I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12, 4 months old. After that.

"Grilled Skewers"

I got up all the time.

"I didn't eat skewers! Did you eat first?

He looks at me like he's relieved, like Cyril and Will are out there. What about Mal? It's soggy.

"I'm sorry. Because I fell asleep early. You couldn't eat skewers."


"What's going on?

"I'm sorry, Arsh. Run off in the dungeon."

"Uh, yeah, it sounds like Mal."

"Aren't you mad?

"I'm not angry, but I thought it was dangerous"


"Yes, like me yesterday, if I could get strength in the dungeon"


"We're all physically fit, but in the dungeons, we're on the line for our lives."

"We had to stop."


"I'm some kind of brother, but come with me and run wild. But it was really funny. We can't really do everything we can in the dungeons, always being careful."

"I thought I could do something."


"There seems to be no reflection."

"" "Maria!

"Good morning, Maria, I think you've fallen asleep"

"Arsh, it may be too late for training. We'll make it to breakfast, hurry up. Cyril, Will, what about our own room?

"Uh, I was hoping to apologize to Arsh"

"You've been here a night?

"Me, I'm getting dressed!

"Wait, me too, Arsh, skewers. Tonight!

That's right, when I got back from Cece, the employee quarters were built, and I graduated from Mal's room with two people, Miscellaneous Fish Sleeping.

"The guild chief carried Arsh on me yesterday, thank you later."

"The guild leader?

I'm a little happy about something.

"So yesterday, Cyril and I got pissed off and had a hard time."

"Mostly Maria got mad"


"I'm sorry."

"I'm a freshman adventurer, I don't want to take a break, let's hurry up and support it"


When I entered the guild, for some reason, there were plenty of hangovers.

"Hey, Arsh."

"Thank you for yesterday, Guild Chief"

"Build strength, you."


"Cyril, Will, Mal, you know"

"" "Yes!

I can also speak from everyone in the Alliance.

"Hey, Cyril, don't be impotent."


"Arsh, don't get upset."


"Will, you're my brother"


"Mal, don't run."

"Ugh, yes"

Okay, I'm not going to be able to today!

Mal was also listening properly today. He seems to be a beginner, and he goes all the way up to the third floor.

After a week like this, Mal and I finally got permission to attack. Even when we're partying, the ranks are still too different. We're going to be sweet, and Cyril and Will, we're going to be fighting somewhere lower than our strength. We're still a long way from catching up, so now we're gonna make a good effort in the F class.

If you think

"Hey, let's party with us."

"No, Koch's first."

and lots of voices.

"In the meantime, they're telling me to study for two"

Say no. But that also gave me permission in another week.

And from the third week onwards, we partied in the dungeon like every day. Even I thought I had luggage, but many have become adventurers without training. You don't have to hurry, but you can manage to get up to the C-level or so. Sometimes even a messed up attack that seems to involve allies, if it hits, the demon falls.

It's hard, and I learned, to fight aiding a different party of strength every time. And Mal's stress builds. In that case, we throw a party again with a lamb and fight as we please.

And at the end of week four,

"Well, we've had a month. Where shall we go?

Cyril said.

"Yes, Old"

"Yes, Mal, not yet"


"Still too weak"


"I'm Nash."

"Why, Will?"

"Arsh's been following Mal for a month, hasn't he?

"I'm not."

"Because it's always good for people, so the magician is the lead dungeon, and once in a while, I'll stick with you."

"Will, don't you just want to be unobtrusive?

"Ha, well, you want to go?

"" "Let's go!

The moon of five was to go to Nash.

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