I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 9 months old, friends.

"Arsh is good at Imperial."

"I studied a lot and talked to friends."

"Me, it's not going to be good"

Naz said.

"I'll pass it on properly..."

"More properly!

"Let's talk a lot. That'll make it better. Speaking of which, you don't have a foreign language in class, do you? Merida had imperial language."

"Findarian, if you want to learn, go to private school. I use ambassadors, work people, and imperial language. I don't want Findarian."

"Kilik of the Horse Riding Nation is"

"There is no interaction in the first place. About the McKenny Chamber of Commerce."

"So you don't even have a textbook?

Naz and Florence looked at each other.

"I don't."


"That's why I wanted to learn both Findarian and Kirik."

"You can learn Findarian from Naz"

"Mal, that's a good thing, shall we? Naz, can you do me a favour?


"May I join you, too?

"Fine, I don't have a club or anything."

"Not really."

"Well, it would be nice to create an intercultural club or something. Like drinking tea while studying."


I came back to the dorm talking about that. Go back to your room and meet me in the conversation room.

I glanced at the colloquial room and it was kind of strange. As for the face of the lamb, so are the Aloys. That's good too. But I wonder why Isaac, Hulk and Fugo are here. Two more physically fit, possibly chivalry students. Most importantly, there's Florence and Naz. Fifteen together.

"Why do you have to be without me?"

Isaac is upset. That would be so.

"Then what are you doing back in your room?"

"… preview"

"It's your first day. You can go back to school."

"Even you. Why have you been here so long?"

"Because it sounds funny. Hey, Dan, all right."


Can I have some tea, then? There is a set of tea in the discourse room so that students can do it themselves. Mal and I, we can be quick.

"It's cold and sweet tea, try it"

"Tea would be warm"

"Well, have a drink"

"This is cold. That's good..."

"Do you have an alternative?

Said the knight-class boy.

"Go ahead."


Okay, just calm down, says Dan.

"We're going to talk about enrollment and dates, what are you guys going to do?

"I might be able to give you some advice, so can I stay"

I was in the Knights family earlier. The rest of the face seems to be the same.

"I am."

"Isaac, you told me to take care of you."

Hugo tells me.

Aloise said it again.

"Some of us won't know each other, so why don't we introduce ourselves"

"Then from us. Bernordt. Knight family. South Territories. The house is the Count. I thought if we came here, we'd have Theodore."

"Liner. Chivalry. Central. My father is in the Knights. My father told me that a young man was coming to high school. Glad to have some rumored tea."

Bernort is a light-colored brown hair and eyes, about the size of a cello. The liner, with dull blonde hair and thin green eyes, is about the size of Will.

"I'm Isaac. Central. Marquis Three Men"

I think it's at the captain's deputy. Sandy hair. Blue Hitomi. About the size of Dan.

"I'm Hugo. General. Central. The house is a merchant. So I'm always interested in new things, interesting things. Merida. International students. The surge subsided. I don't know what it is, but it definitely sounds funny. Say hello."

"I, Hulk. General Department. Findaria, I'm from. Naz and I are childhood friends. I wonder if the house will be a knight."

Hugo has brown hair and brown eyes, a little small as a boy. Lively but impressive. Hulk, like Naz, has bright brown hair, bright brown eyes, but they both feature skin tones like cream and honey compared to the white imperial.

"I'm Florence. Ordinary. Central, it's a different Marquis from Isaac."

"I'm Naz. General. From Findaria, I'm here. The house is a chamber of commerce. Hulk is a childhood friend."

I see. Florence has shiny brown hair and eyes. Exactly beautiful. Naz has a thinner, softer shade, they're both about the same height between me and Mal.

It's your turn next, isn't it?

"Alois, Knights Family. North collar, three Marquis men. Merida has experience studying abroad. I've been friends with these guys since then."

"Theodore, general medicine. The Count's second son. Just like Aloys."

"Abel, general medicine. Southern Territory. I am the squire of Master Theodore."

"Theodore, I finally got it right. Why are you in general medicine! You're a chivalry, you are. I was looking forward to seeing you in high school. He's a thug in the South. A year's relaxation and shit."


Theodore looked sincerely disgusted. A thug...

"Nice. Nothing, Ash. Laugh."

I have eyes like dead. Ugh, no. It's okay. It's something you want to keep sealed, isn't it?

"That's why I didn't want to come by you..."

"Why! Let's put our swords together!

"Do it with the chivalry otomodachi. So,"

"Dan. General. I'm from Merida. My parents are from the Chamber of Commerce. Hugo, Naz, tell me what to do with my parents later."

"Dan is a merchant! That sounds like a good story!

Hoogo rejoiced.

"Cyril. Chivalry. I'm from Merida. An adventurer."


"Well, according to my information, with a meteor-like knight who's been scorned for knighthood."

Hugo said. Shimmered.

"Who, it"

Cyril, my voice is shaking.

"You. By the way, blazing magician. Golden princess knight. Amber Healing Princess. Battlefield Alchemist"

"I heard that, too."

"" "Who, it" "

Everyone, their voices trembled.

"That's cool!

Bernort, that's what you say.

"" Nice. ""

"Better than a thug."


No, no, I don't. This is a seal!

"That's a good story. The four of us are adventurers. That's why I'm used to dungeons. Then, when it comes to my parents' house, basically, other than Dan, we're orphans. Some of my parents found out, but it would help if they didn't pursue it deeply. So."

"Will, knighthood. Mal and I are brothers and sisters."

"Mal, general medicine. Will and I are brothers and sisters"

"Arsh, I'm in general medicine."

The Naz,

"Arsh's dark hair is unusual. But I'm a little in Findaria, it seems to be a lot in the Southwest Islands. I wonder if my ancestors are Findaria."

I said. Southwest Islands! I have eyes for Cyril. You want to go sometime? Let's go!

Is that the root? I wonder if your traveling ancestors have come all the way to Fluffy and Merida.

"It helps if you get along. I think we're in the basic talking room. If anything happens, you're free to come."

"You guys are using the school better..."

The liner said with a distant eye. Wherever you are, the lamb is the lamb. Well, shall we make plans for the future?

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