I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 274 The final puzzle of SA Group’s media business!

When Cui Shanji heard what Chen Zaican said, she felt even more uneasy, "It's not like you don't understand Song Yi. This greedy cat has no reason not to steal the fish that came to his door. Aren't you causing trouble for our President Cui?" ?”

Chen Zaican smiled evilly, "When Shinhan Media almost went bankrupt, I asked Chairman Cui for help, but he turned me away. He should have thought that today would happen."

"I still remember Zhang Enying standing at the door of the villa, with an impatient look on his face. He only said that your father was asleep and was not feeling well. I didn't even drink a glass of water. I understand that the world is in trouble."

"After Shinhan Media went public, Jang Eun-young was cold to our couple at first, but she became more enthusiastic towards us later. She would always ask us to go home for dinner, and she was very caring towards Yunzhu. Isn't it because she wanted you to take more care of Xiuzhen? ." Chen Zaican said.

"I didn't have a chance before, and Zhang Enying couldn't beg us. Now she wants to get into Song Yi's lap through her daughter Xiuzhen's marriage. She takes the initiative to get close to her, so I have to give her a chance." Chen Zaican's tone was very calm, but Cui Shanji was I can feel Chen Jae Chan’s hatred for Choi Won Suk and Jang Eun Young.

Cui Shanji hugged Chen Zaican, feeling a little distressed, "Husband, the most difficult time has passed. We must learn to look forward and not indulge in the hatred of the past. Letting go of others means letting yourself go."

Chen Zaican patted Cui Shanji on the arm, "Don't worry, I won't blind myself because of hatred. Except for you and Yunzhu, I won't trust anyone unconditionally. Song Yi just likes beautiful women and doesn't force others to do anything. Zhang Enying If he didn't have this intention, Song Yi wouldn't have the chance to take advantage of it, right?"

Cui Shanji sighed. Chen Zaican was right. If Zhang Enying didn't mean this, Song Yi couldn't do anything to Zhang Enying. Before Jang Eun-young married Choi Won-suk, she was a well-known beauty anchor at KBS. She was more popular than ABS TV's top female anchor Lee Hyun-jin, and she was also the dream lover of many Korean men.

Jang Eun-young previously supported KBS's economic interview program, and met Choi Won-seok of East Asia Group during the interview. Choi Won-suk had not yet divorced his original wife at the time, and he pursued her unremittingly. In the end, Jang Eun-young was impressed by Cui Won-suk's money-making ability and became Cui Won-suk's step-mother.

Cui Shanji felt that Jang Eun-young was the mistress and the culprit of destroying her parents' marriage, so her attitude towards Jang Eun-young, the stepmother, was not very good. When Zhang Enying first married into the Cui family, Cui Shanji was already in middle school, about the same age as her daughter Chen Yunzhu now.

Later, her younger sister Cui Xiuzhen was born. Cui Xiuzhen quite admired her as her sister. She was always the elder sister and the shorter one, so she became Cui Shanji's follower. Therefore, Choi Sun-hee has a normal relationship with her stepmother Jang Eun-young, and her relationship with her sister Choi Soo-jin is pretty good.

When Cui Shanji reached her current age, she had actually begun to understand what Zhang Enying did back then. She also began to understand that even without Jang Eun-young, her parents would still divorce, and there would be Lee Eun-young, Park Eun-young or Zheng Eun-young, etc. Cui Shanji's mother later married an American businessman and currently lives in Los Angeles all year round. Cui Shanji visited her several times when she went to Los Angeles.

Zhang Enying is very efficient. After Song Yi and his party visited Dassault and booked two Falcon 7X business jets, Zhang Enying had already arrived in Paris. As for Dassault, these two aircraft will be officially delivered to Song Yi around July next year. Song Yi is also the first Asian customer to order a Falcon 7X business jet. However, it may take three or four years for the Falcon 7X to obtain an airworthiness certificate issued by China Civil Aviation Administration. The Falcon 7X cannot travel between China and South Korea for the time being.

The reason why Song Yi ordered two Falcon 7Xs was mainly to facilitate Jin Xiyuan's travel. As the chairman of Manchester United, Manchester United goes to participate in key Champions League games, making it convenient for Kim Hee-won to watch the games and cheer for the club players.

As soon as Zhang Enying got off the plane, she was taken to the Hilton Arc de Triomphe Hotel by special car. This hotel is located near the Eiffel Tower, next to the Champs Elysées, the Seine River, the Louvre, the Paris Opera and other famous attractions, making it very convenient for tourists to check in.

