I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh 14 Years Old 13 Moon Confused

"This' disease 'business is bound to be long and big. Florence will soon be my companion, so I wanted to get her involved from the start."

"Oh, thank God"

Mr. Taxis was delighted. But this is what Florence asked.

"Is that, too, Arsh's suggestion"

"At first, but it's also true that I thought there was nothing more appropriate as a flag for Karen of the Northern Marquis, Florence of the Central Marquis, and the business."


Alec, who was telling the two of them, turned to everyone this time.

"I'm not the only one who should be cured. Building on the achievements of the East and North Territories, it was decided to tackle the disease in full as an empire. But there are still not enough medics. Even limited to Teito, the number of sick people in treatment centers exceeds 200. Ash, his people, the guild chief, McKenny, I'd like to request your help."

I had no idea what Alec was trying to say today. And yet I couldn't get back to you right away: 200 patients. People who are biased against magic. School. The business of demonic meat just launched. A lot of things went wrong in my head. I'm still terribly busy. Instead of polishing Mal and the women's power, we should have thought about what was to come with our people.

"Why, Arsh. Why didn't you tell me immediately?"


"You have power. You have the power to help Alec. Unlike me!

"There is no special power. I just figured out how to do it."

"Still! If anyone can help, if they have the power to help, they should!

Yeah, Florence is straight. It's too eyeballing and makes me feel like I can't see anything but one way to go. Cyril came forward.

"Florence, Alec, too, thinks too easily about treatment."

"But I guess we've already established our way"

"Even at Alec's time, he was in a state of hand exploration. The same treatment does not apply to 200 people, to all. In the Northern Territory, it cost 50 patients a month. It's not easy to say yes. Florence, you know how busy we are right now."

"I know. But isn't that for private personal gain? We should give priority to helping the people."

Mr. Taxis is nodding. Private lust. Certainly not profitable. But...

"Alec, do you think so too?"

Mr. Greg asked.

"I wouldn't even call it private lust, but I think it's a priority."

"It's that store, you know the guild is involved"

"I know."

"The purpose"

"Securing adventurers in guilds and securing jobs for orphans, was it"

"If you don't know, why do you call it private lust?"

"I'm not even talking about private lust. That's about the future. We need to help those who are suffering now."

"Hey, why would Arsh have to obey that priority?"

"Of course, thank you just for replacing the store"

I'm not gonna talk to you.

It was Mr. McKenney who said that.

"Get out of my way, you're in front of my royal brother."

and Mr. Taxis.

"I participate in the treatment because I was impressed by the power of these young people to look ahead. You don't seem to know that, it's not worth the assistance"

"Is that because he's my son, McKenny"

"What struck me was Dan and Arsh. My son has nothing to do with it."

"Please don't"

A quiet voice sounded. It's Karen.

"I was sick myself, and I've seen how much Arsh suffered in the East Territories. Florence, Dear Alexei, Arsh has already tried to shred himself and save several people in our country. Even though not one of the Empire's men could help. You shouldn't even think about personal lust or anything like that."

Mr. Cullen's words snubbed quietly at everyone.

"In time, please. Arsh, please join us in this cause and save our nation's people. And we will do it with all our souls."

I knew it. If there are people who are going to die in front of you and you have the power to stop it, haven't you done everything you can before? What's to come comes to mind.

You won't be trusted about magic, and sometimes you'll be scolded for nagging, and your appearance will be put to rest by a family exhausted from nursing. What's harder than that is that there will probably be people out there who won't help. I would be the one to blame for not being able to help. I was wondering why you didn't start earlier. And it'll probably take months to come.

Maybe we can't go to Findaria in the spring, Cyril.

Cyril knows, he saw me saying it's okay.

Even though the demonic meat store is going well, Mal, Dan.

The two of them saw me that there's a hoogo, it's okay.

You can't go to the dungeon, Will.

I'm a magician. I'm a healer, too. Will cheers.

"Okay. We'll work together."

The relieved air flowed.


Cyril raised her voice.

"Alec, Florence, at least for the first week, don't leave Arsh"

"The government."

"Ask a man to give all his soul, and leave it to Ash."

"… let's do as little government as possible and escort"

"I'll do it too"

We were to start the next week, we went into a detailed meeting and it was dissolved.

Florence says nothing and leaves with her father. I went after him.


The hand stretched out was pampered down by Florence. Florence is surprised herself, holding down her paid right hand with her left hand. And turned away.

"You're too blind. It wasn't just the school. Wherever you are, you illuminate and guide around like the sun. I couldn't even get Alec's side to call me in pain. Even today, if Arsh hadn't told you, you wouldn't have thought of calling me. I'll accompany you to work. But I'm too blinded to be near you right now. I'm sorry."

Mr. Taxis glanced at me like he was sorry and left with Florence.

To me standing up, Mr. Gregg,

"Don't be considerate ahead. I can't see the purpose of curing the disease by swinging at me. Ash, I wanted you to run, but if you're the one who can get away with it, you haven't had this much trouble."

He said, "Why did you give me a head?" It brings a small light to my heart that someone will understand.


Hey, Florence. If you and I are blind to each other, how can we face each other?

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