I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15. Another five moons.

I'm not the only one who's accidental all the time.

"Young... I've been helping with business for over six years now. What do you students still know!

"Six years, you've seen my father..."

Correctly, it would mean three years of help, three years of employment. It seems that Louis excelled in his schooling among the clan and was expected as an important member of the McKenney Chamber of Commerce, that is, Will's future arm. That's why I'm studying at Central High School, and I've been helping the Chamber of Commerce since high school. I guess even after Will and Mal were gone and treated like successors, I'm proud to have worked hard. I also know about Mr. McKenney before Will and Mal disappeared.

He is the son of a tribal chief of his own tribe. The whole tribe screamed when I heard that I had dowried in a foreign country, and it was a fuss when I heard that I was not going to be a tribal chief. Mr. McKenney's father is still alive and well as a tribal chief, but the next generation is Mr. McKenney's sister's son-in-law, a good man, but somewhat lacking in comfort.

Anyway, he is famous both as a person and a disturbing person, as well as a person who is stabilising the export of demonic stones to revitalize Kilik's economy. That's why he was shining, and he worried everyone about how things had changed since he lost his wife and son.

It didn't matter how everyone couldn't regain their shine, but it didn't take long for the children to come back to normal. I laugh a lot and change my expression. Even some business is starting to get new. My returning son is glorious, much like my father. He is also a highly regarded adventurer in Kilik. My daughter is also a rare beauty.

The McKenney Chamber of Commerce, which could be said to have been stable or stagnant, is now in a state of chaos. Moreover, more than six months after my son showed up, there's no sign of looking to business. I'm worried about what's going on. If it's as much as I would expect from my son who doesn't know what will happen, whether or not I'll follow a steady Louis.

Ridiculous. That's my candid feeling. That's why I knew it even when it was seen with anxiety and hostile eyes......

"And you mean you've been in steady business with steady customers for six years, Louis"

"Naturally. McKenny Chamber of Commerce. The only demon stone dealer in the empire."

Louis said proudly.

"I said I wasn't going to succeed the McKenny Chamber of Commerce, Louis."

"So why?"

"Because I'm not interested. Besides, if you were interested, you wouldn't succeed."

"What do you mean?"

"If you want to do business, start a new one yourself"


"You didn't even think about it?


"Hey, Louis, a year after we got here, what did Mal do last year?

"Mal? Were you involved in the demonic meat store last year? And you're playing stalls now. The one Will's helping, too."

Hmm. I knew you thought so.

"Mal, give him the stall breakdown"

"The stall itself is the property of my shop. I only use it in the morning, so it stays in the store at noon. Make the most of it. Hence no rent. The Demon Stone Stone on the Demon Stone Stove can replenish its own magic, so it doesn't even cost you fuel. 500 gills of skewered skewers. 200 skewers of that. Sold out in almost two hours. Cost is quite high, 200 gills a skewer. 300 gills x 200 skewers, 60000 gills of rice noodles. Above"

"Arsh is"

"I sell one donut for 200 gills and three for 500 gills. Sugar is expensive, and the cost is enough to cut a little bit of 1000 gills because there are also purchases of veterinary fat. Sell about 300, so the profit is 3,000 gills. I wonder if the two of us could make a couple of grand if we paid for a part-time job to a friend who helped us."

Louis is taken lightly. I guess the stall was thinking so much about the ladies' play, the deficit and getting Mr. McKenney to put up with it. Does a lamb do that? When I say make a dime, I deserve to make enough money to make my life right every day.

"It's a demonic meat shop, that's because Mal thinks about the food, we fund it, and Mal is the owner. You're making money, usually."

"Huh? Didn't you just come up with an idea?

"In the first place, I'm one of the owners of a business association called the Lamb Chamber of Commerce. And Mal, of course. That means I'm in the Chamber of Commerce that I started with childhood training. I haven't done a big deal yet, and I'm not going to make the heart of my life a business at the moment, but I'm going to fund and support the money I've earned from adventurers."

But the chairman said he wanted to succeed you.

"I was teased, Louis, and I was teasing you. Notice that."

Will said out loud.

"If I'm serious about my chamber of commerce, McKenny could be crushed."


"Oh, Dan's messing with me."

Mr. McKenny said something strange.

"If I hadn't been a student, why would Dan have done it alone?"

Dan shrugged his shoulder. Wanna do it? I won't. I can do it.

"Yeah, well, Will, Dan would have that talent. I'm glad you're part of the lamb."

"Steven, what do you mean?"

"Oh, I mean, what happens when the McKenny Chamber of Commerce is crushed?

"Oh, Steven grieves"

"First of all, that or Louis."

"What the hell, just now. Don't you care about your father?"

"If the McKenny Chamber of Commerce crumbles, Kirik is the first person in trouble. And employees of the Chamber of Commerce. All the merchants I've ever dealt with McKenny. Customer. Of course, Dad."

Will told me.

"Well, if it's about Dad, me and Mal will feed him. We don't do business to make people suffer. I started without thinking deeply about it at first, but if I'm going to do business now, I think it will be conditional on what other people can't think of, and that there are people who enjoy doing business, people who can help."

And I stared at Louis and said.

"So McKenny won't crush it"

"Don't crush me, really"

Mr. McKenny laughed.

"But, Dad, I hate to say it, but it's not good as it is."

"Well, it's not a good idea if you crush it from the inside out, I knew it"

"Don't look back on me. Do something."

"Ha, haven't I had enough because I've grown the Chamber of Commerce?

Louis looks pitiful, looking at the two with a slightly sad eye. Six years, I've seen it. Still, can't it be a parent-child bond? I guess that's what you think.

"Louis, no."


"It's not because I'm a parent or a child. Because they're alike."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't like authority or anything that binds me. I want to live free. Straight to what you like and want to do. Others are a bit annoying."

"Mr. McKenney is like that"

"I think I'm flying out of the country and taking it personally because I'm such a person. If Will were born in Kilik and interested in the world, he would be Mr. McKenney. If Mr. McKenny was born in Merida and interested in strength, he'll be Will."

"Then I will not inherit this Chamber forever."

"I don't think it's the same role to jump out and start fresh and take care of what's already bigger and make it even bigger."

"Arsh, I..."

Mr. Lewis was annoyed.

"Yeah, you're fine. Louis, walk about the lamb for a while."

"What are you talking about, Dad? We're fine."

"You can leave it to Dan."

"No, wait a minute, Mr. McKenny, I'm trying to start a new business right now."

"Dan, just let me study Lewis"

A flow arrow flew into Dan.

And for some reason, I was supposed to keep Louis for the weekend. Sometimes that happens, right? Dan looked away.

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