I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 286 Is Google going to make a mobile phone too?

"Father, I only participated in part of the development of the SuperOS system. In fact, most of the ideas for this mobile operating system originated from Song Yi."

"We actually don't know exactly what we want to make it, but Song Yi is like an open-book exam. He already has a mature work in mind. Let us improve it bit by bit, and then get closer to his psychological expectations."

"Even if you ask me to return to work at Samsung Electronics and be responsible for the development of Samsung smartphone systems, I will not be able to make a mobile operating system close to SuperOS." Chen Xinyu is obviously unwilling to leave SA Soft and return to work at Samsung.

After hearing Chen Xinyu's answer, Chen Jianxi became increasingly dissatisfied, "You still have experience in SuperOS system development, which is better than starting from scratch as a Samsung Electronics employee."

"The sales volume of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones may only be about 10 million, but when the Galaxy S2 is officially released, the sales of the Galaxy series of mobile phones are likely to double. This means that Gaojin Electronics is likely to become the world's sixth-largest mobile phone brand with the Galaxy series of mobile phones. Big mobile phone manufacturer.”

"Samsung Electronics is the foundation of our Samsung Group. Without Samsung Electronics, Samsung C\u0026T and Samsung C\u0026T would be nothing. If Samsung Electronics is really surpassed by Gaojin Electronics, then you will be the sinner of our Samsung family." Chen Jianxi said Very harsh.

When Chen Xinyu heard what Chen Jianxi said, she felt even more sad. At this time, Chen Jianxi did not forget to use his family to morally kidnap her.

"Father, you said it before. Female members of our Samsung family are not allowed to work at Samsung Electronics for fear of disturbing the eldest brother's inheritance rights."

"No matter how outstanding my eldest sister is, she is only responsible for the Shilla Hotel and Everland in Samsung. She originally wanted to integrate the Shilla Hotel and Everland to form Samsung Culture and Tourism to integrate the tourism resources of the Samsung Group. As a result, the eldest brother was worried that the eldest sister would rely on I won’t agree to this opportunity to get more Samsung stocks.”

"Now the eldest sister has gone to SA Culture and Tourism and has become a shareholder of Puhai Disneyland. If I am the next chairman of Samsung Electronics and Samsung Electronics is surpassed by Gaojin Electronics, I will certainly be responsible. I did not hold the position of senior executive at Samsung Electronics. If you don't manage it, you naturally don't have to bear the responsibility for the company's poor management." Chen Xinyu retorted.

Chen Xinyu is currently the vice president of SA Soft and the president of Yahoo Korea. If Chen Xinyu joins Samsung Electronics, her position will not be much different from Chen Zaiyong. Father and son Chen Jianxi and Chen Zaiyong have always hoped that Chen Xinyu could return to Samsung Networks as vice president, and then take the lead in building the operating system for Samsung smartphones.

Chen Xinyu's meaning is obvious. She is not working at Samsung. Even if Samsung Electronics is overtaken by Gaojin Electronics in the mobile phone industry, it has nothing to do with her.

Chen Jianxi was so angry at Chen Xinyu that he hated Song Yi even more now. This guy Song Yi not only abducted his eldest daughter, but now his younger daughter has also begun to alienate him.

When Chen Xinyu saw Chen Jianxi's angry look, she couldn't bear it, so she came up with an idea.

"Song Yi said before that there will only be two competitors for Super OS in the future. One is Apple's self-developed operating system, and the other is the Android operating system developed by Google based on Linux."

"Google acquired Android Inc in 2005, and the founders and employees of this company have all joined Google. In order to maintain their leading position in the search engine and map fields, Google will spare no effort to support mobile phone manufacturers in the future. To use the Android mobile phone system. Only the Android mobile phone system can use the two applications Google and Google Maps by default."

"If Samsung Electronics cannot develop its own mobile operating system, it is better to join the Android mobile phone system camp in advance. As the world's third-ranked mobile phone manufacturer, if Samsung Electronics joins the Android mobile phone system, it will definitely receive financial and technical support from Google. "Chen Xinyu said.

