I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 275 Chen Fuzhen is coming to power

In mid-July, Song Yi and Jin Hengzhu rushed to London and met Zhou Shulan. Zhou Shulan expressed her dissatisfaction with Song Yi, "You clearly know that these two days are Xiyuan's due date, why didn't you know to come here earlier? When the child is born, you, the father, are not around. Is it ridiculous?"

After Zhou Shulan finished criticizing Song Yi, she became concerned about Jin Hyung-soo's marriage, "Heng-soo, what's your impression of Xiuzhen when you get along with her these days?"

When Jin Hengzhu expressed that he was very satisfied with Cui Xiuzhen as his fiancée, Zhou Shulan looked pleased, "Since both parties are satisfied, let's get married as soon as possible. Have children as early as possible while you are young. You have to learn this from Xiao Yi. For families like yours If conditions are good, you should have two more children and inherit your excellent genes."

When Jin Hengzhu heard what Zhou Shulan said, he glanced at Song Yi. He didn't dare to learn from Song Yi. On the surface, Song Yi only has Taixi as his wife, but secretly he has two wives, Jin Xiyuan and Son Yejin. If Chen Fuzhen, who lives in Puhai, is added to the list, Song Yi already has four wives. If he finds a little wife, he thinks Cui Xiuzhen will risk her life with him.

Jin Xiyuan stayed at St. Mary's Hospital in London this time. Song Yi's eldest daughter Song Yuanzhu was born in this hospital. Jin Xiyuan was very happy to see Song Yi, "Husband, I thought you would arrive tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to arrive early. I heard that you gained a lot from your trip to Europe?"

Song Yi didn't know what gain Jin Xiyuan was referring to. The biggest gain from this trip to Europe was the addition of Zhang Enying as an ally. Zhang Enying revealed to him the background of East Asia Group and Cui Yuanshuo these days, and Song Yi already had a plan to acquire the "East Asia Daily" in his mind.

In order to alleviate Cui Won-suk's resistance, if SA Group successfully acquired the Dong-A Ilbo, Song Yi decided to bring Zhang Enying to the forefront and make Zhang Enying and Cui Xiuzhen the largest individual shareholders of the Dong-A Ilbo.

"I came to Europe to watch a game and earned some milk powder money for our son. In order to facilitate your and Taixi's travel, I ordered two Falcon 7Xs from Dassault. They will be almost delivered by this time next year. From now on, you can fly Europe is much more convenient," Song Yi said.

Zhou Shulan was a little confused when she heard "Falcon 7X", "What falcon? Why did you buy a falcon? Falcons are nationally protected animals and cannot be bought or sold."

Jin Xiyuan was amused by Zhou Shulan when she heard what Zhou Shulan said, "Mom, the Falcon 7X is not an animal, it is a private jet, a private jet similar to the Taixi. You are so funny."

After Zhou Shulan understood, she couldn't help but laugh, "I thought Xiao Yi wanted to buy a falcon. Last time I took a plane and was transiting in Dubai, I found that those Arab princes like to raise falcons, which look like eagles. These falcons have special seats when flying, and each falcon's eyes are blindfolded. I was stunned when I saw it. This was the first time I saw someone buying a plane ticket for a bird."

There are also many Middle Eastern rich people living in London, and Kim Hee-won is also aware of the extravagant behavior of these oil sheiks. "Mom, these Falcons are not cheap. Each one is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, no less than a supercar. Last time, a Middle Eastern consortium approached our club and prepared to buy Manchester United for 1.5 billion pounds. That buyer had a rare hunting falcon, one worth $6 million."

Zhou Shulan was secretly speechless and warned her son Song Yi, "A bird is worth 6 million US dollars, which can buy a house in the best community in Yanjing. Xiao Yi, you can't buy this kind of thing in the future. In the words of your father , this is called playing with things to lose one's ambition. In the past, when the Eight Banners disciples had nothing to do, they just liked to carry a bird cage and walk around."

