I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 279 Super membership service of Sohan.com

"Song Yi, what do you mean?" Cui Yuanshuo did not expect that Song Yi would immediately fall out with him not long after his daughter Cui Xiuzhen's wedding.

Song Yi smiled, "Don't you understand what I mean? I heard that Chairman Cui encountered problems in his business operations. I like to do good things to others, and I plan to buy the Dong-A Daily to solve the problem of Dong-Asia. The group's cash flow shortfalls."

Cui Yuanshuo saw Song Yi's smile and found it particularly dazzling, "Song Yi, do you think that after you get my evidence of embezzling company public funds, I will agree to sell the Dong-A Ilbo? What a dream of yours! I would rather go to jail. I won’t give in to you either.”

Song Yi applauded, "President Cui is really amazing. He has the determination to live in ruins rather than in ruins."

"It doesn't matter. Even if Chairman Cui is unwilling to give in and goes to jail, I can still buy the Dong-A Ilbo. After all, Mrs. Cui is so eager to save her husband that she can't bear to see Chairman Cui suffer alone in prison." Song Song Yi's attitude is neither impatient nor impatient.

"Song Yi, what's the matter? Why don't you come to me and threaten Enying with me? She doesn't participate in the management of the company. Don't Chinese people believe that the crime should not be punished by the parents and the harm should not be done to the wife and children?" Cui Yuanshuo did not expect Song Yi. People fall out when they say they are going to fall out, without caring about the relationship between in-laws.

"I didn't harm your wife and daughter. They are women and children. What do I care about with them? But when the Dong-A Ilbo and the Chosun Ilbo reported the scandal between me and Moon Geun-young, you should have thought of this day. .”

"The Chosun Ilbo is the stronghold of South Korean conservatives and wears the same pants as the Grand National Party. I really can't touch it now, but the Dong-A Ilbo jumped in front of me repeatedly. Who gave us the courage of Chairman Choi? ?”

Song Yi happened to be holding a copy of the Dong-A Ilbo in his hand. The headline in the newspaper was the scandal about the national sister Moon Geun-young.

He folded the newspaper and gently slapped Cui Yuanshuo's old face, "You either sold yourself to the conservatives from the beginning and went straight to the dark side. If you wear the same pants as Zheng Jinhui, I will let you live first. "

"But you are a timid and fearful person. On the one hand, you are accepting donations from conservatives and helping them discredit the Open National Conference. On the other hand, you are trying to get married to our SA group, and you are treading two boats."

"President Cui, you know what kind of people are the most hated by others. It's the wall-sitter like you who is both indecisive and indecisive. You flatter whoever wins, and you step on whoever is in trouble. .”

"The Grand National Party is behind Chosun Ilbo, Samsung is behind JoongAng Ilbo, and what's behind Dong-A Ilbo? Just relying on your so-called East Asia Group? Everyone understands the principle of holding a weapon, but our Choi The president just doesn’t understand.”

"Now that we have entered the era of Internet media, the influence of an inschool website has actually surpassed that of your three major newspapers. While your "East Asia Daily" can still be sold for a higher price, sell it to us SA as soon as possible. After paying off the group's debt, you I can still be a rich man, hold my beloved wife and beautiful family in my arms, and live a long life."

"If you don't understand current affairs, after you go to jail, your wife will still have to sell the Dong-A Ilbo to save you. By then you will have no money and the company will be gone. It will be up to you whether your wife will still be willing to follow you. You have to say two things.”

"When you stay in prison for three or four years, your hair will turn white, your body will be damaged, and even your beautiful wife will run away with someone else, what's the point of your persistence?" Song Yi's tone was cold.

Cui Yuanshuo suddenly knelt on the ground and begged Song Yi for mercy, "President Song, I know that some previous reports have offended you, and I apologize to you. Our Dong-A Ilbo is willing to publish an apology statement to Miss Moon Geun-young in the newspaper. I promise The Dong-A Ilbo will never publish negative news about the SA Group in the future. As long as Chairman Song is willing to let me live, do you think that’s okay?”

Song Yi looked down at Cui Yuanshuo, "President Cui, it's wrong for you to do this. You are Hengzhu's father-in-law, and you are also my elder. How can you kneel to me? Aren't you going to make me lose my life?"

"You are a treacherous and capricious person. How can I possibly believe your promise? I have been in South Korea for so many years and found that you have only scratched the surface of Chinese culture. You will never learn etiquette, justice, integrity, filial piety and loyalty."

