I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15, 4 months old, new life.

Ms Geelen is right, the treatment center managed to calm down in the four months, and no, they were getting busier and busier, but our turnout was very low. I go to the after-school treatment center about two days a week to help. Even when it comes to helping, it's instructing newly-arrived doctors, or responding to patients who can hardly transfer their magic to demonic stones, and I think they're working hard for it. There is no longer much criticism of who has found a cure for the disease because they are not imperial or because they are young, because they are no longer at a level to hide through.

The school is the same as it was two years ago when the class was held up. Florence has been busy at the treatment center, playing less with him, but Naz, Hulk and Hugo are together. Of course, Isaac, Theodore and Abel are good friends. School service also continues as a regular one. The club has focused on temporary service, but now that we are calm, we are also actively participating. I think now that I still wanted to be seen like a girl last year. But morning training alone is also difficult to maintain strength. Joining the club made the match solid. The students of the knighthood are thrilled. There's not a single thing that's going to make you "weak" any more obnoxious.

Even if I keep myself busy on weekdays like that, I have a whole day off on the 6th and 7th. I'm putting out a stall there.

Mal's skewers are also available in stores and are ready to be sold. Round, perforated doughnuts take a lot of work, so I'll make a spring and creep it off with a spoon, that's what my doughnuts for sale are for. Freshly fried with a little sugar. I really want to put it on tight, but then it gets a lot higher than the doughnut body. So just a little. Still makes for a tasty snack in this less sweet world. I would love to use plenty of oil in the first place.

Now don't push it, start at about 11: 00 on the sixth day, and if it sells out, it's over. When I clean up, I go to Mr. McKenny's and learn Kirik and horseback riding. Meanwhile, Mr. McKenny is constantly wandering around. And come home for dinner.

Rumors of phantom stalls that only existed on the sixth day spread quickly, sometimes selling out before lunch. Dan is hitchhiking and selling tea next door, and Cyril and Will are sellers. Both Naz and Hulk are interesting and helpful. Hugo and others regret,

"If I spread it out like a breakfast mechanism, I'd make the most money!

He said it was a bump, but if you do it, it will probably be last year's two episodes, and you won't be able to take a break and start working. Sell something delicious and laugh at the crap you talk about with people in Imperial City who come to buy it. And earn a week's worth of money. For the first time since I came to the Empire, I have a real sense of living relaxed.

On the seventh day, then, I was going to the dungeon. In the morning I walk with my luggage and train. Once back at noon, make a real attack from afternoon to late evening. He didn't work as an adventurer for months, so he was stressed out. Hulk, Aloys, Liner, Bernort, and Theodore and Abel were moving freely here, following in the morning, following in the afternoon, and diving in groups of their own, depending on their strength.

And Mr. Greg and Mr. Cullen had a busy wedding. They're supposed to have more engagement periods, but they're both way past their due ages. In the meantime, not only Greg, who was epistled, but Karen, who was very active this time, is gaining value, and if we don't get married soon, there's also a reason why this was going to come in.

I told him to leave the stall at the wedding too and he pissed me off. I thought it was a good idea.

The bride was very pretty in a soft light red dress. Mr. Greg was very lit. And then the two of us moved to the little mansion we got when we were the epistles.

There was no honeymoon or anything, and we both didn't hang up going back to work. That's what they say.

Yeah, well, I didn't dive into the dungeon much later last year, so I didn't expect a promotion, but I had a 'surge' feat, so I was able to go up to grade B specifically with Mr. Greg's permission.

When I go to the dungeon, I also look forward to seeing Nico and Blanc. Nico and Blanc said they won't be leaving this year and will stay another year.

"I'm not worried about you guys."

That's what Nico said when we said we were worried about Maria and Sophie because we were okay now.

"Honestly, this disturbance was on a level of taking me back to Merida. Looks like he managed to fit in. I have Mr. Greg if I have to. But."

Nico continued.

"I haven't been around the dungeon yet! Especially in the North. Greg's help has calmed down a little. Seriously. Connect. We have to dive into the dungeon before we can go home."

"I don't mind either."

Bran seems easygoing.

"Noah and the others seem to do the same. You're going to Kilik first. When I come back to the Empire, I'll go to the North Territories, and then I'll be back next spring."

They're coming after Kirik. I'm happy with that. But I need to train for horseback riding.

'Cause that's where you teach in the Knights via Mr. Greg.

Hmm, he said it was okay. With Cyril,

"Do it or something."

So it was done. Oh Maria, Sophie, if you'd just stay by my side at a time like this!

"'That's silly, Arsh, finally,' they say, and it's over."

Mal...... Yeah, maybe so. Lamb sisters are sometimes very tough. Both Mr. Greg and Mr. Cullen were very pleased about Cyril's engagement. Mr. Gregg...

"Those little kittens."

So he looked up to heaven, and took Mr. Noah and Nico and Bran somewhere as they were. Mr. Cullen,

"Probably a tavern."

And I was giggling dull.

I pulled a stall and went to visit Alec's mansion as well. For Alec, who was busy and deserved it, he opened a stall in the mansion's garden and offered skewers, doughnuts and tea to Alec, Mr. Fritz and anyone working at the mansion.

"Well, finally engaged, you could have been Isaac or Aloys"

"Dear Alec, do me another favor! Congratulations to Cyril and Arsh. We have to celebrate later."

Alec was a little sorry, nonetheless.

Only a few things bothered me during such a fun day. McKenny Chamber of Commerce. Precisely the young clerks we meet at the McKenney Chamber of Commerce. Neither Will nor Mal cares, but somehow they feel hostile. You know Mr. McKenney takes care of you, why not?

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