After she checked in, she immediately took a nice bath in the luxurious suite. Because it was difficult to go abroad to relax, she was in a happy mood and hummed while admiring the beautiful scenery outside the bathroom.

Zhang Enying made a special trip to Europe this time. Traveling and relaxing was secondary. The main thing was to find a future for herself and her daughter Xiuzhen. After all, there is a successful case like Seo Mi-kyung in front of her, she just needs to learn from others.

Xu Meijing was originally Xin Dongbin's side wife. The ladies and ladies in Seoul were originally unwilling to pay attention to her, and they were unwilling to take her with them in any social activities.

Xu Meijing successfully won the opportunity to cooperate with Song Yi by virtue of the land in North Gyeongsang Province. Hyundai Sports won the right to host the F1 Korean Grand Prix, and Seo Mi-kyung suddenly became a director of Hyundai Sports, and suddenly got the ticket to the upper-class gathering in Korea.

In addition to this, Xu Meijing also solved the marriage of her daughter Jin Youmei through Song Yi's introduction. Jin Youmei married Zhou Daxuan, the third son of Zhou Mengyu, the fourth brother of the modern family, which also solved a problem that Xu Meijing had been worried about in the past few years.

As Seo Meijing's friend for many years, Zhang Enying was happy for Seo Meijing, but also curious about how she got into Song Yi's relationship. After all, the relationship between the Lotte family and Song Yi was not good.

When the Lee Eun Joo case was exposed, although the father and son Kim Gak Ho and Kim Dong Bin of the Lotte family were only sentenced to probation and fined, the details of the punishment were not disclosed to the public. However, this punishment is not a secret among the Seoul chaebol families. The Kim family and his son have lost face.

Lotte Group Chairman Kim Dong-bin also hates Song Yi to the core. Lotte Group's products have always refused to supply South Korea's largest shopping website Sohan.com. Originally, after Seo Mi-kyung became a shareholder of Hyundai Sports, only a small number of Lotte products still appeared in the Sohan.com catalog.

At that time, Zhang Enying had already understood that Song Yi had not reconciled with the Lotte family. It was just that Xu Meijing got into Song Yi's relationship through some unknown method, and her status suddenly became noble. Zhang Enying asked Seo Meijing, but Seo Meijing always shook her head ambiguously and only said that the secret must not be leaked.

Later, Cui Shanji proposed to introduce her sister Cui Xiuzhen to Song Yi's brother-in-law Kim Hyung-soo. When Xu Meijing learned about this, she immediately said that this was a good thing and persuaded Zhang Enying to agree early. She also mentioned a lot of Song Yi's advantages.

Zhang Enying couldn't laugh or cry at the time, "Xiuzhen was married to Kim Hyung-soo, not to Song Yi. Why did you say so many good things to Song Yi? When you married your daughter, it was not because of your son-in-law Zhou Daxuan, but because of Song Yi that you agreed to the engagement. of?"

Xu Meijing said plausibly, "Daxuan is the youngest son in their family. His father passed away more than ten years ago, so he couldn't get any property. Daxuan is the youngest son, and he can't get anything."

"I only have such a daughter. Although I don't expect Daxuan to be rich and powerful, at least I can't treat Youmei badly. I will still count on Youmei to provide for me in my old age. Song Yi was the matchmaker for Youmei's marriage, and Song Yi was the matchmaker for Daxuan. Yi's cousin, if after Daxuan leaves the family business and sets up his own business, Song Yi can't just let him go, right? For the future of their young couple, I have to have a good relationship with Song Yi, right?" Xu Meijing Speak her mind.

Jang Eun-young felt that Seo Mi-kyung's words made sense, so she agreed to the marriage and completed Cui Won-suk's work.

Zhou Daxuan is just Xu Meijing's son-in-law and Song Yi's cousin. He has now left the family business BNG Steel and joined Modern Sports as a standing assistant to Zhou Mengkui, the president of Modern Sports.

Jin Hyung-soo is Song Yi’s brother-in-law and currently works at Sohan.com. If we talk about the closeness of relatives, Jin Hyung-soo is much closer than Zhou Daxuan. How could Song Yi treat Jin Hyung-soo badly? No matter how poorly Kim Hyung-soo fares in the SA system, his personal net worth will far exceed that of his father Kim Yoo-moon.

