I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15, 4 months old, McKenny Chamber of Commerce.

The only time I go to the McKenny Chamber of Commerce is one or six days a week. Study, horseback riding takes place on the premises of the Chamber of Commerce, but meals are taken at Mr. McKenney's mansion. Sometimes I stay there. For dinner, Mr. Andy and Louis are usually with us. This is also a place to study, so conversations are often conducted in Kirik.

Anyway, Mr. McKenny seems to be having fun, so he's honestly sweet.

Try to figure out where to buy the objection, but one thing isn't perfect.

One day, when I wanted to go through the store, I rarely heard the clerk.

"Even if they say it doesn't work, that's what it is"

"This one's not cheap. I bought it out of the money, I brought it because it's hard to use, but it doesn't explain why properly"

Apparently the merchant who bought the Demon Stone Stove.

"I have never been dissatisfied with the product from the person who bought it before. I can't buy it, so I don't know how to use it."

"Oh my God!

Oh, the Lamb Pavilion in the King's Landing would be pissed off. I think so, but nothing in particular scolds the clerk.

"Can I see it for a second"

"Oh, please"

Will went in between. Oh, rarely.

"What are you doing?"

"I need you to deceive me for a second"

Quietly speaking to the complaining clerk, Shin, Will inspects the demon stone stove in the store.

"Oh, is it your job to serve food?

"Mm, yeah, you got it."

"Because it is commonly used even though it is right after I bought it. You've never had a demon stone stove before?

"That's right. That's convenient with a certain amount of firepower. But it's getting worse."

"You bet, Arsh, lend me a bluff."

"Fine, yes"

"Look, there's a lot of dirt on this ignition area, so please focus on cleaning this place like this. Because cooking really gets dirty."

"I see, indeed"

"Hey, when you do this, look"

"Oh, I caught fire."

"When you use it at work, the demon stone also decreases quickly, so you should be careful and replace it when the firepower drops. It's easier to handle than a regular stove, but I knew it wouldn't last long without servicing it. It's a shopping spree."

"You're right when they say that. I thought you didn't have to do anything because it's convenient."

"You're my partner at work, let's take care of it."

"Thank God"

"You're welcome."

The merchant left in a good mood. Tools have to be taken care of. Come on, let's go study.

"Hey, you, what are you doing?"

"I just helped explain?

"Just because you're the chairman's son, don't let outsiders who aren't even clerks talk to you"

"Oh, that's right, though"

Will said with his head on.

"So, what were you gonna do with that guy?

"How dare you kick out the obsessed customers?"

All the clerks in the store are nodding.

"In fact, this has hardly happened before. That's what started replenishing Demon Stone last year, and somehow the common people started buying it, complaining about it as much as the common people. If you don't know how to use it, don't buy it."

"It's expensive shopping for ordinary people. If it doesn't work, you'll naturally come to ask. What's wrong with that?

Will asks strangely. The clerk sighed.

"You don't have to sell it to the poor, even though you're making money not selling it because you can't."

"Ah. Well, it's Dad's business. You can do that if you want. You interrupted."



We called Mr. Andy uncle or Mr. Andy, but we called him out about Louis. That's what we're supposed to do to each other because we're getting closer.

"Will, suppose you're the chairman's son, don't talk halfway"

"That's why I'm trying to go home."

"It's not, the other way around. Do it right if you want to. I've been thinking. Why aren't you studying at the store? I've been waiting a long time to see when I'm going out to the store, but whenever I come, I just study and ride horses. It's time to study business."

"Oh hon hon"

I coughed. When Louis got upset, he took us to a separate room. The clerk was still looking at Will with nasty eyes.

"Hey, Louis, you haven't heard from your father, and I'm not taking over the McKenny Chamber of Commerce."

"Why! It was Mr. Steven who made it this far from almost exporting Demon Stone! You're wasting that hard work!

I thought Mr. Lewis was a better person.

"I don't care."

"Honestly, I sympathized when I heard you were spending time as an orphan at first, but I thought you were a bottom adventurer with no education. But be active enough to be recited, and if you see him, there's also upbringing. Even now, customers are a big deal. With all that qualities, why don't you try to carry on the trail?"

"No, well."

"Mr. Steven takes care of me so much, why don't you try to give it back!


"I've never been interested in anything, and I've really done my job and made the Chamber of Commerce bigger. That's what I've been looking forward to every day since you guys got back, and yet when I come with you guys, I'll put out the stall on my own, I'll go to the dungeon on the seventh day, can't you face the Chamber more!

"But Louis, you're already away from your parents, aren't you seeing your parents that often?

"I was with my parents until I was an adult. I'm not like you guys. You should get your lost time back."

I met Cyril face to face. The point is that I'm intoxicated by Mr. Steven and he's angry with Will and Mal for being loving but not returning it.

"I mean, if it's that important to your father, why don't you just let Louis take over the Chamber of Commerce?"

"Hey, aside from the real kids, I'm not that ungrateful!

Louis still says. I heard.

"Maybe, Louis, it's in your mouth at the store?

"What, Arsh?"

"He's my son, so I should inherit him, I should train him at the store,"

"Absolutely. Trouble if they think I'm going to succeed."

That's why! So the clerk has weird expectations for Will and wonders why he's not coming to the store... If it wasn't, there would be a lot of Lewis, and you think I'm alert to the Wills?

"It's a hassle..."

"What's the trouble?"

It's Mr. McKenny.

"Lewis, I don't want to take over the Chamber of Commerce, but I'm going to teach it."

"I'm going to let you inherit."

"Huh? You're not talking about that. Louis is fine."

"Not with Lewis like this."

"Because Louis is still young. From now on."

Will told me you were young. Louis is being taken lightly.

"You know that, Will"

"Uh, I knew it was a hassle! You didn't accidentally leave the store!

Sometimes that happens, right? I had a slightly distant eye.

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