I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 287 Fifth on the Forbes rich list!

Gaojin Electronics' cooperation with Sprint is just the beginning. Not long after the Lantern Festival, SoftBank Group launched a contract phone plan for the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones in the Japanese market.

The contract price of the 16GB Galaxy S1 is 46,080 yen (approximately 3,456 yuan), and the 32GB Galaxy S1 contract price is 56,800 yen (approximately 4,320 yen). The handling fee is approximately 200 yuan. If you cancel the contract early, you will need to pay extra. Termination fee is RMB 750.

To sum up, the 16GB locked version of Galaxy S1 is priced at 4,406 yuan, and the 32GB locked version of Galaxy S1 is priced at 5,270 yuan, which is still much cheaper than the official price of the Galaxy S1 series mobile phones in the Korean market.

Some Korean tourists who cannot buy Galaxy S1 mobile phones in South Korea will buy two Galaxy S1 series mobile phones in Japan, and then switch to Korean communication operators.

In addition to SoftBank Group, Yanjing China Unicom has also officially launched a contract phone plan for the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones. Yanjing China Unicom purchased 200,000 Galaxy S1 series mobile phones this time, with a total purchase price of 988 million yuan.

The contract package launched by Yanjing China Unicom this time is also relatively friendly. If users choose the monthly package of 288 yuan and use it for 24 consecutive months, they can get a 16GB Galaxy S1 mobile phone and a Superalloy sports bracelet for free.

If China Unicom users choose the 388 yuan monthly package, they can get a 32GB Galaxy S1 mobile phone and a Superalloy sports bracelet for free.

Although it is also a provincial communications operator, the general manager of Yanjing China Unicom is also a member of the party committee of China Unicom, and its specifications are half a level higher than those of ordinary provincial communications operators.

In addition, next year is the year of the Olympic Games, and most areas in Yanjing City have begun to cover 3G networks. It is understandable that Yanjing China Unicom is the first to launch a contract phone plan for the Galaxy S1 series of mobile phones.

Because China Unicom has not yet issued a 3G license, although Yanjing Unicom's mobile phone users have already enjoyed the 3G network, there is no 3G network prompt displayed on the mobile phone.

Liao Yu immediately bought six Galaxy S1 series mobile phones, and then gave them to Song Mingzhe and his wife, Chen Fuzhen and Son Yizhen. She also left one for herself and her daughter Song Miao.

Song Miao is currently in the second semester of sixth grade and will go to junior high school in the second half of the year. She had just celebrated her thirteenth birthday before the Spring Festival, and she was already a grown-up girl. Liao Yu reminded Song Miao not to use mobile phones in school. If students see it, they should start talking about it.

Because Song Yi went to Zhongguancun No. 3 Elementary School when he was in the first grade to help his niece Song Miao, but Song Miao's background was not a secret in No. 3 Elementary School. However, Song Miao is not a proud person and gets along well with teachers and classmates.

Song Miao was very excited after getting the phone. She was about to log in to inschool on her Galaxy S1 phone, hoping to contact Seo Joo-hyun, Jung Soo-jung and Park Ji-yeon in South Korea through inschool. However, the phone interface showed that this service was temporarily unavailable.

Song Miao pouted and acted coquettishly at Liao Yu, "Mom, why can't I log into inschool on my Galaxy S1 phone? I still want to chat with Xiaoxian. I heard that she is going to debut this year, and she is training very hard. It's the Spring Festival. I didn’t get much rest, otherwise I would have come to Yanjing to celebrate the New Year like last year.”

Liao Yu found it funny, "If you miss Xiaoxian, just call her. Why are you chatting through inschool? No matter how busy Xiaoxian is, she will call you when she is done. Seoul and Yanjing is only one time zone apart, so it’s so convenient to make a phone call.”

"In this way, after the exam for primary school to junior high school is over, I will agree to let you go to Seoul for the summer vacation. Is that okay?" Liao Yu fondly touched the back of Song Miao's head.

