"Yunan, I remember this is your first time in Beijing, right?"

Prince Guo smiled and looked at Fang Yang, Fang Yang at this time How can I not understand the meaning of Prince Guo, this is obviously to let myself find the news of Lazy Li, but unfortunately, this is not thief crying, "Stop thief!"?

"The prince thinks that Yunan, as a new face in the capital, will not notice Yunan's movements and is more suitable for investigating the whereabouts of Lazy Li?"

"Not bad , The smallest movement is unexpected. Perhaps it is because our identity is too conspicuous, but it will fall into the eyes of the caring person. In that case, it is better to go the other way and let Yunan investigate this matter."

"My lord, but I have followed you many times in and out of King Mansion, I am afraid I have already been in the eyes of those who are interested."

You have disappeared for a while.

Prince, I heard that you still have things unhandled in Yong Prefecture. Do you need to send a competent hand to help you deal with it?"

Prince Fruit is hearing this Nodded again and again: "Yes, Yunan, you will go back to Yong Prefecture on behalf of the king, and the King of Japan will personally send you to Yunan back to Yong Prefecture."

Fang Yang also understands Di Renhe at this moment. The intention of the prince of fruit is clearly to lured the tiger away from the mountain, secretly leave the capital, first let oneself just and honorable leave the capital, and then return secretly to investigate the matter of Lazy Li secretly.

Fang Yang had an expression of sudden realization, and quickly praised: "The prince is wise."

After hearing this, Prince Guo and Di Ren laughed heartily and did not speak.

Four days later, Prince Guo successfully used Great General Di Ren’s baleful aura to suppress Xie Chong in the Great General Mansion. Only then did he leave the Great General Mansion in his gratitude to the Great General.

Subsequently, it was rumored that there was some accident in Prince Guo Yong Prefecture’s mansion. Prince Guo himself went out of the city to send Zhang Yunan back to Yong Prefecture, so that he could handle the affairs of Yong Prefecture on his behalf.

In this way, Fang Yang left the capital in the farewell of Prince Guo Yiyi.

Actually, Fang Yang and Prince Guo had already agreed that they just boarded the passenger ship leaving the capital on the bright side, and secretly disembarked at the next stop in the port of Tong Prefecture and returned to the capital.

Then there is no need to report back to Prince Guo, until the clues of Lazy Li are found, or Prince Guo urgently informs, Fang Yang has to appear in front of people, apart from this, he can hide in secret to investigate everything .

Fang Yang has secretly returned to the capital at this moment, and couldn't help but give Prince Guo and Di Ren a thumbs up. This is simply a chance to leave the surveillance.

As for Lazy Li, it is impossible to investigate, even I don’t know where Lazy Li has escaped now.

Since he could move freely in secret, Fang Yang decided to personally monitor Di Ren's Great General Mansion from a distance. He always felt that Di Ren was definitely not just a member of the gods.

At this moment, Fang Yang's cultivation base is already a first-class realm, coupled with the system’s interest-gathering function, as long as Fang Yang is willing, even if he is close at hand, Fang Yang does not reveal his breath, and hides in the dark. No realm’s cultivation base can find him.

After Di Ren came to court this day, Fang Yang did not follow Di Ren again, but quietly returned to the rockery in the backyard of the Great General Mansion.

Fang Yang was betting on luck, if Di Ren hadn't abandoned his secret room because it had been exposed, maybe he still had a chance to find something, such as the Spirit Stone.

Fang Yang cautiously moved and lurked outside the secret room of the Riguo Prince’s breakthrough, carefully recalled Di Ren’s movements, and then touched a small stone on the left hand side of the rockery, and then he was happy. Found the mechanism.

After Fang Yang opened the mechanism smoothly, he cautiously walked into the secret room, then closed the secret door, and then walked down the steps.

After walking for about half a minute, Fang Yang stopped. After breaking a fire, he looked intently, and Fang Yang felt a little disappointed in his heart.

Looking at all around the empty secret room, Fang Yang thought the secretly sighed sentence came late. It seems that Di Ren has already transferred the things here, leaving only an empty shell.

Fang Yang looked at all around and there was nothing, and even knocked on the stone wall of all around again, and found no other dark rooms.

Being disappointed, Fang Yang could only helplessly prepare to leave. Suddenly Fang Yang felt that he had stepped on a bump under his feet, looked down, and then his expression became inexplicable.

There is a pattern underneath, and there are several grooves. Fang Yang crouched down and took a closer look, and found that there were two grooves that still retained some powder. As for the other grooves, they were empty.

Fang Yang touched some powder, rubbed his thumb and index finger, and finally knew what it was. This was the powder of Spirit Stone.

Fang Yang jumped up to the ceiling of the dark room again, stuck it on with inner Qi, and looked at the pattern globally.

Fang Yang became more familiar with it. Finally, Fang Yang remembered where he had seen this pattern.

That was the first time I saw Emperor Shi was taken into the secret room. There was a similar pattern there, and when I measured the spirit root, I could feel this pattern flashing a few times.

Is this the legendary Formation? There are also these few grooves. That night, I remember that Prince Guo had a continuous breakthrough twice. Are the powders left over by the two Spirit Stones the Spirit Stone consumed by Prince Guo’s breakthrough?

The more Fang Yang thinks about it, the more he feels that it is possible. It seems that this is the method used by the members of the Gang Lord to break through the first-class realm. It turned out to be the Formation arranged by the Spirit Stone. As expected, the background of the Shenmen is deep. and unmeasurable.

However, there is a similar Formation in the emperor's master. That is to say, Ming Emperor master is definitely a person in the divine gate. How much did the emperor master hide from himself, or what is the meaning of what he said to himself? real?

Fang Yang's face was vaguely unclear. He has no real information about the emperor at all. It seems that his defense against the emperor must be raised to a level again. This person has too many hidden things, such An opponent exists, and sure enough there is no peace.

Fang Yang checked the secret room again and confirmed that he hadn't missed any other clues, and then cautiously cleared his traces, and then left the secret room.

After leaving the secret room, Fang Yang did not relax his vigilance, but moved cautiously, and finally left the Great General Mansion safe and sound.

Now I should go to the outskirts of the Western District of Beijing to take a look. It is indeed time to observe the Emperor in secret.

Fang Yang made up his mind in his heart, and no longer hesitated, he immediately prepared to leave the city and go to the western suburbs to find clues to the emperor.

When Fang Yang got out of the west city gate, he suddenly moved his ears, and then dodged into the crowd. Only the carriage with the badge of the Great General Mansion was seen, and he was about to leave the west city gate.

"Di Ren?"

Fang Yang was puzzled, what did Di Ren do when he was out of town? Wait a minute, Di Ren will not plan to go to Xijiao to see the emperor at this time, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Yang couldn't help but wonder why Di Ren wanted to find the emperor. Is it to find the emperor to solve the puzzles, or to explore the origin of the enemy he envisioned in his heart?

Not good, suddenly Fang Yang thought of a possibility, and the complexion was greatly changed.

The emperor knows that he knows the details of the members of Prince Guo’s sacred gate. If the emperor told Di Ren about this matter, would he be exposed?

Thinking of this, Fang Yang no longer hesitated, and hurried to the residence of the emperor in the western suburbs, hoping that the emperor would have other plans and would not expose himself.

Otherwise, I can only hide for a while, and then act by chance.

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