I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 285 East China Sea Oil Pipeline Plan

The public controversy over the casting of new screenwriter Park Ji-eun and new actress Yoo In-na in "My Love from the Star" soon passed because the Korean media broke a bigger news.

Samsung Crown Princess Lin Chiling moved out of the Samsung family mansion with her young son. Elephant Group also announced personnel changes on its official website. Lin Chiling became the executive vice president of Elephant Group. Now there are rumors that Lin Chiling has obtained evidence that Chen Zaiyong cheated on her during marriage, and the two are having a marriage dispute.

At this time, the media mentioned Chen Fuzhen, the eldest princess of Samsung. Chen Fuzhen divorced Yu Jae-sik before, and now Chen Jae-yong has had a marriage dispute with Lin Chi-ling. If we add Gao Hyun-jung, who previously divorced Zhou Rong-jin, and Chen Meijing of CJ Entertainment, it seems that The marriages of three generations of Samsung family members have been rough.

Chen Fuzhen didn't expect that she had already settled in Puhai, and the news of Chen Zai-rong's marriage change would actually affect her. She was considered to have suffered an unforeseen disaster.

She called Song Yi with a somewhat unkind tone, "Song Yi, the reason why Lin Zhiling had the courage to file for divorce from my eldest brother was because you were behind her? Lin Zhiling had long known that my eldest brother had a lover in the company. , she has endured it for so many years, there is no reason to suddenly file for divorce now, right?"

Song Yi laughed, "Fuzhen, you have wronged me. What good will it do to me if Lin Chiling and Chen Zaiyong divorce?"

"For Lin Chiling, she can tolerate Chen Zaiyong having a woman outside, but she cannot tolerate Chen Zaiyong's plan to annex the Elephant Group."

"President Lin has been in poor health for the past two years and is planning to hand over the equity of Elephant Group to Lin Zhiling and the two sisters. Lin Shangyu is still unable to take charge of the business on his own, and Chen Zaiyong does not agree to Lin Zhiling's appearance and participation in the management of Elephant Group."

"Chen Zai-yong hopes to keep hanging on to the Elephant Group and wants to acquire the Elephant Group. If Chen Zai-yong is not the crown prince of Samsung, it doesn't matter if Chairman Lin hands over the Elephant Group to Chen Zai-yong. But after all, the Elephant Group It is President Lin’s family business, and he naturally does not want to let the efforts of his ancestors go to waste.”

"Since Chen Zaiyong disagrees with Lin Chiling's involvement in managing the Elephant Group, it is only right that Lin Chiling leave the Samsung family and join the Elephant Group." Song Yi defended Lin Chiling.

When Chen Fuzhen heard Song Yi's explanation, he couldn't help but retort, "Even if Lin Zhiling wants to divorce her eldest brother, she can't take her son away, right? How can there be any reason for the heir of the Samsung family to live abroad?"

Song Yi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard what Chen Fuzhen said, "Fuzhen, Zhiling's little son is only half a year old now, and he hasn't been weaned yet. Do you think it's appropriate for him to leave his mother now?"

Chen Fuzhen was a little annoyed, "Song Yi, don't think that I don't know what you have planned. Don't you just want to use this opportunity to help Lin Zhiling fight for the custody of her child. When Lin Zhiling gets the custody, the Elephant Group will have a suitable employee in the future. Heir, right?”

Song Yi did not pretend to be stupid, "Is there anything wrong with this? Lin Zhiling's youngest son is originally a member of the Samsung family. Unlike his older brothers and sisters, he has the opportunity to inherit Samsung Electronics. Then it is also a way out for him to inherit the Elephant Group in the future. .”

Chen Fuzhen knew that Song Yi was now determined to intervene in the divorce case between Lin Chiling and Chen Zaiyong. She couldn't help but remind Song Yi, "Song Yi, my eldest brother is not a fool. If you are so determined to defend Lin Zhiling and her son, it will be difficult for him not to doubt the life experience of Lin Zhiling's youngest son."

When Chen Fuzhen and You Zaizhi divorced, You Zaizhi had doubts about Chen Yuanzhong's life experience. Later, Chen Fuzhen used a trick to deceive You Zaizhi. Now if Song Yi keeps interfering in the household affairs of the Samsung family, Chen Zaiyong may of course doubt his youngest son's life experience.

"I have never looked down upon Chen Jae-yong, but Gaojin Electronics' Galaxy S1 mobile phone has already been released. When SA Group gets involved in mobile phone manufacturing, the relationship between SA Group and Samsung Group is destined to be unharmonious."