"When Shinhan Media almost went bankrupt, Brother Jaechan came to you for help. You told Brother Jaechan that as long as he agreed to divorce Sister Shan Ji and not give up custody of Yunzhu, you would be willing to lend Brother Jaechan a sum of money."

"Brother Chan foolishly believed you at the time, but then Cheil Plan wanted to acquire Shinhan Media, and you immediately regretted it. Without me, you, Cheil Plan, and Kim Nam-yong would have divided up Shinhan Media. You are married My son-in-law's company wants to take a bite, how could I believe the blank check you issued today?" Song Yi said slowly.

Cui Yuanshuo still wanted to make a final struggle, "Song Yi, if I sell the Dong-A Ilbo to you, the political parties and consortiums that donate to the Dong-A Ilbo will not let me go. Selling the Dong-A Ilbo is also a dead end. On the other hand, if you don’t sell the Dong-A Ilbo, you will be dead. There is no way to survive anyway, so it’s up to you.”

Song Yi saw that Cui Yuanshuo looked like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. He had no time to talk nonsense with him and called Jiang Xiuna, "Xiuna, please come to my office."

Jiang Xiuna walked into the office, and she saw Cui Yuanshuo collapsed on the ground, his expression unchanged. She walked up to Song Yi, bent down and asked Song Yi, "President, are you looking for me?"

Song Yi told Jiang Xiuna, "Call Lee Won and tell him that Chairman Choi Won-suk of the Dong-A Group embezzled 20 billion won of public funds from the Dong-A Ilbo. As an enthusiastic Seoul citizen, I provide clues to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office." , please bring his colleagues from the prosecutor’s office over to verify.”

After handling major cases such as Lexi Yi and Cui Anyuan, Li Yuan was officially promoted to a first-level prosecutor. Lee Won was also transferred back to the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office from the Suwon Prosecutor's Office. With a few more years of experience, Li Yuan can be promoted from prosecutor to senior prosecutor, and then he can go to other regions in South Korea to serve as the chief prosecutor of the prosecutor's office. Lee Won is a rising political star in South Korea's prosecutorial system.

Of course Cui Yuanshuo had heard of Li Yuan's name and knew that Song Yi was going to kill him. He finally gave up his fantasy and climbed up from the ground, "You're cruel! You are really hard-hearted and don't care about the life and death of others. I can sell the Dong-A Ilbo to the SA Group, but you have to guarantee the safety of our family. Safety."

Seeing that Cui Won-suk had agreed to sell the Dong-A Ilbo, Song Yi said to Jiang Souna: "Call Mrs. Cui and ask her to stay at Hyung-soo's house for a while. After the acquisition of the Dong-A Ilbo is completed, she can go home. Go live.”

When Cui Yuanshuo saw Song Yi doing this, he knew that on the one hand, he was protecting Zhang Enying, and on the other hand, he was also treating Zhang Enying as a hostage.

Kim Yu-moon purchased an independent house for his son Kim Hyung-soo in Seongbuk-dong as the wedding home of Kim Hyung-soo and Choi Soo-jin. Although the area of ​​​​this residence is not comparable to Song Yi's villa, the location next to Jin Xiyuan's villa is still quite good.

In mid-September, Song Yi visited the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper office accompanied by Choi Won-suk, chairman of the East Asia Group.

Choi Won-suk stated that East Asia Group and SA Group have great room for cooperation in various industries such as print media, Internet, and real estate.

In an interview with the Dong-A Ilbo, Song Yi also said that if Internet media such as inschool and Yahoo Korea cooperate with high-quality print media such as the Dong-A Ilbo, they can make up for some of the business shortcomings of both companies.

When Zheng Jinhui saw the media reports, she suddenly became alert. She asked Ji Sangyu, "Please contact Cui Won-suk and ask about the specific cooperation content between East Asia Group and SA Group. Is this guy Cui Won-suk trying to publish the Dong-A Ilbo report?" Sell ​​it to SA Group?"

When Ji Sangyu heard what Zheng Jinhui said, he felt a little unbelievable, "This shouldn't be possible. I know this guy Choi Won-suk. "Dong-A Ilbo" is the lifeblood of the East-A Group. Many large consortiums wanted to buy "Dong-Aa Ilbo" from Cui Won-suk before. Neither Dong-A Ilbo nor Choi Won-suk agreed. Dong-A Group has suffered frequent losses in its investment business in recent years. Dong-A Ilbo is one of the few profitable businesses of Dong-A Group, so Choi Won-suk has no reason to sell Dong-A Ilbo."

