I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 276 Queensway’s Backstab

On August 19, the new Premier League season officially kicked off. Defending champion Chelsea faced Chinese player Sun Jihai’s Manchester City team, while Manchester United faced Fulham at Old Trafford.

After many days, Manchester United Chairman Kim Hee-won appeared again at Old Trafford. Kim Hee-won's appearance aroused cheers from Manchester United fans.

Before the game officially started, Kim Hee-won had brief conversations with the team's head coach Jose Mourinho and consultant Sir Alex Ferguson respectively. Sir Alex Ferguson was smiling, while "Madman" Mourinho was solemn.

In the end, Manchester United defeated Fulham 5-1. Cristiano Ronaldo performed extremely well with two passes and one shot. South Korean star Park Ji-sung, who came on the bench, also scored a goal in this game, breaking the goal drought. Wayne... Rooney also scored a goal.

South Korean sports media praised Park Ji-sung's performance and believed that he and Ronaldo are the twin stars of Manchester United. Head coach Mourinho should give Park Ji-sung more playing time.

Manchester United consultant Sir Alex Ferguson told reporters after the game that he will completely retire and will no longer serve as a consultant for Manchester United. He will enjoy Manchester United's games as an ordinary fan.

Sir Alex Ferguson said he was not under pressure from the outside world and had no conflicts with head coach Jose Mourinho. Mourinho is a very good head coach. The reason why he served as a consultant before was because he was entrusted by Kim Hee-won to help Mourinho take over the team faster. Now that Mourinho is doing very well, it's time for him to move on to the next stage of his life.

Manchester United chairman Kim Hee-won also announced that a statue of Sir Alex Ferguson will be erected at Old Trafford to recognize and commemorate Sir Alex Ferguson's outstanding achievements. Manchester United will reserve a permanent VIP seat for Sir Alex Ferguson in the stands and welcome him back to Old Trafford to watch the game at any time.

Jose Mourinho also thanked Sir Alex Ferguson for his contribution in the post-match interview. As a senior, he gave him a lot of useful advice. He and Sir Alex Ferguson have become friends who can drink two drinks.

Cristiano Ronaldo, who was voted the best of the game, thanked Kim Hee-won, Mourinho and Sir Alex Ferguson during the interview. Cristiano Ronaldo said Sir Alex Ferguson left a valuable spiritual legacy for Manchester United. Club chairman Kim Hee-won came to the stadium to watch the game, which greatly boosted their morale.

The reporter from "The Sun" was rather gossipy and asked Kim Hee-won directly, "Chairman Kim, I heard that you gave birth to a son in London last month. Is this true?"

Jin Xiyuan was slightly startled, "Where did you get the news?"

The reporter from "The Sun" was a little aggressive, "We have our own sources of information, you just need to answer whether you have it or not."

When Kim Hee-won heard what the "Sun" said, she did not tolerate the reporter, "This is not a sports issue, and it has nothing to do with Manchester United. I have no obligation to tell you. Next question."

South Korean media reported the content of the interview, with the headline being "Manchester United chairwoman gives birth to second child, child's father remains a mystery".

Kim Tae Hee's sister Kim Hee Won is also very well-known in South Korea. She was her sister Kim Tae Hee's agent in Seoul before, and later she was the head of the media business of SA Group.

After Kim Hee-won became the chairman of Manchester United and signed Asia's number one star Park Ji-sung, Kim Hee-won's reputation in South Korea became even greater, and almost everyone knew about it.

In terms of assets of South Korea’s richest women, Samsung Group’s Na Hong-hee ranked first, Kim Hee-won ranked second, Shinsegae Group’s Chen Myung-hee and Samsung family’s Chen Fuzhen ranked third and fourth.

Unlike her sister Kim Tae Hee, Kim Hee Won's marital status is rarely reported. Everyone only knows that she has a short marriage history. Jin Xiyuan gave birth to a daughter, and she took her young daughter to watch the game.

I haven't heard of Kim Hee-won revealing a new relationship. However, "The Sun" revealed that Kim Hee-won suddenly gave birth to a son in London. Naturally, it attracted a lot of attention from the Korean media. They also wanted to know who the father of Kim Hee-won's son was.

