I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 9 months. Event over.

"I'm not sure what it is."

Hoogo snapped.

"Did the crisis leave?

"It means their lives have been extended for a day."

I gave it back cold.

"Cyril, Arsh, I didn't know... sorry I couldn't stop you"

Bernort grated and apologized. I asked Alois.

"I wonder how long you've been involved in two years"

"At least, not many of them fall for their classmates. You should see the liner as just being used by three years. But if I can fight you for real, I'll have two years to go tomorrow."

So calmly analyzed, Alois threw up like this.

"This is the Egg of the Knight of the Empire! I'm obsessed with swords. I didn't know I'd wear anything to protect!

If there's one who thinks so, the empire will still be saved, too. Our balance to the Empire is still leaning downwards. Don't make me lower it any further.

That's how the next day came. You heard rumors, the training ground was overflowing with people. The Knights Department has two classes each grade, but there are joint exercises, and they may be open to parents. There is also a fairly large lot with staircase shaped audience seats. Students who are not knights also seemed to come to see the teachers. Looks like you got permission, I thought ironically. Do you want to see so many Merida international students on the border expose themselves to different looks? Then I'll show you. The exact opposite of what you expect.



"We're all just kids. I just don't think about it. Don't think about it like that, let's have fun. It's been a long time since I've done all I can."

Why is Arsh so sweet? Will or Mal? Have you changed your mind yet? He has a calm face. Arsh continues.

"Cyril, it doesn't look like it. Look calmly at the situation. How do we defeat all these people?

I hear the third graders participated in two whole classes. plus dozens from two years. They're from the next class.

"Surging," he said.


"Oh, on the side of the king's capital, there was more then"

"You can't use magic."

"Will and Mal strike out and defeat the one that came out with me and Arsh, about 20 per person. It's dense, so it's in your favor."

"Okay, don't be armed."

"I haven't meant it in a long time"

Will and Mal rejoice.

Okay, let's go.

We walked off to the training ground. People's waves crack.

"Hey, Merida's four, girls too"

"I know, she's a sweet-baker."

He's got a sword on him.

"Do you do it, against this number of people?

"No way, there won't be"

The audience is gawking. We came to the side of the auditorium in the morning.



Call Dan.

"Mal, give me the ribbon"

Lend me Mal's green ribbon and tie it to Dan's left arm. And stick up your voice.

"Look, our general is Dan. If I take the General's ribbon, you win. Your general!

Isaac was pulled out of the audience.

"Why me?"

"You're the one with the high status of my parents here. Florence is a girl."

I was tied to a ribbon. Yesterday's Arsh red ribbon. Arsh grabbed his hand softly as his anger tried to ignite. View Arsh. Arsh looks up quietly. Right, let's go.

I felt like killing from the chivalry students who saw me do so. No matter how flattering, this hand is just mine. Pull out the practice sword.

"Here we go!

Looking at the chivalry students running out at the same time with Cyril's voice, Isaac remembered his conversation with his father at home in a nagging mood.

"I don't think the Merida youngsters are that bad"

"Just because you're in the same class, leave me alone! Whose fault do you think my brother was left!

"I thought it was my brother's own fault. Besides, I wasn't left."

"It would be a substantial left transition! Who thinks they supported the Knights while the royal brother was gone! Thank you, Left Transition, and more!

"So it's not a left transition. Didn't you become captain of the Northern Knights"

"I'm not talking! Anyway, don't hang out."


My father isn't the only one. Hissohiso is told that Merida's hero helped him when he committed a modus operandi in a surge, without even looking at his brother, who quietly goes to the guild. My brother doesn't say anything to such rumors.

My eagle brother doesn't think much about things, though the sword is strong. With central thoughts involved, I wanted to support my brother at all and chose the path to becoming a civilian.