Jin Xiyuan did not forget to complain to Zhou Shulan, "Mom, the Falcon 7X business jet Song Yi bought is not cheap. One Falcon 7X is at least 300 million, and two is 600 million. Even the most expensive one You can also buy more than ten falcons. Playing with airplanes costs a lot more money than playing with birds."

Song Yi heard what Jin Xiyuan said and glared at her, but Jin Xiyuan was not afraid and asked Zhou Shulan for help, "Mom, Song Yi glared at me and blamed me for complaining."

When Zhou Shulan heard what Jin Xiyuan said, she patted Song Yi and said, "What's going on? The older you get, the less sensible you are. Your wife worked hard to give birth to your child in the hospital and hasn't seen you all year round. Why do you have the nerve to hurt her? Why? , is she right?"

Facing his mother Zhou Shulan, Song Yi could only relent, "I didn't hurt her. Xiyuan is a meritorious official of our Song family. How could I dare to hurt her. I considered that Manchester United often went to play games in European countries, and Xiyuan often If she needs to watch football with the team, it will be more convenient to buy her a plane. When the baby is born, it will be more convenient whether she returns to Seoul or Yanjing."

Zhou Shulan also feels sorry for Kim Hee-won, Kim Tae-hee is in Seoul, Son Ye-jin is in Hong Kong Island, Chen Fuzhen is in Puhai, and only Kim Hee-won is far away in the UK. Britain is a place she is unfamiliar with. Jin Xiyuan has to manage a football club as big as Manchester United by herself, so she has no problem with equipping her with a plane.

"I support you buying a private jet for Xiyuan. Isn't buying just one private jet enough? Why buy two? The Taixi you bought before usually only flies with you and Taixi. Isn't one plane enough? I know you can make money, but you spend money like water. No matter how much money you have, I can't help you spending it like this." Zhou Shulan couldn't help but say something.

Zhou Shulan actually only said half of what she said. You bought a private jet for Tae Hee and Hee Won this time. Do you want to buy it for Son Ye Jin, or do you want to buy it for Chen Fuzhen?

Chen Fuzhen is the eldest princess of the Samsung Group. She comes from a privileged family and has traveled on her father Chen Jianxi's private jet since she was a child. Chen Fuzhen is now the president of SA Culture and Tourism Group. It is impossible for her to continue to use Chen Jianxi's private jet. Aren't you afraid that Chen Fuzhen has other ideas?

Song Yi bought two houses for Chen Fuzhen in Puhai City, one was a large flat floor of Tomson's first grade, and the other was a villa in Tan Palace. Because Tan Gong Villa needs to be renovated, Chen Fuzhen and Chen Yuanzhong basically live in Tomson Yipin Community this year. Chen Yuanzhong will attend an international kindergarten in Puhai City in the second half of the year.

Chen Fuzhen is very good at life. When she went to Yanjing to discuss projects, she took her son Chen Yuanzhong to Lijing Garden to visit her mother-in-law Zhou Shulan, and Liao Yu's mother and daughter.

When Zhou Shulan saw Chen Fuzhen mother and son, she was a little at a loss. She didn't know how to entertain Chen Fuzhen mother and son or how to address Chen Fuzhen.

Chen Fuzhen was very polite. As soon as he entered the door, he bent down to say hello to Zhou Shulan, "Hello, aunt, I'm bringing Yuan Zhong to visit you."

Zhou Shulan had known Chen Yuanzhong's life experience for a long time. When she heard Chen Fuzhen call her that, she felt a little regretful, "Welcome, Yuan Zhong, do you still know me?"

Chen Yuanzhong glanced at Chen Fuzhen doubtfully. Although he had met Zhou Shulan when he was a child, he had no memory of it.

Chen Fuzhen touched his son's little head and said, "Call grandma."

Chen Yuanzhong said hello crisply, "Hello, grandma!"

