I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 258 Abandoned Son Le Xiyi

Han Jinli took a deep look at Zheng Jinhui. He extended his hand to Zheng Jinhui and said, "Representative Zheng, you just said that you objected to Jin Chengguo attending the hearing to testify for Song Yi. What is the reason for your objection?"

Zheng Jinhui reacted very quickly, "Speaker Han, the content of this recording also mentioned President Kim Sung-kook. Prosecutor General Le has evidence that Kim Sung-kook provided help for Xinya Entertainment's loan application while serving as the chief secretary of the Blue House. Executives of Kookmin Bank, Hanhui Bank and Shinhan Bank exchanged verbal greetings. In return, Song Yi provided help for Kim Sung-guk's election as intelligence chief."

"There is evidence that Dean Jin Chengguo and Song Yi have formed a political alliance in a certain sense. As a related party in Minister Xia Meiai's abuse of power case, the possibility of Dean Jin giving false testimony on behalf of Song Yi cannot be ruled out. Therefore, Dean Jin is obviously not suitable to attend the hearing as a witness for Song Yifang and should be recused and handled in another case."

Hearing what Zheng Jinhui said, Xia Meiai was not to be outdone, "Only when the recording is proven to be true and valid, Dean Jin needs to recuse himself. Since Representative Zheng said that Dean Jin is a related party in the case, it is even more necessary for Dean Jin to attend Hearings should be held to prove one’s innocence.”

Ha Mi-ae and Zheng Jinhui, two fellow Daegu residents, finally met at the National Assembly and started a war of words. The members of the chamber looked at the two strong ladies Xia Meiai and Zheng Jinhui going back and forth in the chamber. The two spoke sharply and constantly exchanged words. It seemed that everyone in the chamber had seen the scene of the 2007 presidential election debate in advance. .

Han Jinli stepped forward to stop the debate between Zheng Jinhui and Xia Meiai. He faced Song Yi and said, "Song Yi, I agree that Jin Chengguo will attend the hearing to testify for you. But first of all, I remind you that you must be responsible for the authenticity of Jin Chengguo's testimony."

"If the subsequent investigation proves that you colluded with Kim Sung-guk to give you perjury, then the National Assembly will notify the South Korean Supreme Court and ask the court to hold you and Kim Sung-guk responsible for relevant criminal responsibilities. You will face a penalty of 3 to 5 years in prison. The consequences of this will be yours Are you clear?" Han Jinli warned in advance.

Song Yi looked very relaxed, "Thank you, Chairman Han, I'm already clear."

After receiving the notice, Kim Sung-guk slowly walked into the chamber. The top leader of South Korea's intelligence agency has always kept a low profile. In addition to coming to Congress to receive political inquiries during the North Korean nuclear crisis, this is also the second time he has come to Congress since he became the director of intelligence. Chamber.

Jin Chengguo was a man of few words, so he greeted Han Jinli, Zheng Jinhui, Xia Meiai, Song Yi and others one by one. Le Xiyi noticed that Jin Chengguo almost said hello to the big bosses of the Open National Assembly and the Grand National Party, but skipped him. He suddenly realized that something was wrong, and belatedly he finally realized what happened today. The hearing was probably a trap specially laid for him by Song Yi.

Le Xiyi approached Zheng Jinhui and told Zheng Jinhui his concerns. Zheng Jinhui's face was extremely ugly. She asked Le Xiyi in a low voice, "Didn't you say that Park Zhenhuan obtained this recording from the study room of Xia Meiai's residence to ensure the authenticity of the recording? Since there is no problem with the recording, how can Xia Meiai and Song Yi translate it? Damn, has the recording you submitted today been subtracted by someone?"

Le Xiyi was also thinking about this issue. His mind was spinning at high speed. Ever since Park Jinhuan handed the recording to him, he had locked it in the safe at home. Later, for safety reasons, he even placed the recording evidence at the Suwon Prosecutor's Office. custody.

Could it be that a prosecutor from the Suwon Prosecutor's Office accepted Song Yi's instigation and secretly exchanged the recordings stored by the prosecutor's office? The problem is that this is impossible. Lexiyi checks the recorder every day. The marks he made have never been touched. If anyone else touches the recorder, he will 100% notice it.

"It shouldn't be possible. I want to see how Jin Chengguo confuses right and wrong." Le Xiyi shook his head and threw away the speculation in his mind. How could Xin Minjing betray him when he went to Song Yi to plead for his future? Woolen cloth?

