I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, what do you think of the 14-year-old month of 1?

At the end of the winter break, we were as busy as ever, but school volunteers had their first district cut thanks to Mr. Geelen. The students who were intentionally coming to the service flinched at first to the patients in a situation one step ahead of death, but after it was clear what needed to be done, they worked silently. Of course, Alec had sent the knights, so the appreciation of the students from those knights was very high. Graduates from this year can be expected, it was a reputation. I wouldn't have been even more comfortable with that, but even after the winter break, the service was to shrink and continue.

And, of course, the students of general studies.

I spoke to Mr. Geelen, who came to the treatment center because I had something to worry about.

"Mr. Geelen."

"Arsh, what's wrong with you?

"Arsh is fine. Um, after the announcement."

"Yeah, it's gonna be tough."

"He said patients might come from afar."

"Probably. Because it will take a little longer for the Empire to subside and bring treatment to the region."

"Then we also need to think about where the patient's family will stay"


"I don't think I'm coming alone. Also, some families will want to stay with it until it heals. If that were to stay in an inn, it would cost me a lot of money, because I think even if my illness has healed, I could go slamming without money"

"Do you... when you graduate from school, don't you take a civilian exam? The idea is invaluable. I want to talk to you a lot."

"Uh, no."

Mr. Geelen smiled bitterly. These young people are free everywhere. Until I look around this continent, I guess I won't be comfortable saying anything.

"I'll consider that, too."

"That's what you'll do. You want me to help you with the treatment center and offer you a cheap room, a lot."

"Wait, I knew I'd hire you right away. How about after school as an assistant for now? We're off the payroll."

"Uh, no. Then I'm busy!

"Hey, oh, he's gone. Whoa, silver-haired knight. Did you see that? So much so."

When school started, we were relieved. I can finally rest, because I was still mentally exhausted to pack in a treatment center, even though hopes came up. Regardless of the class, when I was in the midst of a healthy generation, I still felt empowered to live.

"Naz, it looks like it's going to be a big business. I don't know, why don't you send a doctor from your country to learn the cure together at the treatment center. I don't think there's a voice from the Empire. Because I don't think Findaria has patients either. I'll talk to whoever's in charge."

"I'll get in touch with my parents"

"You should also tell Mr. McKenny about this. I wonder if he's already done it."

Mal and Will both had nods. Mr. McKenny didn't do it. I was hurrying to send a messenger to Kilik as soon as I could. Looks like they were going to send me when the empire was over. I don't know how many years it will be like that. It is the McKenny Chamber of Commerce that provides the Demon Stone. If I may say so, I will be given the most favourable treatment.

Nevertheless, they were pulled out of the treatment center again after school. In the meantime, Dr. Zeffle used to see him at the treatment center.



"Um, school service, thank you for acknowledging"

I wanted to thank you very much for once. Dr Zeffle put a raucous light in his eyes and said sarcastically.

"Why, you thank me! It's about the Empire. It would be natural for the imperial ones to do it! If you thank me, I'll have to thank you too, you guys! Thank you for your help."

And I lifted my hair, and I sneezed around,

"And I was wondering why you weren't born sooner."

And snapped.

"Dr. Zeffle?

"My mother. My mother died of the disease. It's a common story. It was 20 years ago."


"My father was a man of dreams, and he left us saying that there might be some kind of business seed in the land of swords and magic. I said I would definitely go back, but I didn't. I don't even know if I went to Merida. Meanwhile, my mother died."


"It was Isaac's father who made me go from orphanage to high school with his eyes on me. That's what I mean."

"Dr. Zeffle"

Dr. Zeffle is pointing that way.

"We don't give back what our parents did to us."

"What are you talking about"

"It's not because I'm an orphan. What I get from my parents returns to the next generation. Because parents don't grow up looking for something in return. So Dr. Zeffle doesn't have to give it back to his substitute Marquis. You just have to give it back to the next generation. You're a teacher, so you're already here."

"You don't have to give it back. To the next generation…"

"If you grew up looking for something in return, you need to live up to that bottom line. If you want to respond, calculate the cost involved, minus the amount of work you've just worked for the Marquis so far. If you still think it's not enough, you can send me a bouquet of flowers."

Dr. Zeffle was pompous.

"I won't deduct love, but don't use love as a shield."

"Arsh, which mouth says that"

"Come on, Cyril, don't pull your mouth, the laziness of!

"Who's being used all the time!


"Are you..."

Dr. Zeffle said as if he was out of strength.

"Anyway, it's not about being thankful for your service. You can't do it either. Students are best studied."

That's how I left.

"Arsh, you have to talk a little bit properly, don't you?

"Oh, no, I'm busy. Will? Come on. Dan? Give it up? Mal......"

Cyril pissed me off for an hour.

That's how it was two months and it was spring break but I still couldn't get to Findaria. Not in its place, but Naz's father came along with a team of seconded doctors from Findaria. Because Naz was busy helping us, too. And he brought me all sorts of Findaria specialties.

I still had olive oil. And warm countries along the west coast are also flourishing with herbs and flowers, they say, dealing with perfumes, dried herbs, etc. Dan's eyes shone.

"Arsh, maybe we can go. The empire is so vast, I can't help but be cramped. I'll go to Findaria first when I graduate from school."

"We're Kirik."

Will said.

That's good. What if I graduate? When I graduate, where am I going? Suddenly I became anxious.

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