"The more successful the sales of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, the more hostile your father and your eldest brother are to me, and they want to get rid of me quickly. At this time, I support Lin Chiling to take charge of the Elephant Group, and Chen Zaiyong will only think that I am weakening Samsung. Power. Those who have many ways will get many help, while those who have lost their way will have few help. He still can't understand this truth." Song Yi said.

"My mother called me and asked me if I would take Yuan Zhong back to Seoul for the Spring Festival this year. She probably wanted me to mediate the relationship between the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law, hoping that they could reconcile as before. After all, the eldest sister-in-law moved out. , I’m not in Seoul, so the Spring Festival is really a bit deserted, and my parents may not feel good about it,” Chen Fuzhen said.

"This is your decision. If you want to take Yuan Zhong back to Seoul for the New Year, I will support you. The matter between Chen Zaiyong and Lin Zhiling is far more complicated than you think. Don't get involved," Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen and Chen Yuanzhong, mother and son, have now obtained permanent residence status in mainland China. Chen Jianxi can no longer threaten Song Yi by putting Chen Fuzhen and Chen Yuanzhong under house arrest at home. If a similar situation occurs, the Chinese Embassy in South Korea can come forward to help coordinate.

"After a few days, I sent Yuan Zhong to Yanjing and asked his grandmother to help take care of him for a while. Not to mention, Yuan Zhong and Miaomiao got along quite well, just like Miaomiao's followers. I heard that Sun Yizhen This year I am taking my son to Yanjing to celebrate the Spring Festival, so I won’t go there to join in the fun.”

"Remind Sun Yizhen to stay away from Yuan Zhong, and don't put on any elder air in front of Yuan Zhong. If she annoys Yuan Zhong, be careful that Yuan Zhong beats her son." Chen Fuzhen reminded Song Yi.

When Song Yi heard what Chen Fuzhen said, he was a little embarrassed, "Yizhen is actually quite sensible. She didn't pretend to be an elder in front of Miaomiao, so how could she put on airs in front of Yuan Zhong. Yuan Zhong and Yuan Long are brothers after all. The two of us should try our best to live in harmony."

Chen Fuzhen snorted, "Song Yi, do you think that I came to Puhai to help you, so you should hold me tight and think that I can coexist peacefully with concubines like you. What is my identity, Chen Fuzhen, and her, Sun Yizhen?" With her status, what qualifications does she have to be on an equal footing with me, Chen Fuzhen?"

"If she hadn't been lucky enough to be pregnant with your child, she would have been able to fly up a branch and become a phoenix. If I had already followed you when she was pregnant, do you think she would still have a chance to give birth to this child?"

"The two sisters Kim Hee-won have a weak family background. They only know how to win over Son Ye-jin to resist the Yingying Yanyan in the entertainment industry, but they lack a bit of the majesty of the royal palace. When my father was young, he was also entangled with women outside. As long as a man has money, He Quan, those women who want to be in power will lean on you desperately."

"Look, it's been decades now. Apart from us, have you ever heard that my father had any illegitimate children? Mother and daughter like Seo Mi-kyung and Kim Yoo-mi of the Lotte family are actually the jokes of the chaebol family."

"You, Song Yi, have slept with more female celebrities in the entertainment industry than you can count on both hands. If young female celebrities follow suit and want to be like Son Ye-jin, mother is more valuable than son. When your backyard catches fire, I won't have time to give you." Be the fire captain." Chen Fuzhen couldn't help but mock.

"Don't worry, there's no such thing as Yanyan, it's just a show for the occasion. Taixi will take the children back to Yanjing this year to spend the Spring Festival and meet their grandparents. The old man is quite busy at work, and he can only take a few days off during the Spring Festival." Song Yi said .

Some time ago, Chen Fuzhen went to Bianzhou for inspection in the name of the president of SA Culture and Tourism Group. Seoul-Yeji-Original Sea-Mount Kumgang-Seoul has also become the premium tourism line of SA Culture and Tourism Group.

SA Culture and Tourism Group has invested in the construction of a civil tourism terminal at Tumanjiang Port in Offshore City. After this civil terminal is officially opened, SA Culture and Tourism Group's cruise ships will be able to directly travel between the offshore port in Liaozhong Province and the Port of Busan in South Korea. Cruise ships It can stop at Wonsan Port in North Korea and Sokcho Port in South Korea.

After these tourists disembark at Wonsan Port, they can depart directly from Wonsan Port and take a tour bus directly to Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area.

Starting from Mount Kumgang, you can also take a train to Goseong-gun, and then travel to Pyeonggyeong and Kaesong. After tourists have visited Pyeonggyeong and Kaesong, they can continue to take a train or plane back to Wonsan, and then return to the cruise ship Continue your travel journey.