Zheng Jinhui saw that Le Xiyi had some reservations, but she did not delve into it. It would be best for Le Xiyi to overthrow Song Yi today. Even if something goes wrong, the Grand National Party only needs to distance itself from Le Xiyi. Le Seok-yi only announced her withdrawal from the Open National Assembly and did not formally join the Grand National Party. To her, Le Seok-yi is just a dispensable pawn.

Han Jinli nodded to Jin Chengguo, indicating that he could produce relevant evidence of Le Xiyi's disguised recording.

Jin Chengguo first played the public conversation between Xia Meiai and Song Yi in the chamber. In order to facilitate the understanding of the members, Jin Chengguo also thoughtfully added subtitles to these conversations.

The congressmen sitting in the audience were a little impatient. They did not understand Jin Chengguo's intentions.

"Speaker Han, Representative Zheng, Minister Xia, fellow congressmen, let me now reveal how Le Xiyi forged the conversation recording between Minister Xia Meiai and Chairman Song Yi."

"Please pay attention to the content of Chairman Song Yi's conversation. When someone asked him whether he supported Lee Young-ae or Shim Yin-he to star in "Hanjiang Monster", President Song said he supported Lee Young-ae."

"Others asked him whose political views he supported more among Minister Xia Meiai and Prosecutor General Le Xiyi. Chairman Song Yi made it clear that he was just an entrepreneur and didn't understand politics. Don't ask him about this kind of question."

"The screen switched again. At this time, another reporter asked Chairman Song Yi during the interview whether he thought Mayor Park Donghao was a suitable presidential candidate for the next government. After all, he did a good job as mayor of Seoul. Chairman Song Yi replied He said he would not pay attention to the presidential election in two years. No matter who becomes the next president, as long as he can boost the South Korean economy and maintain peace on the peninsula, he is a good president."

"I don't know if you have noticed that Chairman Song Yi has never said that he supports Minister Xia Meiai as the next presidential candidate."

"But Prosecutor Le Xiyi's disguised recording method is very clever. He extracted the words 'I support' in the first dialogue, 'Minister Xia Meiai' in the second dialogue, and 'Become the next person' in the third dialogue. One-term president'. The combination of these three sentences constitutes the sentence in the recording, 'I support Minister Ha Mi-ae to become the next president.'" Kim Sung-guk revealed the suspense.

Jin Chengguo's words caused an uproar in the conference hall, "Le Xiyi is too ridiculous. How can you use synthetic recordings to frame Minister Xia Meiai's reputation?"

Zheng Jinhui glanced at Le Xiyi and saw that Le Xiyi's face was pale. When Le Xiyi heard the recording clips taken by Jin Chengguo and compared them with the synthesized recordings, he realized something was wrong.

In the recording that Park Zhenhuan gave him, the conversation between Song Yi and Xia Meiai was very smooth, like two good friends chatting. In the recording he submitted today, although the conversation between Xia Meiai and Song Yi was still smooth, it was less emotional and more unfamiliar.

Jin Chengguo glanced at Le Xiyi with pity, "Our National Intelligence Service and the Seoul Police have identified the content of Prosecutor General Le Xiyi's recording and have confirmed that all the recordings he submitted are forgeries, so Prosecutor General Le Xiyi The accusations against Minister Xia Meiai and Chairman Song Yi are not established."

Zheng Jinhui immediately caught the loophole in Jin Chengguo's words, "President Jin, Prosecutor General Le Xiyi brought the recording to Congress for the first time today. You haven't gotten a sample of the recording before. How can you authenticate the content of the recording?" ?”

Song Yi lamented that Zheng Jinhui was indeed a difficult opponent. At this time, he still refused to give up and tried to pursue Jin Chengguo fiercely.

Kim Sung-kook replied, "Representative Zheng is right. I did get the recording sample submitted by Prosecutor General Le Seok-yi before the congressmen."

"First of all, the recording of Prosecutor General Le Xiyi was not forged by him. The former director of the National Intelligence Service, Park Jin-hwan, handed over the forged synthetic recording to Prosecutor General Le Xiyi."

"Park Jin-hwan was detained by the Seoul police and handed over to the Public Investigation Office for investigation because he was suspected of spying on senior government officials and business people and leaking important intelligence information about our country to foreign intelligence agencies. Prosecutor Nok Seok-yi, the reason why I came to the chamber today is , I am asking you to return to the National Intelligence Service to cooperate with our investigation, please, Prosecutor General Le!" Jin Chengguo said.

Le Xiyi glanced at Zheng Jinhui, and Zheng Jinhui moved her gaze aside, ignoring Le Xiyi's request for help. Since the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police have appraised the recording submitted by Le Xiyi, the case of Le Xiyi's false accusation against a senior official of the current government cannot be overturned. There is no need for her to set up a trap for Le Xiyi who is about to be imprisoned.