Kim Hee-won returned to Seoul with her brother and sister Song Yuanzhu and Song Yuanheng, and once again lived a reclusive life, as if they had disappeared from social media.

Song Yuanhao was very happy when he saw his sister Song Yuanzhu. The two babies got together and had a great time.

Kim Tae Hee has been paying attention to the news about her sister Kim Hee Won, "Unnie, I feel that more and more media are following the trend these days. There are a lot of news these days speculating on the identity of Won Hyung's father. Some people even speculate that it is Won Hyung's father. My father bought the Manchester United club and handed it over to you to take care of it. If this continues, will this wave of public opinion sweep over Song Yi?"

Jin Xiyuan looked at the sleeping Song Yuanheng and didn't care, "Just say it, they are right. They have mouths on them, is there any way I can make them shut up? At this time, we should just wait and see what happens, don't Trying to influence public opinion.”

"My husband has long said that there is no fire without fire. The reason why someone brings the topic to me is because he is waiting for him to take action to control public opinion. If there is a slight disturbance, Song Yi will come out to put out the fire, which will only make us confused and exhausted. There are fake news flying all over the Internet, so let the bullets fly for a while." Jin Xiyuan was very calm.

She is neither an artist nor does she work in a government department, so even if she gets pregnant out of wedlock, it won't be a big deal. Manchester United fans don't care about this, they only care about the club's results. If female celebrities like Jun Ji-hyun or Son Ye-jin are revealed to be pregnant out of wedlock, it will affect the personal image of the female artists and their advertising brand value.

Kim Tae Hee is still a little worried, "What if the media reveals that Won Hyung's biological father is Song Yi? Then both of us will be passive. We won't be able to respond or not respond."

Jin Xiyuan comforted Kim Tae Hee, "Don't worry, Song Yi will not let this situation happen. St. Mary's Hospital in London signed a confidentiality agreement with us, and it is impossible to leak any information about the child."

"Even if the media reports that Yuan Heng's father is Song Yi, do you think anyone will believe it? This is the 21st century. Who would believe that two sisters married the same man? They will only think that such reports are nonsense. For He will do anything to slander Song Yi’s reputation.”

"As long as the two of us come forward to deny this kind of thing, no one can pour dirty water on us. Just like Chen Fuzhen's son, if Chen Fuzhen didn't go to SA Cultural Tourism to be the president, you can guess that he is also Yuan Hao's half-mother My brother?" Jin Xiyuan asked.

Kim Tae Hee frowned slightly when she heard Jin Xi Won mention Chen Yuan Zhong. Chen Yuanzhong was born in early April 2002, two years older than Song Yuanhao. Kim Tae Hee has met Chen Fuzhen's son, and he is indeed a smart child.

"Since Yuan Heng was born, hasn't Chen Fuzhen called you to greet you?" Kim Tae Hee was a little unhappy.

"You and Chen Fu are really friends, but I don't have much friendship with her. She is the eldest princess of Sanxing, and she is not the fourth concubine who came to our house. It is impossible to expect her to be humble and petty to me."

"Chen Fuzhen is a rather arrogant person and does not want others to say that she is attached to Song Yi. She is currently focusing all her attention on her work and hopes to make some achievements in SA Cultural Tourism Group."

"After SA Culture and Tourism Group won the big project of Puhai Disney, I thought Song Yi would arrange for Chen Fuzhen to join the SA Group Board of Directors. After all, she has made achievements. As long as Song Yi recommends her, there will be no objections from the entire board of directors. "

"But to my surprise, Song Yi did not do this. Now it seems that Song Yi still cares about your feelings, and does not want the brothers Chen Yuanzhong and Song Yuanhao to fall out in the future." Jin Xiyuan analyzed.

Kim Tae Hee snorted, "One is named Chen and the other is Song, what kind of two brothers are they? Yuan Hao and Yuan Heng are two brothers. I only hope that when they grow up, they can live in harmony and help each other."

"After experiencing the 'Prince Rebellion' in modern families, I really don't want this kind of tragedy to happen again in our family." Kim Tae Hee was a little worried.

Kim Hee-won's second child was not yet hot. At the end of August, the Korean media suddenly broke the scandal of Moon Geun-young, an artist from SA agency. "Chosun Ilbo", "Dong-A Ilbo" and the media website Dispatch all reported Moon Geun-young's scandal.

