I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 259 Le Xiyi’s final outcome

Le Dianren originally thought that Song Yi would give him some bad treatment, at least invite him in for tea, say a few words and then send him out politely.

Who knew that Song Yi didn't follow the rules at all and refused his visit, but agreed to Xin Minjing's visit.

He looked at Xin Minjing, who was dressed elegantly, and held back his anger, "Minjing, when you were teaching Song Yi's niece to paint, did you see Song Yi a lot?"

Xin Minjing complained in her heart. She didn't expect that Song Yi would not forget to use her to humiliate her father-in-law Le Dianren at this time.

"Song Yi is usually busy with work. When I came to Chengbeidong, Mrs. Song was the one who received me every time. I rarely saw President Song. Father-in-law, since President Song is unwilling to help, why don't we go back first? , and then think of other ways." Xin Minjing said.

Le Dianren glanced at Xin Minjing. Of course it would be easy to go back now, but once he went back, it would mean that there would be no room for change between Song Yi and Le Xiyi, and Le Xiyi's relatives would never have the chance to intercede with Song Yi.

Considering his son Le Xiyi who was still in custody, Le Dianren instantly felt that he was much older. He does have many connections in South Korea's economic circles, whether they are government officials or consortium presidents, they all avoid him when he mentions Le Xiyi's name. Obviously at this juncture, no one wants to stand up for Le Xiyi.

He had been fighting in his heart for a long time, and sighed deeply, "Min Jing, since Song Yi said to take you to meet Xi Yi, then you should stay for now. What conditions does Song Yi offer to you? In exchange for Xi Yi’s reprieve, you might as well agree first.”

"Your mother-in-law and I have some savings over the years. When Xi Yi comes out, you can move abroad and live without worrying about other people's rumors." Le Dianren said with difficulty.

When Xin Minjing heard what Le Dianren said, she looked up at her father-in-law in surprise. Le Dianren's words are simply hinting to her, if Song Yi has any request for you to sleep with him, you must agree first. I know that you are here to save your husband Le Xiyi, so I will not blame you, and for you The couple arranged a way out.

Le Dianren's face turned red when he saw Xin Minjing's eyes. He also felt that his request was a bit too much. Song Yi wants to keep Xin Minjing to put out the fire, and as a father-in-law, he personally delivers his daughter-in-law to Song Yi. This is such a humiliation for the Le family, which is a famous family in the Joseon Dynasty.

After Le Xiyi's ancestor was a Goryeo general, the Le family produced five queens. Le Xiyi’s father, Le Dianren, is a representative of the Japanese Zhizhi faction. After studying in Japan, he taught at Yonsei University after returning to China. Song Yi also took Le Dianren’s statistics course when he was in college. Nak Dian-in’s mother was also a professor at Ewha Womans University before she got married and left her job to become a full-time housewife.

Song Yi was relatively low-key during his college days, and Le Dianren was not very impressed by Song Yi. Le Dianren was an economics expert belonging to the pro-Japanese faction, and naturally he didn't have much favorable impressions of Song Yi, who came from the border areas of China.

However, Song Yi was more confident than ordinary students when he was in college. Song Yi said in his graduation thesis that China could officially surpass Japan and become the world's second largest economy in 10 to 15 years.

The economic advantageous industries of Japan and South Korea are highly overlapping, and the two countries are engaging in all-round competition in the consumer electronics, shipbuilding, and automobile industries. The economic relationship between China and South Korea is relatively highly dependent. Sooner or later, China will surpass Japan and become South Korea's largest trading partner. The priority of China-ROK diplomatic relations should be placed at the forefront of Japan-ROK diplomatic relations and the US-ROK military alliance.

Song Yi's paper did not attract much attention at first, but instead attracted a lot of ridicule at Yonsei University. After all, when Song Yi published his paper, China had not yet joined the WTO and had not applied to host the Olympic Games. Its total GDP had just surpassed South Korea's within two years, and the GDP gap with Japan was even greater. At that time, most teachers and students at Yonsei University simply did not believe that China could catch up with Japan within ten to fifteen years.