Song Miao hugged Liao Yu excitedly, "Thank you, mom, you are the best mother in the world!"

Liao Yu called Song Yi and when he mentioned the matter, Song Yi immediately agreed. "I plan to schedule Girls' Generation's debut in early July, and then arrange their debut after Xiaoxian celebrates her 16th birthday."

"It's almost summer vacation for Miaomiao at that time, and she can come to Seoul to attend Girls' Generation's debut concert. She won't be bored if Jessica Jung and Park Ji-yeon are with her. If the little girl really has nothing to do, let her Go take care of Won Shu and Won Hyung.”

Now Song Yiming has a total of four sons and two daughters. Chen Fuzhen gave birth to Song Yi's eldest son Chen Yuanzhong, and Jin Taixi gave birth to Song Yi's legitimate son Song Yuanhao and legitimate daughter Song Yuanshu. Jin Xiyuan gave birth to daughter Song Yuanying and son Song Yuanheng for Song Yi, and Sun Yizhen gave birth to son Song Yuanlong for Song Yi.

During the Spring Festival this year, all four sons and two daughters of Song Yi gathered in Yanjing to celebrate the Spring Festival. Chen Fuzhen sent his son Chen Yuanzhong to Yanjing and returned to Seoul to spend the Spring Festival with his parents. This is the first time for Son Ye-jin to take her son Song Yuanlong to Yanjing to spend the Spring Festival with her parents-in-law.

Song Mingzhe and Zhou Shulan saw their grandchildren gathered together for the first time, and Zhou Shulan was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear. Among the many children in Song Yi, the most outstanding ones are Chen Yuanzhong, the son of Chen Fuzhen, and Song Yuanhao, the son of Kim Taehee. These two little guys are already very elder brothers and take good care of their younger siblings.

However, the children have already cuddled together. The four children of sisters Jin Xiyuan are obviously closer. Chen Yuanzhong and Song Yuanlong have become the followers of their cousin Song Miao.

Song Mingzhe was a little worried about this. After all, there was a precedent for brothers in modern families fighting for family property. Naturally, he did not want brothers Yuan Zhong and Yuan Hao to repeat the tragedy of the "Prince Rebellion" in modern families in the future.

On March 9, 2007, Forbes magazine announced the list of the world's billionaires. In 2007, there were 947 billionaires in the world.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates continues to be the richest man, with personal assets of US$56 billion. Stock investor Warren Buffett continues to be second, with personal assets of US$52 billion.

Mexican telecom giant Carlos Slim Helu ranks third with a net worth of $49 billion.

In terms of Asia's richest people, Song Yi, chairman of SA Group, has a personal net worth of US$33 billion, ranking fifth on the Forbes rich list, and was officially elected as the richest man in Asia.

Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal has a personal net worth of US$32 billion, ranking sixth on the Forbes rich list with a difference of US$1 billion. Li Chaoren of Hong Kong Island is ranked tenth on the Forbes rich list with US$23 billion.

In addition to North America, Asia accounts for three of the top ten richest people. A total of 13 South Korean billionaires are on the Forbes rich list. In addition to Song Yi, Hyundai Group's Zhou Mengjun, Samsung Group's Chen Kunxi, Hyundai Motor's Zhou Mengjiu, SK Group's Cui Anyuan, and SA Group's Zheng Eunxuan all appear on this list.

The assets of Chen Jianxi's family have shrunk significantly compared with last year, ranking 315th on the Forbes rich list with US$2.9 billion. The Zhou Mengjiu family ranks 433rd on the Forbes rich list with a net worth of US$2.2 billion.

The Zheng Enxuan family of the SA Group is on the list for the first time. The Zheng Enxuan family has assets of US$1.1 billion, most of which are SA Group stocks.

The assets of the Chen Jianxi family in 2006 were still US$4.3 billion, but this year they have shrunk to US$2.9 billion.

