I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 257 Confrontation at the Hearing

On the morning of January 25th, Song Yi returned to the villa to take a shower after finishing her run. Kim Tae Hee was in the cloakroom helping Song Yi choose what to wear for the congressional hearing.

Kim Tae Hee asked Song Yi while holding up two suits, one black and one blue, "Husband, look at these two suits, which one do you think is more suitable?"

Song Yi, who was brushing his teeth, took a moment to take a look, "The black one is fine, the blue one is too eye-catching. I'm not going to attend the film festival award ceremony, so there is no need to dominate the ceremony. If Zheng Jinhui or Le Xiyi saw it, they would Maybe they thought I was demonstrating."

Kim Tae Hee was amused by Song Yi, and her nervousness eased a lot. This is like going to court to file a lawsuit. Even if you know that the lawsuit is bound to win, you are not willing to run to the court without any trouble.

She helped Song Yi put on his shirt, sweater and suit jacket, and then helped Song Yi tie his tie. Then she looked him up and down and said, "Very good, my husband is as handsome as ever!"

Now is the winter transfer window of the Premier League. Kim Hee-won is busy reinforcing the Manchester United club and has already returned to the UK with siblings Song Yuanzhu and Song Yuanhao. Kim Hee-won invited her sister Kim Tae-hee to go to the UK for vacation, but Kim Tae-hee refused because the British winter was too cold.

Song Yi knew that Jin Taexi was worried about him, so he chose to stay in Seoul to accompany him. Song Yi hugged Kim Tae Hee gently and said, "Don't worry, I'm just going to the Congress to be questioned, and I'm not going to the court to be tried. It's nothing. When the matter is over, the two of us will go to Europe to enjoy our world together. As for Yuan Hao, let Xiyuan help us take care of him for a few more days."

Jin Taixi was a little excited. She hadn't traveled alone with Song Yi for a long time. Every time she went out, she had to take care of her family, and she didn't have much fun.

After starring in "Dae Jang Geum", Kim Tae Hee officially stopped acting. Since the birth of her son Song Yuanhao, Kim Tae Hee has become even busier.

First of all, she has to be responsible for the design and marketing of her personal clothing brand THK. Secondly, she has to take care of the T.H.E Art Museum. She also has to attend some public events of the SA Welfare Foundation and gatherings of Seoul ladies and ladies.

Kim Tae Hee admired Song Yi for this. Other large conglomerate presidents in South Korea wished they could shorten the day from 24 hours to 48 hours, but Song Yi could achieve both career and women.

"Isn't this treating my sister as a nanny? If it doesn't work, I'll call Mom and see if she can take time to go to England to help take care of Yuan Hao. By the way, I heard from Dad, you let Hyung-soo enter the search Internship at Hanwang. He is only a junior this year and has not even completed his studies. Will it be a hindrance to the company's work?" Kim Tae Hee said worriedly.

"Hengzhu is twenty-two years old this year, and he is not a child anymore. How can he be a disservice? He originally wanted to go to Manchester United for an internship. My mother-in-law was worried, so I arranged to join Souhan.com."

"Hengzhu joined Sohan.com and also worked in the logistics department of Sohan.com. His work included connecting with transportation logistics. It was also a preparation for him to take over the family business in the future." Song Yi said about his arrangements.

"There must be many reporters squatting outside the National Assembly today to cover your news, so how do you go to the National Assembly?" Kim Tae Hee asked Song Yi.

"At this critical moment, the momentum cannot be lost. We can dress more modestly, and the more expensive the car, the better."

"When the hearing is over, the media reports will definitely be two-sided. If I go there in a Rolls-Royce, the reporters will criticize me for being flamboyant and unrestrained. If I go there in a Hyundai, the reporters will also criticize me for being a guilty conscience and keeping my tail between my legs." Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo even dare to scold the president, do you think they will show mercy to me?" Song Yi said.

Kim Tae Hee knew that Song Yi was telling the truth. South Korea's three major newspapers, Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo, basically had negative reports on the pro-government SA Group and Song Yi.

The JoongAng Ilbo had previously maintained a basic objective and neutral stance, but this time the recording scandal was first exposed by the JoongAng Ilbo. Chen Zaiyong personally visited Na Seok-hyun, the president of the "Joongang Daily". The "Joongang Daily" later published an interview report by Le Xiyi and exposed part of the recordings of Xia Meiai and Song Yi, causing an uproar throughout South Korea.

From this perspective, the establishment of ABS TV station changed the ruling party’s propaganda dilemma of opening up the National Assembly. From a certain perspective, although ABS is a private television station, it can also be regarded as the mouthpiece of the Open National Assembly.