The East Asia Group has been shrinking its business in recent years. In addition to its core business, the East Asia Daily, which has remained profitable, Cui Won-suk's investments in real estate, the Internet and the media have suffered varying degrees of losses.

The Dong-A Ilbo newspaper has sold the newspaper office building to ease the debt pressure of the East Asia Group, and has rented the office building back to continue working. In order to share the pressure for her husband Choi Won-suk, Jang Eun-young bought several fake bags from luxury brands.

Before coming to France, Zhang Enying specifically asked Xu Meijing for advice on how to deepen her friendship with Song Yi so as to show her enthusiasm without appearing to be flattering.

When Xu Meijing heard what Zhang Enying said, she suddenly became happy. She circled around Zhang Enying, looking at Zhang Enying's bulging figure, and clicked her tongue, "Men like nothing more than three things, power, money and Beauty."

"Song Yi is not short of power and money now, so he is probably more interested in beautiful women. If you look at the frequent scandals between him and female artists under the SA Group, you know that some of the rumors are not nonsense."

"Look at you, even though you have been married for so long, your waist is still so slender and your figure is so round. Who would have thought that you have a daughter as old as Xiuzhen. When you go shopping with Xiuzhen, others will misunderstand that you are sisters instead of Mother and daughter. You don’t need to prepare any gifts when you go to France this time. Bringing yourself there is the best gift." Xu Meijing said ambiguously.

Zhang Enying blushed when she heard what Xu Meijing said, "You are such a coquettish person, you can say such things. Did you also use a beauty trick on Song Yi in order to have a beautiful marriage? Your old man I'm staring at you so closely, so you won't have much chance to steal something."

Xu Meijing's eyes were a little erratic, and she began to laugh at herself, "I want to use a honey trap on Song Yi, but I don't have such strong capital as you. If I take good care of myself like you, I can fly to Paris during the day, and I will go to Song Yi at night. I’ve offered myself a pillow mat in the room.”

Zhang Enying thought of Xu Meijing's look and knew that the relationship between her and Song Yi was not that simple. She stood up from the bathtub and wiped her body with a bath towel. She turned around in the mirror and looked at her naked and graceful body. She whispered, "Does Song Yi really like a beauty like me?"

By the time Zhang Enying had changed her clothes, Song Yi and her group had already gone to Dassault Company and returned to the Hilton Hotel. Cui Xiuzhen learned that Zhang Enying had checked into the hotel, and immediately entered the luxury suite to find Zhang Enying.

Zhang Enying saw her daughter Cui Xiuzhen's turbulent look and shook her head helplessly, "A person who is about to get married is still so unstable. What would it look like if your parents-in-law saw her like this?"

"Oh Mom, guess where we went this morning?" Cui Xiuzhen sat on the sofa and showed off what she had seen today with Zhang Enying.

Zhang Enying smiled and did not answer. She knew that the impatient Cui Xiuzhen would take the initiative to speak out.

"We went to Dassault, the most famous aircraft manufacturing company in France, and the president of Dassault personally entertained us. President Song booked two Falcon 7X business jets today, and he is also the first to purchase such a business jet. Asian customers. Now I know that Dassault originally produced weapons, and the French Rafale fighter jet was produced by Dassault. In the 1990s, Dassault began to produce business jets in order to transform." Cui Xiuzhen gushed. said.

Jang Eun-young thinks it’s strange that her daughter Choi Soo-jin is so rare, “Isn’t this strange? Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hanjin Group are all military contractors of the South Korean Ministry of National Defense, producing weapons for the South Korean army. SA Telecom also won the bid for the South Korean military in Gyeonggi. A telecommunications project in Tao.”

Cui Xiuzhen continued to explain, "I'm not here to talk about this. I didn't expect President Song to know so much about fighter jets, including the Rafale fighter jets produced in France, the Typhoon fighter jets jointly developed by Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain, and the Russian Su-27 fighter jets. We all know each other quite well, and I had a very clear conversation with the president of Dassault."

"The president of Dassault knows about the good relationship between Chairman Song and our president. He probably wants to sell Rafale fighter jets to South Korea through Chairman Song's relationship, so he has been introducing the advantages of Rafale fighter jets instead of Falcon 7X official business The plane, Hyung-soo and I almost laughed like crazy next to us." Cui Xiuzhen shared with Zhang Enying Song Yi's interesting experience when buying a plane in the morning.

