I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh 14 Years Old 13's Month Presentation

What was brilliant about the presentation, it would be Aloys and Isaac. The skill of putting together and training the knighthood of Aloyce was demonstrated beyond the school year.

Isaac, on the other hand, is on the back, but the operation is harder than the announcement side. Let less motivated ordinary students share the work and do it fairly. Both Theodore and Abel ran around and spared no cooperation.

We, too, were diagnosed with participation because of the surge of heroes, but declined. It's a presentation proposed by the Knights Department itself. I thought we should shy away from being so conspicuous.

Presentations at school, but also from a promising chivalry department, led many parents to visit. Also unofficial, but Alec is supposed to watch the game as well.

The characteristic of this one is that there are no individual fights, all against classes or grades. The confrontation we had, that if we took the ribbon from the General, we would win, had gone from mere turmoil to something advanced to set up an operation and do. Various manoeuvres were seen by the class, including those to protect, those to attack, those to advance to the Admiral, and those to be decoys.

Parents and Knights officials who thought one-on-one was fundamental were surprised at first, but gradually they were drawn in and obsessed. When the Admiral's ribbon was taken, the audience also cheered. There was a time limit, so I was a freshman, and I also had a class that was completely defensive, aiming for a draw with the third-grader. Its tenacity is admirable, but in the end it was all knocked down by the third-grader's strength, and he still received warm applause.

We had the pleasure of listening excitedly to share our thoughts on the game while serving tea and treats to parents who come to rest from time to time. Tea and sweets also have a good reputation,

"I wonder where it belongs."

Because they ask,

"It belongs to a new store that will open next year."

I'll tell you. It's not a lie, it's opening next year.

The audience and the students of the knighthood remained excited and chilled, and the closing ceremony took place. Aloyce stood as the representative of the Knightly Family and thanked the parents for today. And finally,

"Thank you to Merida's international students for devising and training a team match in organizing the presentation this time. And from preparation to the day's operation, all the ordinary students participated and helped. Thank you for your unobtrusive work."

That said, when I shook hands with Cyril, an international student representative, and Isaac, an ordinary student representative, my biggest applause and cheer went up. The presentation was thus closed.

But some do not understand the effort. As one parent after another came and praised him, Isaac's father came to Aloise and Isaac. And to the proud Isaac,

"I have no idea what you did. Isn't the general medicine completely discreet? I've lost money coming."

I threw it away. I suppressed myself, which I almost said back by accident, and Aloise said quietly.

"It's certainly a project devised by the Knights Department, so the general department may not have stood out. But what efforts were made by the students of general studies in the shadows to make us look better who were just training. Especially Isaac, who put together unmotivated students to work well."

"Well, the Marquis is working."

Isaac was about to get upset. We stood next to each other as Theodore and Abel, who became friends throughout this event, encouraged, and we stood behind. Good luck, Isaac, don't get upset. Isaac looked up.

"It is the role of the civilian population to support the internal affairs and diplomacy of the country in a discreet manner. It's a great honor to be told it wasn't noticeable."

The Marquis looked remorseful and turned a blind eye to us,

"If you don't choose someone to hang out with, you'll remain busy and useless."

And he abandoned it and left. But Laurent, Isaac's brother, who was here with Mr. Greg,

"I'm proud of you"

I said, I was making Isaac cry. Why didn't you come with your family, he said, "It's funniest right now to be with the guild chief".

"Whatever it takes, I look forward to seeing you graduate and work with me"

To his brother, a drop of tears finally spilled over, but I pretended not to see it, and Mal gently handed over an embroidered handkerchief he had recently become obsessed with. Huh, Mal's got more women's power at some point... I'm just a little shocked, but Mr. Laurent told us,

"You got help with the buoyancy fold, thank you. I'm studying guilds and dungeons."

and went home with a voice. Greg doesn't change his attitude by his opponent. It's a cliché, but I work well and take good care of myself. I guess that would be a great pleasure for Mr. Laurent, who was always in a position to stand up.

And then Alec snuck in. I haven't been to see him much, but he's back in a lot of solid shape. It's a lot of hassle when the royal brother arrives, so it seems to be a pleasure.

"Today's presentation was great. I don't care if you're in the Knights."

So I was in a good mood all the time. However,

"Arsh, I need to talk to you. Why don't we all come next weekend?"


"May I take Florence"

"I don't want to treat you as an illness."

and a slightly sinister face.

"If it's an example, it's not about the short term. Florence is the one who will support you sooner or later. I think we should get him involved from the start. In my capacity, I need Mr. Cullen, Florence, or both."

That's what I said.

"And Alec is my friend, but Florence is my friend, and I don't like seeing my friend's fiancée without friends."

"I see, I can't say anything right now in my presence, so I'll confirm and contact you. Florence..."

"I'm one more sister than I am. Alec will also know that you're not just a beautiful person. I was very helpful at this presentation."

"I've known it since I was a little girl, so I feel like I'm young."

"Though I think there are too many boys in school to leave me at ease thinking I'm your fiancée. The chivalry students were cool."

"Uh, Arsh, what does that mean"

"Come on?"


I think Alec left Florence alone too much. I hope it's a little harrassing. In the end, Florence and Karen were also invited to go to Alec's next holiday. Let's bake the cake.

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