I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15, 6 months. For the summer.

Louis returned to the McKenny Chamber of Commerce. We also got to have a relaxing school life.

The stalls are going well, and in a month's time the school will be on summer break. Cyril was very excited to participate in the official event of attendance at the Tribal Chiefs' Conference, which would be a little late for the new year from the month of 9, but going to a country other than the Empire.

Nevertheless, he said something cool and awful to Mr. McKenney to take him with him. I was worried they might get along badly, but they didn't.

"I know you're worried about us."

Will says so.

"Better than that, I was about to throw up sand in a low-level fight."

"Yeah, well, Cyril, pretend like you're saying something cool, and you're proud of your wife"

I'm not your wife yet. Will and Hoogo are still saying.

"Because I got engaged in the first place, I don't know what kind of attitude I've had lately."

"Don't think I'm relieved, sweet sweet, the Empire won't let Arsh go, will it?

"Heh, how do you have such a big attitude?

"For example, ah."

"Demon King Appearance"


Oh, they took me. Me, Mal and Naz laughed couscous.

"You have to go through Findaria to get to Kilik. I think I can stop by for a couple of weeks. You were supposed to come to Findaria this spring in the first place."

"I want to go to Findaria."

"The seven moons, the spring flowers are over, but the herbal flowers bloom. After a short walk outside the city, you'll have a nice smell under your feet."


"Especially since the west coast is warm, winter is good, but it's also famous as a summer sanctuary."

Maintenance land.

"Hey, are the Empire people coming there?

"I'm not coming much. It'll take about two weeks to get to the coast. That's why Findarian riches are the main focus."

"It's a waste, if the climate is so good, I wish I could develop it as a tourist destination"

"A tourist destination?

"Yeah, it's about to heal enough to be a maintenance site in the first place, isn't it? Make it easier to build a separate mansion, or build a lodge or dining room. So we'll sort out and provide information about what flower gardens are good, what coasts are good, what specialty foods, products that will make you a souvenir, so that you can come."

"It's a little hard to understand."

"Um, for example, on the West Coast, close to the Empire. What do you recommend?

"Maybe Maris. There are a few villas."

"What do you recommend for food?

"Of course, it's seafood grill! There's a small fishing port where you can get fresh seafood."

"Where do you see it?

"There's a high ground near the fishing port, and you can see the sea. That's the season. The sea is beautiful, and the high ground is in the flower garden."

"We're going to keep that up and scale it up and make it an industry. If you can come to a noble line, you can moisturize with adult stays, and you can process seafood and herbs for a souvenir and buy them and go. You don't have any specialty tea or anything?

"I do. It's also popular in Findaria."

"I hope we can also look at that increase in production. I think it would be nice to play by the sea, or play in the water."


"I'd rather have them come in the winter."


"It's warm in the winter, isn't it? It's a season in which the Empire had little snow, but nothing interesting. If it's warm and green that season and the food is good, why don't you just let your family go out and play?

"Right, Dan, it would be great to have a festival or something at a time like that."

"... there is, winter or a spring festival that calls for spring in one moon..."


"Mal, is that important?


Naz is surprised to see us.

"I've been close to you guys for almost a year, but I didn't know you guys like this, me"

"Hmm? What do you mean?

"I knew right away that it was fun as a friend. I knew I was strong from the start. I'm surprised we're starting business. I think so, even involved in the treatment of the disease. I still have stalls. But this isn't it."


"I don't know, it's big. From the beginning. Not on an individual level, this is a big industry that drives one city. How can you think about that?


I met Dan face to face.

"I was doing the inn. I've made some specialties."

"Right. You take for granted the unique selling of the city."


"What was your life like in Merida, you guys..."

I went to dungeons all over the place and was finally doing a lot of things.

"Well, an empire is such a big country, if you say so, but you want to figure out how to make me drop my money from here, I..."

"Yeah, I get it. The Empire's country can only work hard in the Empire. Small surrounding countries benefit from empires to the extent that they cannot keep their eyes open"

"Of course, we just need to make the empire feel better about that. Inn, Arsh, seriously think about it."

"Well, if you're going to do it in Maris, for example, you characterised the bath, I am."

"A bath or an empire isn't good enough."

"Because you haven't developed any magic props. Maris is by the sea, because it sticks with salt."

"Refreshing in the bath, then soap as a specialty..."

"Wait, wait, you guys are really crazy!

Naz is involved.

"I'm also a merchant's daughter, I know a little about business, and I'm interested. But it's a little too soon to keep up."

"I was going to go to Findaria anyway when I graduated. Well, for now, why don't you take Cyril to Maris this winter, too? Take some time off from school."

"Shall I order the magic props for the bath early? Wouldn't it be cheaper if I bought the Demon Stone directly from Kilik?"

"Findaria is imported by Demon Stone."

"Wait, wait, wait!

Naz started to get angry.

"First! Actually, come! Not until I know what it's like! No more."

"Ha, Naz is surprisingly short tempered"

"Anyone would be annoyed, if I had listened to you!

I guess. With that said, Cyril used to piss me off, too.

"It's okay, this story was nowhere to be pissed off"

Thanks, Mal.

"In the meantime, I wish Naz had opened a store too"


"I thought so, too. You're only exporting from Findaria now, right?


"So, the Findarian people use it, and it's not in the Empire, and that sounds like something interesting or fashionable? Naz is a girl, so focus on what appeals to a woman's sensibilities. Food, perfume, clothing."

"I don't know if I can sell it or treat it like a country, Findaria."

"Sell it in style. You can have Dan's shop make a corner."

"At the Lamb Pavilion, they also sold soap."

"More than profit, to know the tendencies of people in the empire. Why don't we find out what kind of things are preferred among our students?

"Already, already, you guys!

If it's a girl who can cut the demon meat and do stalls fine, I wonder if she can.

"In the meantime, when I get back to Findaria in the summer, I'm going to make sure I see what I think I can put out in the store. Because of this, I want to make a little profit."

You see.

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