I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 278 SA Group’s media aircraft carrier

On September 12, Kim Hyung-soo and Choi Soo-jin held their wedding at the Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul. All relatives of both men and women attended the wedding.

Kim Hyung-soo is the younger brother of Kim Tae-hee, the wife of the SA Group chairman, and Choi Soo-jin is the beloved daughter of Choi Won-suk of the East Asia Group. Their wedding attracted a lot of attention.

All five major Korean chaebol families sent representatives to attend the wedding of Kim Hyung-soo and Choi Soo-jin. The representative of the Lotte family is Seo Mi-kyung. Seo Mi-kyung has been friends with Jang Eun-young, the wife of the East Asia Group chairman, for many years. It was natural for Seo Mi-kyung to appear at the wedding with her daughter Kim Yoo-mi.

The Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul was originally the W Hotel. It was later acquired by SK Group and was renamed Walkerhill. In addition to the duty-free shop, the hotel also has a casino open to foreign tourists.

The reason why Walkerhill was able to obtain a casino operating license is actually thanks to Korean gambling king Lotte Won.

In the 1960s, when Jeong Pu-seo was in power, the Korean government lacked foreign exchange earnings to develop its economy. At this time, Lotte Won keenly grasped this opportunity and established South Korea's largest Walkerhill Casino in 1965. The Zhengpuxi government also issued the first casino license to Lotte Won. Zheng Puxi requested that the casino at Walkerhill should only be open to foreign tourists, and Koreans could not enter the casino for entertainment.

Since there was no experience in operating a casino, Lotte Yuan specially invited the He family from Macau to become a shareholder. As a result, the partnership between the two parties parted ways within a year.

The reason why the two separated is because the He family dominates Korean casinos. This is not what Lotte Yuan and the Zheng Puxi government want to see. It was difficult for Hejia Qianglong to defeat the local snake, so he had no choice but to sell his shares and withdraw. The He family could actually retain some of the shares and dividend rights, but this was not what the He family wanted, so they simply withdrew entirely.

Starting from Walkerhill, Lotte Yuan successively opened a number of casinos in South Korea and monopolized the Korean gaming industry.

After the death of South Korean gambling king Lotte Won in 2004, South Korea's gaming industry finally relaxed restrictions, issued casino business licenses to other large consortiums, and also built legal casinos open to Koreans.

Although SK Group acquired the Walkerhill Hotel in 1973, the Walkerhill Casino has always been operated independently. After Lotte Won's death, SK Group began to participate in the operation of casinos.

SK Group served as the host, and Song So-young also attended the wedding of Kim Hyung-soo and Choi Soo-jin this time. Before the wedding officially started, Song Suying accompanied Song Yi to visit the Walkerhill Casino. Song Suying also gave Song Yi a brief introduction to the development history of the Korean gaming industry.

"President Song, do you want to come down and experience it?" Song Suying noticed that Song Yi looked thoughtfully at the endless stream of tourists in the casino.

Song Yi shook his head, "Forget it, I still prefer beauties to gambling. The He family once said that tourists can never win in casinos. After all, casinos charge money. Just like baccarat, the most common game in casinos now, every day Whether you win or lose a game, the casino will charge a commission of 2.5%. When you play 40 games, even if you don't lose or win, you have actually lost all your money. I rarely even play mahjong."

Song Suying smiled slightly, thought for a moment, and asked, "Then why are you so concerned about the casino at Walkerhill? Do you want to open a casino in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone to attract foreign tourists?"

Song Yi glanced at Song Suying, "Director Song really has a sharp eye and can't hide anything from you. If we really want to open a casino in Mount Kumgang, we will still need to ask the descendants of Lotte Yuan to help manage it, and we will need you too. Please help with a recommendation.”

The first phase of the inter-Korean railway has been completed and has now entered the second phase. The Gyongyi Line has been fully connected, and trains from Pingjing can run directly to Kaicheng Industrial Park.

The railway from Wonsan to Anbyon has also been opened and connected to the Kumgangsan Youth Line. In this way, Korean tourists can pass through Goseong-Anbyeon-Wonsan-Pyonggyeong after getting on the train at Inojin Station in Gangwon Province.

If Pyongjing is taken as the starting point, then Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone are used as the two fulcrums. Kaesong, Pingjing and Mount Kumgang form a herringbone railway network. Regardless of the direction in which they start, Korean tourists can visit the three tourist attractions of Pyonggyong, Kaesong and Mount Kumgang.

