I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 260 Xu Zhuxian’s New Year’s Money

That night, Song Yi, Xin Minjing and Le Xiyi were rushed to Suwon Asia University Hospital for treatment. In the end, Le Xiyi died in the hospital due to excessive injuries.

When Le Dianren and his wife in Seoul received the notice from the hospital, the two elderly people almost fainted.

Zheng Jinhui also received the news, and she found it very incredible. Le Xiyi had just been taken away by the National Intelligence Service for investigation. Before the investigation was completed, news of Le Xiyi's death came. Even if Song Yi wants to take revenge on Le Xiyi, there's no need to be so impatient, right?

Zheng Jinhui told his assistant, "Contact Professor Le. I am going to go to the hospital to express my condolences to Le Xiyi. If Professor Le needs it, I can help him invite American criminal investigation experts to intervene in Le Xiyi's case. If the case involves If an official neglects his duty or someone takes personal revenge, I will definitely seek justice for them and pursue it to the end."

Le Dianren received a condolence call from Zheng Jinhui. He endured his grief, but declined Zheng Jinhui's proposal, "Thank you Representative Zheng for your kindness. I have watched the complete video provided by the National Intelligence Service. Xi Yi's death was just an accident." , there is no need for police intervention. We will hold Seok-yi's funeral at Suwon Asia University Hospital. Now the deceased is the most important, so don't bother with it anymore."

Le Xiyi's mother Cui was very angry, "I only have one son like Xi Yi, and his murder is obviously inseparable from Song Yi."

"Why there happened to be a key to handcuffs in the interview room, why Xi Yi attacked Song Yi like crazy, and why the surveillance room was missing a section, these all need to be investigated by the police. Song Yi is now covering the sky with only one hand in South Korea, no matter what The Blue House, the court, the procuratorate and the police are all Song Yi's people. Without the strong intervention of outsiders, we would not be able to clear Xi Yi's grievances, and then his death would really be in vain," Cui said.

Le Dianren had not lost his mind at this time, "It's really a woman's opinion. Do you think Zheng Jinhui is really kind-hearted to help us? Xi Yi was taken advantage of by her and ended up dying young."

"Didn't you hear what the doctor said? Min Jing is pregnant now, and our Le family has not yet divorced. We two old people are already over sixty, and we won't live for many years. Of course we are not afraid of Song Yi's revenge. But I have already compensated If you have a son, you can't lose Xi Yi's unborn son, right?" Le Dianren said helplessly.

After hearing what Le Dianren said, Mrs. Cui felt even more aggrieved, "According to what you said, wouldn't Xi Yi's death be in vain? We are just watching Song Yi go unpunished? I can't swallow this breath!"

Le Dianren said, "You have to swallow even if you can't. The situation is stronger now. You have also seen the surveillance. From the beginning to the end, Xi Yi grabbed Song Yi's neck and tried to strangle Song Yi. Song Yi was almost Being strangled to death.”

"Later, people from the joint investigation team fired warning shots. Song Yi was still fighting with his son on the ground. If the gunman had not aimed, the bullet would have probably hit Song Yi. Song Yi is worth billions of dollars. , Rich people are afraid of death, and the richer they are, the more they are afraid of death. Although Song Yi and Xi Yi have some feuds, it is not a matter of killing their father and seizing their wife, and it is not to the point of causing death. He can never risk letting himself Shouldn't you risk being shot to frame Xi Yi?" Le Dianren said.

Ms. Cui admitted that what Le Dianren said made some sense, "What he said is correct, but this is too malicious and too coincidental. Previously, Li Guangguang was imprisoned in Anyang Prison. When he came out for a walk, he was suffocated to death by a fellow prisoner with a plastic bag. Later, the prisoner was identified as mentally ill, and he accidentally fell to his death while receiving treatment in a mental hospital."

"No matter who offended Song Yi, he was bound to die in the end. One case can be said to be a coincidence. Combined with Xi Yi's case, do you really believe it was an accident?" Cui asked rhetorically.

