I want to protect you in this hand.

One guild master's, two for each.

Arsh quickly became acquainted with Cyril's group.

Originally Cyril is a manly guy who takes on Will and Mal and doesn't even complain. But Will and Mal are brothers and sisters, so they probably missed it. I know perfectly well that you adore Arsh.

Like a bunch of kittens, the four of us lived pretty well together.

But I wasn't at the kitten's.

Cyril and Will have been disappointed, even though it's only been a month. Proof you're eating well. Even in guild training, your body moves horribly. Arsh, well, that, but because the subject of comparison is Cyril, Will and Mal... you can't do it more than you normally do.

If I thought so, I'd rebuild not only Cyril's group, but Zash's. What is he?

I rented a room in the guild and said I was studying, so I went to see it, and I told him how to use the money to save money. Nutritious? I even teach him how to eat. I see Cyril and Will's body have been disappointed. Arsh stays tiny though.

The guild's banking system, along with the banks of commercial guilds, is a stable system, somewhat made of super ancient technology. But not many adults use it well.

Instead of using it, he was convincing the children with a brief explanation. I just wanted to save up. No, of course, it's a big favor to know why my daughter-in-law isn't here because she's making proper money and saving money. I'm still young. I am.

One day I spent like that, I was making a mess at the training center. Rarely did they fly more than 10 lights when I went to see them. I ate it right away because it was directed at people, but I was surprised.

I never saw any lights out. 'Cause you're right, where do you need more than two together in the first place? If you don't pay attention, it's dangerous, right?

But I was so excited. I'm a magician, too. The one with great magical qualities goes to the college in Wangdu for the price. And learn determined magic. I had a lot of magic, so as an adventurer, I could get to a pretty good place. Of course, I'm on active duty.

So, the basics of magic are the ball system. So, Storm's next. There weren't two or three balls. They jumped over it fine.

The next one. I called in to see how it went, but I said, what? Six lights. You're free to do that, too, right? That thing hit me from the back of my enemy with flames... and I was zooked.

I thought maybe the magic of the wind was also laying the foundations. Perhaps we can do water, too. So, what about the flames?

I was just curious. But, uh, two, three, four, five? I guessed it all. Besides, I tried to come up with more ideas.

That's it, Magic Gillette. These guys, they're not at the kitten's. You have to stick to it, Tiga.

I'll raise him.

So, I'm gonna go get two flames out.

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