Song Yi knew that the Chen Jianxi family's assets were much more than that. He had concealed almost 4.5 billion U.S. dollars in property through borrowed accounts. If these are added, the Chen Jianxi family's assets would be around 7.4 billion U.S. dollars.

"Daily Economic News" reprinted the Forbes rich list, with the title "When will the situation of one super and many South Korean rich list change? Song Yi's personal net worth is equal to the sum of the other top 40 rich people."

Forbes magazine also specifically commented on Song Yi, "Due to the hot sales of the smartphone Galaxy S1, SA Group's stock surged last year. Song Yi's personal assets increased by US$25 billion last year, making him the super person with the largest increase in personal wealth on the Forbes rich list." Rich."

After the Forbes rich list was announced, "Times" contacted Song Yi, hoping to complete an exclusive interview with Song Yi. "Times" planned to make Song Yi the cover of "Times".

"Times" has already thought of a title for Song Yi's exclusive interview, "Song Yi, the youngest richest man in Asia?" No! He may be about to become the youngest richest man in the world."

On the day that Forbes announced the rich list, Girls' Generation leader Kim Taeyeon also celebrated her 18th birthday. SM Entertainment wished Taeyeon a happy birthday on the inschool homepage and uploaded a photo of the nine-member group. Birthday girl Kim Taeyeon, Seo Joo Hyun and Jessica Jung stood in the C position of the photo.

After celebrating her birthday, Kim Taeyeon received a notice from the company asking her to go to the SA Group headquarters building. Kim Taeyeon didn't know why Song Yi was looking for her, so she went to ask Boa and Li Zhenxi, her seniors in the same company, for advice.

Boa had some guesses in his mind, but did not reveal the truth. He comforted Kim Taeyeon, "Taeyeon, it's a good thing that the president summoned her alone. There are so many female artists in the SA Group who don't even have the chance to meet the president alone. The president will The fact that you shouted to the SA Group building shows that he values ​​you very much."

"Girls' Generation is going to debut this year, and Xiaoxian is in your group again. As the leader of the group, he will definitely ask some questions about the group. You just need to prepare in advance."

"The president is very generous to the artists of our SA Group. I only attended the president's birthday party the year before last, and the president later gave me an apartment in Tokyo. As long as you can win the favor of the president, then you From now on, no one in SM Entertainment will dare to bully you." Boa said meaningfully.

Kim Taeyeon was confused after hearing this. She wanted to ask Boa how to get Song Yi's favor, but Boa avoided talking and said she would find out when she went to the SA Group headquarters.

After all, Lee Yeon Hee is Kim Taeyeon's former teammate. She was also a member of Girls' Generation before leaving Girls' Generation when she became an actress. She hasn't starred in any hit TV series now, but she can film two or three TV series and participate in one or two movies every year. She is quite satisfied with the current situation.

Although she and Park Soyan had committed themselves to Song Yi together, their situations were completely different. She is now the most well-known actress in SM Entertainment. Park So Yeon is still a trainee of the group Tara. According to SA Music's plan, the group Tara will not officially debut until around 2009 at least. Park So Yeon still has to wait.

For Li Yianxi, having sex with Song Yi was not a painful experience. After all, Song Yi is handsome, generous, and not very possessive. Li Yongxi also found a boyfriend in the industry through acting, and Song Yi never interfered with her freedom.

When Li Yeonxi and her boyfriend first started dating, they reported it to SM Entertainment. In fact, they were worried that Song Yi would have thoughts about it. Later, SM Entertainment also gave a solution. It is okay for two people to date in private. If they are photographed by paparazzi, they should publicly admit their relationship. There is no need to be evasive, but it will easily be disgusted by fans.