It's just that Song Yi currently wants to downplay this pro-government tone, so he found a way to replace Zhou Dongyong, the first president of ABS TV station.

Kim Tae Hee was a little confused, "Husband, Sister Sun Hee is now the president of ABS TV station. Her father, Chairman Choi Won Suk, still hasn't changed his political stance. The Dong-A Ilbo still often criticizes the current government's economic and foreign policies. He What is it for?"

At this time, the aunt brought Song Yi's breakfast, big fried dough sticks with salty tofu pudding. Song Yi answered Kim Tae Hee's question while eating breakfast, "The political stance of the Dong-A Ilbo is inherently conservative. It doesn't matter how much Choi Won-suk criticizes Song Woo-seok's economic and foreign policies. This is actually a talisman for Choi Won-suk."

"If Choi Won-seok suddenly changes his stance, and the Dong-A Ilbo starts to get closer to the current government, then within a few days, economic problems will be revealed by Dong-A Group or Choi Won-seok, and the end will not be much better. Do you believe it?"

"I have evaluated Cui Yuanshuo before. He is a refined egoist. When his son-in-law Chen Zaican's company almost went bankrupt, Cui Yuanshuo directly asked his daughter to move back and ignored Chen Zaican."

"Later, Shinhan Media was listed, and New Asia Group was listed on the backdoor of Shinhan Media. The relationship between Choi Won-suk and Chen Jae-chan and his son-in-law did not ease. Cui Won-suk is the kind of person who, whether you have money or not, I look down on you." Song Yi Make complaints.

Before Song Yi finished breakfast, secretary Jiang Xiuna rushed to the Seongbukdong villa to pick Song Yi up to go to Congress.

Kim Tae Hee likes Kang Soo Na who follows the rules very much. She does things in a measured way and is very low-key. As Song Yi's secretary, Jiang Xiuna has a strong voice in the SA Group system, but she has never been arrogant and has never done anything beyond her status as a secretary.

"Xiu Na, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, just eat some at home to cushion your stomach. Today's hearing may be very long." Kim Tae Hee said.

Jiang Xiuna waved her hands quickly, "No, thank you, Director Jin. I had it at home this morning."

Song Yi put the bowls and chopsticks aside, then slowly wiped his hands, "Xiu Na, let's go."

Jin Taixi sent Song Yi to the underground garage, helped Song Yi adjust his shirt collar, and hugged Song Yi again, "Honey, come on, I'm waiting for you to come back victorious!"

At 9:55, Song Yi's Rolls-Royce Silver Angel appeared in the parking lot of the Parliament Building. When Song Yi walked out of the car, reporters from various TV stations and newspapers took photos of Song Yi from various angles.

Song Yi's expression was very serious, and he ignored the reporters' questions and walked into the lobby of the National Assembly Hall under the escort of Jiang Xiuna. The last time Song Yi came to the National Assembly was to attend the presidential inauguration of Song Woo-suk.

The male reporter from "Chosun Ilbo" was a little dissatisfied with Song Yi's arrogance, "The congressional hearing is held at ten o'clock, and it didn't arrive until nine fifty-five. Isn't Song Yi's arrogance too great?"

His colleague Lu Qiuyan has known Song Yi for a long time and can be regarded as a witness to the rise of SA Group. She somehow didn't want to agree with her colleagues, "He just came to attend the hearing. There is no conclusion yet on who is right and wrong between Le Xiyi and Song Yiyi. There is no need for us to rush to take sides."

"Song Yi's arrival half an hour early does not prove that he is not guilty. Song Yi's arrival on time does not prove that he is guilty. The outcome of the hearing has no inevitable connection with the time Song Yi arrived. The members of Congress have nothing to do with it. Opinion, why do you have such a big opinion against him? Why didn't you say this just now in front of Song Yi?" Lu Qiuyan said.

The male colleague was speechless by Lu Qiuyan. Now he understands why the sweet-looking Lu Qiuyan in "Chosun Ilbo" gives people a sense of alienation and avoids strangers.

How dare he dare to say that he is arrogant in front of South Korea's richest man Song Yi. Song Yi may not be able to clean up the Chosun Ilbo, South Korea's largest newspaper, but there are ten thousand ways to make him lose his job.

After Song Yi entered the hall of the National Assembly, he attracted everyone's attention. Although South Korea's 300 congressmen often see news about Song Yi on websites, TV and newspapers, more than half of them have never had close contact with Song Yi.