Chen Jianxi's face softened a little when he heard that Chen Xinyu pointed out the technical direction for Samsung Electronics. Although Song Yi is young, Chen Jianxi believes in his judgment on the development trend of smartphones.

Chen Jianxi, who couldn't lose face, drove Chen Xinyu away. "Since you don't want to return to work at Samsung, you don't need to give me any other advice. I will make the final decision in my heart whether to cooperate with Google."

When Chen Zaiyong returned home after get off work, he found that his younger sister Chen Xinyu was not at home. Knowing that Chen Xinyu was still unwilling to leave SA Soft and return to Samsung to help him, she was inevitably a little disappointed.

Although Chen Xinyu is only an executive of SA Soft, she has not participated in the design and development of Galaxy S1. However, before the launch of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, the senior management team of SA Group has already used this mobile phone in advance. The addition of Chen Xinyu can help Samsung Electronics avoid many detours.

Samsung Electronics has dismantled the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones. Chen Zaiyong originally thought that Samsung Electronics would be able to make a smartphone comparable to the Galaxy S1 series in a month at most, but later found that it was not that easy.

The Galaxy S1 series mobile phones use touch-type capacitive screens provided by LG Electronics. After all, this LCD mobile phone screen is only supplied to Gaojin Electronics, and no other company on the market has made similar mobile phone screens.

There are technology companies in the United States that are also developing similar mobile phone screens, but they also only supply to Apple. Samsung Electronics' panel factories are rushing to produce LCD screens similar to the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones.

This problem is easy to solve. As long as we understand the principle and give the panel factory a certain amount of time, Samsung Electronics will naturally be able to produce mobile phone screens of the same specifications and quality. However, he was also puzzled by how the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones could solve the technical difficulty of blocking mobile phone signals with a metal body.

The Samsung Electronics technical team has suggested that Chen Jae-yong temporarily abandon the use of metal bodies and first produce smartphones with performance close to the Galaxy S1 to seize the market. When mobile phone manufacturers begin to abandon plastic bodies and use metal bodies on a large scale, It is not too late for Samsung Electronics to use metal bodies again.

Chen Zaiyong rejected the suggestions of Samsung's technical group. For him, Samsung Electronics must either not make smartphones or do its best to do so. In the field of traditional mobile phones, Nokia and Motorola perform very strongly. The two companies occupy 60% of the mobile phone market share. It is difficult for Samsung to challenge the market positions of Nokia and Motorola.

However, the emergence of smartphones has given Samsung Electronics an opportunity to overtake in corners. Samsung Electronics already has abundant funds, a first-class R\u0026D team and mature sales channels. As long as Samsung Electronics can develop a smartphone comparable to the Galaxy S1, it will be able to steal the limelight of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, and Samsung Electronics will become the world's leading brand in the future. The number one mobile phone manufacturer.

After listening to Chen Zaiyong’s report, Chen Jianxi was very pleased, “It’s not too late to eat well, and it doesn’t make much sense to become the second smartphone manufacturer in the world at this time. Although Xinyu is not willing to come back to preside over the Samsung smartphone system Research and development work, but she still gave some ideas.”

"You will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow to visit Android Inc, a subsidiary of Google, and take a look at the latest progress of the mobile operating system developed by this company. We must be prepared for two things, one is to develop a self-developed mobile operating system, and the other is Join the Android camp. We have to try both approaches. When the time comes, we will focus on consumer experience and look at market feedback. We will keep the one that works well." Chen Jianxi told Chen Zaiyong.

"Okay, President, I'll leave tomorrow. Since Xinyu said that another competitor of SuperOS is Apple's self-developed mobile phone system, how about I also contact Apple? After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Now Apple also wants to enter the mobile phone manufacturing industry. Before their mobile phone was released to the outside world, Song Yi was caught off guard. Apple must also hope to use the influence of Samsung Electronics in South Korea to curb Gaojin Electronics development." Chen Zaiyong proposed.

