I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, the beginning of the month of 13.

Florence softened all the next week to a call from Alec.

"I'm talking about work, so it might not be fun."

And even if I say,

"If you're talking about work, maybe you can finally help me out a little bit."

Something like that. Although I was the one who said Florence should be allowed to participate from the start, I was also a little anxious about that floating. If they were to talk to me later without being able to participate, I don't think that would be good for me. Naz took it easy, but firmly, that he could not speak because it was inside the Empire.

We'll meet at Alec's house on the same day. Florence said she would leave once she got home. You're going to be fashionable, so me and Mal are going to be a little fashionable. So I glanced a little more than usual. And

"Arsh, okay?


"" Yes, please ""

"What are you guys doing?"

"Will, it's women's power, women's power. I'm teaching Mal when to hand over a handkerchief."

"I think you're wrong about the people you teach."

And so on and polished the women's power and put a proper handkerchief in his pocket before leaving.

"There you are often. Alec would love it if you came here more often."

"So busy."

"I hear you. You know, the presentation was a big success."

Welcome to Mr. Fritz. Have fun talking, and give him the cake you brought.

I'm using the butter from Florence's today.

"Oh, it's a specialty. You wanted to open this shop."

"Yeah, I'm not in a hurry,"

There are thoughtful people in the large rooms of Alec's house. Guild to Greg, Karen, Laurent. Mr. Laurent is a little confused. Mr. Cullen's father, the Marquis of the North Territories. And Mr. Earl, it's the Marquis of the East Territories. I first met him face to face when I got back from Merida. And Mr. McKenny.

Among them was Florence, who was more beautifully organized than usual. There's also your father, Mr. Taxis. The Marquis of the centre. These two are smiling at each other, but that conveys confusion.

Mr. Dean caught me trying to get to Florence.

"Long time no see. Is the sword gone?

"Busy. Honestly, the sword arm could be falling off. Did you see Aloys at the presentation"

"Of course I did. What a brilliant thing about Aloys. I should have hated standing above people more than anything."

"I'd rather show you my arms up to the day. I've been trying my best to get the Knights together."

"Right, right"



"Can I call you that today, a breath disaster?"


"While I'm gone, it's just funny, isn't it?"

"Um, when?

"That's what happened in Merida."

"Let me talk to you later about Merida."

"I'm in Imperial Capital for a while. Come visit me."


I didn't get to Florence.

"It's time, okay?"

Alec called.

"I think Klaus, Florence and Laurent are confused about what they called them for."

The three nodded.

"I want you to know that this is still informal and useless."

Staying still, the three still nodded.

"I think it's understandable that I've been fooling around until this time. That's why I burdened Laurent."

Laurent grinned faintly with a slight distraction of her mouth. Being "burdened" with rampant and consequently provoking a surge of dungeons.

"The reason I was kidding is' illness' as rumored"

"Oh, my God, but aren't you recovering!

Mr. Taxis screamed. And I noticed hah and saw Mr. Cullen.

"You too are sure..."

"Yes, just like Master Alexei. From time to time I was able to lay low, but I had it healed."

"Cause found and cure brought"

Alec continued.

"Then spread the word immediately!

"That's not the easy thing to do. So this is how we gather the people involved."

"What is the relationship between the people involved… the Northern Territory, the Demon Stone Merchants in addition to the Eastern Territory, Merida students in the Alliance?"

"It's gonna be a little long."

Alec first told me that Karen had been treated by me when she went to Merida as a tutor. Florence looked at me surprised.

"Tell me the hypothesis you made then, Arsh"

"Karen's symptoms were very similar to the magic fever that Merida's children had."

"Magic fever."

Mr. Taxis seemed suspicious.

"Almost everyone in Merida uses magic. Fever that accumulates unusable magic is magic fever. It's also a signal to teach magic when it comes out."

"Magic, etc."

"Marquis, it is magic that has lowered the surge. I saw it with these eyes. You shouldn't doubt there."

"Laurent, but..."

"Arsh, let's get this over with."

"Yes. By removing his magic powers regularly, too, Mr. Cullen has not been out of the disease for over a year. So I wondered if even an empire would develop a highly magical person, and if only magic could be properly put outside, it would be cured."

"Suddenly I can't keep up with my understanding. Can you cure a disease that can't be cured..."

Florence said.

"Isn't that wonderful? I wonder why you don't publish this right away."

"Florence, as I said earlier, it's not that simple."

Alec said to give it a try.

"How does something that doesn't realize magic and can't use magic get magic out of it?

"It's... Dear Alec..."

"I had already seen death in front of me. Whatever you did, you broke it off. Now I think that Merida's young people managed to recover because of their efforts to raise their total strength."

"Death... That's it..."

"Klaus's reaction is normal. First, the treated side resists mentally. It starts with how you convince them."

Alec saw the ambassador.

"Talk to me, Burkhardt, like the East Territories."

"is that the Arshes have already verified and achieved results in the East before coming to the Imperial Capital. Now some of them come to Burkhardt for treatment after hearing rumors. Along with that, we are also increasing the number of people who can be treated one by one. You'll be able to send them to the region soon."

It's Dean.

"has had East Territories doctors dispatched, even in the North Territories, and the verification in Dean's city is over. This is also increasing the number of treatable items."

"That's why."

"Arsh created this trigger."

"That's right. It wasn't just the trigger, it was almost all the treatment and validation at the treatment center," Arsh thought.

"and what is the actual treatment"

Mr. Taxis asked. Alec answered.

"Use Demon Stone"

"Give me the demon stone? So the Demon Stone Merchant and the Alliance, I see, convinced me of this face-to-face gathering reason. But why are we..."

It's Florence.

"Me, is it"

Florence was confused. Florence, I wonder if you'll convince me.

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