"If you open a casino in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, it will definitely cause some controversy. At that time, North Korea may take back SA Group's operating rights to the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone in advance. Have you not considered the risks?" Song Suying He asked with concern.

Song Yi smiled, "You still don't quite understand Beibian. You have to know that if I really open a casino in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, I must have communicated with Beibian in advance. It is impossible for me to fight an unprepared battle."

“Foreign tourists in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone are now allowed to wear jeans, and many Coca-Cola sales points have been set up in Mount Kumgang.”

"In the final analysis, this world is still controlled by middle-aged and elderly men. These people are constantly pursuing three things: power, money and beauty. And casinos can satisfy these three needs at once. As long as you have money, You can enjoy the world's top services and sleep with the most beautiful beauties in the casino. If you want to attract more foreign tourists, it is indeed feasible to open a casino in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone."

"If the casino in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone can bring foreign exchange income to North Korea, then North Korea may continue to build Ryugyong Hotel together with SA Group. The development of North Korea's two special economic zones, Sinuiju and Rason, is not satisfactory. , North Korea will not easily give up the two external communication channels of Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone." Song Yi made his own judgment.

At present, SA Telecom has officially provided telephone and network services in Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone.

If Korean tourists enter the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone and want to continue using communication services, they need to apply for a SA Telecom mobile phone card first.

"The more tourists who visit Mount Kumgang, the more new users SA Telecom will get. You have made a good deal." Song Suying asked curiously.

"SK Telecom is under great pressure. Their company is losing telecom users almost every month. The management of SK Telecom made suggestions to me, hoping that SK Telecom can also provide telecom services to the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. ." Song Suying mentioned it.

Song Yi did not refute Song Suying's face. His tone was very relaxed, "This is no problem. I have always hoped that more and more Korean companies can participate in the construction of the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone."

"As long as SK Telecom is willing to share SA Telecom's initial construction costs, I am not opposed to allowing SK Telecom to provide telecommunications services to tourists in Kaesong and Mount Kumgang." Song Yi replied.

Song Suying immediately heard the subtext of Song Yi, "When you talk about the early construction costs, do you mean the cost of laying out the network and building base stations in the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, or do you mean the early construction costs after the establishment of SA Telecom? "

Song Yi laughed, "If SK Telecom can participate in the telecommunications projects of Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone by simply sharing the initial construction costs of our SA Telecom in Kaesong and Mount Kumgang, wouldn't SK Telecom take it? A big bargain?"

Song Suying complained for SK Telecom, "Then it's impossible for us, SK Telecom, to share the construction costs of your SA Telecom in Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province, right? Then wouldn't we, SK Telecom, be taken advantage of?"

Song Yi knew that SK Telecom was a direct descendant of Cui Anyuan, and the management of SK Telecom actually wanted to attack Song Suying through the telecommunications projects in the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone.

If Song Suying really comes to an agreement, then SK Telecom will be able to enjoy the benefits. Even if Song Suying can't negotiate, it can still shake Song Suying's prestige.

After the Cui Anyuan brothers were imprisoned, Song Suying officially became the actual controller of SK Group and stepped in to manage SK Group for Cui Anyuan. Song Suying's eldest daughter has already started working in the bioengineering department of SK Group. Her second daughter is currently studying at Yenching University and will join SK Group after she graduates next year.

Song Suying now mainly focuses on raising her two daughters and one son, and has no energy to tangle with Cui Anyuan's mistress Jin Xiying.

"Director Song, if SK Telecom really wants to get involved, let them go to SA Telecom's Kim Ming-gyu to talk to them. There is no need for us to speak for our own company. Human relationships are relationships, and business is business." Song Yi Played Tai Chi.

After visiting the Walkerhill Casino, Song Yi returned to the wedding venue. Cui Shanji, as a relative of the woman, wore a black and white dress today. Her eyes lit up when she saw Song Yi, and she hurried over to Song Yi with her skirt in hand.

"Where did you go during Xiuzhen's wedding today? Xiuzhen's relatives just wanted to meet you and say hello to you, but I couldn't find you for a long time. Could it be that you sneaked into some room? , Have you gone on a date with a woman?" Cui Shanji pretended to complain.

"No, I just visited the Walkerhill Casino with Director Suying. Mount Kumgang is also planning to open a casino to attract foreign tourists, so I want to learn from the management experience of Walkerhill." Song Yi explained.

Cui Shanji said oh, a little doubtful. Cui Shanji had worked next to Song Yi before, and the relationship between Song Yi and Song Suying obviously could not be hidden from Cui Shanji.

