I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 13 months old. Has Alec grown


"Because in the East Territories, Ash didn't come out. A relative asked by the Marquis just saw it in his favor because he was a child. That turned out to be a big story at some point and Arsh got involved. We were supposed to make achievements in the East and North so that we wouldn't get involved anymore, and cure the disease with the power of the Empire, little by little, within the Empire."

"But that'll take time"

"It would be obvious. It's a new idea. Alec, why do you think Arsh did it that far?"


"Soon we will leave. Empires should solve their problems on their own."

"I'm leaving... Are you going back to Merida"

"I don't know where I'm going. But I just came here to study."

"Cyril, Will and Mal thought to the Knights"

"Why, we are the people of Merida. I have not sworn allegiance to the Empire. I told you, there are plenty of seas I haven't seen yet."

"... will you go"

"We're still over a year away. I don't want to serve you. Friends can do a lot of things together until then."


"Alec, look, I can't rest because Arsh is too busy, and I get a heartless trick because you got Arsh involved,"

Alec was stunned.

"If Arsh doesn't want to be hurt, remove Arsh. Can you do that? If you take off Arsh, your people will suffer."

"I can't do that"

"If you can't, bear it. Take responsibility for tormenting Arsh. Succeed in this business so you can move without Arsh."


"If the birds are trapped, they will run away. If you let me fly free, I'll come back to rest my feathers. Is Alec a cage or a stopping tree for us?"

Alec doesn't answer.

"Alec, Florence, two more days."

Lunch break is over.

On the sixth day, although the fever was pulled off, the two people who were still weak were gone. Florence and Alec watched as they were carried side by side forever.

On the seventh day, a representative civilian was decided. A man named Geeren, two men of the Southern Marquis. Now all the five marquises have talent, and the aristocracy has been balanced. This man was excellent. At the time of his inauguration, he took a decent tentative budget and organized the flow of supplies and manpower at the treatment center, which he had relied so far on students and some Marquis families.

"Are you international students that you changed Theodore?"

The man smiled. He's Theodore's sister's daughter-in-law. He said he was ahead.

"Finally. I thought it was funny. But."

I said a little shame.

"You seem a lot tired already before I get to deal with you. This initiative will be greatly announced as Alexei's business. Then, people from the provinces and from the diseases they were treating at home would come to visit one after another. Probably a few months of mayhem. Such a national cause, it's not something you can start with momentum, but you floated because your disease has healed, and this is why the Knights... I'm sorry. I'm going to have to ask you guys to go to the treatment center, not for a month, probably until three months. Instead."

Mr. Geelen told me.

"Keep your criticisms and grievances safe from going to you. I also swear that I will not hesitate to ask for consultation or short-term cooperation in this matter after the fourth month."

At the end of the 7th, Florence completely calmed down and said this to me.

"I'll start working on Mr. Cullen tomorrow. Because that's what I should have done. Aash, you were doing the mochimochi. I'm embarrassed. I'm sorry I hurt you."

That's what makes me cry a little.

"I knew you were blind. I don't know why, I'm a healthy, bright normal girl at school, but what I was doing was too big to stay the difference. Even though it doesn't make a difference to Arsh, who we get along with at school. But, you know, when I walked in line, I realized it wasn't a good idea. Besides."

Florence said, looking a little naughty.

"Don't tell me, but I was a little disappointed in Master Alec. I've been longing since I was a little girl, and I thought you were a cooler adult. But it's just a hit, it's not a plan, and most importantly, you're a sweetheart."

It's not a disappointing face, it's a face that I like more.

"I can't compare at all to Mr. Karen either. I never even thought about the people as firmly as Arsh did. That's why Alec and I are going to grow up together. Ash, will you be my friend again?"


Alec, on the other hand, said nothing after seven days. Nothing. We weren't asking for any answers either. I just wanted you to know something.

But when the winter break was over already, we finally had a chance to face each other.

"I wanted to come to the treatment center, but Geeren was using me. I'm a senior at school, so I don't subtly get my head up."

And he said bumps. However,

"Arsh, I'm sorry. It took me a while to think about it. I couldn't think of anything more if I thought you guys might leave. If I go back to Merida, I won't go to Merida as my position, so I'll never see you again for the rest of my life. I don't think I can stay here at all."

Alec is a dangerous idea!

"I'm not, I was wondering what Cyril said, a cage, a stopping tree. I don't like both. I want to fly with you, but I can't get out of this big cage called Empire. Then I thought I'd be a cage."


"I'm not going to be as stupid as I think. But Arsh, I was the stupidest person who was thinking about you and why you had to have such a hard time, that you were being treated and stupid, etc. Sweet in your gentle hands, he said he was the only one left in that situation."

Good. You figured it out.

"Geelen was scattered angry that it was premature and had no idea. But it's moving. It won't stop. I've had enough of sending out unspeakable people, even though I could handle it if I put my hands on it quickly. I'll still take care of you, thank you."

"Well, something like this, Alec, you pass the critical"

"Cyril, aren't you a little harsh on me, too? I'm older, and I'm the royal brother for once."

"Mr. Fritz is enough to spoil you."

Sure. Still, the obsession is gone.

"I may be busy, but don't you come to see me at all after I get into school? Come talk to me again."

"If Florence is with you."

"I don't mind. But Florence has been kind of tough lately..."

That's the only way.

"Hey, Alec, can you swing the sword now?"

"Will, of course."

"Well, that promise, shall we?"

"Let's do it!

"I didn't eat skewers."

"Right, Mal, let's go when we're free. Don't everyone look at me, I know, I'm the one who kept me busy."

Right. It was a fuss involving me everywhere. And it was sometime the month of one. What year will this be?

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