I want to protect you in this hand.

One guild master's, three for each.

Walk on a loose ramp leading up the hill, carrying Arsh.

I didn't think I was going to be an adventurer when I put the little guy in my orphan crew. I didn't even think I'd survive.

Fairness of the guild leader, that's the chain that binds us. There are many orphans, neither in Cece nor in Merche, who cannot reach out to any of them. Every time we had a meeting of guild leaders, we discussed how we could not help. That was my job at the dismantling station.

I'll manage to survive with that until I get my luggage. If you survive and get luggage, you're under the jurisdiction of the Alliance. If you become an adventurer, some become wealthy. Until something spills by then, I can't pick it up. And it's your own fault for what makes you an adventurer. Even if that means making an orphan again.

When it comes to Merrill's orphan being a child of all adventurers, it's not. For some reason, there are many flowing out of the city. Mal was a jerk among them. Heterogeneous and unresponsive. Doing so unintentionally creates convulsions and deprives the one you're with of working time. I couldn't get enough food as a result, and by the time Arsh arrived, the three of them were pretty frivolous. All I could say was "the spilling side". Even if you want to get your hands on it, you shouldn't be the guild leader.

In the meantime, Arsh got into it.

In the fourth month of the year, Cyril and Will, who were so busy, worked fine as luggage holders. When it comes to Mal, he still looks like he's having fun working with Arsh while he's holding hands. Eventually rumors spread that he was having a better lunch with his luggage, and when the murky Zashes fell, he recovered, and there was Arsh in all of it.

If it's convenient, I can't deny that I've used it. Let them do breakfast, let them do lunch, and try to respond to all of that, Arsh.

Earsh, who eventually won the Lords' trust, laid the foundations of the factory and decided to go to the college. Arsh that makes other guilds try their best. "Guild Leader Guild Leader," Arsh runs. "I'm coming!" and waved Arsh. Always around, Cyril and Will are laughing. Mal is stuck and nicked. Maria and Sophie cheer and Nico and Blanc watch. There was no place for an orphan who could spill out.

Fairness of the guild leader, that will continue to bind us. But the mind is free. You can reach out to anyone. No more spills in Merrill.

My back is warm. Anytime in my mind, Arsh. Important, daughter.

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