I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, the month of 15 and 5 is over.

Will continued.

"Andy, Louie, wake up. Andy, Uncle, try to remember your father's 10 years ago. It was just a special win because I was depressed, wasn't it a mess? Swing around on your own. I went to buy some magic props, but I took the liberty of dowry, and yet I don't bring my wife or children. Demonic props keep importing. The demand for demon stones grows. We have to make the Chamber of Commerce bigger. Isn't that repetition now?"

"Oh, 10 years ago, sure. I forgot it because I was calm, but it did wiggle."

Mr. Andy said softly.

"Louis, if you respect your father so much, I'm not saying Merida, even within the Empire, just go everywhere. So find out what you want to do. Don't look at your real father, just admire him. I feel sorry for my father."

"Will, but you, for nearly a decade, wouldn't have seen Mr. McKenny. Why are you talking like the real Mr. Steven knows he is!

"Ten years, I had time to remember. It was enough to think about why we got ourselves into this situation and what our father was going through."

"Stupid, you must be seven, 10 years ago."

"The last time I saw him, he was six years old."

"So how did you know you were a parent and child..."

"I remember you, Dad."

Will said all the same to Louis, who was going out of line.

"Will and Mal will never forget what we saw."

"Same as Steven"

Mr Andy replied when I said it.

"I don't want to tell you what happened in the meantime either, Louis, because I haven't even told Dad in detail. It's just that maybe the way McKenny feels is special. My father looks more like Mal. That's why I know so well. It's useless to think like a normal person and try to admire it or not. As a single person, I need to be the one to attract your father's interest."

"Oh, no."

Louis is still stunned.

"Father, uncle, department of reuse of demon stones, what's going on?"

"I'm letting veterans handle it, but I'm getting more and more handy"


"That's out enough"

"The import of magic props"

"Once every six months, it doesn't increase immediately, but orders are placed."

"For Sale"

"Little by little from noble to common people"

"Then what needs to be done will be the training of the young"

"Yes, it is."

Andy twitches. Will shrugged his shoulders and turned to Louis.

"Dad and Andy are the only ones left, Lewis. Think about protecting the McKenny Chamber of Commerce."


"If you can't think about attacking and making it bigger, think about keeping one job from being taken by another chamber of commerce"

Will counted in vain.

"Louis, it's easy to enter another chamber of commerce because of the reuse of demon stones, your new job?

"Oh, sure."

"Is that okay?

"Of course not."

"Then what?

"Right, the Empire is the center, but it will soon spread across the country, so let the young experience it and create reuse departments in other city branches to cater to treatment centers on a national scale"

"There are so many buyers of magic props, don't you have to do anything? What if Merida's merchant comes out?

"… quality stability. Trust for Long-Term Relationships"

"Hey, can we just keep going?"

"... no. If there was a back shield behind some Marquis family trying to get in, they'd follow me."

"So far, the North and East Territories are fine, but I don't know the center, and what happens to the South"

"You can't stay like this."

"What have you been doing with us for a month?

"How to face business, how to face customers"

Will looked back at Mr. McKenny and Andy.

"Hey, Louis, you're brilliant. Grow up properly."

And I said to Louis.

"I'm not going to succeed the Chamber of Commerce, but if I get lost, don't look at my father, look at me. I'm no more selfish than my father, and I'll see about Louis."

"Will, you...... Too busy."

Louis smiled bitterly.

Thus we were still about to have an early summer with great trouble for adults.

"It was hard to see in Arsh or Cyril, but Will is a hell of a delicacy. Are you sure you don't want me to inherit?"

"You can't just do whatever you want and push your children into the future"

"What a waste. I'm disappointed in Louis."

"Sort of. Since we met again last year, we sent a fact-finding team to Merida"

"You were doing that"

"Yeah, I didn't ask you about my divorced wife, but it's regrettable that I didn't do a proper investigation because I was confused by the grief. They didn't have any from the city that saw the children in the last year of my absence for three years. Apparently in the mansion cabin... trapped..."

"Steven, it's okay, you don't have to talk to me"

"And yet Will tells me not to blame my ex-wife because I'm the one who didn't come to see him. Merrill was also rushed to run the investigators, but he was ruined a year before Arsh arrived. I only heard good stories from there...... Protect Mal and survive, enjoy the present, and see the big picture. Some of the original qualities would be, but it was Arsh and Cyril who grew that qualities to a large extent. Not me."


"Can you believe it, Mal seemed like a doll when he was little, he didn't talk or laugh. Sometimes the clan is born. I usually live an excellent but not very happy life. That sounds like fun every day...... If I hadn't left Merida behind and walked with her, I would have seen her grow."

"I have no choice but to repent. More than that, I was trying to do the same thing impulsively again, like Will told me, now don't fumble. It's a change of time for the Chamber of Commerce. You just have to stabilize it here and then flutter."

"Will Andy be here this time?"

"I'm sorry."

"Must be."

I don't do anything that connects me to the Chamber of Commerce. But what would Kilik's chief say if he saw Will and Mal... The chain for Will is not an empire. Well, I flew out of the tribe myself. There's nothing Will won't be able to do.

In the end, Steven is free. So I want to let the child go free, but that's something the child himself grabs. In the meantime, let's just try a little harder not to piss my son off any more. I'm not free, but I'm kind of happy about it.

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