After the rise of the New Asia Department, Korean business people re-read Song Yi's graduation thesis and found that many of the points in Song Yi's thesis had been verified one by one.

When New Asia Group and Asan Group merged and Song Yi became the president of SA Group, Yonsei University finally couldn't sit still. Yonsei University officially invited Song Yi to serve as a visiting professor of economics at Yonsei University, and was prepared to award Yonsei University an honorary doctorate, but Song Yi declined.

Le Dianren saw Xin Minjing's embarrassed expression and thought she was unwilling to sacrifice her reputation to save Le Xiyi. "Min Jing, it's really unfair to ask you to please Song Yi. If you don't want to, let's go back. Tomorrow I will show off my old face and go to Song Woo-seok. I am still the economic adviser of Cheong Wa Dae. I don't believe it. Song Woo-seok dares to avoid me."

Seeing Le Dianren's indignant look, Xin Minjing felt very disgusted. It was obviously your son Le Xiyi who wanted to put Song Yi to death, but why did it sound like Song Yi deliberately harmed Le Xiyi, and Le Xiyi's whole family was the victim?

"Father, if I can help Xi Yi by staying, it's okay to feel aggrieved. I just don't know if Song Yi will keep his promise and take me to see Xi Yi." Xin Minjing pretended to look pitiful.

When Le Dianren saw Xin Minjing looking like he was about to cry, he felt even more uncomfortable, and his hatred for Song Yi increased even more. He held Xin Minjing's little hand and patted the back of Xin Minjing's hand, "Minjing, it was Xi Yi who dragged you down. Song Yi is the richest man in South Korea after all, so he still has this credit. When you see Xi Yi, tell him , we are all fine, let him not worry, I am already thinking of ways to save him."

Xin Minjing looked at Le Dianren's old face, feeling even more disgusted, and quietly pulled his hand back, "Okay, father-in-law, I will tell Xi Yi. It's getting late now, and the outdoor temperature is very low. You should go back and rest early. , if there is any good news, I will inform you in time."

Le Dianren was originally dissatisfied with his son Le Xiyi marrying Xin Minjing. After all, Xin Minjing came from an ordinary family and was too beautiful to look like a law-abiding woman. Xin Minjing did not give up managing the SMJ Gallery after she got married. She had a lot of social activities, and she and Le Xiyi had been married for several years without having any children. Naturally, Le Dianren also had some opinions about his daughter-in-law Xin Minjing.

However, judging from today's performance, Xin Minjing is at least willing to go through hardships to save her husband Le Xiyi, which shows that her son Le Xiyi did not marry the wrong person in the first place. If Le Dianren knew that his daughter-in-law Xin Minjing was hanging out with Song Yi before she got married, and that Le Xiyi's imprisonment was closely related to Xin Minjing, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Le Dianren looked at Xin Minjing again, then slowly walked to the car door, and prepared to drive home.

Xin Minjing said a few words to the doorbell, and the door to Song Yi's house opened. Xin Minjing walked into Song Yi's house, and the door closed immediately. When Le Dianren saw Xin Minjing disappearing from sight, he smashed the steering wheel in anger. This is a person who has to bow his head under the eaves. He clearly knows that his daughter-in-law Xin Minjing's visit to Song Yi's house is a sheep in the tiger's mouth, but there is nothing he can do.

As soon as the door closed, Xin Minjing saw Song Yi behind the door. She covered her chest and scolded, "President Song, why are you hiding behind the door? You almost scared me."

Song Yi waved to Xin Minjing and motioned for her to come over. Seeing that there was no one else in the garage, Xin Minjing walked carefully to Song Yi, "What? My husband was locked in by you, and you're going to bully me with your back?"

Song Yi hugged Xin Minjing, "Didn't you say you were scared? I will help you rub your chest and apologize to you."

Xin Minjing rolled her eyes at Song Yi and said, "If you want to take advantage of me, just say so and make such a high-sounding excuse. This useless guy Le Xiyi has already entered. He and I will divorce sooner or later. How will you arrange for me then?"