Seeing Cui Shanji's expression, Song Yi knew that she was thinking wrongly, "Today is Hengzhu's wedding, and there are so many guests here, how could I mess around at Hengzhu's wedding, otherwise Taehee won't be able to spare me then. "

Cui Shanji laughed and made no comment on Song Yi's words. She came here to talk about business. "Jang Eun-young has obtained substantial evidence that our Chairman Cui embezzled 20 billion won. After the wedding is over, you can show your cards to our Chairman Cui."

"After our Chairman Cui attended his daughter's wedding, he was forced to give up control of the Dong-A Ilbo. Isn't it a bit cruel?" Song Yi said heartily.

Cui Shanji rolled her eyes at Song Yi and said, "You are pretending to be a good person now. Why did you go there earlier? If you sympathize with Chairman Cui, don't take advantage of his wife in the first place."

Song Yi coughed, his face felt hot, and he felt a little embarrassed. While traveling in Europe, Zhang Enying sneaked into Song Yi's room several times in the middle of the night to date him. Once when Zhang Enying left Song Yi's room, he bumped into Cui Shanji. He was startled and almost screamed in the corridor.

Cui Shanji signaled Zhang Enying to be silent at that time, "Your daughter is sleeping in the next room. If you wake her up at this time, you will lose face as a mother. I don't care about the trouble between you and Song Yi. Anyway, I don’t have much family ties with our Chairman Cui, so I won’t tell him anything.”

Zhang Enying breathed a sigh of relief at that time. She was afraid that Cui Shanji would fight for her father Cui Yuanshuo. "Shan Ji, I was just confused for a moment and made the same mistake as any woman. After I returned to Korea, I broke off contact with Song Yi. You must keep this secret for me. If it disturbs Xiuzhen's marriage, I will I really won’t have the face to face Xiuzhen in the future.”

Cui Shanji smiled and patted Zhang Enying's lovely face, "Song Yi is my boss, and I can't possibly ruin his affairs. However, there is some unhappiness between the East Asia Group and the SA Group, and I will not tolerate anyone continuing to harm him. The reputation of our SA Group, Aunt Eun-young, you must not be on the wrong team."

Zhang Enying later understood that the reason why she met Cui Shanji as soon as she left Song Yi's room, and was caught by Cui Shanji, was actually inseparable from Song Yi's instruction. Song Yi and Cui Shanji jointly set up a game, waiting for Zhang Enying to take the initiative.

Fortunately, Zhang Enying has seen that the East Asia Group is empty-handed and wants to find a stronger backer to find another way out for her and her daughter Cui Xiuzhen. Since Song Yi wants to get control of the Dong-A Ilbo, Zhang Enying will naturally try his best to plan for Song Yi.

Choi Sun-hee has some doubts about Jang Eun-young's loyalty, "Even if Chairman Choi is willing to hand over the Dong-A Ilbo, the Dong-A Ilbo will still be managed by Jang Eun-young. Jang Eun-young is not a fuel-efficient lamp, don't look at her appearance. She is incompetent in the world, if you underestimate her, she might come back to bite our SA Group in the future."

Song Yi also has this consideration, "I plan to spin off all the media business of SA Group and establish a separate media group company, which will be easier to manage. If we can win the "East Asia Daily", the "East Asia Daily" will be A subsidiary of a media conglomerate."

"SA Media Group companies include SA Agency, SA Music, SA Films, HugeDream Cinemas, SA Planning, ABS TV Station, "CECI Sisters" magazine and "East Asia Daily" to create a media aircraft carrier belonging to our SA Group."

"If SA Media is really established, then I will leave SA Media to you. If you come forward to manage SA Media Group, the original management of "East Asia Ilbo" will not be too resistant. Zhang Enying Nothing will happen if I work under you." Song Yi said his preliminary plan.

"If SA Media Group is split from SA Group, will it affect SA Group's stock price?" Cui Shanji was a little worried.

"It's okay. SA Electronics' autumn new product launch conference will be held soon. After the Galaxy S1 mobile phone is launched, our SA Group's stock price will rise like a rocket. This year we will still be among the top ten consortiums. Because in the market It still takes some time to accept smartphones without physical keyboards. When the Galaxy S2 is released next year, the total market value of our SA Group will soon become the top three after Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor. SA Group will also officially If we become the third conglomerate in South Korea, SK Group will be far behind us." Song Yi has been preparing for this conference for a long time.

It’s snowing in Hubei, and it’s really cold in the south. I can’t afford to pay for air conditioning and electricity.

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