If you look around, one cavalier student after another is defeated. You're a Knights student, right? It's the blonde brothers and sisters cutting into the center. Like dancing, powerful, blonde dancing. One swing of the sword ensures that one falls. Wasn't Will a magician?. Mal is not even a chivalry. I haven't been a lady as if there weren't two names, such as Princess Sword, but what's that look like? Lively as if it were something else from the classroom, relaxing and waving the sword.

Later remains the remains of the knights. Silver and black meteors protect the general standing loosely behind it. Guarantee the prey that the gold has taken away. Cyril is the strength of rumors. Even as I wave my sword, I do my eyes to every corner of the battlefield. And Arsh...... She's small and cute and talks a lot during class. It's a little sweet, but it always smells good, and Florence, Naz and I have three minutes of popularity. I heard Cyril's guard was stiff and nothing came near him.

But strong! I didn't even think I could have a sword, but I didn't know that Knights students were good enough... the Knights students who were reluctant at first are also seriously getting hit. As pleasant as it feels.

Not really. To these five, the Alliance's staff, and hence the Imperial Capital, were protected. My brother didn't protect me. Amber's eyes shoot me through.

Dark hair runs through the chivalry students distracted by the battle. He stared straight at me and gently loosened his arm ribbon. Raised the ribbon high and she screamed.

"General, we've taken it!

Cheers gushed from the audience, and the remaining knighthood students fell to their knees. Merida's complete victory. That would have been an interesting sight.

"Looks like the story of surrogate captain being helped by a Merida hero was true."

He said, "You lost an Alliance official."

"So, left transition?

He said, "Look, Isaac, it's his brother."

"You deserve a defeated general."

I have that voice. The Merida youths are talking about something with the Knights students. Apologize or what? To brunette, are you apologizing to Arsh? Everyone is bowing their heads. Arsh is smiling bitterly. Cyril is still angry. Still forgive me, huh?

"Shit, my general didn't get along well."

Said someone from the Knights family. Shin, I suppose. I got annoyed by surprise.

"Don't look down, Isaac!

I heard Cyril.

"I heard you, this is why the one you haven't seen!

Why are you so angry? Cyril. And Arsh.

"Look, we worked under your brother, you know?

Under my brother?

"The rescue to the Alliance and the entry into the dungeon were done with the proper permission of the captain's deputy."

Permission. My brother said he knew.

"Naturally. He put some knights on me, too."

But he said he killed him.

"It would be obvious"

Naturally? Everyone I was asking bothered.

"The guild was covered in slime and very hard to reach even with a few swordsmen. I couldn't do it alone either. That's what I could do because I had Will and Arsh, the magicians. If we went to the Alliance without any help, now we don't know how many knights were dead, that's the situation."

Cyril inherited his breath.

"If I'm in the same situation, the Alliance abandoned me. I think that's the judgment of what stands on top."

My brother, what he did...

"I can make an empire, it would be the best of that time, Isaac. So put your face up."

I saw Cyril's face twitching.

"Yes, I'll give you this"

Arsh gave me an earlier ribbon.

"Used up, but in honor"

"And this."

Green ribbon. Mal handed it to me.

"Oh, don't give it to me."

Five laughed.

"That's Isaac."

I felt like you knew me better than my parents, than my classmates. There, the students of the knighthood came together.

"When do we do it next?

"Huh? What are you talking about, you guys?"

Cyril went off.

"Because it was funny. That's good training."

"Keep Arsh!

'Cause you were fine.

Cyril sighed again and now he was telling Arsh.

"Look, now I'm going to help. It's important to be quiet and wait quietly."

"Yeah, but"

"I know it's okay. But, you know, my princess has a role in being caught, uh..."

Arsh is tilting his neck. Cyril, you're struggling.

"It's just sloppy with third graders. Mr. Cyril, please, even freshman year!

"Huh? First with your classmates, Cyril?"

Cyril held his head.

"What is it, Chivalry!

To them, people gather. Don't you go out with him? It's not what I found out. I grip the ribbon. As much as we're friends, we decide for ourselves.

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