Song Yi lowered his head and kissed Xin Minjing, "I, Song Yi, have the advantage of always repaying kindness. You gave Taixi a call a few days ago, and I promise you a lifetime of wealth and glory."

"There is nothing to do in Korea. You can choose any country in Western Europe and I will arrange for you to teach at a university. If you want to continue running the SMJ Gallery, I can continue to fund it. If you just want to enjoy retirement life, then be a young and beautiful person." The rich woman is also quite nice." Song Yi said.

"Le Xiyi can't come out, right?" Xin Minjing had already guessed Le Xiyi's ending.

"As the former director of the National Intelligence Service, Park Jin-hwan disclosed a lot of important information to the United States and Japan. The Seoul High Court will prosecute him for treason, and the outcome of the trial is likely to be life imprisonment."

"Le Xiyi got the recordings of Xia Meiai and I from Park Zhenhuan. Park Zhenhuan also tried to develop Lexi Yi into an intelligence offline. Le Xiyi accepted expensive gifts from Park Zhenhuan. The most expensive gift was worth 2 billion Korean won's Korean celadon emerald melon edged teapot. In order to save his overseas children, Park Zhenhuan clung to Le Xiyi. Le Xiyi was doomed this time," Song Yi said.

When Xin Minjing heard what Song Yi said, she said "Ah" in surprise. Wasn't that Goryeo celadon emerald melon-edge ewer given to her by Song Yi? Why did it suddenly become an expensive gift from Park Jin Hwan to Le Xiyi?

She now understands why after Lin Zhiling transferred 2 billion won to her bank account, Song Yi told her not to touch the money, and then told Lexi Yi about the 2 billion won on the phone. It turns out that Song Yi was planning to use phone recordings to fix the evidence of Le Xiyi's bribery. Xin Minjing now feels that Song Yi is a terrible man.

Song Yi squeezed Xin Minjing's soft waist and said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you that the bank account used to buy a house for you in Germany was a personal account opened in the name of Park Zhenhuan."

"Since 2001, a cultural and educational foundation in Europe has opened several bank accounts for Park Zhenhuan, and has regularly transferred money to these bank accounts to pay for the living expenses of his overseas children. But Park Zhenhuan did not know that there were There is a huge amount of money in this account that has never been used until I buy a house for you in Germany.”

"The chain of evidence is now complete. Park Jin-hwan accepted funds provided by foreign intelligence organizations and then leaked South Korean intelligence to the outside world."

"After you took the photo of the Goryeo celadon emerald melon-edge ewer, Park Zhenhuan used the funds from his account to buy a house for you in Germany. You also lived in this house when you visited Germany, which shows that you and Le Xiyi Everyone knows about the existence of this house. The transaction price of this house is exactly the same as the price you paid for a Goryeo celadon jade melon-rimmed ewer at auction."

"Later, Lin Zhiling spent 2 billion won to buy this porcelain from you in order to celebrate Chen Jianxi's birthday. The 2 billion won was completely washed away, but now by tracing Park Jinhuan's overseas bank account, it was finally confirmed that Le Xiyi borrowed it Do you understand the criminal facts of collecting high bribes from Park Zhenhuan in your name?" Song Yi said.

"I understand." Xin Minjing nodded. Obviously, Park Zhenhuan has begun to bite Le Xiyi in order to protect himself. As long as Park Zhenhuan and Xin Minjing agree with each other, and with these evidences, Le Xiyi will never get out of prison in this life.

Song Yi got into a Chevrolet Suburban, "Let's go, I'll keep my promise and take you to meet Le Xiyi. You two can be a couple, at least say goodbye to him."

"Where is Le Xiyi being held now?" Xin Minjing was a little curious.

"Suwon Prosecutor's Office, you didn't expect it, right? There are many people in Seoul, and I don't want others to come into contact with him." Song Yi was very proud.

Le Xiyi also didn't expect that he would be detained in the detention room of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office. The strange thing was that he had been detained for several hours. Except for someone who brought him food and water, no one came to interrogate him from beginning to end. Or talk to him.