When Le Xiyi saw Zheng Jinhui's actions and knew that he had become an outcast of the Grand National Party, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart. Le Xiyi's parents are both university professors, and his father Le Dianren is also an economic adviser to the Blue House and has good personal relationships with South Korean economic officials. Now he can only count on Le Dianren to help him reduce his criminal liability.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to retain his position as chief prosecutor of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office this time. The most optimistic scenario was that the second sentence would be suspended and no jail time would be required. However, this time Le Xiyi offended Song Yuxi, Xia Meiai and Song Yi at the same time. It is still unknown whether these three people are willing to let him go so easily.

Just when Le Xiyi lamented that he made a mistake and lost everything, Jin Chengguo interrupted Le Xiyi's contemplation, "Prosecutor Le, because Minister Xia Meiai attended the hearing, I specially found the commander-in-chief and took the Your suspension order has arrived. You don’t need to go home to pack your bags now, just come with us and we will give your family a chance to visit later."

When Le Xiyi saw the suspension order issued by Song Yuxi, his resentment towards Song Yi deepened. Although he didn't know how Song Yi concealed the truth and replaced the real recording with a synthetic one. However, through this suspension order, Le Xiyi already knew clearly that Song Yi had already laid a trap and was waiting for him to jump into it.

Seeing that Le Xiyi was not interested, Jin Chengguo felt a little impatient, "Prosecutor Le, you have been suspended and no longer enjoy the privileges of a prosecutor. There are still many reporters outside paying attention to the results of the hearing. You always You don’t want to be handcuffed by me and leave the Congress chamber, right? My colleagues are waiting outside the door, and I don’t want everyone to look bad, right?”

Le Xiyi tidied his clothes and left the meeting hall one after another with Jin Chengguo. He knew that resistance at this time was meaningless, and the initiative to decide whether he was guilty or not was now in Song Yi's hands.

"Dean Jin, could you please tell Chairman Song that I admit defeat this time. As long as Chairman Song is willing to forgive me and he asks me to go east, I will never go west. Park Jin-hwan leaked secrets to foreign intelligence agencies and it has nothing to do with me. "Le Xiyi immediately surrendered.

The National Intelligence Service's car was a Chevrolet Suburban. Jin Chengguo pretended not to hear Le Xiyi's words and opened the car door, "Le Jian, please."

At this time, reporters gathered outside the chamber noticed the small interaction between Jin Chengguo and Le Xiyi. The reporters were a little puzzled. Le Xiyi was not participating in the congressional hearing. How to look at the current situation? Le Xiyi seemed to Detained by the National Intelligence Service?

A young reporter looked indignant, "Le Xiyi was arrested by the National Intelligence Service just after he filed a complaint against Song Yi. Are South Korea's chaebols too lawless?"

Lu Qiuyan of Chosun Ilbo took a look at the reporter and felt that he was having trouble with his brain. He didn't even know the outcome of the hearing, so he simply attributed Le Xiyi's investigation to Song Yi's revenge, which was either stupid or bad.

"It seems that today's congressional hearing has ended early." Lu Qiuyan said happily. It seemed that she could finally get off the morning shift.

Song Yi was very low-key when leaving the National Assembly. He once again declined interviews from all reporters and left the National Assembly under the escort of Jiang Xiuna.

On the evening news of the 25th, the four major TV stations KBS, MBC, SBS and ABS all broadcast relevant news about the congressional hearing held in the morning.

"After appraisal by professional and technical personnel from the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul Police, the recording content submitted by Suwon Prosecutor's Office Nok Seok-yi to the National Assembly hearing is a forged synthetic recording, and the recording content is not true."

"The National Assembly voted in the morning to approve the president's reinstatement of Justice Minister Ha Mi-ae. Minister Ha Mi-ae left the National Assembly with a light step and a relaxed expression. She did not seem to be troubled by the recording scandal."

"Le Seok-yi has now been suspended and is under investigation by the Public Relations Office. Le Seok-yi is also the second senior Korean official to be investigated after the establishment of the Public Relations Office. The first was Park Jin-hwan, director of the National Intelligence Service."

"Lee Kwang-hyun, director of the Public Relations Office, said in an interview that Le Seok-yi's case is very complicated and requires the cooperation and assistance of the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police. The Public Investigation Office has urgently searched Le Seok-yi's residence in Seocho-gu and the Suwon Prosecutor's Office The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Department, and several prosecutors from the Suwon Prosecutor’s Office who are involved in Le Xiyi’s case have been temporarily suspended and are subject to investigation by the Public Relations Office.”

