I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12, 3, to the moon sem.

Sophie, Nico and Blanc dropped me off, and the three of us stood Nilm. Return to the village in front and join Will and Mal on a regular flight to Saim, both in a good mood to wait. They were just eating meat.

In the middle of the three moons, the streets were blooming with spring flowers. Saim is a fruit tree town. This side of the tree flower will eventually bear fruit in the summer, in the autumn. In the fantastic scenery we were struggling with the textbooks of the Empire. Ever since summer, I've been away from studying. Of course, the empire's speech is perfect. But when it comes to textbooks, it's a little difficult. In the end, we decided to take charge of the subject again and teach each other.

Four days from Nilm, I got to the SEAM. Saim is a big town. Hold three dungeons, and many adventurers. The size of the guild is comparable to that of the eastern guild of the Wang capital.

holding it in one town. Besides, there were fishing ports along the sea, and fruit tree cultivation flourished. And it was as if he was more busy than the king's capital.

"Wow, that's amazing"


Shaggy told us, Dan said.

"I guess we should go to the guild if we're supposed to, but why don't we just stay in a regular inn for a day and take a look at town?

What do you want me to do?

The town is open and bright. There are also many stalls.

"You sell drinks with diluted fruit juice, you don't have tea, but you have enough sweets... apart from tea..."

"There are many stalls, but there are few places to rest. But in this open atmosphere, it's hard for people to get in in the form of the Lamb Pavilion in Wangdu."

"Why don't we make it an open terrace?

"What do you mean?

"The point is that we can build a place to sit outside the store and offer it outside."

"What about winter?

"Winter is indoors, but sunny days, warm days could still come"

"There's a lot of couples, maybe we can get to them."

"Here we go."

Will said.

"It's been a while since Dan and Arsh met."

Cyril answers. We continued not to care. Look around the market, too. Dan sparkled his eyes.

"There it is... it's Gaga's fruit. Uncle, can you take a lot of this?

"Oh, it's growing around there. It's just hard to dry it to this shape. It'll be a cheerful cup of tea."

"I think I'll get a little"

"Thank God"

And I did sell a lot of dried fruit for cheap. I said it out loud.

"It's cheap! For this price, you can put a lot in a pound cake!

"I wonder if the people here will eat this as it is. Auntie, dried fruit, people here, how are you eating?

Dan is listening calmly.

"Oh, rarely, are you from the hinterland? I don't know how, just like that."

"Stay for a snack?

"Some people make it an athlete, but it's usually a snack when they're tired."

"Auntie, isn't there anything else going on?

"You say things like children, here snacks are usually fruit."

"Waste honey is"

"That's bitter, horse medicine."

"Well, this and this and this."

"Thank you."

This is how I walked through markets and towns. There is no heavy atmosphere like the Old. I don't even see an orphan or someone with a rash. Dan has spoken to me.

"Arsh, perhaps, orphans and needy people are in the pleasure zone"

"Come on, tell Arsh that story"

Cyril whimpers.

"Cyril, it's okay. Anyway, around the guild, that's a heavy load for me."

"I guess, just if I were to open a store in a pleasure district..."

"Cold fruit water"


"Ask Amelia to buy the water bottle shaped one as a souvenir"

"Let it be."


"This is where women are being fed. Doing business there is going to be one of those sticks."

I lay down my face.

"Yeah, sorry"

Cyril, I'm sorry.

"Let's eat skewers"

Will took it from me. I'm about to run off with you two. I told Dan.

"With all these ingredients, I want to cook. I'd like to try a prototype with dried fruit."

"Come on, let's rent one, you've been here about two months anyway, right?

I couldn't think of that. We all looked at each other. Yeah.

"" "" Like!

At the party, I was supposed to rent a house. There are many adventurers like that, so there are quite a few short-term renters around the guild. In the meantime, let's go to the inn today and go to the guild tomorrow to decide.

The next day, when the morning adventurers also settled down, we headed to the guild with references from Sophie.

"Excuse me, I'd like to see the guild chief"

"Do you have a promise?

"I didn't, take this"

Pass Sophie's references to the receptionist.

"Wait a minute."

The receptionist went to check. Large in the guild. And the tavern takes quite a place. It's narrow to serve breakfast or the sale of lunch is on the wall there......

"I'll see you upstairs, please."

He showed me around. When you knock on the door.

"Get in."

I heard a voice.

"Excuse me."

As we walked in, the big man who was sitting stood up behind his desk.

"You're dispatched from the Central Alliance. It looks like you're about two weeks early."

The guild chief looked at Cyril and said:

'Cause it's just what Nilm had to do.'

When I answered, the man raised one eyebrow and looked at this one chillily, he told Cyril.

"I see, by saying how lunch and breakfast work, then please"

So the conversation stopped. Huh? That's all?

"Anything yet?

The man spoke out.

"I'm busy."

I see. Okay. I'm just a daughter of my age. Are you saying they haven't even treated you? Thanks, Sophie. If she was just a nagging daughter, she'd be scared and about to go home crying. Come on, the bell of battle rings.

"At the time of the request, the SEAM should have received a request for the maintenance of the facility and an estimate of the cost. Have you seen that?

The man looked up annoyingly.

"I do feel like I left it at the Alliance Chiefs' Conference... but what are you in the first place, talking from the side"

"Excuse me. I say Arsh. Sophie, a member of the Central Alliance, asked me to help you create a lunch and breakfast mechanism. I'd like to talk to the guild chief, if you don't mind."

"Eh, I'm the guild leader"

"Really, I didn't notice because I didn't introduce myself or anything"

"Oh my God!

Lose! I looked into the person's eyes and said slowly.

"Because I didn't introduce myself"

We hung out for a while, but eventually a man said he would exhale.

"It's Russ, the head of the Seam Alliance."

My people greeted me one after the other.

"Likewise, I'm Mal, who was requested"

"I'm Cyril, a party member of Arsh and Mal. I'm going to go around and help both of you."

"Likewise, Will, I'm here to help"

"I'm Dan from the Glitter Chamber of Commerce. At the same time as how lunch works, we are proposing tea sales. Merrill, Wangdu's East-West Alliance, Nash, Merche, and more."

The guild leader opened his eyes.

"You're from the Lamb Pavilion."

"Yes, I'm the owner. Thank you for your continued use. And all my friends, they're owners."

"You are Meryl's lambs!

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