"Le Xiyi, a family member is coming to visit you. The visiting time is 15 minutes. Please pay attention to your words and don't say something you shouldn't say, otherwise the visit will end early." Le Xiyi finally looked forward to good news.

When Le Xiyi appeared in the interview room with handcuffs, he met Xin Minjing, whom he wanted to see most at this time, and Song Yi, who he least wanted to see.

Le Xiyi looked stunned, "Min Jing, how did you know I'm here?"

Xin Minjing looked concerned, "Husband, my father-in-law and I found President Song together, and I begged President Song for mercy. President Song was a very nice person. He helped me find out where you were being held, and then he immediately brought me to visit you. .”

Le Xiyi was doubtful. When he accepted an interview with the "Central Daily News" and disclosed the recording scandal between Song Yi and Xia Meiai in the newspaper, it meant that he and Song Yi had completely broken up. He didn't believe that Song Yi would be so kind to help Xin Minjing come to visit him specially.

During the few hours he was imprisoned, Le Xiyi had been thinking about what went wrong in the link that caused the recording given to him by Park Zhenhuan to be replaced by Song Yi, causing him to fall from a star prosecutor in the prosecution system to a prisoner today. .

After thinking hard and eliminating all possibilities, he had to cast doubt on his wife Xin Minjing and Samsung Crown Princess Lin Zhiling.

After Le Xiyi heard that Song Suying from SK Group was coming to his home to appreciate the porcelain, he took the recorder to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office for safety reasons.

At that time, the recording pen was placed in the safe of the residence in Seocho District, and both Shin Min-kyung and Im Chi-ryung had the opportunity to come into contact with the recording pen. Without their cooperation, Song Yi would not have been able to transfer the recording pen in the safe.

Thinking of this, Le Xiyi's expression turned cold, "President Song, did you come all the way from Seoul to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office just to watch my jokes?"

Song Yi shook his head, "Prosecutor Le, I'm sorry, I just remembered that you have been suspended. Xi Yi, we have known each other for a while, how can you use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman? I am the prime minister's belly. I can punt the boat, so Mrs. Ling begged me to come here and convinced me hard, so of course I had the obligation to help. I have to say, Mrs. Le’s tongue is quite flexible.”

Le Xiyi understood what Song Yi meant. He was so angry that he tried to attack Song Yi, "You despicable guy, you dare to take advantage of others' danger and bully Min Jing. I will fight with you! Song Yi, wait. When I go out, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

Song Yi didn't take Le Xiyi's threat seriously. He raised his legs on the table, threw the handcuff key in front of Le Xiyi, and then crossed his hands on his chest.

He pointed at the camera in the interview room, "Le Xiyi, I have temporarily turned off the surveillance in the interview room. This key can open the handcuffs. Open it yourself, and I will wait for you to come and kill me."

Le Xiyi looked at the key in front of him, fighting fiercely in his heart. He knew that Song Yi might set a trap for him, and when he opened the handcuffs, he could be convicted of escaping from prison. If he attacked Song Yi in the interview room, it is not ruled out that the agents of the National Intelligence Service would kill him directly in order to protect Song Yi.

"I won't be fooled. I graduated from the Seoul University Law School. How could I make such a low-level mistake? You want to charge me with escaping from prison, assaulting a police officer, or taking hostages, and then put me to justice. What do you think? It's quite beautiful. Song Yi, are you particularly worried that I will go out and bite you and fight you until death?" Le Xiyi said.

Song Yi was very disdainful, "Le Xiyi, you take yourself too seriously. If it were Zheng Jinhui or Li Changhui, I might still be wary of you. For a small character like you, I have seen not only a thousand people, but also eight hundred people." , even if I let you out now, I won’t worry about what kind of trouble you might cause."

"Do you really think you are so capable, so I recommend you to be the prosecutor general of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office? You can be promoted so quickly. You have to thank your good wife. If she hadn't been blowing pillows on your bed day and night. , how could I be willing to help you get promoted?"

