I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight years old, four magical days of the moon.

Happily, the matter of the firing magic of the scratch inspired me to think deeply about magic. Like in the game world, lights don't have MP2 consumption or anything. But if you give me five, I'll have less magic than one. It reduces the amount of magic in your body, to be precise.

Sorcerers usually say they are from Wangdu's school. I wonder if I'll be taught there.

Ignition is frightening, let's try it with lights.

Now talk to Will, and then the two of us will experiment.

"One light, let's turn it up"

"That's good."

"Wow, you're blind!

"Sorry, I overdid it"

"Arsh, perhaps magic can be used with the magical application of life"

"So all you can do now is use a lot of life magic!

"Arsh, you're about to use me to make absolutely dry fruit!

"Because Cyril and Mal can only use a little."

"Me and Mal are mundane! You're not gonna help me anymore, are you?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, help me."

"Oh, boy."

I could have done the magic of water, even if it wasn't half a cup, full of pots, full of buckets. Seems to use a lot of magic though.

So, what about hot water? Images of moving molecules fast, with magic, into the water for them.

As a result, it didn't turn into hot water, but it got warmer.

So, in the image of the molecule becoming quiet?

Yes, it's getting cold, but not enough to freeze.

So, what's dry?

From matter, in the image of draining moisture.

Yes, that's because of you.

I guess it's a unique knowledge of modern Japan.

I told Will this, but it took me a long time to convey the image. But I'm a hot guy, so I can finally do it.

Don't tell me that being an adventurer isn't magic that helps a fighting magician. Also, on second thought, if I could buy a demon stone, it might not have been necessary (tears). Well, I can't buy one now...

Nothing is more exciting than magic! We'll keep doing research! Absolutely make it hot water and ice!

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