I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 9. During the month event.

I'm still in the conversation room today, running away from the Knights students. Because when you're here, shy away from Florence and Naz, the students of the knighthood don't come.

"Cyril, can we just deal with him for a second?

"I was dealing with him. It's just, all the time. But it's been three weeks. I hope you don't mind."

"Well, the one who lost is loud enough to rematch, I feel like I can train and get back out."

Will is still fine. Jonas and Kuntz of the Knights were strong, but still mutually, I think we can say. To us, knighthood students, honestly, don't deal with each other. They get more and more annoyed about it. My sword is a living sword. Even though it's a demon, I don't want to use it for play or comparison of power because I'm cutting something lifelike to feed my life. Sighing, Mal came alone.

"That, what about Arsh?

"I've left it in the classroom, so they told me to go first."

"Well, that's unusual."

Arsh and Mal are always together. I still wait for Arsh talking to Florence and Naz, who were here first, Hugo and Hulk and Dan, who are always there, and Aloise and Abel. Theodore is making fun of Bernort and doesn't like it. Are we close or not? He's not a bad guy if you have to fight him. Arsh, isn't it a little late?

From the entrance to the conversation room, a liner came in. Makes my face look natural. I've been a little persistent lately, this guy. And the liner silently offered this one the hand he shook. What? Red, ribbon.

"Hey, Cyril, what are you doing, Will, stop it! Oh, Mal, where are you going!

Hugo is screaming. What? I'm just holding the liner up a little by the neck, with one hand.

"Mal! Wait! Oh, hey, what are you guys!

Large students keep coming in through the entrance to the discourse room. Mal is being pushed back without being able to go outside. I'm a third-year chivalry student. Shit, isn't it just the liner's idea?

Put him down, Cyril.

It's just because Dan says so. The liner is stuck, but I know it. It's not here. One of the third graders looked me in the eye and spoke out.

"Hmm, you finally mean it"

"What happened to Arsh?"

"You must be being polite."

"I'm hearing where you did it!

"You can't go help him anyway, Liner, tell him"

"Oh, Goho, on the third floor, in the classroom, alone..."

At that moment, we stood up and sat out of strength.

"What, you took Arsh, you mean you're trapped? Girl? Even though it's a knight's egg?

Hulk and Bernort stood up as they did instead, and Hugo shrugged.

"Cyril, I have to go help you, what the hell calmed you down, and, uh, Dan, Will,"

There's no such thing as an arsh on the third floor. It will be fine for now. No, wait, how did you get the ribbon from Arsh? I was up again.

"Liner, how did you get the ribbon?"

"Goho, eh, push me to the wall..."

"Wait, Cyril!

I have a narrow vision. What did you do with Arsh?

"Calm down!"

Something's holding me back. What have you done with Arsh?

"It's all right! Arsh said he's gonna be okay!

Will? I'm winged.

"Wassa Street? You seem a lot more important."

Said the third grade.

"Fair enough. If you want it back, it's a real fight."

"A real battle with the cowardly ones?

I laughed. Really make me laugh. Fine, I'll do it thoroughly so you can't get back on your feet! At that time, the van, and the window opened.

"Cyril! It's okay! I didn't hurt you?

Arsh came in through the window. My skirt is in the way. I am. I don't have a ribbon, so my hair is messy. I guess I've been running.

"Uh, through the window, even though it's a girl"

Someone is saying something stupid.

"Because the entrance is full of people..."

Arsh is making an excuse for making his face a little red.

"Behold, the key must have been closed!

"That's why I came out the window."

"It's the third floor!

"There was a snag, so I told him that and he came down."


"Uh, why?

Why not, it's more embarrassing coming down the wall from a trapped third floor than coming in through a window, as a girl. And I don't come in through the window because I can't get in the entrance, normally.

"Ugh, come on, haha. Tell him the wall... I wanted to see it..."

"Cyril! I was worried!

And he worries more about me than he worries about himself being trapped. Important important, slightly deviant girl. The first voice didn't hurt you? or. Trust in strength. That's what I can do and spare. I calmed down and looked around at the third grader on the spot.

"You guys, what do you want with me? One at a time, I would've done a lot with them"

The third grade student answered orally.

"I didn't always mean it"

"Did you really get the surge?"

"I have no idea if I have enough strength for a knight to praise"

I sighed. A lot of sighs lately.

"The point is, you want to know what I really am."

All third graders nodded.

"Then it's a team fight."

"Team battle?

"I'm an adventurer. We're partying and fighting. I fought at a party because of the surge."


You think I'm the only swordsman and strong, you idiots.

"Do the Hande"

"Oh my God!

"We're four."

"Then we are."

"All right, everybody."


"Call all the people you want to do it."

"What are you talking about..."

"I'm telling you, if you don't call all of us, you can't even be serious."

My anger has gone out of my way since the third grade.

"One-on-one is a knight's pride"

"I don't deserve to tell you guys the pride of a knight!


"Do the time"


"The match is tomorrow, after school. The place is a training ground. Talk well and get permission from your teacher so it won't be considered a private fight."

"... I understand"

The third grade left. I looked over here like Liner said something, but I ignored it. Do whatever it takes to regret it.


"I was in a hurry, I'm going to lock you up. You can't break the door and... they took the ribbon again. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. Look, turn around."


I took the new ribbon out of my chest pocket. Gently tie into Arsh's rich curly hair. Keep your hands down that make you want to flaunt your soft cheeks slightly nagging.

"It's okay. I'll put it on again, even if it's gone"


"You, you always have..."

Will snapped, but what happened to it? 'Cause Arsh cleaned up soon. Arsh, wearing a ribbon, clutched hands with Mal, who was worried.

"I'm sorry I made up my mind, but I'm sick of it. I'll put one on all at once tomorrow. I'll show you the power of the lamb. All right."

"" Yeah ""

It's a showdown. I'll make you regret involving Arsh.

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