Chen Jianxi nodded. Compared with LG Electronics, Gaojin Electronics is more of a serious problem for Samsung Electronics. The Galaxy S1 series mobile phones combine software and hardware to bring a richer experience to mobile phone users.

Many users on the Korean inschool website posted videos of themselves buying Galaxy S1 phones. They would also log into the inschool website with their Galaxy S1 phones and post updates.

There will be a mark at the end of the updates they publish, indicating that they are publishing inschool updates through the Galaxy S1 series mobile phones. This has also become a promotional method for Galaxy S1 series mobile phone users to show off their new phones. Galaxy S1 series mobile phones have become synonymous with high-end mobile phones. Once this brand image is established, not many consumers care about the high price of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones.

Not only that, South Korea's fourth largest communications company, SA Telecom, has also launched a contract phone plan for the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones for 3G users. As long as the monthly mobile phone tariff package of SA Telecom's 3G users is not less than US$29 and the agreed tariff package is used for more than 24 months, they can receive a new Galaxy S1 series mobile phone for free.

The three major communication operators, SK Telecom, KTF and LGT, have all protested to the Korea Communications Commission because the contract phone plan launched by SA Telecom is suspected of unfair competition. SK Telecom, KTF and LGT also want to launch contract phone packages similar to SA Telecom, but they cannot provide Galaxy S1 series mobile phones. The popularity of Galaxy S1 series mobile phones is evident.

Luo Hongxi saw Chen Jianxi's frown and couldn't help but laugh at him, "Xinyu is actually a very sensible child. If you insist on asking her to leave SA Soft, let her neither help Gaojin Electronics nor Samsung Electronics." , she will probably agree."

Chen Jianxi felt helpless when he heard what Luo Hongxi said, "I know Xinyu might agree, but if I insist on asking her to do this, she will probably hate me in the future. As an executive of SA Soft, Xinyu has already received a lot of SA awards. Soft’s stock.”

"If SA Soft were to be spun off and listed separately, Xinyu's shares would be worth at least US$500 million. If Xinyu leaves SA Soft now, SA Soft will definitely ask to buy back Xinyu's shares. Xinyu has worked for SA Soft for several years. Even if you want to leave in 2019, you will have to wait for these stocks to be sold before leaving. Although the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones have been released, there is no way for smartphones to become the mainstream model in the mobile phone market 10 years ago, and there is still time." Chen Jianxi stated his plan.

Chen Xinyu informed Song Yi that the content of her conversation with Chen Jianxi included a suggestion that Samsung Electronics join Google’s Android camp.

"President, I shouldn't have told my father the business secrets you disclosed to me before. After all, Gaojin Electronics and Samsung Electronics are now competitors. If the company wants to punish me personally, I have no complaints. "Chen Xinyu said to Song Yi.

Song Yi's expression was very relaxed, "It's not that serious. In fact, Chairman Chen already knew your attitude before talking to you. He didn't expect you to return to work at Samsung now. His vision is relatively long-term. .”

"Since you can't preside over the development of mobile phone systems for Samsung smartphones, he must take the technical route of joint development or independent development. Even if you don't mention it, Samsung will pay attention to the Android system developed based on Linux system."

"To combat the SuperOS system, Google will launch an open source technology alliance to provide a free and open standardized platform for mobile devices. The alliance will be composed of industry giants such as mobile phone manufacturers, software developers, chip manufacturers, and telecom operators."

"In order for Google to promote Android technology, Samsung, LG and Sony will be the mobile phone manufacturers they strive for. Even if a mobile phone giant like Samsung joins, Android 1.0 will not be officially released until at least 2008, and some basics will be released. Apps like making calls, sending text messages, browsers, Google Maps, etc.”