Le Dianren sighed. He knew that there were still some doubts about Le Xiyi's death, but unfortunately these doubts could not be pointed at Song Yi.

"If there was no child in Min Jing's belly, I could bring a rope and hang him in front of Song Yi's house tonight, and then write the words "Blood Debt, Blood Pay" on the outside wall of their house to avenge Xi Yi."

"The child hasn't been born yet, and Song Woo-seok is now in power. Even if Zheng Jinhui comes to investigate, nothing can be found. It's better to wait until the child is born before we make plans. After all, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

"From Zhong Wanyou to Zhong Xiaotong, and then to Song Woo-suk, the progressives have been in power for three consecutive terms. Whether it is Americans, conservatives, or large conglomerates such as Samsung, SK, Lotte, Hanjin, and Doosan, they are very dissatisfied with the current situation in South Korea , urgently needs a conservative president to come to power."

"Now Zheng Jinhui is the one everyone expects, and the conservatives are also fighting to the death. If the next president is still a progressive, the conservatives will be completely overwhelmed by the progressives. If Zheng Jinhui can win the 2007 presidential election, that By that time, Xi Yi and Min Jing's child was also born. Then I will show my old face and ask the government to re-investigate my son's case." Le Dianren was very thoughtful.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Le Xiyi's funeral was held in the mourning hall of Suwon Asia University Hospital. Le Xiyi's funeral was very low-key. Le Dianren and his wife only invited their close relatives and friends to attend the funeral of their son Le Xiyi.

On the day of the funeral, Justice Minister Xia Meiai and Prosecutor General Li Xiangdae, as colleagues in the prosecutorial system, appeared at Le Xiyi’s funeral. Xia Meiai looked serious and expressed condolences to Le Dianren and his wife and Le Xiyi's widow Xin Minjing. Standing behind Li Sang-dae is Li Won, a colleague from the Suwon Procuratorate of Le Xiyi.

Xia Meiai and Le Xiyi were fighting each other, and Xia Meiai won in the end. Ha Meiai assigned Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office as chief prosecutor.

Li Xiangdae became the prosecutor general from the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office. Le Xiyi originally wanted to copy Li Xiangdae's old path, but who knew that he would encounter Xia Meiai's suppression.

Lee Sang Dae, an old fox who seems to be impartial on the surface, is now married to Song Woo Seok. Le Xiyi now has two big mountains, Xia Meiai and Li Xiangda, and there is no hope of promotion in his official career.

Le Xiyi, who had no hope of career, had no choice but to hug Zheng Jinhui's thigh. Park Zhenhuan happened to hand over the recordings of Xia Meiai and Song Yi to Le Xiyi. Le Xiyi thought that he had a handle on Xia Meiai, so he fought hard to get the upper hand, but finally ended up like this.

Le Dianren felt that Le Xiyi's death was closely related to Xia Meiai and Li Xiangda, but he still maintained his superficial courtesy and thanked Xia Meiai and Li Xiangda for their condolences.

Cui's and Xin Minjing's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have very different attitudes. Cui has no good feelings towards Xia Mei'ai, but Xin Minjing treats Xia Mei'ai very enthusiastically, and seems to have forgotten the feud between Xia Mei'ai and her deceased husband Le Xiyi.

Xia Meiai and her party also knew that they were not welcomed by Le Xiyi's family, so they left the mourning hall after briefly expressing their condolences. Song Yi is still recuperating in Suwon Asia University Hospital, and they are going to visit Song Yi again. Li Yuan's wife Song Jingyan has already arrived at the ward in advance to wait for Xia Meiai and the others to join them.

Song Jingyan sat in front of the ward and helped Song Yi peel the apple, "These are local apples from Qingsong County, North Gyeongsang Province. I brought them here from Seoul. You can try them first."

Song Yi, who was wearing a hospital gown, took the apple and took a bite. He found it not as delicious as the Qixia apple from Lu Province. Korean agricultural products pay attention to their origin and soil, and the local people are healthier when eating food produced in the country.

