I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12 years old, 5 months old, Nash, and then...

After unbindings on the first day, I spent about a week working with Will, with Mal, and with the four of us. Week two, Cyril,

"This week, a superior magician asked me to stay and dive as an escort."

I said.

"How long?

"Yeah, about five days"

"That's a long time."

"But I think it'll be a good experience"

"You want to go?

"I want to go"

"" Fine. ""


This is how two newcomers, level F, began. Would you have eaten so much skewer? I can't deny I took the shark off a bit. In the dungeon, a lot of parties came by because I was a magician, but this time I didn't come to Nash to study, so I refused and the two of us were diving.

On the fourth day after Cyril and Will were gone, we worked a little hard to get to the 10th floor. The first day, it was a tired and harrowed floor. This time, I was able to come at my leisure, without being tired. At that time

"Help me!

"Hey, what?

"It's a 'surge' on the 15th floor!

This "surge" is a massive outbreak of demons that sometimes occur only on certain floors.

"Two swordsmen are down. One can't move with an escort, only me to call for help"

With that said, the young swordsman fell. It must have been pretty hard for a young swordsman to get here from the 15th floor alone. Move it to a safe zone for now.

"Just give me a break..."

"To the adventurer by now."

"I didn't see him, the sleepover's more downstairs. Beginners don't get this far. If you do poorly, you have to go back to your guild."

"Is the fallen adventurer going to have it"

"I'm not dead. He's just a swordsman."

That's not good. It's been a long time since I've been here.

While I go get help, it's probably, like, total annihilation.

Can or will you, me?

Abandoned? If you're a magician, you could have saved your life.






"I know you do."

"I don't like it."

"Mal, please"


"On behalf of this man, run to the guild"


"Mal, it may be tough on your own, but in the meantime, I'm going down to the 15th floor,"

"I don't like it."

"If help doesn't come, I probably won't hold it alone. Mal needs to call me."

"I'm coming with you"


"Okay. I'll definitely be back."

"Speak up to everyone who was on the way"

"Yeah. Go!

"Mr. Swordsman."


"This is a safe zone, so wait here for rescue. Yes, this, Rations and Cookies. There's water."


Let's go! Go for the 15th floor!

I ran out. But keep your health drain to a minimum. The shortest distance, at least with the magic of magic, while defeating the slime. 13, 14, here!

There was a view that I had never even seen there. That's the room where the Justs knocked down a special slime. As it springs from it, the slime is flowing out. The room is covered to the ceiling by a translucent slime. And right next to the stairs, two fallen swordsmen, standing swordsmen, half covered in slime,

"Flames, extremely small, go!

Pash! Slime slowly falls off the swordsman.

"Oh, thank God, I don't think so anymore. Uh, you're alone."

"The other one's been on the 10th floor asking for help."

"Oh, my God, you won't be able to"

"Give up."

"No, no, sorry, thanks for coming"

Pash! Pash!

This doesn't mean anything, okay.

"I'll do it once and for all, get smaller"

Composite magic. I always do what I share with Will, on my own. Burn this room down.

"Flaming Wall, Stand Up"

The flames burn to the ceiling.

"Wind, blow away!

The flames dance the room. The wind is connected to my magic. Burn it down to the corner of the room with flames.


The big one left is beating with each bad attribute.

Now I have half the magic left. I'm not sure I can take him down to the slime room. So, what do we do?

It's a long war. Let's beat the slime out of the room, one at a time, with minimal firepower, until help comes. Meanwhile,

"Do you have any help, people who are falling?

"I just fell wrapped up in a slime. I'm unconscious, but I don't have anything else in my life."

"What about upstairs?

"It's hard on your own. There's no safety zone nearby."

Pash, Pasi.

"What about you?

"I'm just tired, I'm fine"

Then, ah, it poured out of the ceiling, sh!

Let's make some soup too. I have more lations.

Bread, Pash.

This evening, Pash.

"Come on, here you go"

"You...... thanks, that's good, this"

"Yes, eat this one too"

"It's good, it's good"

Shh. Rest, bread. One thing, Pash. Mal, I wonder if you're okay. I'm strong, I'm fine. I wonder if I've gotten to the guild yet. I wonder if I met someone on the way. Pashun. I wonder how many hours it took. I'm getting a little sleepy.

No help yet. Slime keeps pouring.

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