"The emergence of the SuperOS system has really helped the Android system avoid a lot of detours. They only need to follow the example." Song Yi knew that Samsung was not good at software development. Google later attracted Samsung, the mobile phone giant, starting in 19 , paid a total of US$8 billion to Samsung in four years to ensure that Samsung series mobile phones are pre-installed with Google's default applications.

Chen Zaiyong's visit was warmly welcomed by Google, and Android Inc also demonstrated the latest version of the Android mobile phone system to Chen Zaiyong.

This mobile phone system has initially realized the basic functions of making calls, sending text messages and surfing the Internet. Android Inc is also preparing to add basic applications such as the App Store and Google Maps to this system.

Facebook has expressed its willingness to join the Google Technology Alliance. In order to promote social networking sites, Facebook is willing to pay an annual advertising fee to allow Android mobile phone manufacturers to use the Facebook website as the default application on their mobile phones.

Facebook is now the largest social networking site in North America and the second largest in the world. Inschool’s market position in Asia and Europe is very stable, and Facebook has no way to challenge inschool’s leading position for the time being. The emergence of the Android system allowed Facebook to see the opportunity to surpass inschool.

Chen Zaiyong felt a little unhappy when he heard that Android Inc was planning to launch an Android application store similar to the App Store. Chen Zaiyong is keenly aware that with the rise of smartphones, app stores will bring considerable additional business income to mobile phone manufacturers. Samsung mobile phones will definitely launch their own mobile application store in the future.

Google also revealed to Chen Jae-yong that they have begun to cooperate with the operator T-mobile and entrust HTC Company in Taiwan Province of China to produce the world's first Android smartphone G1.

HTC's technical reserves and R\u0026D capabilities are obviously not as good as Samsung, which is a big company. If Samsung is willing to join the Android camp, Google is willing to transfer the OEM production order of the G1 series mobile phones to Samsung.

With the addition of Google and T-Mobile, the G1 series of smartphones produced by Samsung can be sold directly in the North American market next year.

Chen Zaiyong heard what Google meant. As a high-tech company, Google obviously also wants to get involved in the field of hardware manufacturing.

Microsoft has previously launched the game console Xbox, so it is not surprising that Google will personally make mobile phones. Isn't the reason why Google acquired Android Inc in 2005 just to prepare for entering the mobile phone industry?

Google has very high requirements for the G1 mobile phone, including support for 3G networks, large-screen touch-screen operation, full keyboard for convenient input, tight network applications, seamless bundling of Google services, and powerful extensions Performance and more.

Unlike the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, Google required the G1 series of mobile phones to support the installation of MicroSD cards for capacity expansion from the beginning.

For example, if a consumer purchases a mobile phone with 8G of memory and installs a memory card with 8G of memory, the phone's memory will be expanded to 16G. This will have a dimensionality-reducing effect on the pricing of the Galaxy S1 series mobile phones.

The Galaxy S1 series phones with 16GB of memory are priced at US$499, and the Galaxy S1 series phones with 32GB of memory are priced at US$599. The Galaxy S1 series phones do not support the installation of MicroSD cards. A 16GB MicroSD card on the market sells for less than twenty dollars, which will obviously help lower the price of Android smartphones.

For Google, they don't really care how much profit they make from Android smartphones. They actually hope to launch Android smartphones with higher performance, lower price, and larger storage as soon as possible.

Only when Android smartphones under $299 become mainstream models in the mobile phone market can the Android system be used by more and more mobile phone users. Only Google services that are seamlessly bundled with Android smartphones can be used by more and more mobile phone users.

After the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones were released, Google actually contacted Gaojin Electronics, hoping to pre-install Google service applications starting with the Galaxy S2 series of mobile phones. Gaojin Electronics did not refuse, but proposed an unexpected sky-high price to Google.

Gaojin Electronics requires Google to support a one-time payment of US$10 billion to buy out all smartphones sold by Gaojin Electronics in the next five years with pre-installed Google service applications, including Google search engine, Google browser, Google Maps, etc. .