The opening of the offshore port tourist terminal will further integrate the tourism resources of China, North Korea and South Korea, and the boutique cruise line will also attract more and more international tourists.

During Chen Fuzhen's inspection in Bianzhou City, he also met Song Mingzhe, president of Bianzhou University. Song Mingzhe's work performance at Bianzhou University has been very outstanding in recent years. Liaozhong Province intends to appoint Song Mingzhe to serve as the main state leader of Bianzhou.

Song Mingzhe, president of Bianzhou University, and Chen Fuzhen, president of SA Culture and Tourism Group, also talked about the Russia-North Korea railway bridge located on the Tuman River.

Song Mingzhe believed that the Russian-North Korean railway bridge could no longer bear the busy transportation tasks of China, Russia and North Korea, and it was necessary for Tu Manjiang to invest in building a new bridge with a higher bridge height to replace the original old bridge.

After the new bridge is opened, SA Culture and Tourism Group can develop a new tourist line from Changbai Mountain to the offshore port, and small river ships can travel hundreds of kilometers on the Tuman River during the wet season. After the river ship arrives at the offshore port, you can also transfer to a large cruise ship through the offshore port and sail on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula.

Chen Fuzhen heard what Song Mingzhe meant. He was obviously obsessed with the Russian-North Korean railway bridge on the Tuman River. After all, the bridge's insufficient height prevents most fishing boats on the Tuman River from going out to fish, and freighters cannot sail smoothly from the Tuman River into the Sea of ​​Japan. China's only outlet to the sea in the Far East was suppressed by this railway bridge.

"Husband, does Principal Song want you to come forward to do the work and demolish the original railway bridge?" Chen Fuzhen asked Song Yi.

"The work must be done step by step. It is unrealistic to expect to become fat in one bite. Didn't the old man say that we should promote the construction of the new bridge first? When the new bridge is built, Russia and North Korea will be able to taste the sweetness of railway transportation. When the old bridge is built, After it exists in name only, someone will take the initiative to demolish this old and unsightly bridge without us asking. For some people in North Korea, the new bridge on the Tuman River can help the Bienzhou area and the Rason Development Zone to develop more economically. Cooperation."

"North Korea lacks oil, natural gas, and heavy industries such as steel. After the release of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, Kim Dong-shen of the Asia-Pacific Peace Committee contacted me and asked me if I could put the Galaxy S1 factory in the Kaesong Industrial Park."

"If South Korea wants to get rid of its energy bottleneck, it is more feasible to introduce oil and natural gas from Russia. When China and Japan were competing for Russia's oil and natural gas supply, Japan stepped in and replaced the Andean-Dalian Line with the Taina Line."

"Russia's adoption of the Taina Line means that Russia's oil and gas resources can be directly transported to the Perevoznaya Bay through oil pipelines, and then transported to Japan via LNG ships by sea."

"In order to appease China, Russia said that it would build an oil pipeline branch to Northeast China when conditions were right. However, the Taina line branch is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for China's growing oil demand."

"Although China may not be able to use the Taina Line branch, South Korea can use the Taina Line branch. If a branch line is opened on the Taina Line, it will go from the Far East through Bienzhou, then through North Korea, and along the East China Sea Railway , all the way south, and then enter South Korea from Gangwon Province. This East China Sea oil pipeline can continuously provide South Korea with oil and gas resources from Russia." Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen understood what Song Yi meant. Song Yi wanted to use the East China Sea oil pipeline plan as a bargaining chip in exchange for joint concessions from Russia and North Korea, so that Russia and North Korea would agree to the SA Cultural Tourism Group building a new building on the Tuman River. railway bridge to replace the original old bridge.

"South Korea currently mainly relies on imports of oil and natural gas, which are basically imported from the Middle East through LNG ships. If the SA Group chooses to import oil and natural gas from Russia, can the price of Russian oil and natural gas be cheaper than that of Middle Eastern oil and natural gas?" he said. It’s uncertain, and South Korea is the world’s largest shipbuilder of LNG ships. If South Korea introduces oil and natural gas from Russia, not only will SK Group object, but Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding will not be able to pass the two hurdles.” Chen Fuzhen is a little worried.

"That is to say, although the oil and natural gas in the Middle East is cheaper, the transportation cost is high. The oil and natural gas in the Middle East must pass through the Indian Ocean, pass through the Strait of Malacca, and then go all the way north to South Korea. Russian oil and natural gas is indeed more expensive than the Middle East. But how far is the distance between South Korea and Russia?”

"And if the East China Sea oil pipeline plan succeeds, we can launch two large-scale refining and chemical integration projects in Bianzhou and Luoxian Development Zone. We may not make much money selling oil, but these two refining and chemical projects can It brings nearly 10 billion US dollars in revenue to SA Group every year. Increasing crude oil import channels is also an important measure to reduce energy risks and maintain energy security. I believe that many people in South Korea will support this East China Sea oil pipeline plan. "Song Yi said decisively.