"Do you know why your wife likes to collect human body oil paintings so much? That is to facilitate my copying and learning. Your wife likes to be a human model for me and lets me help her paint oil paintings. Every mole on your wife's body, every mole, I know every hair. Xin Minjing has been married to you for two or three years, and has had sex with you less often than me. I don’t even know whether Xin Minjing is your wife or mine." Song Yi continued to stimulate. Le Xiyi.

Le Xiyi's veins were exposed on his hands and he looked at Song Yi fiercely, "Song Yi, if you are a man, how can you use it against me? Bullying Min Jing is nothing!"

Song Yi smiled, waved to Xin Minjing and pointed to his thigh. Xin Minjing understood immediately and obediently massaged Song Yi's thigh.

"Look, Mrs. Ling obviously enjoys my love. You have been busy working all day and don't know how to feed your wife, so don't blame her for coming out to eat. Mrs. Le, there seems to be a lump on my thigh. You Check it carefully for me. I heard that saliva can be disinfected. Please help me disinfect it later."

Xin Minjing glanced at Song Yi resentfully. She had already disinfected Song Yi in the car, and now she had to disinfect again. She was so tired that her voice was almost hoarse. However, Xin Minjing had never had an affair with Song Yi in front of Le Xiyi, which undoubtedly gave her a sense of immorality.

When Le Xiyi saw Xin Minjing squatting obediently between Song Yi's legs for examination, his lungs almost exploded with anger.

He took a look at the surveillance camera and found that the surveillance camera was indeed turned off, and that the couple Song Yi and Xin Minjing were busy and had no intention of paying attention to his actions.

Le Xiyi decided to open the handcuffs and beat Song Yi and Xin Minjing to vent their anger. He would not hesitate to increase the sentence. Xin Minjing cuckolded him so deeply in front of him. How could a man accept such humiliation?

Song Yi did not forget to continue to stimulate Le Xiyi at this time, "Min Jing, your little hands are really quite pink. No wonder your father-in-law held your little hand at the door of my house. If Le Xiyi came out in a while, No, if you have nothing to do, you should go and honor your father-in-law more. I heard that Professor Le has a lot of wealth. If you give birth to a son and a half daughter for the Le family, wouldn't all these properties belong to you?"

When Le Xiyi heard Song Yi's words, he was furious. He quickly unlocked the handcuffs, then rushed towards Song Yi, and they struggled with Song Yi.

Song Yi and Xin Minjing obviously didn't expect that Le Xiyi would actually dare to take action. At this time, the surveillance room in the interview room suddenly turned on again. Xin Minjing hid in the corner, and Le Xiyi strangled Song Yi's neck with his hands. His face was ferocious, "Song Yi, you made me lose my job, slept with my wife, and humiliated my father. You and I have a sworn relationship." Hatred, the worst we can do is perish together!"

At this time, the door of the interview room had been opened. The agents of the National Intelligence Service held pistols and pointed their guns at Le Xiyi. "Le Xiyi, let go of President Song quickly. I will count one, two, three. Immediately." Let go and don't resist stubbornly."

Song Yi had difficulty speaking at this time, but he continued to provoke Le Xiyi, "It was your father who sent your wife to my house for me to sleep with. If you go to jail, you can't let your wife be a widow. I let Le Xiyi Professor, why don’t you take more care of Min Jing?”

Seeing that Song Yi was still provoking, Le Xiyi became even more angry, "You also said, damn, I will fight you today!"

There was a "bang" gunshot. Le Xiyi did not expect that the agents of the National Intelligence Service actually dared to shoot, so he fell to the side unwillingly. Le Xiyi's vision became increasingly blurry, and the last words he heard were, "Hurry, hurry, send the injured to the hospital. President Song, are you okay?"

Le Xiyi felt even more resentful. It was obvious that he was shot, but everyone cared more about Song Yi. No one cared about him who was shot. He wanted to see Xin Minjing again. Before he died, he still had this question: why did Xin Minjing betray him?

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you all tomorrow.

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