Although there are only 300 members of the South Korean National Assembly, the National Assembly has 400 seats, and the other 100 seats are set up for northern members after the reunification of North and South Korea.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea is Han Jinli. Han Jinli previously served as the top committee member of the New Millennium Democratic Party and became the Speaker of the National Assembly in June 2004. In accordance with relevant regulations, he withdrew from the ruling party Open National Assembly.

Han Jinli and Song Yi often interacted. In 2002, the Democratic Party of the New Millennium held its intra-party primaries for presidential candidates, and Song Yuxi's opponent was Han Jinli. Han Jinli looked at Song Yi with a somewhat complicated look. If Song Yi supported him at the beginning, would it be him instead of Song Yuxi who would be elected to the Blue House?

Song Woo-seok, Ha Mi-ae, Park Dong-ho, and Zhou Dong-young belong to the reformist faction of the New Millennium Democratic Party, while Han Jinli belongs to the old faction in Hunan. The latter opposes political reform, defends vested interests, and insists on opposing reform.

The conflicts between the two on the issue of reform could not be reconciled, and the two factions parted ways. Song Woo-seok later quit the New Millennium Democratic Party, joined the Open National Assembly, and led the Open National Assembly to win the mid-term congressional elections, changing the political landscape between the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party.

Song Yi nodded hello to Han Jinli, and then walked past the seats of the opposition Grand National Party without blinking, without even saying hello to Chung Jinhui, the top committee member of the Grand National Party.

Next to Zheng Jinhui's seat was Le Xiyi. Le Xiyi himself wanted to say hello to Song Yi hypocritically. Who knew that this guy Song Yi didn't give him a chance at all and walked directly in front of him, completely ignoring him.

Song Yi's series of actions aroused the collective attention of the members of Congress. No matter how hard they are behind the scenes, Korean politicians still have to maintain harmony on the surface. Song Yi's clear love and hatred is undoubtedly a sign of political immaturity. .

Xia Meiai arrived before Song Yi. When she saw Song Yi's actions, she had a smile on her face. Song Yi is not in politics, and the Grand National Party has made it clear that it will not deal with Song Yi. It is normal that Song Yi does not want to talk to Zheng Jinhui and others.

There is also an acquaintance of Song Yi among the members of the Grand National Party, namely Ji Sangyu, Koo Ji-eun’s ex-husband. The reason why he pays so much attention to Song Yi is because of his wife Shen Yinhe.

Following the first collaboration between SA Pictures and CJ Entertainment on "Kung Fu Panda", the two film giants are preparing to collaborate on a science fiction movie called "Han River Monster", to be directed by director Bong Joon-ho.

Bong Joon-ho has previously collaborated with SA Films on the 2003 box office hit movie "Memories of Murder". This is also the second collaboration between Bong Joon-ho and SA Films.

The male protagonist of the movie is Song Kanghao, Bong Joon-ho's favorite actor, and the female lead has not been decided yet.

According to the news released by the movie magazine "Cine 21", SA Films is interested in Lee Young-ae to play the female lead. CJ Entertainment was not satisfied with the candidate recommended by Song Yi. They believed that Li Yingai's acting skills were not enough to support the humanistic care of the film, so they set their casting target on Shen Yinhe, who had retired from acting.

Ji Shangyu does not want Shen Yinhe to come back to film the movie "Hanjiang Monster", but Shen Yinhe himself is already moved.

The movie "Monster of the Han River" is obviously aiming to be the box office champion in 2006, and the main creative lineup of the movie is also very luxurious.

The movie is co-produced by two giants, SA Pictures and CJ Entertainment. The director is Bong Joon-ho, and the co-actor is Korean actor Song Kang-ho. She really has no reason to refuse.

In 1998, Shim Yinhe won the Best Actress in the Film Category at the 34th Baeksang Arts Awards and the Best Actress at the 19th Korean Blue Dragon Film Awards by starring in the love movie "August Photo Studio". Shen Yinhe, who has won the Best Actress title at the three major film festivals in South Korea, only needs one Daejong Award for Best Actress to achieve a Grand Slam. Of course, she hopes to realize her dream with "The Monster on the Han River".

Chi Shangyu knew that Shen Yinhe had a crush on Li Yingai. If there was an opportunity to intercept Li Yingai's movie heroine, Shen Yinhe had no reason to give up.

If Shim Yinhe gave up the movie "Han River Monster" and finally let Lee Young Ae, who took advantage of it, win the Daejong Award for Best Actress with this movie, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing Shim Yinhe.

Shen Yinhe certainly knows how close the relationship between SA Pictures and the Grand Bell Awards jury is. Without Song Yi's support, Jun Ji-hyun would not have the chance to become the youngest Grand Bell Award winner in Korean film history. Now the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Zhou Mengzhun is Song Yi's cousin. Song Yi may not be able to decide who will win the Grand Bell Award for Best Actress, but he can certainly decide who will not win the Grand Bell Award for Best Actress.

