I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight, five, the end of the month.

May was a magical day with the guild chief and Will.

He pissed me off, though.

"I hope it's not big, right?

and made 10 extremely small flames.

They found out and pissed me off.

One day like that,

"You can do enough to split the magic!

and someone yelled at the adventurer's party.

It's Amelia, the alchemist.

"My magic is for dungeons. Why the devil's stone?"

"It's a magic stone. It's convenient to live."

"We take the original demon stone, too. I'll take care of it."

"The Lord's request is not satisfactory."

Demon stones are not disposable, they can be replenished.

In reality, they don't replenish in time and often use new ones.

But nobles and lords often use large demonic stones, and new ones are hard to get around. But magicians are the ones who have enough magic to replenish them, and magicians have a lot of pride and can't do magic replenishment or anything like that. There are many part-time runaway adventurers.

"Guild leader."

"Is that me?

"There's no pride in guild leaders, is there? I don't care about cat hands anymore."

"I have pride, though."

"I don't care about the Alliance leader's pride. Delivery! Deadline! This is definitely it!"

"I'm supposed to be Ole Ella. Uh, um, ah, hey, Arsh, Will"

"" Yes ""

"Do you want to work part-time?

"" Do. ""

Welcome! Money matters!

"Amelia, were you a bad child?"

"Oh, you angels! There's no age limit. Doesn't that sound too small?

There was a trial stone.

"Uh, hey, come on."

"What angels?

"Put that down first"

Amelia owns a storage bag and other stores, and she travels to the guild only in the afternoon for adventurers. I was followed by the Alliance's Replenishment Division.

"Try putting magic into this."


Gently softening the magic, they both turned purple.

"This is..."

"Adult sorcerers, and a lot of sorcery..."

"I wonder if I could even go oversized with this, hey, try magic on this"

"Hey, no!

This? Ah, the magic keeps losing it. Heh, and a rebellion came from the stone where it seemed weak. Will? Yeah, you lost your strength, didn't you?

"Amelia! Not all of a sudden! He's a child!

"It's not a good idea because it's done, and now your Lordship's delivery is perfect! Part-time pay, 20,000 gills per person."

"" Huh?

"It's not a mistake. They go for half a million if you buy them new. Amelia always has a tough time making arrangements because she gets refills once a month."

"But, Arsh, I'm gonna make you an account in the guild, so just do it there. So stop by every day and run out of magic."

I earned unexpected income. Quickly, Cyril and I brought Mal. They were able to replenish Demon Stone Little, 200 gills apiece. We decided to take charge of the Demon Stone Great 2000 Gill. Extra large is hard every day.

"Open an account as a party?

"You can?

"So, please."

"What's the name of the party?


"You guys live in church, right? They call you an angel on a hill or a lamb?

What a disgrace. The lamb says it's because me and Mal are curly hairs.

Let's talk about it. Let's do that.

"" "" On the Lamb on the Hill "" "

The name of the party was decided.

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