiling has already given birth to a son and a daughter for Chen Jae-yong. The eldest son Chen Zhihao and the eldest daughter Chen Yuanzhu are the fourth generation heirs of Samsung. Even if the child in Lin Chiling's belly grows up and joins the Samsung Group, he will at most take over the side industries of the Samsung Group like Chen Fuzhen.

She had just gone to the hospital for a prenatal check-up a few days ago and had already learned from the doctor that she was carrying a baby boy. Now Chen Fuzhen's words have opened up a new way of thinking for her. Maybe her youngest son may really be able to solve the dilemma of the Elephant Group having no successor.

Not long after Chen Jianxi's birthday party, the chief prosecutor of Suwon Prosecutor's Office Le Xiyi said in an interview with a reporter from the "Central Daily News" that he had a secret conversation recording between Minister of Justice Ha Miai and the chairman of SA Group.

This recording can prove that Xia Meiai abused her power and SA Group Chairman Song Yi broke the law. He suggested that the South Korean Congress establish an independent investigation team to investigate Xia Meiai and Song Yi as soon as possible. Le Xiyi also said that Song Yi was supported by powerful figures in the political arena. In order to prevent anyone from interfering with the judiciary, he officially announced his withdrawal from the ruling party Open National Conference and became a non-party person.

Once Le Xiyi's interview was released, it directly caused an uproar in the Korean public opinion circle. Le Xiyi is now desperate, risking his career and will not give up until he overthrows Xia Meiai and Song Yi.

If Le Xiyi's accusation is true, it will be a heavy blow to current President Song Woo-seok. It was with the support of Song Woo-seok that Ha Mi-ae launched the reform of the prosecutorial system, took back the prosecutor's investigative power, and established the Korean Senior Public Officials Crime Investigation Bureau.

Less than a year after the establishment of the Public Investigation Office, Li Guangxian, the director of the Public Investigation Office, is about to launch a relevant investigation into Xia Meiai, the advocate of the Public Investigation Office. Isn't this ironic?

In addition to Xia Meiai, the Korean public has paid more attention to Song Yi, the new richest man. After all, Song Yi's luxurious artist lineup at last year's birthday party made many netizens envious and jealous.

Many Korean netizens said that Song Yi's 29th birthday party was too high-profile and caused a lot of dissatisfaction. As the saying goes, if a tree is big, it attracts the wind. If the tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will encourage it. You, Song Yi, have just surpassed Chen Jianxi and become the new richest man. You are so flamboyant. Where do you put other consortiums in South Korea? If they don't punish you, who will they punish?

Of course, there were also many rumors in inschool and Yahoo Korea. The most outrageous rumor was that Chen Jianxi invited SA's Kim Jong Kook, Baek Ji Young and Lee Hyori to his birthday party. It turned out that these three people followed the instructions of their boss Song Yi and all found excuses to decline. Chen Jianxi, who had been humiliated by Song Yi, felt that Song Yi did not give him face, so he became angry and found Le Xiyi, preparing to show Song Yi some color and let Song Yi know the majesty of the First Financial Group.

Most Korean netizens believe that Song Yi will pass smoothly this time. Koreans all know that SA Group has a close relationship with current President Song Woo-seok. It is with Song Woo-seok's full support that SA Group can develop into the large consortium it is now with assets of tens of trillions of won and more than 100,000 employees. Regardless of whether Song Yi is guilty or not, the final result is innocence. Le Xiyi is destined to be kicked on the iron plate this time. Whether he can keep his job as chief prosecutor of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office is unknown.

However, to everyone's surprise, on January 19, the South Korean Congress voted to establish an independent investigation team to conduct an independent investigation into Song Yi's recording scandal.

The South Korean police quickly dispatched police forces to launch a large-scale investigation rarely seen in history at the SA Group headquarters and Song Yi's villa in Seongbuk-dong. However, the Seoul police found no substantive evidence against Song Yi at Song Yi's home.

Song Yi said in an interview with ABS TV station, "Le Xiyi's irresponsible remarks in the interview with the "Central Daily News" have greatly damaged the reputation of SA Group and myself, and even seriously affected the reputation of SA Soft, a subsidiary of SA Group. The economic losses caused by the listing plan to our SA Group are inestimable, with initial estimates as high as trillions of won."

"If Le Xiyi really has secret recordings of my illegal activities in his hands, then please publish them. If necessary, I think a congressional hearing can be held. I am willing to have a one-on-one confrontation with him to prove my innocence. . If the recording proves that I am guilty, I am willing to resign as chairman of SA Group and apologize to the public."

"If the recording cannot prove my guilt, then I will hold Prosecutor Nok Seok-yi responsible for slandering my reputation. I think this kind of official who seeks personal revenge is not suitable to continue to hold such an important position as the Prosecutor General of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office!"

Song Yi's words directly drove Le Xiyi into danger, and there was no room for change between the two.

A desperate Le Xiyi formally visited the leader of the Grand National Party Zheng Jinhui and handed the recording pen to Zheng Jinhui.

A spokesman for the Grand National Party announced that a hearing will be held on January 25, requiring Justice Minister Ha Mi-ae and SA Group Chairman Song Yi to come to the National Assembly on time to accept political inquiries initiated by the Grand National Party. At that time, the chief prosecutor of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office, Le Seok-ui, will release the recording content to members of Congress at the hearing.

Zheng Jinhui's actions further escalated the recording scandal. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zheng Jinhui was targeting Xia Meiai and Song Yi on the surface, but in fact she was targeting Song Yuxi, who was behind Song Yi. This hearing will be directly related to next year's presidential election. Before the Spring Festival, there was a sense of tension hanging over Seoul before the Spring Festival.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow!

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