After all, they are former teammates, so Lee Yeon Hee couldn't help but mention Kim Taeyeon. After all, Kim Taeyeon has always been a trainee. She was protected by the company before and has never been exposed to the complicated human society. If Kim Taeyeon feels that Song Yi's favor is a kind of humiliation, that she agreed to Song Yi because of Song Yi's power, and even annoyed Song Yi, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Taeyeon, our president doesn't like artists playing tricks in front of him and hiding things. Song Hye Kyo made this mistake and was ignored by our president. But fortunately, she has excellent acting skills and can create value for the company. , so I can receive one film appointment after another.”

"In the past TV series produced by SA Pictures, the female lead was without exception Song Hye Kyo. But in this year's ABS drama "My Love from the Star", the female lead was Jun Ji Hyun."

"The reason why I gave you examples of Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo is because I hope you understand and don't try to play tricks on our president."

"For a super rich man like him with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, he can sleep with any woman, even Britney Spears or Jessica Alba, he is always available."

"He never likes to force others, he only believes that 'efforts will be rewarded'. If you want to achieve success in one step, then don't show dissatisfaction. If you are unwilling to take shortcuts, just refuse directly, and he will respect you. The entertainment industry is a vanity fair. 'If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.' No one can easily achieve success without giving anything." Li Yeonxi pointed out.

Kim Taeyeon was a little surprised when she heard what Li Yeonxi said. She could feel Li Yeonxi's painstaking efforts and nodded in thanks, "Thank you sister Yeonxi, I know what to do."

Li Yongxi smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe it's because I've been caught in the rain, so I can't help but want to hold an umbrella for the younger generations so that they can avoid detours. Of course, I'm just guessing. After all, the president's reputation has improved in the past two years. A lot."

Kim Taeyeon didn't know what Song Yi wanted to do with her before, so she felt a little uneasy. Now after being reminded by Li Yeonxi, she is not so scared. After all, the unknown is what scares people the most.

Girls' Generation's manager Zhuo Youngjun drove Kim Taeyeon to the SM Entertainment Building. Zhuoyongjun reminded Kim Taeyeon, "When you get in, listen more, do more, and talk less. Call me when you're done and I'll pick you up then." .”

Kim Taeyeon took the elevator to the top floor. Song Yi's secretary Jiang Xiuna received her and made her a cup of coffee.

"The president is currently being interviewed by Time Magazine. After his interview is over, he can see you. If you feel bored, I have an Xbox and PS3 in my office. You can play games for a while." Jiang Xiuna said.

"Is it an exclusive interview with Time Magazine? Did they fly from the United States to Seoul to interview our president? The president is so awesome!" Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but admire her.

Jiang Xiuna saw Kim Taeyeon's little fangirl expression, and a smile appeared on her face, "You have to say this to the president in person. He will probably be very happy to hear it."

Jiang Xiuna knew why Song Yi wanted to see Kim Taeyeon, and she couldn't help complaining that Song Yi really had no patience when it came to women. As long as SA's female artists are over 18 years old, it seems they can't escape Song Yi's grasp. From Moon Geun-young to Yui Aragaki, from Lee Yeon-hee to Kim Taeyeon, there are no exceptions.

Last time Song Yi was playing games with Yoo In Na in the office. Jiang Soo Na kindly lent her secretary's professional attire to Yoo In Na, but Yoo In Na made the outfit a mess. Yoo In Na was embarrassed and planned to compensate Kang Soo Na for a set of clothes, but Kang Soo Na refused.

As Song Yi's secretary, Jiang Souna can buy four sets of clothes for work every season. Losing one set of clothes is not a big deal, and she can't be stingy enough to let Yoo In Na accompany this set of clothes.

Yoo In Na was grateful to Kang Soo Na for her generosity and revealed an important piece of information to Kang Soo Na. Yoo In Na guest-starred as Song Yi's secretary that day and played a role-playing game with Song Yi about the president and secretary. Yoo In Na came to guest-star as secretary. Yoo In Na took the initiative to change her name from In Na to Soo Na to make the game more playable. She found that after changing her name, Song Yi became more involved in playing.

