I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14. Still eight moons.

Sell it! Skewers...

"The ingredients."

Oh, is there more?

"You use demonic meat. The one your brother's gonna get."

"Me? Am I gonna get it?"


Demonic meat. Maybe new in Imperial City.

"It's luxury. It's not how much you can put out at the stall."

Theodore says.

"Yeah, if we take it ourselves, it won't be that expensive."

That's what I replied. The food can be malleable. Think of a place to sell it, or it doesn't have to be a stall, hmm.

"Arsh, he's voicing."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I don't think there's anything I can't do."

Mal chuckled.

"I still want to go to the dungeon."

Will said.

"I went to high school, and the sword wants to keep following me. I still want to be strong. It's not just about training, it's about fighting."

I see.

"I am."


"I want to go far"

"Far away?"

Aloise listens back.

"Far away. I haven't been to the north or south. The empire is huge. I'd like to take a look around a little bit."

You want to go far even when you come to the Empire, Cyril.

"You're all falling apart on what you want to do. What shall I do?"

I wonder if I should do it on my own.

"Break up with the dungeon group and the sales group?

"Do you?

That's what Will answered when I said it.


Huh? Cyril?

"You can't break up, guys"

'Cause what you want to do is fall apart, right?

"Let's do it all."

"Everything, Cyril, you"

Dan saw Cyril. I saw Cyril, too. You had a fight about going to training, about being separated, right?


"That's okay. I'm strong enough."

"Say no."

Will messes with it.

"Your power as an individual will grow more. We also need a real fight, as Will said. But the other day, the surge found out that fighting wasn't just for individuals. So learn that in high school. But it's not like this."

Cyril continued.

"I've already come to the Empire with Ash. You promised. I don't work. Eat, play, eat. You do a lot of things with everybody, and you go far away with everybody."

"Dungeons, stalls, lamb pavilions, you work."

"It's work, but it's fun. Doesn't that mean you play hard"

"People flushed me out, and that's not gonna work, so what I decided to do is work, we are."

Dan looks up to heaven again.

"But that's fine. Arsh, we are."

"" I ran out, I can't stop ""

"Do it all!

"" "" Let's do it!

Cyril says.

"Aloise, Theodore, Abel, what a blur. So do you guys."

"Us too?



"Do you want to?

"" "Let's do it!

So, the second day of the weekend, apart from school, was the day to do what I wanted to do.

Nine months, it's finally an admission ceremony. Boring hours, principals' greetings, etc., led us to join the two-year class.

"Well, Dan, Mr. Arsh and Mr. Mal, please, Dr. Zeffle,"

My tenure was as Dr. Zeffle. Ha.

Dr. Zeffle looked at the three of us without any emotion,

"Follow me."

So I just took him to the classroom. There is no difference in status in school to learn. Many teachers, such as Dr. Zeffle, are civilians. We became aristocrats, albeit at the bottom. It's not Dr. Zeffle who shouldn't do something, it's us. That's what Aloise taught me.

Upon entering the classroom, fewer than 30 students sat there waiting. The seats were free, the school year was over, and I should already know a lot of people, but it was a quiet atmosphere, not to talk to each other.

"I'm an international student from Merida, and as it will be an integration from two years, I won't know much about it. Take care of him. Isaac for men and Florence for women"

"" Yes ""

"Merida is a peripheral island country. Anyone have any questions?"

Nothing in particular. This atmosphere of not worrying about the way the teacher says it, but not interested in anything, is very similar when Aloys and Theodore have been studying abroad.

"Take a seat. Today is two years of attendance ceremony and confirmation of two years of enrollment. Choosing well because there will be more electives. If we confirm that ourselves, we are dissolved today. Follow Isaac and Florence until they get used to it."

So the teacher was gone, and the students who were bothering were just gone. Only us, Florence and Isaac, and two boys and one woman remained in the classroom.

And a woman has spoken to me.

"Um, I, I say Naz. I'm from Findaria. Merida, I want to know."

Wow, the Findarian guy, I've never seen him before.

"Chip, you rude countryman."

Huh? Isaac? Naz looked a little hard, but looked at this one as it was.

"I say Arsh. This is Mal, Dan, and I'm in the knighthood family for two more. I want to know about Findaria too! Best regards,"


My face glowed.

"I see it when the countrymen have the same morale. My teacher asked me to guide you, but you need to leave me alone."

"Isaac, that's the way to put it"

"Florence, don't make your fiancée look great just because Master Alexei is back. Let's go."

Whoa. Sounds like a lot of things. I grabbed Naz's hand and took him with me. Mal holds Naz's opposite hand. Still, Isaac seemed serious, doing the athletic field from the classroom, guiding me through everything. Naz and Florence were in a hurry. Back in the classroom,

"They say you've been epistled, but it doesn't matter who you are here. That's awkward."

I said cold.

"Dan, I'm going back to the dorm, do you need guidance?"

"I'm begging you."

"Okay. Hulk, Hugo, why are you following me?"

"Because Naz is here"

"Because it sounds funny"

"Don't you dare."

That's how I sighed and left. Dan is shrugging his shoulders to do it behind him. Even here Florence sighed,

"Sorry, Isaac is a little..."

He tried to tell me, but it stopped because me and Mal laughed off couscous. Because,

"You say tough things and a little mean things, but you're a very kind and caring person. Isn't Dr. Zeffle pushing you a lot?

Florence and Naz were taken and then said:

"Sure, what you're doing is just kind."

"Sure, I was pushed, I was"

Right? Naz also said:

"Mean, I thought, but I'm starting to think it's cute"

We all laughed couscous.

"Hey, is it always so quiet? Classroom."

"Yes, high school is like being here to foil nobles and even civilians, so I'm not very motivated. That's how the teacher's doing."

"But you know, making connections, looking for someone to marry"

"You know the hard word. But the aristocracy is more or less fixed with each other, and so is the marriage. I'm Alec's fiancée, but I've been pretending until now, so I'm narrow-shouldered."

"I, too, can't really make friends. Because it doesn't make sense to be friends with people from Findaria"

Naz said.

"I was wondering if Merida people could be friends."

"Welcome. Nice to meet you too, Florence."

"Say hello."

Mal spoke up, too, and on his first day of high school, he made friends quickly.

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