When Zhou Shulan heard Chen Yuanzhong call "grandma", she felt very excited and almost burst into tears. Her long-cherished wish of several years was finally fulfilled, "Good boy, good boy, so good. Grandma has Lego at home, can I give it to you to play with?" "

Chen Yuanzhong glanced at Chen Fuzhen, who nodded, and a smile appeared on Chen Yuanzhong's face, "Thank you, grandma, thank you mommy."

Liao Yu heard that Chen Fuzhen had come to Lijing Garden. After handling the Xinya advertising matter, she returned home with her daughter Song Miao.

Song Miao felt very strange when she saw Chen Fuzhen. She nodded and said hello to Chen Fuzhen, "Hello Aunt Fuzhen! Are you free to come to my house today?"

When Chen Fuzhen saw the look of little adult Song Miao, a smile appeared on his face, "Miaomiao, I have come to the mainland to work now, and now I live in Puhai all year round. Next time you come to Puhai to play, remember to call Auntie. Come to Auntie’s house as a guest, remember?”

Song Miao was a little surprised, "Has Aunt Fuzhen come to work in the mainland? Has Shilla Hotel opened a branch in Puhai?"

Chen Fuzhen only has one son, Chen Yuanzhong. In fact, she also wants to have a well-behaved and sensible daughter. She shook her head, "No, I am now the president of SA Cultural Tourism Group. Like your mother, I also work in your uncle's company. From now on we will be We are a family. You have to say more good things about me in front of your brother-in-law, otherwise your brother-in-law will deduct my salary."

Liao Yu felt guilty when she heard Chen Fuzhen's words. Chen Fuzhen is Song Yi's woman. Does Chen Fuzhen's words "just like your mother" imply that she knows about the relationship between Liao Yu and Song Yi?

Song Miao was deeply impressed by Chen Fuzhen's son, Chen Yuanzhong, "Aunt Fuzhen, did you come to work in the mainland and leave Yuan Zhong alone in Seoul? Wouldn't it be too lonely for him to leave his mother at such a young age?"

Chen Fuzhen was amused by Song Miao, "Yuan Zhong came to live with me in the mainland. He will go to kindergarten in Puhai in the second half of the year. Just now your grandma brought him a set of Lego toys. Why don't you go and play with your brother for a while? ?”

Song Miao glanced at her mother, and Liao Yu agreed, "Let's play with my brother for a while. It doesn't matter if we finish the homework left by the teacher later."

After Zhou Shulan got the Lego for Chen Yuanzhong, she came back to find Chen Fuzhen. She was very happy to see Liao Yu, "Xiao Yu, Fuzhen and Yuan Zhong are rare guests at home today. Why don't we go out for a meal? You can give it to Tan Family at Yanjing Hotel." Say hello to Cai and ask them to reserve a private room."

Chen Fuzhen knew that Zhou Shulan wanted to entertain their mother and son ceremoniously, but she still didn't want Chen Yuanzhong to show his face prematurely.

"Auntie, we are all a family, and we don't need to be so polite. I have long heard from Song Yi that your cooking skills are very good. I brought Yuan Zhong here today just to let him try grandma's cooking skills. Is it convenient for you to see?" Chen Fuzhen asked sincerely.

When Zhou Shulan heard what Chen Fuzhen said, she felt very happy and couldn't hide the smile on her face, "It's convenient, what's the inconvenience? You're right, Yuan Zhong is a guest at home, and I, as a grandmother, must cook Make a delicious meal. Tan's family tastes really good, but it doesn't taste like home. Does Yuan Zhong have any taboos?"

"Yuan Zhong doesn't have any taboos. He just came to Puhai and quickly adapted to Puhai's eating habits. Make it lighter for him, not too oily. If possible, please stir-fry one or two green leafy vegetables for him." Chen Fuzhen felt Zhou Shulan's enthusiasm and sighed that today was the right day.

Zhou Shulan happily went to cook, leaving Liao Yu and Chen Fuzhen chatting in the living room. In addition to being the chairman of the board of directors of New Asia Advertising, Liao Yu also helps Song Yi manage his personal assets in the mainland, including the Song Yi Family Trust Fund.

