I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12, 3 years old, the moon, Sophie's teaching.

Me and Cyril stayed in Nilm for a day, not right back. Sophie took me to the tailor, who was a little depressed on the way to the guild.

So Mal and I gave him an apron to fit his new clothes. Looking in the mirror at that apron, Sophie said.

"Arsh, remember? When I first went to King's Capital."

"Mm, Mr. Ricardo, that's a lot going on."

"That's the first time you looked in the mirror, Arsh."

"It looked just like Kaa-chan"

"You told me to be aware of my beauty."

"Ugly, I guess."

It's been three and a half years since then. My hair is stretching and waving further. In the mirror, there is me who looks just like Ah-chan as usual. I feel a little feminine.

"Sophie's prettier"

"Arsh, isn't it one thing to be clean? Me and Maria, that's better clean. But your wavy brunette, one amber, and black eyelashes will cast a shadow on your cheeks. A few big eyes, a gentle expression, all combined, so beautiful that people look back."

"I guess so."

"Yes, sir, nilms come from time to time, but I rarely see anyone as pretty as a customer"

In the mirror, there's a young girl who looks at this one like she's in trouble.

"Can't you speak to a lot of people?

"Even if they call me, throw a party in a dungeon, that's about it"

"Well, you're so well protected."

The clerk said as impressed.

"Sure, there's an escort outside the store"


There was Nico, who stood casually, Blanc, and Cyril.

"Until now, you've protected not only the lambs, but the guild people, have you noticed? Each guild leader was teasing. So me, Maria, Ash and Mal were protected. I didn't have time to speak outside because I was busy working for the Alliance."

Sophie tells you to say it.

"But, you know, the West Territories are different. For the Alliance, we're just dispatchers. Not Meryl's secret. Under such a guild leader, even if you're an adventurer, you're a pretty old girl. You'll see a lot, you'll hear a lot, I'm sure."

"I don't like that. Menstruation."

"But it will. How many people saw you today?

"A lot."

"Me too. Arsh, you've been nagging me."

"Yeah. My hair and eyes are rare."

"No, you can't."


"Tell the Marian stream, you're an idiot, Arsh"


"Are you proud of your daughter? And Nico's, Blanc's, Cyril's daughter worth protecting. And it's me and Maria's sister."

"Worth it?

"You taught me. Tighten your chest. Smile when your eyes meet. And take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself"

"Are you going to be someone's lover?

"I don't have that!

"Then take any gaze or invitation and have the courage to say no."


Sophie smiled with a naughty face.

"We're not the only ones who are beautiful. Look, look outside?

Outside, Nico, Bran, Cyril is surrounded by girls.

The West Territories are not aggressive.

"That's right, I'll get a husband who can fall in love. Is there something so important in your life?

The clerk's nose is rough.

"The escort outside, all three of you are wonderful and handsome. At a glance, I know you're an adventurer. It's a promising stock. Especially that silver one."


"That's nice."

Cyril? Sure, just handsome, duh. That, my chest hurts a little.

"It's not like you haven't grown."

That's what Sophie said.

"Arsh, your mother and father were married a year later than Arsh is now, and you had Arsh in my year now"

Kaa-chan, To-chan. What are you really doing... too soon...

"I can't be a child forever. From now on, I need to be prepared to be protected sometimes. It's hard to protect someone you're not ready for."

"I'm ready for you to protect me..."

"I want to be Nico or Blanc's daughter worth protecting. No matter how blunt your opponent is. I don't look down. Put your face next door and put your chest on. Let's take a moment to think about what lies ahead, shall we?


"In the meantime, when you leave the store, don't look down, stand firm, and face Cyril. After that, take a slow look around."


Today's unsure, discontinued feelings had disappeared.

"Thank you!

Dropped off by the clerk's bright voice. Come on, chest up, face up, watch Cyril.


Eye-catching, gentle, Cyril watching. I am someone worthy of Cyril's protection. Smile and look around. I pulled away as my surrounding daughters looked at Cyril with regret. And a lot of people were looking at this one, but, yeah, I wasn't looking because it's rare. Around the age, young daughter. That's just it. Then let's go have fun, like that age.

"Arsh, you had so much fun."

"Yeah, Cyril, let's go! Sophie!"

Turn to Sophie. Sophie, okay? and shake his neck. I got a little bit of it. Climbing the stairs to adults again is difficult. But I want to be myself who can put my chest up to everyone.

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