The main reason why Chi Shangyu was unwilling to star Shen Yinhe in a film produced by SA Pictures was because he was concerned about Song Yi's reputation.

Song Yi was on vacation on Deyoji Island, and Han Jiaren, who was married, stayed on the island to accompany Song Yi. Song Yi flew back to Seoul from Deyogi Island, and Han Jiaren also appeared on the Taixi private plane. Chi Shangyu does not want his wife Shen Yinhe to follow in the footsteps of Han Jiaren.

At 10:15, the congressional hearing officially began, and the entire hearing was presided over by the Speaker of Congress. The opposition Grand National Party Council launched a political inquiry against Justice Minister Xia Meiai and SA Group Chairman Song Yi based on the contents of the recording.

If members of Congress determine through the recording that Xia Meiai has abused power, dereliction of duty, or leaked state secrets, the South Korean Congress will also initiate a temporary vote to impeach Xia Meiai.

The National Assembly will ask Song Woo-seok to remove Ha Mi-ae and reappoint the Minister of Justice. As for Song Yi involved in the case, it will be handed over to the Seoul High Court for separate trial.

Han Jinli played the recording provided by Lexi Yifang in the chamber. When the congressmen heard that the conversation included key words such as "president", "election", "candidate", "Zheng Jinhui" and "North Korea", they all started talking He turned his attention to Song Yi and observed his reaction. Song Yi still looked calm, as if the recorded conversation had nothing to do with him.

Le Xiyi felt that Song Yi was still pretending to be calm, and felt that Song Yi was just resisting.

"Dear Speaker Han, Representative Zheng, and all the members present today. The recording content I submitted has fully proved that Minister Xia Meiai committed malfeasance in leaking government confidential information to Song Yi."

"Before the Ministry of Justice established the Public Relations Office, Xia Meiai first sought Song Yi's opinion. Minister Xia, Song Yi is not a government employee, nor a professional in the judicial field, nor has he passed the judicial examination. He is just an economic adviser to the Blue House, and Not a legal adviser. Could it be that when you promoted the reform of the prosecutorial system and established the public investigation office, it was also because of Song Yi's instructions?" Le Xiyi attacked Xia Meiai's vital points.

Han Jinli looked at Xia Meiai and said, "Minister Xia, please answer the questions raised by Prosecutor Le Xiyi."

Xia Meiai was well prepared, so she answered, "The reason why I promoted the reform of the prosecutorial system and established the Public Investigation Office was with the instruction and support of the Grand Commander. He solicited the opinions of the majority of members of Congress, and finally reached a consensus to establish the Public Investigation Office. . When the Public Investigation Office was originally established, Congress also held a vote. More than half of the members of Congress agreed to establish the Public Investigation Office to limit the investigative power of the prosecutorial system. This is included in the minutes of the Congress. I don’t understand why Le Xiyi must We want to pin this matter on Song Yi, who is not related. Does Prosecutor General Le Xiyi think that Song Yi, the Cheong Wa Dae economic adviser, can instruct me, the Minister of Justice, to do things? Isn’t it ridiculous and ridiculous?"

As Xia Meiai's old rival, Le Xiyi certainly knew how difficult Xia Meiai was, and he didn't expect to be able to defeat Xia Meiai at once.

"Speaker Han, Representative Zheng, and distinguished congressmen. The recording content clearly shows that Song Yi had learned about the reform plan of the prosecutorial system from Xia Meiai before the Congress voted to establish a public investigation office, and clearly expressed his support for the establishment of a public investigation office. Mediation.”

"Song Yi spoke highly of the prosecutorial system reform led by Xia Meiai in the recording, believing that she can rely on this achievement to win the support of the majority of members of the Open National Assembly and become the first female presidential candidate of the Open National Assembly. Song Yi, for Do you have anything to answer about these recordings?" Le Xiyi continued to ask.

Han Jinli nodded to Song Yi, indicating that Song Yi could answer. Zheng Jinhui, Le Xiyi and Chi Shangyu stared at Song Yi closely, waiting for Song Yi's answer.

Song Yi stood up calmly, "Dear Speaker Han, and all the congressmen attending the congressional hearing today. I deny all Le Xiyi's accusations."

As soon as Song Yi finished speaking, the entire chamber seemed to explode. Members of Congress from various parties were whispering to each other. They originally thought that Song Yi was refuting the relevant content of the recording. Who knew that Song Yi didn't follow the routine? Play your cards right and directly deny all of Le Xiyi’s accusations.