After the two founders of Google heard the offer from Gaojin Electronics, they thought that Gaojin Electronics was making a big move and rejected the offer from Gaojin Electronics without hesitation.

Song Yi himself did not want to pre-install Google services. Google joined the US Prism Project very early. If the smartphones produced by Gaojin Electronics are pre-installed with Google services, the privacy of Galaxy series smartphone users will be exposed to Google.

Moreover, SuperOS itself is a highly closed mobile operating system. If the SuperOS system is to be pre-installed with Google service applications, then Gaojin Electronics is bound to open the source code of the SuperOS system to Google.

Google itself has an Android mobile phone system. If Gaojin Electronics opens the source code to Google, then the Android system will definitely learn from the SuperOS system crazily, which will undoubtedly outweigh the gains.

When Chen Zaiyong heard that Google was planning to make mobile phones himself, he couldn't help but ridicule, "These Internet companies, seeing the success of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones, all thought that the mobile phone manufacturing industry has zero barriers and they can easily build a mobile phone." A fully functional smartphone.”

"HTC is now working as an OEM for Google and can still earn a lot of money. Once Google becomes familiar with the mobile phone manufacturing process, Google will definitely put HTC aside and start manufacturing mobile phones itself."

"As the developer of the Android system, if Google stops making mobile phones by itself, then Google will be both a referee and an athlete. How can smartphones produced by Samsung Electronics compete with Google's mobile phones."

"It seems that Samsung joining the Android camp is just a temporary measure. We at Samsung still have to launch our own operating system." Chen Zaiyong made up his mind.

Chen Zaiyong visited Google, Qualcomm and T-Mobile in the United States. Samsung’s third-generation successor frequently appeared in front of American technology companies.

Google announced the establishment of the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), which is actually the Android Alliance.

Initial members of the OHA alliance include mobile phone manufacturers Samsung Electronics and HTC, chipmaker Qualcomm Electronics, telecom operators T-Mobile and Andorid Inc and Google.

Chen Zaiyong said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that Samsung will gradually increase the proportion of Android smartphones in the next three to five years. Samsung Electronics and American high-tech companies will also carry out more and more cooperation.

Shortly after the establishment of the OHA Alliance, Song Yi flew to Japan and visited SoftBank Group President Masayoshi Son.

SoftBank Group and SA Telecom announced an alliance to jointly acquire a stake in Sprint, the third largest operator in the United States. After the acquisition is completed, the new company formed by SoftBank and SA Telecom will become Sprint's second largest shareholder. SoftBank and SA Telecom have prepared US$5 billion in funds for this acquisition. As soon as the news broke, Sprint's stock price soared.

Although Sprint is the third largest operator in North America, T-mobile and AT\u0026T already occupy most of the market. Sprint has also faced huge operational pressure in recent years.

Because Sprint's acquisition involves South Korean communications company SA Telecom, and the actual owner of SA Telecom is Song Yi. It is not yet known whether the U.S. federal antitrust regulators will approve this acquisition. After all, inschool previously purchased Facebook for US$1 billion, and Facebook founder Zuckerberg agreed, but the regulatory authorities rejected it.

Sprint announced that it will provide Galaxy S1 series contract machines to North American users. The 16GB version is priced at $199 on contract, and the 32GB model is $299 on contract.

Sprint also provides users with unlocked versions of the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones. The unlocked 16GB Galaxy S1 retails for $499, and the unlocked 32GB Galaxy S1 retails for $599.

Galaxy S1 series mobile phone users can download Google service applications through the App Store, including Google, Google Browser, Google Maps, etc. Although inschool is the default social networking site application for Galaxy S1 series phones, users can also download facebook through the APP Store.

Obviously, the establishment of the OHA alliance gave Song Yi a sense of crisis. The launch of Sprint's Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones was the beginning of Gaojin Electronics' counterattack.

The Neuxs series of mobile phones manufactured by Google are really difficult to use, and many people advocate original Google applications.

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