In fact, the concept of "body and soil" is the Korean Agricultural Cooperative's purpose to increase the price of fruits, vegetables and meat produced by Korean agriculture. Local Korean food is no healthier, more nutritious, and fresher than imported food. This is actually an IQ tax. This is why the price of Korean beef is much higher than that of imported beef.

Song Yi took the apple and took a bite, "Thank you, why didn't Li Yuan come with you?"

Song Jingyan obviously didn't have a good impression of Le Xiyi, "Didn't my father-in-law go to Le Xiyi's funeral? Li Yuan is Le Xiyi's colleague after all, so he has to go and show his face, right? You, who is celebrating the New Year, live in the hospital. Don’t you plan to spend the Spring Festival with your family?”

Song Yi was actually fine. He was just staying in the hospital for a few days to recover. Kim Hee-won took her sister and brother Song Won-joo to the UK, and Kim Tae-hee just returned to Ulsan to spend the New Year with her family. She was originally going to come to the hospital to take care of Song Yi, but Song Yi persuaded her to stay in Ulsan for a few more days and return to Seoul after he was discharged from the hospital. This year's Spring Festival, Song Yi spent a bit lonely, without any family around.

Song Yi's side was a little deserted, but Yanjing's side was quite lively. Li Jingshu took the three children Zheng Xiuyan, Zheng Xiujing and Xu Zhuxian to Lijing Garden to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Song Miao was very happy to see Xu Zhuxian and Zheng Xiujing, and they hugged each other as soon as they met. As the hosts, Zhou Shulan and Liao Yu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law warmly entertained Xu Zhuxian and his party at Lijing Garden. Xu Zhuxian had a delicious New Year's Eve dinner at Lijing Garden.

When Xu Zhuxian was in Yanjing, he did not forget to call Song Yi to wish him a happy new year. Xu Zhuxian said to Song Yi eloquently: "Brother Song Yi, congratulations on getting rich, bring me the red envelope!"

Song Yi was amused by Xu Zhuxian at that time, "Did Miaomiao teach you this sentence? Is Miaomiao next to you?"

Song Miao answered the phone, full of grievances, "Uncle, you used to celebrate the New Year with us every year. This year you were not at home, and I didn't receive the New Year's money from you."

Song Yi really loves Song Miao, "Miaomiao, my mother gave you New Year's money for me this year. Do you still want another New Year's money from me?"

Song Miao immediately made an excuse, "Uncle, I didn't ask for it for myself, I asked for it for Sister Zhuxian. She spent the Spring Festival in Korea before, didn't you also give her New Year's money?"

In the end, Song Yi couldn't resist Song Miao and Xu Zhuxian's coquettishness and agreed to give them another red envelope.

Thinking of Song Miao and the others, Song Yi smiled and said to Song Jingyan: "I am alone when I return to Seoul. There is not much difference between living at home and staying in the hospital. Every Spring Festival, various people come to me to greet me in the name of New Year greetings. It is better to stay in the hospital. I’ve been clean for two days.”

After all, Song Jingyan has worked in China for two years and knows a lot about China's human society. IDG Capital itself is the top investment institution in the mainland. The period before and after the Spring Festival is Song Jingyan's busiest period, with all kinds of entertainment and welcomes.

She understood Song Yi's current situation very well, "You are the richest man in South Korea, and you are equivalent to the God of Wealth in China. No matter who sees the God of Wealth, they all want to ask for wealth."

Song Yi glanced at Song Jingyan meaningfully, "You are not short of money now. Are you coming to the hospital to visit me to ask for money?"

Song Jingyan smiled, with two cute dimples on her face, "Brother Yi, who can have too much money for such a good thing? Mr. Xiong of IDG Capital asked me to ask you, SA Soft and Xinya Network are listed schedule."

Song Yi was a little surprised, "It's not like Xiong Xiaoge doesn't have my contact information, why do you ask me to ask?"

When Song Jingyan was working at IDG Capital, she personally held a small amount of shares in New Asia Network. If New Asia Network was to go public, she would have to sell these shares to other shareholders of New Asia Network.