"I originally thought that President Song would only buy one Falcon 7X, but who knew that he would order two at once. If you add in the Gulfstream G550 he bought before, he already has three private jets. We are the richest man in South Korea. The noodles are really extraordinary." Cui Xiuzhen said with emotion.

The price of one Falcon 7X business jet is as high as 50 billion won, and two aircraft are worth 100 billion won. Cui Xiuzhen felt that Song Yi could buy these two private jets faster than she could go shopping in the supermarket. A big deal worth hundreds of billions of won was decided in just a few minutes.

"Song Yi and the others helped me book a hotel in advance and entertained me so sincerely. I'd better go over and say hello to him first. Xiuzhen, do you think the skirt I'm wearing today is appropriate?" Zhang Enying asked her daughter.

After taking a shower, Zhang Enying changed into a white mid-sleeve lace skirt, flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and a pair of white mid-heeled high heels, giving people an intellectual feel.

It was the first time Cui Xiuzhen saw her mother Zhang Enying dressed up so young, and her eyes lit up, "Oh Mom, you are so beautifully dressed today, aren't you? It feels like it has suppressed my limelight. You look like you are around thirty." Pretty lady. I will remind Hengsoo later and ask him to look at you less, otherwise I will be jealous."

When Zhang Enying heard what Cui Xiuzhen said, she pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't dress up carefully just for Kim Hyung Soo. In order to win Song Yi's favor, she deliberately draped her hair over her shoulders and did not wear any accessories on her body. This was also Zhang Enying's trick.

When Song Yi saw Zhang Enying, he was stunned for a moment. Zhang Enying should be about the same age as Song Suying, the wife of the chairman of SK Group, but she looks much younger. Zhang Enying has a rare girlish feeling about her. Perhaps this is also the same as Zhang Enying. It has something to do with giving birth to a daughter Cui Xiuzhen, but Song Suying gave birth to two daughters and one son after all.

Song Yi shook hands with Zhang Enying and said hello with a very warm attitude, "Mrs. Cui, our two families will be relatives from now on. We should keep in touch if we have the opportunity."

Seeing Song Yi's attitude, Zhang Enying felt like Ming Jing, knowing that what Xu Meijing said was true. She was a little more confident about the success of this European trip. After all, she came to Europe this time with a mission from Cui Yuanshuo.

Cui Yuanshuo's investments in real estate, Internet and media industries have frequently suffered losses in recent years, and these industries are precisely the advantageous businesses of SA Group. Cui Yuanshuo wants to package and sell these loss-making businesses of East Asia Group to SA Group to repay bank loans.

Zhang Enying was a little hesitant when he heard Cui Yuanshuo's plan, "Xiuzhen and Hyungsoo's marriage has not been finalized yet, so you approached Song Yi to discuss business cooperation. Are you a little impatient? At least wait until Xiuzhen and Hyungsoo are engaged before you approach Song Yi. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to ask for help?”

Cui Yuanshuo criticized Zhang Enying, "You women have long hair and short knowledge. I just considered that Xiuzhen's marriage has not been settled, so I negotiated terms with Song Yi to test whether the SA Group is sincere."

"The Dong-A Ilbo has been scolding the Song Woo-seok government and the SA Group before. Now Soo-jin is going to marry Song Yi's brother-in-law Kim Hyung-soo. In order to ease the relationship between our two families, the Dong-A Ilbo will definitely try to publish as few articles about the SA Group and the SA Group as possible in the future. Song Yi’s negative reports. Do you know how much less advertising revenue I get from conservative groups or companies every year if I change my stance?”

"Song Yi appointed Sun Ji as the president of ABS TV station. I was very happy at the time. I hope that ABS TV station and East Asia Group will cooperate to a certain extent to increase advertising revenue for the "East Asia Daily". Who knew that Sun Ji, a heartless person, would directly Rejected my proposal."

"As South Korea's largest media giant, SA Group already controls wireless TV stations, social networking sites, search engines, portals and entertainment magazines. Newspapers are its only shortcoming."

"The three major newspapers in South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" is the stronghold of conservatives, and Song Yi has no way to get involved. "Joongang Ilbo" is separated from the Samsung Group, and Song Yi cannot buy it even if he has money. Our "Dong-A Ilbo" is Song Yi's The only mainstream newspaper that Yi can get involved in."

"If the SA Group re-creates a newspaper and wants to achieve the circulation of the Dong-A Ilbo, it will take at least 5 to 8 years. Next year is the presidential election. Even if Song Yi is willing to wait, is it possible to open the National Assembly? Are you willing to wait too?”