Lee Chang-hui has decided not to participate in the 2007 presidential election, and Chung Kim-hye of the Grand National Party will participate in next year's presidential election as the only presidential candidate.

If Zheng Jinhui is elected president, then Lee Changhui will serve as Prime Minister of South Korea. Zheng Jinhui and Li Changhui have reached an agreement. Ji Shangyu was Li Changhui’s assistant before, and now he has officially joined Zheng Jinhui’s campaign team as Li Changhui’s representative.

Zheng Jinhui had a very bad premonition and shook her head, "Song Yi never fights an unprepared battle. Before, Li Guangguang and Le Xiyi thought they had a chance to win. You saw their fate in the end. .”

"The Dong-A Ilbo prints more than 1 million copies every day, and it is still the second-largest newspaper in South Korea in terms of subscribers. The loyal fans of the Dong-A Ilbo are basically middle-aged and elderly people who support our Grand National Party. This is also our It's a big ticket warehouse, so you can't neglect it. You should go to the "East Asia Daily" now and be sure to find out the detailed cooperation between SA Group and East Asia Group." Zheng Jinhui told Chi Shangyu.

When Chi Shangyu heard what Zheng Jinhui said, his expression immediately became serious, "Okay, representative, I'll do it right away."

Choi Won-suk received Ji Sang-yu at the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper office. Ji Sang-yu is now also an important figure in the conservative party. As a representative of the Grand National Party, Ji Sang-woo participated in the election of Seoul mayor this year, but ultimately lost to Park Dong-ho of the Open National Assembly, who was re-elected as mayor of Seoul.

Park Dong-ho's re-election as mayor of Seoul also means that the ruling party's presidential candidate for the Open National Assembly next year has basically been determined to be Justice Minister Ha Mi-ae. If Park Dong-ho really intends to compete in next year's presidential election, he will not choose to continue to participate in the election of Seoul mayor.

The citizens of Seoul highly recognize Park Dong-ho's achievements in power during the past four years. During his term of office, Park Dong-ho has greatly improved the living environment of Seoul City, built multiple forest parks, and increased the greening rate of Seoul City.

Although housing prices in Seoul City have increased a lot in recent years, the Seoul City government still provides a large number of long-term rental apartments for young people or families with difficult living conditions, easing their housing pressure.

The reason why Ji Shangyu participated in this year's Seoul mayoral election was mainly to show his face in front of Seoul voters. Li Changhui is now really cultivating Ji Shangyu as his successor. Ji Shangyu is targeting the 2010 Seoul mayoral election.

"Member Chi, the reason why Song Yi found me is not to acquire the Dong-A Ilbo. He is planning to launch a Super membership service on Sohan.com. Users who have activated the Super membership service can subscribe to the electronic version of our Dong-A Ilbo for free. Content. SA Soft will pay our newspaper an annual fee to purchase the news content of the electronic version of the Dong-A Ilbo."

"Super membership? Just like the Prime membership on Amazon.com? Americans have money and are willing to open a paid membership service separately after shopping. I'm afraid it may not be feasible for Song Yi to imitate Amazon's paid membership service in South Korea, right?" Chi Shangyu was a little skeptical.

“The Super membership service on Sohan.com seems to be somewhat different from Amazon’s Prime membership. If you complete shopping on Sohan.com, you will get a certain amount of membership points every time you shop. If your membership points reach a certain value, you don’t have to spend any money. You have to spend money to activate the Super membership service. If the points are not worth enough, you need to spend money to activate the Super membership service."

“The Super membership service of Sohan.com is quite cost-effective. You can enjoy exclusive membership discounts at any Walmart supermarket and Sohan Mall in Korea. Super members can enjoy songs from SA Music and SM Entertainment. Super members can also read various novels and novels for free. Comics, magazines and newspapers. The electronic version of the Dong-A Ilbo is only part of this part of the reading rights, and the SA Group will also carry out similar cooperation with many other newspapers." Choi Won-suk said.

Song Yi’s idea is actually based on Amazon’s Prime membership and Alibaba’s 88vip membership.

Users of Sohan.com can redeem 1 point for every purchase of more than 1,000 won on Sohan.com. As long as users with points greater than 9999 can activate Sohan.com’s Super membership service for free.