Like New Asia Advertising, New Asia Network's listing location is still set on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As the largest online game company in the mainland, New Asia Network is ahead of the two major game companies Penguin and NetEase in terms of game business revenue, net profit, and number of game users.

Penguin's current market value is around HK$17 billion. If New Asia Network completes its listing, its market value will be almost equal to that of two Penguins, which is similar to the market value of its sister company New Asia Advertising.

Song Jingyan recalled Xiong Xiaoge's words, "If I were to ask Song Yi when Xinya Network would go public, he would definitely not tell the truth. You and Song Yi are old friends, and he would always be embarrassed to lie to you. He doesn't want to lie to you now. It doesn’t matter when Xinya Network is short of money, but our IDG is short of performance. He is not anxious, but I am. There are only a few large-scale IPOs now, and there are more wolves than meat, so please help me ask his accuracy. letter."

Song Yi originally introduced Song Jingyan to join IDG Capital as an investment manager. Xiong Xiaoge helped Song Jingyan a lot at work. Song Jingyan wanted to return the favor to Xiong Xiaoge both emotionally and rationally.

"Brother Yi, IDG Capital's performance last year can only be said to be unsatisfactory. In order to attract funds from the oil tycoons in the Middle East, Mr. Xiong is the investment project that Mr. Xiong mainly recommends. New Asia Network will choose to go public in the first half of the year or the second half of the year. , which is very different for IDG Capital." Song Jingyan said.

Song Yi guessed why Xiong Xiaoge asked Song Jingyan to ask him about New Asia Network's timetable, "Tell Mr. Xiong that New Asia Network will be listed in mid-May. You can almost get rid of the New Asia Network stocks in your hands now." ."

At this time, Song Yi thought of Xu Zhuxian who paid him New Year's greetings, and said to Song Jingyan: "Forget it, there's no need to go to such trouble. I remember that you seem to hold a total of 100,000 shares of New Asia Network shares. Now New Asia Network is buying back from employees The shares are $4 per share, so I’ll buy them from you at this price.”

Song Jingyan was surprised. Song Yi himself was the largest shareholder of New Asia Network, holding more than 50% of the shares. Although diluted after several rounds of financing, the Song Yi family still holds more than 67% of New Asia Network's equity.

"Brother Yi, you don't lack these shares, why do you buy them back from me?" Song Jingyan was puzzled.

Song Yi revealed the suspense, "Before you came, Miaomiao and Xu Zhuxian called me to wish me New Year's greetings. I plan to give these shares of yours to them as lucky money."

Song Jingyan felt quite uncomfortable when she heard that Song Yi casually gave away shares worth 400,000 US dollars as a child's lucky money.

Song Jingyan originally invested 100,000 yuan in New Asia Network in exchange for 100,000 shares of New Asia Network. In just a few years, New Asia Network brought her a return on investment of 3 million yuan.

Logically speaking, she had nothing to be dissatisfied with. After all, this money was equivalent to being given to her by Song Yibai.

But comparing Song Miao and Xu Zhuxian, she felt uncomfortable. She originally spent 100,000 yuan of real money to invest in shares. Song Miao and Xu Zhuxian picked up 100,000 shares of New Asia Network without any effort, and she was inevitably a little unbalanced.

Song Miao is Song Yi's biological niece. Song Yi's eldest brother Song Bo passed away very early. Song Yi treats Song Miao as his own daughter. If Song Yi gave all 100,000 shares to Song Miao, Song Jingyan would have no problem with it.

But Xu Zhuxian and Song Yi are not related. She just met Song Yi before Song Yi made his fortune, so she can get millions of yuan in shares. Why?

Song Jingyan thought of Xu Zhuxian's beautiful mother Liu Huiying. Could it be that Song Yi really had an affair with the married woman Liu Huiying, so Song Yi treated Xu Zhuxian like a daughter?