"It is certainly impossible for the Dong-A Ilbo to change its pro-conservative stance, but I can completely control the amount and focus of a report. Sometimes, the same report only needs to change the narrative technique , will bring readers a completely different reading concept, and can even guide and change readers’ views.”

"This is like a math problem. I can't give Song Yi extra points, but I can make him deduct less points, 30 points or 5 points, it depends on how I operate. Sometimes, victory in an election is It takes that tiny little margin.”

"If Song Yi knew that acquiring East Asia Group's loss-making business would give him a certain degree of support from the East Asia Daily, he would have agreed to the acquisition," Cui Yuanshuo said.

Jang Eun-young feels that Choi Won-seok is a bit blindly optimistic. Four years ago, Song Woo-seok did not have the support of Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo. Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo scolded Song Woo-seok every day, but they could not prevent Song Woo-seok from being elected. president.

The SA Group is now stronger than it was four years ago. Not many young people in South Korea are willing to read newspapers anymore, and the decline of the Dong-A Ilbo has become inevitable.

If Choi Won-suk is willing to sell the Dong-A Ilbo to the SA Group, Song Yi will take control of this important mouthpiece media. Song Yi is willing to take over other loss-making business lines of the East Asia Group for the high-quality asset of "East Asia Daily". When the time comes, Song Yi will split it up, divide it into parts, and then reorganize and merge it. Maybe he will be able to take the Dong-A Ilbo public.

Now you are only willing to give Song Yi a promise, and you want Song Yi to take over the loss-making business of East Asia Group. Isn't this just trying to spread the pie with your mouth and making nothing?

However, Cui Yuanshuo asked her to come to Paris to get close to Song Yi, which was as she wished. Zhang Enying knows that the East Asia Group is no longer an empty frame. She has decided to get rid of Cui Yuanshuo, a dilapidated old ship, and work hard to board Song Yi, a vibrant new cruise ship, to plan for the future of her and Cui Xiuzhen.

Whether Dong-A Group can continue to operate in the future or whether Choi Won-suk sells "Dong-A Ilbo" has little to do with her. But if Cui Yuanshuo discovers that Zhang Enying and Song Yi are having an affair in the future, then she can respond confidently to Cui Yuanshuo, "Didn't you ask me to approach Song Yi proactively so that he could agree to acquire the loss-making business of East Asia Group? I was just following the order. Pick up men!”

After having lunch at the hotel, Song Yi and his party went to the Champs Elysées to start shopping. This street was packed with various luxury stores, which made the three women Cui Shanji, Zhang Enying and Cui Xiuzhen linger in shopping.

Song Yi had already stated that he would pay for all today's purchases. However, Zhang Enying and Cui Xiuzhen, mother and daughter, were still more measured. Each of them only picked one set of clothes and one bag. Cui Shanji was not polite. In major luxury goods stores, The crazy shopping made Zhang Enying and her daughter envious.

When Zhang Enying returned to the hotel, she was pleasantly surprised to find an orange Hermès Birkin bag on the coffee table in the room. This bag was the same style as that of actress Lindsay Lohan. She lost this bag at London Heathrow Airport this year. A Birkin bag, this Birkin bag and its contents are worth more than one million dollars.

During this year's Football World Cup in Germany, most of the wives or girlfriends of England players used this handbag. England's football team is indeed not the most powerful, but England's women's team is the most beautiful, including many supermodels. Therefore, during this period, Hermès Birkin bags also formed a craze, which spread to Seoul and appeared in many American TV series.

Zhang Enying fell in love with this Birkin bag while shopping today, but considering the high price, she reluctantly put the bag down again.

She didn't expect Song Yi to be so considerate, secretly buying this bag and delivering it to the room in advance, giving Zhang Enying a huge surprise. There is a note next to the handbag. The content of the note is "Mrs. Cui, this is the first time we meet. I have prepared a small gift, please accept it."

Zhang Enying bit her lip, put the bag in her hand, and looked at it in the mirror for a long time, feeling very satisfied.

Didn't Cui Yuanshuo say that Song Yi had always wanted to buy a mainstream Korean newspaper? For the sake of this bag, and for the future of her and her daughter, she felt that she could go over and talk to Song Yi and give him some advice. . If SA Group could successfully acquire the East Asia Daily, she believed that Song Yi would not treat her as the first contributor badly.

