I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12, 5 years old, moon, Nash, then Mal...

Meanwhile, Mal ran upstairs. There are not many slimes floating along the way. I think I'm going to move on, knocking down the minimum slime. But is a dungeon without a magician, alone, so hard? In the first place, the 10th floor is not the arrival of an F class without a magician.

As usual, don't run, still fast, fast!

The 9th, 8th, 7th floors, the adventurers are already on their way home. I don't see anyone. I can't go on like I always do. Only time passes. Sixth, fifth, fourth, there he is!

"Please! There's a surge on the 15th floor!

"What! He said it was a surge!

"Two swordsmen are down. Protect one swordsman, and Arsh will help you with that!

"What is Arsh..."

"I'm a magician, but I'm an F!

"Dark-haired! But we're not good swordsmen either."

"Please! I'm going back to my guild"

"Wait, from now on, it's faster to escort you back to the guild, so let's take care of it."


From there he joined the two swordsmen and quickly got to the guild. But the time is already past nine.

"Surging on the 15th floor! Swordsmen and magicians are left behind!

"What, call the guild leader!

The guild chief, who was already home, was recalled.

"The 15th floor surge is common, though."

"Guild Leader!

"Mal? No way"

"Arsh did! When I was trying to get back from the 10th floor, they asked me for help!

"Stupid, you went!

"Two swordsmen are down and one swordsman is protecting them. That's how the swordsman fell."

"That's him!

"I'm in the safety zone on the 10th floor"

"Well then, did Arsh go alone"

"Yes, I said go to the guild and call for help, come on, hurry up and get Arsh!

"Calm down, Mal, Arsh won't fall like that."

"But, but"

"Gather the magicians who are returning to the Inn and form an expedition, it will take a while. Rest a little until then. Cyril and Will."

"Stay in the dungeon, I'll be back tomorrow"

"Bad timing thing."

"All right, split up and contact the inn! There's the one that's falling. Mages and swordsmen, gather your numbers!

But it was after 10: 00 at that point, so it's hard to get people together. Mal was resting his body for now.

"Shit, would this be better in the morning?"

"Mal, listen up, I'll meet you at 5: 00 tomorrow for the fastest attack. I'm going, too."


"Rest your body! That's what you can do."

"... Arsh"

Meanwhile, I was attacked by a sleeper.

"You, go to sleep for a little while."


"I managed to do it alone until you came. Thanks to the soup, I've recovered a lot, so it's my turn."

"Thank you, a little."

Thus, I took turns sleeping with the swordsman. Magic is diminishing little by little. If you don't come at this hour, is the help in the morning? Two or three hours minimum. Gradually, swordsmen run out of strength. My time has increased. A little more, a little more. Humor consciousness is swallowed by the sleeper.

"Wake up, you! Shit."

"Ha, no!

Soon we slept together. In the meantime, there's more slime. Can you do it, or is it magical enough, okay!

"Arsh! Why are you here!


"What is this number of demon stones? This room," Surge, "or I'll clean it up for now."

A magician's flame broke out, clearing up the growing slime. It was the day the Cylons were coming home! Thanks!

"Arsh, what's up, Mal?

"Mal asks the Alliance for help"

"Are you okay, what happened?"

"Sorry, my party's in a 'surge' here."

"Four swordsmen, let's go, stupid"

"Two fell. One went to get help, and on the 10th floor, to this kid"

"Arsh, did you come alone from the 10th floor, I'll be impotent"

"I couldn't abandon you, Cyril"

"Right, if it's Arsh"

"Arsh and I, we seem a lot worn out, but since when have we been"

"Since yesterday evening"

"Yesterday's! So this number of demon stones, alone."

"Yeah, Mr. Swordsman took turns,"

"Almost this girl."

"Hmm, it's okay now that we're here. Why didn't you clear the slime room?"

"It was the first time, and I was more scared when the magic ran out. Until we get help, think we should screw around."

"Good decision. That's Cyril and Will's party. It's not something I can do. Then why don't we finish it?"


"Defeat Slime's Boss"


"Yes, enough magic, I guess."

"Even if it hangs up, if everyone's here, it's okay"

"Shall we then?"


"" Arsh ""

Turning around, Cyril and Will were there.

"" Come on!


"Come on, sweep the slime"

"The wall of flames! Whirlpool!"

"Brilliant! Now, that's the boss."

There was a big slime of green there. Poco, Poco and it produces slime.

"Cut as many body surfaces as possible so as not to damage the nucleus, can you"

"Yes, wind blade, 10, small, cleave!

Hyun-hyun and the wind run, tearing the body surface. The slime flushes and quickly collapses.

"This will stop the surge. Well done."



Cyril hugged me.

"Good luck"


"Now, even if we add four more of us, it's hard to carry these swordsmen. Let's rest and wait for rescue."

I came to Cyril and fell asleep.

"Good night, Arsh"

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