In other words, users of Sohan.com can activate the Super membership service for free if they spend at least 9,999,000 won on Sohan.com within one year. If each Souhan user wants to activate the Super membership service for free, he must spend at least 60,000 yuan on Souhan.

If the points value of Sohan.com users does not meet the standard, they will need to spend US$29.9 to activate the Super membership service.

Compared with the Prime membership service that Amazon withdrew last year, Sohan.com’s Super membership is undoubtedly much more cost-effective. Super members can also enjoy discounts when purchasing movie tickets at HugeDream Cinemas. Every year, HugeDream Cinemas will provide Super members of Sohan.com with the opportunity to purchase 8 movie tickets at a 50% discount.

The price of a movie ticket in a Korean cinema is about 50 RMB. Just by buying the movie ticket, you can save 200 RMB and almost earn back 29.9 US dollars.

When Ji Sangyu left the newspaper office, he did not forget to mention Cui Wonseok, "President Choi, we raise a lot of funds from social groups every year and donate them to the Dong-A Ilbo to maintain the long-term operation of the newspaper office."

"We have no objection to you carrying out some economic cooperation with the SA Group to increase revenue for the newspaper. However, the reporting stance of the East Asia Daily cannot be changed. The East Asia Daily must not become Song Yi's propaganda mouthpiece. Next year is the election year. , if Chairman Choi accidentally stands in the wrong team at this time, it is unknown whether the Dong-A Ilbo can continue to be named Choi." Ji Sangyu threatened.

When Cui Yuanshuo heard what Chi Shangyu said, he felt angry, "Song Yi is threatening me, and you are threatening me. Who do you think you are?"

"If you were really capable, your wife Shen Yinhe would not star in SA Pictures' movie "Hanjiang Monster". Someone has revealed before that in order to please Li Changhui, every time Li Changhui went to your house for dinner, your wife Shen Yinhe would You can't even drink with me. You are a man who is willing to give away your own wife just to get a position, but you still dare to pretend to be a boss in front of me!"

When Ji Sangyu first arrived at the newspaper office, Cui Yuanshuo did have some other ideas. He also wanted to use the power of the Grand National Party to get rid of Song Yi's control.

But when he thought about his wife Zhang Enying who lived in Chengbeidong and the evidence of his corruption in Song Yi's hands, he quickly regained his senses.

Although Song Yi is not a good person, he still keeps his word, and he is not a good person who engages in politics. Maybe he left the quagmire of Song Yi with one foot and jumped into the fire pit of the Grand National Party with the other foot. He was afraid that when the time came, he would not be able to withstand Song Yi's thunderous strike.

"Congressman Ji, don't worry! As long as I am the president of the Dong-A Ilbo, the political stance of our Dong-A Ilbo will not change and will always be a solid backing for the Grand National Party." Choi Won-suk assured Ji Sang-yu.

Ji Shangyu received Cui Yuanshuo's guarantee and left the newspaper office with satisfaction. At this time, Song Yi was talking about business with Jang Eun-young and Cui Sun-hee in the villa in Seongbuk-dong. He also received the news that Ji Sang-yu had left the Dong-A Ilbo. The contents of the conversation between Chi Shangyu and Cui Yuanshuo were transmitted to Song Yi intact.

"It seems that our Chairman Cui was not confused this time and did not disclose the inside information that SA Group was planning to acquire the Dong-A Ilbo." Song Yi nodded.

This time, Song Yi used Sohan.com's Super membership service to paralyze the attention of his opponents. Song Yi will send a working team to the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper office, nominally to carry out project cooperation between Sohan.com and the electronic version of the Dong-A Ilbo. Secretly, SA Soft is preparing to take over all the work of the electronic version of the Dong-A Ilbo.

Choi Won-suk will make an announcement in a while. Due to his health condition, he is unable to continue to serve as the president of the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper, and his wife Jang Eun-young will temporarily take over the Dong-A Ilbo. As Choi Won-suk’s wife and KBS’s former news anchor, Jang Eun-young is understandable in stepping in to stabilize the turbulent situation of the Dong-A Ilbo.

"Yuan Shuo is not that stupid. He would rather offend Chi Shangyu than you." Zhang Enying said.

Song Yi put his arms around Zhang Enying, stroked her slender waist, and smiled, "Really? I was still thinking that if President Cui disobeys, I will punish his wife today?"

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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