Fang Yang is far behind the carriage, and the direction of the carriage is not beyond what he expected, it is indeed towards the imperial master’s residence.

After the carriage stopped in front of the Imperial Mansion, Di Ren got off the carriage and walked directly into the Imperial Mansion without being notified by the concierge.

Fang Yang looked from a distance, feeling a little anxious in his heart. It seems that he must venture into the Emperor Shi’s Mansion and see what the Emperor Shi said to Di Ren. If he reveals his identity, then he can only escape. Early, wait until the cultivator tries to come out.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang no longer hesitated, and sneaked in from the side door without disturbing anyone, and then activated his passive skills with all his strength, cautiously moving to the emperor's study.

Fang Yang stayed in the Imperial Palace for a few days. He was completely familiar with the terrain here. Besides, Di Ren came in broad daylight. As Di Ren’s teacher, the Emperor would definitely meet him in the study. This was in feudalism. In this era, the study is a sign of closeness.

Fang Yang was cautiously close to the study room, and no one came here. It seems that the emperor should have ordered other people not to disturb his conversation with Di Ren.

But this is fine, it gives me the opportunity to move carefully to the corner of the study, hide my good breath, secretly hear their conversations, and don’t worry about being discovered.

Fang Yang cautiously moved to the corner of the study, and cautiously put his ears on the wall, and he could hear the general conversation clearly with his cultivation base.

In the study, Di Renzheng sat in front of the emperor teacher, "teacher, what do you say about this mysterious force, dare to target our gods? Besides, we act so low-key, how can we still be stared at? Come on?"

The emperor took a sip of tea and said, "Why do you think someone is targeting our gods? What if someone wants to beat the grass to scare the snake?"


Di Ren was hearing this for a moment, and then he looked incredulous: "teacher, you mean someone is just testing us, and he is not sure if we exist?"

The emperor is hearing this with a smile : "I can't tell you many things, but I can reassure you that no forces are dealing with us. You don't know some things, but you don't need to be clear."

Heard here, The doubt on Di Ren's face aggravated again, but for so many years, the emperor had been completely convinced by Di Ren, and he simply would not doubt the words of the emperor.

"Since everything is in the hands of the teacher, then I won’t ask too much about this, but there is one more thing. Prince Guo has been under my guardian a few days ago and has a smooth breakthrough. It’s a first-class realm."

"I have known this for a long time. Remember to remind Prince Guo to keep a low profile when doing things in the future. Don’t expose yourself. There are many things. Keep it in your heart. Don’t talk to anyone. Speak."


Di Ren said in surprise, and then quickly nodded. Although he doesn't understand the meaning of Emperor Shi, he knows a word. Tell it to Prince Fruit without any omission.

"But the teacher, who is preparing to beat the grass to scare the snake and want to draw out our power, what on earth do we really want to do?"

"You guys Don't worry about it, everything is just as good as before. Remember, nothing is worse than nothing. Today you see what I said was the past. After all, if there is a teacher-student match, if Prince Guo comes over, it will be completely troublesome.

Remember, you must seriously remind Prince Guo and tell him not to act rashly. Business as usual. If he gets into trouble and affects my plan, tell him that I can let him break through the first-class realm, and let him There is nothing."

At this moment, the look of the emperor suddenly appeared hideous, Di Ren's heart burst, and he quickly nodded to express his understanding.

"I see, teacher, dísciple knows what to do."

After Di Ren said this, there was a sudden struggle on his face. After the emperor saw it, he was coldly snorted. "Why, do you want to go to Ji Prefeceture again?"

Di Ren plopped on his knees when he heard this, "dísciple dare not, but, teacher, do you want Xiao'er to go back to the capital?" "

"Back to the capital? Ren'er, remember, your Junior Sister is dead, don't transfer this thought to Xiaoxiao, if it weren't for your pleading, Xiaoxiao she was simply impossible to live in the world.

I have forgiven her because of you, leave a way out, but she must bear her mother’s sins."

Di Ren couldn’t help but shudder. I didn't dare to talk any more to plead. It was indeed Junior Sister who had offended the teacher in the past, no wonder the teacher was still so angry.

"By the way, Di Ren, you don’t need to investigate your Junior Sister 30 years ago, just let her stay in the past. You will now complete the task I gave you, and time There is not much for us."

"Yes, teacher."

After that, there were some unnutritious conversations. Fang Yang heard that Di Ren was about to leave, and hurriedly left cautiously. In the corner, Di Shi and Di Ren were not disturbed.

He saw Di Ren sitting on the carriage with a face of loss from a distance. After leaving the imperial master's residence, Fang Yang was also confused by Monk Zhang Er, and was completely confused about the imperial master's intentions.

Listening to the conversation between the emperor and Di Ren just now, the emperor should have understood the truth that he was messing up the muddy water in the capital, otherwise his tone would not be so indifferent and affirmative.

But it’s right to think about it. With such a cunning old fox like Di Shi, I know that I was subdued by Prince Guo, and I know the identity of Prince Guo, plus I have not been in Beijing for two days, Mr. Jingcheng Storyteller’s The story of Ji Prefeceture spreads.

With so many conditions, if the emperor can't guess the truth, I should feel at ease, but since the emperor has guessed the truth, why should Di Ren stop intervening?

There is only one reason for this, and that is that he must have other uses, and the emperor thinks that he is very important, and it is important to the extent that he now has to cover himself.

At this moment, Fang Yang's heart is both panic and a little not knowing what to do, what exactly will the emperor use himself do?

There is also Ji Prefeceture. Xiaoxiao is also a who thing, and it has been involved thirty years ago. There is also the Junior Sister that Di Ren said. What is it hiding?

Leave aside the mixed feelings in Fang Yang's mind at this moment, Li Changsheng's investigation of Ji Prefeceture has also made new progress.

At this moment, Li Changsheng came to Yihonglou again. When the girls in Yihonglou saw Li Changsheng, it was like seeing a moving treasure of gold and silver.

No way. Yesterday Li Changsheng's splendid style and unique temperament have made him the most satisfying guest in the hearts of the girls in Yihonglou.

However, today Li Changsheng does not have the mind to deal with these vulgar fans. His main purpose today is to get close to Xiaoxiao.

Li Changsheng is now more and more curious about Xiaoxiao, such a young second-rate expert, it is incredible, after all, she looks only two years old, a few years younger than Zhang Yunan.

These enchanting Martial Dao innate talents are really deep and unmeasurable, but Li Changsheng always feels something faintly wrong.

Because Xiaoxiao is indeed young and beautiful, but her aura tells Li Changsheng that there is something wrong with her but she doesn't know what's wrong, Li Changsheng is puzzled.

Is it because women are always 20 years old?

Just when Li Changsheng was thinking about it, the mother of Yihonglou appeared, Li Changsheng quickly pretended to be surprised: "mother, is Miss Xiaoxiao free tonight?

If If I am not free, I will come back another day."

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