Liao Yu said that Song Yi had long added Chen Fuzhen and his son to the list of beneficiaries of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund. The most important thing about the Song Yi Family Trust Fund was its shareholding in mainland Internet companies. Song Yi had already included Penguin, Alibaba, Baidu, and NetEase. The equity interests were gradually placed under the name of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund.

In Song Yi's words, even if SA Group goes bankrupt one day, or Song Yi is gone, Song Yi's women or children can still live a wealthy and idle life.

Chen Fuzhen heard what Liao Yu said, "Even though Song Yi has become the richest man in South Korea, with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, he still has a strong sense of crisis. It seems that the mass shooting in Seoul in 2003 left Song Yi with a lot of psychological shadow."

Liao Yu nodded, "China can be said to be the safest country in the world, and the gun ban is also implemented very thoroughly. The situation in South Korea is relatively complicated. Until now, many people still want to kill Song Yi."

"Have you noticed that Song Yi has not been to the United States in the past two years. In his words, he is afraid that the Americans will suddenly attack him, detain him in the United States, and then force him to dismember the SA Group to help American giants Form technological hegemony around the world," Liao Yu said.

"South Korea's chaebols are dependent on others, and they cannot do without Wall Street capital. SA Group has so many high-quality assets, but it is unwilling to open its arms to Wall Street capital and steal people's money. It is like killing parents. No wonder others hate him. . However, many young Koreans support Song Yi and feel that SA Group is the real national enterprise." Chen Fuzhen said.

When Liao Yu heard the term "Korean national enterprise", she felt strange. SA Group is mainly divided into Korean business and mainland business. Although both belong to the same group company, the company's assets have been segregated. New Asia Network and New Asia Advertising were listed on the Hong Kong stock market through a VIE structure.

SA Group enjoys the income and assets of New Asia Network and New Asia Advertising. The operation and management of New Asia Network and New Asia Advertising are handled by its mainland subsidiaries and do not need to report separately to the SA Group Board of Directors.

When Liao Yu saw Chen Fuzhen coming as a guest this time, he restrained his past arrogance and was completely different from Chen Fuzhen in Seoul. Whether it is to her mother-in-law Zhou Shulan or her sister-in-law Liao Yu, she is very polite, just like a newly married young daughter-in-law, who instantly gained the Song family's approval.

She now feels that it is a bit tricky. Chen Fuzhen came to reveal his identity this time in order to let Chen Yuanzhong recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, and let the Song family accept Chen Yuanzhong as his grandson.

The current problem is that Chen Yuanzhong is Song Yi's first son, and Jin Taixi's son Song Yuanhao is Song Yi's eldest son.

Chen Fuzhen has never identified his identity before, and Chen Fuzhen has no idea about Kim Tae Hee's status in the palace. Now that Zhou Shulan recognizes Chen Yuanzhong as his grandson, it is a question whether Chen Fuzhen is willing to continue to be Song Yi's lover.

In addition to Song Yuanhao, the existence of Chen Yuanzhong also threatened Song Yuanlong's inheritance rights. Song Yi had already made arrangements before, leaving the SA mainland assets to Song Miao and Song Yuanlong to inherit together.

Sun Yizhen could not help Song Yi in her career, and her family background was far inferior to that of Chen Fuzhen. If Chen Fuzhen wants to have a fight with Son Ye-jin, then Son Ye-jin will be dealt with by Chen Fuzhen.

Song Yi has transferred his shares in SA Culture and Tourism Group to Chen Fuzhen as compensation to make up for her loss in giving up Samsung shares. If Chen Fuzhen manages SA Cultural Tourism Group very well, then Song Yi may hand over SA Group's mainland assets to Chen Fuzhen to manage. If Chen Fuzhen comes to power, it is unknown whether Song Yuanlong can still get half of the mainland assets of the previous SA department.