She calmed down and said with a hint of jealousy, "Brother Yi, you are really willing to treat Xu Zhuxian and the others. With a few million, you can buy a nice house in Yanjing or Puhai City. When will you be able to treat me too?" So generous?"

Song Yi and Song Jingyan joked, "That won't work. You are already married. If I give you several million as new year's money, Li Yuan will definitely suspect that we are having an affair."

Song Jingyan didn't expect Song Yi to say that, and glanced at Song Yi with a blush on her face, "Bah, if a dog can't spit out ivory, who would have an affair with you? You are surrounded by big guys like Jun Ji-hyun and Son Ye-jin. Beauty, how can you find a vulgar pink like me?"

Song Yi regretted it after he made the joke, feeling that his behavior was a bit arrogant. Song Jingyan was Song Woo-seok's beloved daughter and the daughter-in-law of Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae. He didn't want to ruin the relationship between Song Jingyan and Li Won.

He knew that Song Jingyan might be jealous of his unprovoked preference for Xu Zhuxian. If it was not handled well, it might damage the good personal relationship between him and Song Yuxi's family.

"After the Spring Festival, I will go to the mainland to inspect investment projects. I will also call Shang Zhiyi at that time. If you have time, you might as well come with us. If it is a good project like Xinya Network, you can also Follow me and join in." Song Yi said.

When Song Jingyan heard what Song Yi said, her mood suddenly turned bright and she was extremely happy. Song Yi is willing to take her to invest in projects in the mainland, isn't it just to take her to pick up money?

In the eyes of Koreans, Song Yi is the god of investment in Korea. As long as it is an investment project that he likes, no project will lose money. It is only a matter of making more or less. Song Yi was able to earn billions of dollars before the age of thirty mainly due to two major factors: excellent investment vision and strong political and business background.

Song Jingyan felt a little embarrassed now, because she was jealous of the little girl Xu Zhuxian just now. It seems that she is still much heavier than Seo Joo Hyun.

She looked at the door of the ward and felt that no one would bother her at this time. After all, Song Yi was staying in the senior VIP ward of Suwon Asia University Hospital. The top medical experts and the most professional team of nurses provided one-on-one care. Nursing services.

Song Jingyan came up to Song Yi and gave Song Yi a quick kiss on the corner of the mouth, "Thank you, Brother Yi, I knew you were the best to me."

At this time, Xia Meiai and her group had arrived at the hospital, and Li Yuan, who asked for the ward number, was at the front. Thinking of his newlywed wives Song Jingyan and Song Yi being alone in the same ward, Li Yuan felt a little complicated.

He deliberately opened the door without saying hello. When he saw Song Yi and Song Jingyan chatting neatly, he was relieved. Perhaps because he experienced the betrayal of his previous wife, he was particularly concerned about the interaction between Song Jingyan and Song Yi.

Song Jingyan was startled when she saw Li Yuan coming in. Fortunately, Li Yuan came a few seconds late. If Li Yuan saw her taking the initiative to kiss Song Yi on the lips to express her gratitude, she would probably have to explain to Li Yuan for a long time.

Li Yuan saw Song Jingyan's expression and became a little suspicious, "Jingyan, I heard you and Brother Yi talking and laughing before I came in just now. Did you encounter something happy?"

Song Jingyan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took Li Yuan's arm to share the good news with him. She said that Song Yi was going to take her to the mainland to inspect investment projects. If there were good investment projects, she could also take a share.

Li Yuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the news. Song Jingyan is now a senior executive of SA Bank's investment department. It is normal for her and Song Yi to go to the mainland to inspect investment projects. What's more, in addition to Song Yi, Zhou Zhiyi, the sister of Song Jingyan's sister-in-law Zhou Zhuyi, as the secretary of the SA Group's board of directors, will also go to the mainland together.

But when he thought that Song Jingyan and Song Yi would spend several days together in the mainland, they would have to stay in the same hotel. It is impossible for Zhou Zhiyi to watch Song Jingyan and Song Yi all day long. What if Song Jingyan sneaks into Song Yi's room in the middle of the night?

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