The headline of the Dong-A Ilbo was "President S cheated on his wife during pregnancy, and the date was actually a national girl."

As soon as this report came out, it caused an uproar across South Korea. Fans of Moon Geun Young were very angry. The phone number of SA's agency was almost buzzed by fans. They all asked whether the Dong-A Ilbo's report was true. If not, why not clarify it as soon as possible. This would cause great trouble to Moon Geun-young.

The Dong-A Ilbo report also has two accompanying pictures. One of the accompanying pictures shows Moon Geun-young in home clothes opening the door to greet a tall man. Moon Geun-young has a happy smile on her face.

The second picture is of the man leaving Moon Geun-young’s apartment the next morning. The man had already changed his clothes when he went out.

By comparing these two pictures, readers can easily draw conclusions. This man stayed overnight in Moon Genying's apartment last night. The man should have gone to Moon Genying's apartment several times to stay overnight. There was also a change of clothes for the man in Moon Genying's apartment, so he could change his clothes after spending the night before going out.

Moon Geun-young became popular through the 2000 Korean drama "Blue Life and Death". She played Xiao Eun-hee in the drama and was affectionately called the national sister by Korean netizens.

National sister Moon Geun Young has a very positive personal image. She has had zero scandals and no negative news since her debut. She allocates part of her income to charity every year and has continued to do so over the years.

Now the media has revealed that Moon Geun-young, who is not yet in her twenties, is dating the married president of the company at night. Of course, Koreans cannot accept it.

"Chosun Ilbo" also revealed the identity of President S. President S is successful in his career, tall and handsome. Moon Genying and President S met through work. President S's wife was pregnant with her second child last year. President S expressed his affection for Moon Geunying, and the two often dated in Moon Geunying's apartment.

Some good media revealed through photos that Moon Geun-young’s apartment is The One, the most upscale apartment in Seoul.

Moon Geun-young's apartment is a penthouse on the 50th floor, and the price of an apartment is as high as tens of billions of won.

After Moon Geun Young debuted, in addition to "Blue Life and Death", she starred in two movies, "My Little Bride" and "The Innocence of a Dancer", and also received some advertising endorsements. However, with her income, it is obvious that she cannot afford a super luxury apartment worth tens of billions of dollars, so this apartment is most likely given to Moon Geun-young by the generous President S.

President S is a tall and handsome man with a successful career. His wife was pregnant with their second child last year. When netizens put these together, the target of Moon Geun Young's scandal has been revealed, and it is Moon Geun Young's own boss, Song Yi of SA Group.

Except for South Korea's richest man Song Yi, no one would give a luxury apartment worth hundreds of millions of yuan to an actress as a gift.

The man in the newspaper photo did not show his face and was wearing a mask when he left Moon Geun-young's apartment in the morning. However, people who are familiar with Song Yi can still recognize him at a glance.

East Asia Group Chairman Choi Won-seok and his wife Jang Eun-young had a verbal conflict surrounding Moon Geun-young's scandal.

Jang Eun-young feels that Cui Won-suk is really ignorant, "You clearly know that Moon Geun-young's scandal target is Song Yi, why did the Dong-A Ilbo publish this news? Now that Soo-jin and Hyung-soo are engaged, we and Song Yi are also considered In-laws. What good will it do to you if you report negative news about Song Yi like this?"

"If Song Yi becomes angry and cancels the marriage between Kim Hyung-soo and Cui Xiuzhen, wouldn't our family become the laughing stock of the whole Seoul?" Zhang Enying did not understand Cui Yuanshuo's approach.

Cui Yuanshuo sneered, "What do you know! Other newspapers have reported Moon Geun-young's scandal. If the Dong-A Ilbo doesn't report it, people who don't know will think I'm flattering Song Yi?"

"I have to let Song Yi know the weight of the East Asia Daily first. Only if he correctly understands the value of the East Asia Daily as an ally can he consider taking over these loss-making business lines of our East Asia Group."

"I first drew a stick, then gave him a carrot, and in the end everything was easy to talk about." Choi Won-suk said.