Song Yi turned off the TV and raised his glass to signal Xia Meiai, "Mr. Xia, raise a glass to Le Xiyi!"

Xia Meiai took a sip of red wine and said to Song Yi: "President Song, as soon as this hearing ended, you invited me to Chengbeidong for a drink to celebrate. If the citizens find out, they will probably say that we are colluding and colluding." I was so angry that I framed Zhongliang."

Song Yi didn't take it seriously, "There are so many Koreans scolding me. How can my reputation get better if I run a business in Korea?"

"These days, the truth is not important. As long as the results do not meet their psychological expectations, they will scold the government, the media, and netizens, but they will not scold themselves." Song Yi said self-deprecatingly.

"Oh, the truth is not important, so what is important?" Xia Meiai asked meaningfully.

"Whoever controls public opinion has the right to speak. If I say you are right, you are right, and if you are wrong, you are right. If I say you are wrong, you are wrong, and neither is right."

"If I change places with Le Xiyi today, no matter whether the content of today's recording is true or false, I will send Le Xiyi in. Even if the recording I take out is a synthetic recording, then this recording must be true today. Yes." Song Yi said.

After hearing Song Yi's words, Xia Meiai felt a little wary of Song Yi. Although Song Yi does not serve in Song Yuxi's government, his influence is everywhere. No wonder some members of the Open National Assembly suggested that SA Group spin off ABS TV station and make it controlled by the National Pension Service of Korea, transforming the private TV station into a state-owned TV station like KBS or MBC.

"President Song, now that the hearing is over, can you tell us how you transferred the recording in Le Xiyi's hands?" Xia Meiai asked.

Song Yi shook his head, "Mr. Xia, since the matter has been successfully concluded, let's not worry about these details. I can only assure you that the recording sample that Park Zhenhuan gave to Le Xiyi has been completely destroyed by me. This recording will never be If it comes to light again, it won't threaten us, that's enough."

Although Song Yi and Xia Meiai were allies, it was impossible for him to tell Xia Meiai the truth about the exchange of recordings. The reason why Song Yi was able to switch the recordings was indispensable with the help of Xin Minjing, Lin Zhiling and Park Tae-sik. These three links are indispensable, and the identities of these three people cannot be exposed. The more trump cards Song Yi has, the safer he will be in South Korea.

Seeing that Song Yi was so tight-lipped, Xia Meiai felt helpless, "Okay, I'll go back first. These two guys Park Zhenhuan and Le Xiyi dared to install bugs in my study and monitor my every move. What happened next? Leave it to me, I will definitely not let them go easily."

Song Yi sent Xia Meiai to the door of the villa. At this time, Kim Tae Hee found Song Yi, "Professor Le Dianren of Yonsei University and Director Xin Minjing of SMJ Gallery have arrived at the door of the villa. They hope to meet you."

Song Yi smiled. Le Dianren was well-informed. Le Xiyi was asked by the National Intelligence Agency to investigate in the morning. In the evening, Le Dianren came to plead for Le Xiyi. Le Dianren was afraid that his portion would not be enough, so he even asked his daughter-in-law Xin Minjing to accompany him. Xin Minjing had previously served as the painting teacher of Song Yi's niece Song Miao, and they had some friendship with her.

"Mr. Xia, since Professor Le is blocking the front door, please go to the back door and I'll ask the driver to drive you off." Song Yi said apologetically.

Xia Meiai didn't want to meet Le Dianren. If Le Dianren pulled her to plead for her son Le Xiyi, it would make her more passive.

"It's okay, President Song and Director Jin, I'll go back first and come to visit you two when I have time next time." Xia Meiai waved goodbye, and Song Yi stood at the door of the villa to watch Xia Meiai leave.

Jin Taixi asked Song Yi, "Should I help you refuse the visit from Professor Nale and Director Xin?"

Song Yi thought for a moment, "Tell Le Dianren, I already know his reason for coming. I will take Xin Minjing to visit Le Xiyi later. If anything happens, let him ask Xin Minjing then. Now Le Xi Yi’s case has not yet been decided, and it is not easy for me to intervene.”

Jin Taixi was a little stunned. Her father-in-law Le Dianren came to visit Song Yi with her daughter-in-law Xin Minjing. How could there be any reason to leave her daughter-in-law and let her father-in-law go back? If Le Dianren knew that he couldn't even enter Song Yi's house, what would he do if he got angry?

Thanks to everyone’s monthly votes, Le Xiyi has fallen. Now only Zheng Jinhui is left

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