I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight years old, one day in the moon of four.

Four moons go by like this.

When your life calms down a little, there's something you want.

Yes, it is sweet.

There's sugar in this world too, but they don't eat too much sweets on top of it. Mainly meat. And meat. Well, that and all I care about is the leaves and Mr. Brown Bird. The owner buys it as a horse rectifier. I wonder if that's Moraces.

"Uncle, this is it"

"Oh, that's waste honey. It's a sugar squeeze. I'm gonna use it for horse rectifiers."

"People don't eat?

"I sometimes use it for festive treats, but I don't really grab it. Hey, it's a little bitter, you see, taste it?

"" Mm-hmm. ""

"Mal, how's it going?

"It's bitter, but yummy!

Sure, it's crusty bitterness, but I would have put it on rye bread and other crusty breads in Japan or used it for treats.

"Uncle, how much?

"500 gills per bottle, about two kilos."

"I'll buy one."

"Maido, don't be frightened, okay?

"Hey, Mal, let's put this on some lunch bread"

"Do it!

"" Yum!


"Arsh, what? Shall we?

"Yummy pass! I'll hire you for bread!


I was dancing twirling for two, and my uncle pissed me off.

From the month of 4, the berries begin to take off.

First, Alberry. Light peach, sweet, and refreshing berries.

It's not suitable for preservation or jam, so I'll take it and sell it. And eat. Ask your grandmother Yaya to put it down. Berry earns about 500 gills because there's not a lot you can take each morning.

Strawberries after that. Strawberries exactly. Lamberries. purple. And at the end of the month of five there shall be sawdust. Except for Alberry, it becomes jam. Waste honey sugar is good for wild berries. Also, using the magic of life, make dried fruit and leave it to dry on the ceiling of Umaya. They all help, but they looked like they couldn't help thinking about winter. But the jam is thrilled.

Will was a luggage man, and he liked the magic. The lights of the night also made it possible to do all five first. It's a joke that the two of us competed and later made it possible to do all 10 at a time.

But I wonder why there are so few magicians when we can all use life magic.

"Power and quantity, I guess."

Will says.

"'Cause the magic of ignition, it's so small, isn't it? But the magician's flames are huge."

Or, in fact, about half of it. Different kinds of flames?

"You looked naughty, just big"

Big? Well,

Why don't you turn up the magic of ignition?

"Oh, hey!


"Keho, keho, you see, it's grown!

"You idiot!


"Don't be dangerous! You almost got me hurt!

"Sorry, I almost burned"

"Chicken! You were in danger."

"Yeah, 'cause it's just me."

"I always thought. Why doesn't Arsh take care of himself when he sees how we're doing?

"Me, too... because I'm okay..."

Because I was an adult in my previous life. Kaa and Toto were both childlike years old. What if the grownups don't hang in there?

"Tell him Cyril too"

"Arsh, you're the smallest. You have to be protected. Look, put your hands up."


"Look, the shortest"

"Shorter than Mal"

Oh, me, you're still so small, you only have two strawberries on your hands, that's such a palm.

"If we take care of ourselves, if you don't take care of us, we won't."


"No, no, no, no."


Big arms for only two years old, hugs me.

For the other, and for the other.

That day we went to bed as dough.

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