When Jiang Xiuna heard what Liu Inna said, she couldn't help but scold her, Liu Inna, you vixen, you didn't say anything about seducing Song Yi, but you also dragged me into the water.

The interview with Time Magazine finally ended, and Jiang Xiuna took the guests to the elevator instead of Song Yi. Song Yi saw Kim Taeyeon and motioned for her to enter the office.

Different from the usual conversation, Song Yi and Kim Taeyeon sat on the U-shaped sofa in the office and had a face-to-face conversation.

"Taeyeon, Girls' Generation's debut song has been decided. It's called "Reunion in the World". You are the best singing member in Girls' Generation. Are you satisfied with this debut song?" Song Yi first talked about work.

"It's pretty good. Although it's not as catchy as "Never say goodbye", the rhythm is pretty good and it also shows the strengths of the nine of us dancing together." Kim Taeyeon answered cautiously.

"Rather than being in a group, you actually want to debut as a solo female singer, just like Lee Hyori, right?" Song Yi asked casually.

When Kim Taeyeon heard what Song Yi said, she suddenly became nervous. This was her biggest wish, but who knew that Song Yi would expose it in no time. In 2004, Kim Taeyeon won the first place in the Youth Singer Selection Competition and then started her career as a trainee.

In 2005, Kim Taeyeon collaborated with her vocal teacher The One Jung Soon-won on the song "You Bring Me Joy", making her debut in the music industry. Rather than becoming an idol, Kim Taeyeon actually hopes to become a singer like Jung Soon-won.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon remembered Li Yeonxi's advice not to try to play tricks in front of Song Yi. She admitted honestly, "Yes, President, I would rather be a singer than an idol. But as Girls' Generation As captain, I will definitely shoulder my responsibilities."

Song Yi nodded, "Ambition is not a bad thing. SA Films will film a costume drama "Hong Gil Dong" this year. This TV series has an OST called "If", which is very suitable for your singing style. When the time comes, SA Films will Contact you and give me this OST to sing and perform well. If you sing well, the sooner you can make your solo debut."

Kim Taeyeon understood Song Yi's hint, "Thank you, President, I will definitely work hard."

"There are many girl groups debuting this year, and our ABS TV station is planning to launch a live variety show that allows celebrities and idols to experience self-sufficient rural life, called "Invincible Youth." "Invincible Youth" will invite members of popular girl groups to star regularly. "

"The girl groups tentatively scheduled to appear include Kara, Girls' Generation, WonderGirls and Baby Vox Rev."

"Girls' Generation's tentative members are Yoona, Seo Joo Hyun, Sunny and Kim Hyoyeon. This show will be broadcast in the second half of the year. Remember to inform them when you go back and let them prepare." Song Yi continued to explain.

"Okay, President." Kim Taeyeon nodded.

"Okay, the matter has been discussed. You can go back first." Song Yi said.

When Kim Taeyeon heard what Song Yi said, she was stunned. She was already ready to sacrifice herself. Why did Song Yi suddenly drive her back? Did Song Yi not actually like her?

Song Yi saw Kim Taeyeon's hesitation and was a little happy, "Why, you finally came to the SA Group headquarters and you still don't want to leave? Are you planning to let me treat you to dinner?"

When Kim Taeyeon heard what Song Yi said, she felt ashamed and quickly left. Jiang Xiuna saw Kim Taeyeon leave after sitting for a while, and couldn't help but glance at Song Yi. Did the sun come out from the west today? Song Yi didn't even eat the beautiful woman who came to her door?

Of course Song Yi could guess Kim Taeyeon's psychological changes, but he had to go back early tonight and had no time to eat Kim Taeyeon. Xia Meiai is going to visit his home today to win support from the SA Group. The presidential candidate campaign of the ruling party Open National Assembly has begun, and Xia Meiai now urgently needs Song Yi to come forward to support her candidacy.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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