Zhang Enying was a little impatient, "It's up to you. It's your business if you want to offend Song Yi. I don't want to get involved in my daughter's marriage. I'm going to Chengbeidong now to explain to Song Yi and his wife so that Kim Tae Hee and the others won't get involved. Not happy."

Cui Yuanshuo felt that Zhang Enying wanted to help him ease the relationship with Song Yi. Between the couple, he played the bad side and Zhang Enying played the good side, so he agreed.

When Zhang Enying arrived at Song Yi's house, Zhang Enying found that Cui Shanji had arrived. Before Cui Shanhui became the president of ABS TV station, she was the director of the public relations department of SA Group. Now that SA Group has a public opinion crisis, it is normal for Song Yi to find Cui Shanhui to discuss countermeasures.

Cui Shanji was not surprised to see Zhang Enying. She nodded to Zhang Enying and said hello, and then continued to talk to Song Yi.

"Have you found out who leaked these two photos?" Cui Shanji asked a core question.

Song Yi was a little tired, "We have found out. It was Genying's agent Kim Jong-dao who revealed it to the newspaper."

"Kim Jong-do wanted to persuade Moon Geun-young to leave SA Agency, but Moon Geun-young disagreed. He may have hated me for a long time. He took these two photos last year. After Moon Geun-young made it clear that he would not follow him to start his own business, Kim Jong-do took these two photos. Show me the photo." Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji nodded, "Fortunately, Kim Jong-do didn't get the bed photos of you and Moon Geun-young, otherwise no one would believe it even if we told the truth."

"There is a conflict between Queensway and the SA agency. Because Moon Geun Young did not agree to leave the SA agency, Moon Geun Young's scandal was deliberately exposed to confuse the public and slander Moon Geun Young's reputation. His motive for committing the crime is already there, and we can clarify it through this aspect. Scandal." Cui Shanji said.

Jang Eun-young used to be a KBS anchor and is relatively familiar with the media's propaganda routines. She also gave her suggestions, "The question now is how to explain these two photos. We can't say that this kind of photo is a composite, no matter if it is Moon Geun-young's The fans and the public won’t believe it.”

Song Yi thought about it and said, "These two photos can actually be interpreted separately. The first photo can be interpreted as me going to Moon Geun Young's house to discuss the movie script. In addition to me, Cha Taehyun is also with me."

"Cha Tae-hyun can post a photo of me, Moon Geun-young, and me on inschool."

"As for the second photo, it's easier to explain. Geun-young and I both bought the penthouse duplex in The One apartment. I didn't leave Moon Geun-young's house in the morning, but my own home. Doesn't that make sense? ?" Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with Song Yi's response. Then she asked another key question, "How do you explain the source of Moon Geunying's income from buying an apartment?"

"Although Geunying is young, she is the first artist signed by our SA Group. She is also good at financial management. Whether it is Shinhan Media's listing or SA Group's backdoor listing of Shinhan Media, she uses her salary to buy SA Group Stocks, accumulated over time, accumulated a small amount of money, and it is normal to become a rich woman with a net worth of tens of billions." Song Yi felt that this was not a big deal at all.

Zhang Enying was a little worried, "Cha Tae Hyun is not your SA artist, is he reliable? If Cha Tae Hyun suddenly changes his tune in the future, both you and Moon Geun Young will be very passive."

"I actually discussed a movie script with Cha Tae-hyun and Moon Geun-young last year, called "Speed ​​Scandal". It tells the absurd story between a 36-year-old father and his 22-year-old daughter. The two people turned from strangers to close relatives. A comic story.”

"Perhaps we can also use Moon Geun-young's scandal to promote a series of movies. By then, "Speed ​​Scandal" will definitely do well at the box office and is expected to break the box office record of Cha Tae-hyun's "My Naughty Girlfriend."" Song Yi said.

SA agency president Kim Min-sook, Moon Geun-young, and sidusHQ artist Cha Tae-hyun quickly rushed to Song Yi's villa, and they quickly decided on a plan to clarify Moon Geun-young's scandal.

The official website of SA Agency issued an announcement, "The romance rumors about our artist Moon Geun-young are completely false. The false reports by Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and Disptch have caused great harm to Moon Geun-young's personal reputation. Our company We do not rule out using legal weapons to protect the personal rights of artists."

The first chapter is 5,000 words, and I will write the second chapter immediately.

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