Chen Fuzhen felt even more uneasy when he heard what Song Yi said. This year is an election year. If conservatives come to power, the East China Sea oil pipeline plan may encounter setbacks.

Maybe the SA Group will invest money in research and even start laying oil pipelines. As a result, the conservative government halted the East China Sea oil pipeline plan on the grounds of endangering energy security, so the hundreds of millions of dollars invested by the SA Group in the early stage are likely to be wasted.

The two pillar industries of SK Group are energy and chemicals and information and communications. SA Group is already encroaching on SK Group's market share in the field of information and communications. If SA Group builds the East China Sea oil pipeline to supply oil and gas to South Korea, SK Group's Choi Anyuan will probably faint with anger.

Chen Fuzhen explained to Song Yi the huge risks of the East China Sea oil pipeline project, but Song Yi did not pay attention.

"Don't worry, I never fight an unprepared battle. Although the East China Sea oil pipeline plan passes through Russia, China and North Korea. In fact, the biggest risk of this project is Russia's repetition. As long as China and North Korea sign a cooperation agreement, it will Don’t worry about their compliance.”

"What I mean is that we can throw out the project first, and then whet the appetites of both Russia and North Korea. North Korea hopes that this large-scale refining and chemical integration project can be implemented in the Rason Development Zone. However, North Korea has no funds and no technology, so it can only provide land and Skilled worker support.”

"We can do more research and inspections and eliminate the early resistance to the project first. If there is too much opposition from South Korea, we might as well suspend the project first, which can also put some pressure on the Russian side. In my expectation, The East China Sea oil pipeline plan will not be officially started until at least 2009, and it will be able to transport oil and gas to South Korea after 2011. So we don’t need to be so anxious. We can at least use this project as a bargaining chip to paint this new project on the river. The bridge is built first, and after the East China Sea oil pipeline is opened, the original bridge will be easier to dismantle." Song Yi set the tone for Chen Fuzhen.

Chen Fuzhen felt reassured when he heard what Song Yi said. Obviously, the reason why Song Yi talked to Chen Fuzhen so much was to hand over the preparation work of the East China Sea oil pipeline project to her. Only at the final stage of negotiations, Song Yi came forward to make the final decision.

If the SA Group really launches the East China Sea oil pipeline plan, then the SA Group is bound to establish a large subsidiary like SA Energy. Chen Fuzhen, who was responsible for the preparatory work in the early stage, will of course be the person in charge of SA Energy Group.

If Chen Fuzhen controls both the SA Energy and SA Culture and Tourism groups, then although the combined scale of these two companies is still not as large as that of the SA Group, they will at least be among the top ten large consortiums in South Korea.

"Okay, I know what you mean. Negotiate more in the early stage and don't be led by the Russian side. Negotiate more in the early stage and sign less agreements. You are not afraid of tiring me!" Chen Fuzhen is eager to give it a try.

"He who can do it should work harder, but don't tire yourself out. I have already booked a Global 6000 business jet for you from Bombardier. During the Spring Festival, you can contact Bombardier and let them decorate your private jet according to your ideas." Plane." Song Yi said.

When Chen Fuzhen heard what Song Yi said, he felt much happier. He kissed her on the phone and said, "Thank you, husband!"

Although Song Yi did not tell Chen Fuzhen that he had booked two Falcon 7Xs for the Kim Xiyuan sisters, some people still couldn't help but gossip in front of Chen Fuzhen.

While Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen were on the phone, the fiercest quarrel broke out between Samsung's little princess Chen Xinyu and Samsung Group Chairman Chen Jianxi.

"Xinyu, you are obviously involved in the research and development of Gaojin Electronics' SuperOS. Now Samsung Electronics is also preparing to produce smartphones. Samsung's smartphone project will be personally responsible for it."

"Samsung's smartphone project can only succeed, not fail. Jae-yong is determined to take charge of Samsung's smartphone project with the determination to burn the boat. If this project fails, it is unknown whether Jae-yong can successfully take over Samsung Electronics."

"Jae Rong said that the software and hardware of the Galaxy S1 series mobile phones are very well combined, the SuperOS system is very smooth, and the security is also very good. Samsung Electronics now urgently needs a leader to build Samsung Electronics' mobile operating system."

"Are you so ignorant of brotherhood that you would rather stay in SA to deal with Samsung than return to the family to help your elder brother?" Chen Jianxi's tone was very stern.

Alas, the competition between the Anda Line and the Anna Line reflects the Japanese ambitions.

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