I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh 14-year-old 9 month event occurs

I haven't been to a dungeon in a long time and had fun with Aloys and Theodore. Hulk was taking a serious tour, including demolition. Let's have them dismantle next time too. Though not a chivalry family, the sword arm is not so bad because it is a chivalry house. Makes me go through a lot of trouble, but I think Cyril will take me to the dungeon because he asked me properly to join him as much as possible.

But how about the others, who have only spent a week but still wonder if school is special now. I'm happier to be closer to you than to be far-winded. But I'm tired of thinking you'll listen to everything for granted. I wonder if they've ever told me not to do what I want. Although I don't have any trouble with girls because they tend to shy away.

"I'm getting tired of being challenged"

"I'm fine, though. You're always welcome to fight."

Here's Cyril and Will. For Cyril, the sword is to live. I guess it's more about telling me to train seriously than to try again and again. Dan,

"I guess I'm on observation. It's still too early to judge."

"You mean Hugo?

"Mainly. What am I supposed to say, I'm a boy. No love, no money, no opportunity, I've never been given as much as I want and rejected. I don't know what it feels like not to have one. But it's also a nice one."

Says: Aloise and Theodore are also kids. But I tasted loneliness once because of my differences with my parents and started over from nothing, the experience is huge.

"Still, I don't want to cut it off because it's so hard."

"I guess I've been hanging in there for a little too long for a week, both dating and what I want to do"

"Let's not get tired and wrong judgment"

"Well, meet everyone today, let's go out!

"You've been busy?

No, no, we can finally see the town slowly.

In the end, Naz and Florence came, as did the knighthood boys and Hugo. We all chat with Wye and check out the stalls, shops, empty stores and more in detail.

Cake and tea can be made a little more luxurious by ingredients, or kept cheap. In a heavily populated imperial capital, you have to decide which target audience you want. The elegant aristocratic neighborhood is lined with luxurious apparel shops and jewellery shops. There are places to eat, but it's not as easy as putting it in. If we were to have tea here, we would need to make a lot of private rooms in a big, bright store. I'm worried about whether I can manage it on my own.

Moving from aristocratic to common neighborhoods, this place is also lively. Would it be easier for a tired person to stop a leg if a lot of people would go out, for example at a corner shop there? It's just an empty store.

I'll try harder to get out of the common neighborhood. Slam, it's not like that. You mean the working-city, a little messy, but lively. The Imperial Capital is developing outside the city. There are a lot of people working in civil engineering and architecture. There are plenty of people who say that this physique would also allow adventurers. The shops and stalls lined up are packed in a lot of small places.

"Here, I guess"

Mal said.

"Right here."

I gave it back, too. The stalls were originally for workers. I had nothing to worry about. I said as I looked at the small store.

"Mal, stick to the stall?

"Arsh, a small shop would be nice."

Neither would the opening fund here.

"Arsh, Mal, you want to do something here?

Fugo asked me.


"It's hard here. It's under the jurisdiction of a commercial guild if you're in a common neighborhood, but the worker's neighborhood doesn't have to be tightened up, and he's got permission."

"Tighten it up?"

"Yeah, my dad didn't even open a shop here."

"Um, ma, we're not talking about hurry, and let's think slowly, Mal, what do we do?

"I think the first step is to secure the meat. Then think about tasting, and seasoning. Tasting. Trial selling. tasting. In the meantime you just have to think of a store"

"Right, too many tastings, though. Thanks, Hugo, for letting me know."

"You're welcome."

It's bad for Florence and Naz after a long stay, so I pulled it up early.

While consolidating the direction of the store, I also went to the dungeon, and while I was at Alec's, at the end of the third week, I told Greg,

"I'm going to visit the orphanage next week, but I don't think we should hang out."

I was invited. If Mr. Greg wants to make the orphanage child an adventurer, he's going to help, along with Noah and Nico and Blanc. Then I want to get involved properly from the start. So of course, I nodded.

Meanwhile, neither Bernort nor Reiner of the Knights family had been able to get permission to become adventurers. When I become a knight, I dive into the dungeon with training anyway. Don't you need to be among the students? That's the thing.

Because of that, the liner is in a bad mood. And as he signs up for a match against Cyril, Cyril has often escaped to the girls too. At first it felt like Bernort's go-to role, but now we're both out of our hands. In the Knights family, Cyril explained to me fed up that he was very excited about who would make Cyril and Will serious and who could take him down.

That's tough, I thought at that time. And now, I'm in trouble.

After school, I was in a hurry from the classroom to the colloquium, and the liner was on the way to come. I went nearby to see what it was, and they pulled me into an empty classroom, and it's in this state.

"Hey, why don't you take the Cyril one seriously"

I don't know. I know, though. I thought as I put my back on the wall.

"You, too, called me at the ball. Why don't you remember?"

A ball? I don't remember who that is. My face is closer than that. Yes, I was caught up in a wall by a liner.

"You look so anxious, man, you'd want to protect me, wouldn't you? They were all talking, and they were in the sky, and they found him, and they were gone."

Even if they say so.

"Even if I came to school and found it, I don't even remember Kakela. As always, he's the only one in my eye, and so is he. Whoever tries, they don't mean it. I tried so hard to lose yesterday!

I think he was sick of it.

"Even my father, a Knights man, talks about the awesomeness of the surge and Merida's old young hero, but when I actually look at him, he's just a grown up kid who bakes sweets and he's just a kid stuck with it. Sure, I haven't won yet."

Kids are already adults.

"Look, if it's about you, you're serious, man."

With that being said, the liner has been putting his face nearer in a good way. And he pulled the ribbon out of my hair. Give it back!

"Cyril, did you realize when you were turning back, this ribbon looked important every now and then?

I don't know, give it back!

"If I showed you this ribbon, you'd be serious"

When I say that,

"This is the third floor, you can't get away with it. Wait till the game's over."

And I locked my classroom door and left. Oh, my God. Such a difficult situation, I can't help it!

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