The couple Kim Hyung-soo and Cui Xiuzhen had already gone on a date by the Seine River. Seeing that Cui Xiuzhen wouldn't be back for a while, Zhang Enying took off her stockings and knocked on Song Yi's door.

Song Yi didn't seem surprised by Zhang Enying's visit. He gave Zhang Enying a platinum bag worth one million yuan. It was reasonable for Zhang Enying to come over to express his gratitude. When he noticed that Zhang Enying had taken off her stockings, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Enying noticed Song Yi's smile and felt that she had been seen through by Song Yi, as if she was naked and almost fell down.

Song Yi, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately supported Zhang Enying and said, "Mrs. Cui, be careful where you step, don't sprain your feet."

Zhang Enying felt the heat of Song Yi's palm, held Song Yi's shoulders, and almost leaned on Song Yi with half of her body.

"President Song, I'm flattered that you gave me such an expensive bag. Where's Xiuzhen?" Zhang Enying asked proactively. If Cui Xiuzhen didn't receive the gift, just receiving the gift would inevitably arouse people's suspicion.

Song Yi helped Zhang Enying sit on the edge of the bed. Their thighs were close to each other, like long-time friends meeting again.

"Mrs. Cui, don't worry. Xiuzhen also has a Hermès bag, but it's not a Birkin bag. It was given in the name of Hyungsoo. I also told Hyungsoo. It's not that I'm reluctant to give up the money, but Xiuzhen just bought it. In society, young people carrying platinum bags are not in line with her temperament. When she returns to Seoul, her friends may think she is carrying her mother's bag to show off, which is not good." Song Yi replied thoughtfully.

Zhang Enying felt a little dizzy when she saw Song Yi sitting so close, "President Song, I'm a few years older than Shan Ji. We usually get along with Shan Ji like sisters, and we never act like elders. You'd better not call me Mrs. Cui, call her Mrs. Cui." Just my sister Eunying will be fine."

When Song Yi heard what Zhang Enying said, she was secretly happy, feeling that Zhang Enying was an informed and sensible woman. "Sister Enying, I'm a little tired from shopping today. I'm just going to take a bath to relax. Do you have anything else to do when you come over tonight?"

Zhang Enying heard that Song Yi was going to take a bath, and she was at a loss. She stood up, neither leaving nor staying. Song Yi didn't speak. She was always embarrassed to recommend herself as a pillow, which would easily make Song Yi look down upon.

Seeing Zhang Enying standing still, Song Yi knew better and took the initiative to hold Song Yi's hand, "Sister Enying, when I usually take a bath in Seoul, Taixi will rub my back. There is no one else today, you If you really want to thank me, just stay and give me a back rub, okay?"

Zhang Enying didn't expect Song Yi to be so bold, so she lowered her head and agreed. She remembered that she had just promised to rub Song Yi's back, but then she took a couple's bath with Song Yi in a daze, and almost forgot about the real thing.

Chen Zaican in the next suite reminded Cui Shanji, "Do you want to go find Zhang Enying? She is most likely not in her room at this time, and maybe she is having a tryst with him in Song Yi's room? Song Yi is really amazing, for the first time He settled on Jang Eun-young when we met. He said he gave Jang Eun-young a Birkin bag worth over 100,000 U.S. dollars. Was he interested in Jang Eun-young, the person, or was he interested in Choi Won-suk's Dong-A Ilbo?"

Cui Shanji thought for a while and said, "It's both. When you invited Jang Eun-young to travel to Europe, he might have already planned to plot against the Dong-A Ilbo. After all, Jang Eun-young is our Chairman Cui's pillow, and he knows his Lots of secrets.”

"Song Yi may not be able to buy the Dong-A Ilbo with money, but the secrets in Jang Eun-young's belly are likely to make Chairman Choi succumb." Cui Shanhui concluded.

Chen Zaican clapped his hands and said, "Song Yi is really tall. He slept with other people's wives and forced Chairman Cui to sell the Dong-A Ilbo. Chairman Cui wanted Zhang Enying to come forward to solve the financial difficulties of the Dong-A Group. As a result, he lost his wife and Zhebing. Our suite is so close to Song Yi's room. Behind our bed is the bathroom of Song Yi's room. Put your ear over and see if you can hear what Song Yi and Zhang Enying are doing."

Cui Shanji sighed and hit Chen Zaican, "You shameless person, when will you stop listening to the wall root?"

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