Han Jinli made a quiet gesture with his hand, then took the microphone, "Please keep quiet. Song Yi, you said you deny all the accusations made by Prosecutor General Le Xiyi. What is the basis for your denial?"

Le Xiyi looked at Song Yi, waiting for Song Yi's answer. He knew that Song Yi had always been eloquent, but he wanted to see what flowers Song Yi could come up with in front of so many congressmen today.

"The reason why I deny all the accusations made by Prosecutor General Le Xiyi is because I have not said anything in the recording. Since I have not said these words, then the accusations made by Prosecutor General Le Xiyi are naturally not valid." Song Yi This sentence caused an uproar in the audience again, forcing Han Jinli to emphasize the venue record again and ask everyone to be quiet.

Le Xiyi didn't expect that Song Yi was still struggling to death at this time. He seemed to have heard a big joke, "Song Yi, let me hear what you mean. You are saying that I forged this recording and that I deliberately created a copy." Fake recording to frame you and Minister Xia?"

Song Yi nodded, "You are right, this recording was originally a fabrication."

Zheng Jinhui couldn't help but feel angry when she saw Song Yi's actions, "Song Yi, you are really eloquent. This recording clearly records the entire conversation between you and Minister Xia Meiai. As long as I am familiar with and have contact with you, Anyone can recognize that the man's voice in this recording is yours. Now that you are saying that this recording was forged by Prosecutor General Le Xiyi, please provide evidence to prove your point of view. The law pays attention to who claims it and who Give evidence.”

"Since you keep saying that this recording is fake, please come up with relevant evidence that this recording is forged. You must know that it cannot be true or false, and no matter how eloquent you are, it cannot cover up the fact that you have violated the law. The facts of the crime." Zheng Jinhui said.

Song Yi and Zheng Jinhui looked at each other, "Representative Zheng, I know you are eager to send me to prison, but there is no need to be in such a hurry. Since I said that this recording was forged, I must have evidence that this recording was forged. "

"Now is a congressional hearing. Let's all gather together and discuss things peacefully. Don't just come up and start talking about me and create a presumption of guilt. Whether I have committed a crime or not must be determined by the court. Representative Zheng is not here to convict me. Now is a society governed by law, not during the Joseon Dynasty, when the official word was spoken in two words. It makes sense when you say it above, and it makes sense when you say it below. Whether I am guilty or not, Representative Zheng alone has the final say." Song Song Yi said slowly.

When Zheng Jinhui heard what Song Yi said, she was almost furious with him. She looked at Song Yi with a livid face and wished she could eat his flesh raw. As the eldest daughter of former President Zheng Puxi, Zheng Jinhui has a transcendent status in South Korean politics. Even the current president Song Woo-suk was very polite to her when he saw her. Song Yi provoked her face again and again, making her completely hate Song Yi.

Xia Meiai whispered, "Zheng Jinhui, this woman, is famous for being petty. It's fun for you to do what you did today, but be careful of her revenge afterwards."

Song Yi didn't care. Zheng Jinhui was a woman who was only strong on the outside but weak on the inside. She was strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Now that the Grand National Party has decided to let Zheng Jinhui compete for the 2007 Korean presidential election, considering Song Yi's huge influence on the Open National Assembly, Zheng Jinhui will attack him even if Song Yi does nothing. Since he would offend Zheng Jinhui sooner or later, Song Yi was unwilling to bow his head in front of Zheng Jinhui.

Han Jinli was also very happy when he saw Zheng Jinhui deflated. When he presided over relevant meetings of the Congress before, he was often angry with Zheng Jinhui, and Song Yi also vented his anger on his behalf.

He knocked on the table with a gavel, "Please be silent. Song Yi, since you said you have evidence that Prosecutor Le Xiyi forged the recording, please provide relevant evidence to prove your point of view."

Le Xiyi glanced at Song Yi with a sneer. He wanted to see what so-called evidence Song Yi could come up with.

Song Yi nodded, "Speaker Han, in order to prove my point, I need Congress to approve Director Jin Chengguo of the National Intelligence Service to attend and testify for me. Intelligence experts from the National Intelligence Service have ways to confirm the information provided by Prosecutor General Le Xiyi This recording is a sham.”

“Prosecutor General Le Xiyi intercepted many public conversations between Minister Xia Meiai and I, cut out the voices from our conversations piece by piece, and then spliced ​​the conversation sounds together to create such a plausible fake recording. "Song Yi said.

When Zheng Jinhui heard the name Jin Chengguo, her heart sank. She and Le Xiyi looked at each other and immediately said, "I object."

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow

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