Liao Yu felt that Chen Fuzhen was not satisfied with the position of president of SA Cultural Tourism Group, but Chen Fuzhen, who had just arrived, chose to stay dormant for a while. She definitely hoped to play a more important role in SA Group. After all, among the many women in Song Yi, Chen Fuzhen's business talent is the best. Neither the sisters Kim Xi-won nor Son Ye-jin can compare.

So when Zhou Shulan was about to go to the UK to take care of Jin Xiyuan who was expecting childbirth, Liao Yu specifically asked her mother-in-law Zhou Shulan to ask Song Yi what she thought so that she could make arrangements in advance.

"Mom, my sister-in-law said that Fu really wants to manage SA Group's business in China?" Song Yi asked Zhou Shulan.

"SA Real Estate, New Asia Advertising, New Asia Network and SA Culture and Tourism, the management of these companies have done a good job. SA Group does not need to establish a separate SA Group Greater China. Fuzhen should first build SA Culture and Tourism Group Well, she is not the kind of person who is too ambitious." Song Yi said with certainty.

"Mom, don't worry, Fuzhen and Taixi have a pretty good relationship, and they will give Taixi a minimum of respect. But according to Fuzhen's character, she may not betray Xiyuan or Yizhen. I hope Fuzhen and Yizhen and I can't touch each other, otherwise if they get into a fight, I don't know who to help." Song Yi also felt a headache when thinking of Chen Fuzhen's arrogant character.

Zhou Shulan was so angry that she pinched Song Yi's arm, "Who can blame this? It's not you! You can only pay back the romantic debt you incurred!"

Song Yi felt that what Liao Yu said made sense, and he decided to go back to Puhai to appease Chen Fuzhen, who was intent on ascending to power. As the wife of the president of SA Group, Kim Tae Hee is already low-key enough and does not have a strong sense of presence within the group. What would Kim Tae Hee think if Chen Fuzhen frequently increases his presence in SA Group?

Chen Fuzhen has officially signed a tripartite cooperation framework agreement with the Walt Disney Company and Puhai Municipal Government on behalf of SA Cultural Tourism Group. After multiple rounds of negotiations, Puhai Disneyland was officially decided to settle in Puhai.

The three major shareholders of Puhai Disneyland are: Puhai Shendi Group, Walt Disney Company and SA Culture and Tourism Group. The three shareholding ratios are 51%, 41% and 8%. SA Culture and Tourism Group will be Puhai Disneyland provides financing support. SA Bank has provided special loan support of US$2 billion for the Puhai Disneyland project. The entire Puhai Disneyland project is expected to be completed in five years and will be officially opened to the public in 2013. The total investment in the entire project is 4 billion. Around USD.

In addition to participating in the Disneyland project, SA Culture and Tourism Group will invest in the construction of an AXA Disney-themed hotel in Disney Town. The hotel will be jointly invested and constructed by SA Culture and Tourism Group and Walt Disney Parks, with SA Culture and Tourism Group as the main investor. Investment of 75%. After the hotel is completed, it will be managed by Puhai Disneyland.

Not long after Chen Fuzhen became the president of SA Cultural Tourism, he secured such a large project for the company, which can be said to be a good start. Song Yi originally wanted to recommend Chen Fuzhen to join the SA Group Board of Directors to reward her, but considering Liao Yu's reminder, he decided to slow down first. If Chen Fuzhen becomes a director of SA Group, it will make Kim Tae Hee even more aware of the crisis.

If Kim Tae Hee realizes that Chen Fuzhen's mother and son may threaten Song Yuanhao's future succession to the SA Group, then the confrontation and conflict between Kim Tae Hee and Chen Fuzhen will be inevitable. In order to avoid a fire in his backyard, Song Yi had to think of a way to stop Chen Fuzhen from being so aggressive.

On July 20, Jin Xiyuan gave birth to a son for Song Yi at St. Mary's Hospital. Song Yi named Song Yuanheng. After Liao Yu, Kim Tae Hee and Son Ye Jin learned the good news, they all called Kim Xi Won to express their congratulations. However, Chen Fuzhen, who also received the news, did not express any expression, as if he had no idea about it.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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