I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15, moon of 8, Will and Sarah.

As soon as we arrive in Kilik, we are done face-to-face with the clan. There was nothing to complain about, much like me. Rather, they're just the same ones who make noise about McKenny's succession as his father.

Just how strong Will is. Before the power comparison, the strength to defend Mal and defeat the tribes is enough to allow fanatical followers not only to McKenny, but also to other tribes. Many offer not to daughter-in-law their own daughter. My son, who enjoys this situation without worrying about it, is reliable, or he can give it up, and he's a big shot from me.

I also followed the story that the chief was calling without changing my complexion at all.

"Hey, Grandpa. What happened to Uncle Kenneth, too?

Will, I need to talk to you.

Will, who doesn't build walls like this, so we both fell quickly.

"I'm pretty busy. Mal's in trouble."

"I'm listening. I can match my identity, and I don't care if it's a problem."

"It's too soon, Uncle. Think Sarah's in Orlando."

"That's... that's definitely worrying"

"You know, most of the time, you can have a good conversation, you can do it as the daughter-in-law of a chief."

"Yeah, yeah, you know, Will"

"You know, Sarah, you look like you're out of your mind, but it's hard to understand, you and Mal. Mal, for example, I'm so fluffy right now, but did we all notice?

Everyone shook their heads.

"And Sarah, she's not well. Are you okay?"

Sarah glanced a little, then nodded okay.

"Really? Well, forgive me for saying I like Mal in person, but I'm not gonna give it to you easily. Oh, Grandpa, what the hell, I need to talk to you."

"Um, you, why don't you take over after Kenneth and be the next chief?

"Is that me? I can't think about it at the moment. Why, someone from McKenny's clan would be fine."

"Something I would have my oldest son inherit. Kenneth succeeded me because of Steven's selfishness, but Sarah will succeed as a woman."

"Does that convince everyone in the family?"

"Young people, especially, know your strength."


Will said to Sarah.

"You, you've always had a hard time succeeding a chief. Didn't they tell you to let the one you didn't know come suddenly to inherit?

"I'm confused, but no, it's not"


"It's hard to understand how people feel. I'm not sure I can live up to the expectations of everyone in my family."

"Sarah, you're the same age as Mal, so you can talk normally."

"Because it's easier to talk like this"

"Right. So, what do you want to do when you stop being a chief?

"You'll marry someone."

"Where I want to go to my wife, is that you?

No, Sarah shook her head.

"So what do you want to do until you go to your wife?

"What... because I never thought about it"

"You want something tasty? You want to go somewhere? You want to study? You want to learn the sword?


"Hey, shall I ask Arsh to make some sweets next time? Donuts, like this, fluffy, hot, with sugar on them, huh? Imagine that."

"It looks delicious..."

"Hey, how about skewering? Maru's skewers are good, huh?

"Will Mal make it? I like to cook too."

"So is Mal. I knew you were a cousin."


"Don't you want to go to the Empire? The building and the view are totally different."

"I want to go..."

Sarah's face stains with longing. Can this look also be done?

"Oh, come on, we're off the record."

"I'm not off. I'll be the chief, which means Sarah won't be. Even Sarah will have to be happy so that Mal can be happy. It's important."

Both my father and Kenneth are taken lightly. Neither do I. What you see from the beginning is different. This is not the vessel of those who stand on top.

"Will, if you became chief, what would you go for?"

"Of course that would be the happiness of the clan. And we need to make sure that happiness leads to Kirik's interests. Like Mal would be happy. Hey, Grandpa, I didn't say it was gonna happen yet."

"I didn't know you couldn't think of it at the moment... doesn't that mean no?



"Me, I want to be strong. Few guys in Imperial City were stronger than me. Because Findaria is not a martial arts country, there aren't many strong guys. Merida's still full of guys stronger than me. That's why I want to go back to Merida. But..."

Will laughed invincibly.

"I don't know about Kilik. No loss to the young guy so far. I like the fighting atmosphere in this country. I want to dive in the dungeon too. I was wondering if you could make me stronger here. I wonder if it's worth being a chief."

Will looked straight at the chief. What is this? McKenny's blood that I forgot makes a scene. Kenneth, Dad, you too.

"What do you want as much as you beat the younger ones? The men in this country are really strong, just not comparable in power, huh?

"Well, about you, there's as much here as there is."

"Oh, I told you, grandpa, uncle, you want to do it?

"All right, let's get on the table."

Everyone took their seats.

"Wait, wait, that's not what I'm talking about."

I stopped in advance. Damn, because Kirik's temperament is this. I almost got on the table, too.

"Will, I had no choice but to go outside because Kilik was cramped. I don't want you to feel the same way. So I respect your thoughts."

"It's a sudden story. Hey, Grandpa, Uncle, you have to decide right away."

"That's not true, but I can't wait that long when I think about Sarah"

"I don't care if I'm late to marry you, because if I were you, I wouldn't have to have a wife."

Will thought about it a little.

"Two years. Two years, can you wait"

"Two years. Reason."

"A year is school. The next year I will probably go to Findaria with my buddies. Then I'll bring Mal back once. So two years. Except"

Niyah laughed.

"Make me want to stay in Kilik for the duration of the tribal council. Show me your strength."

"I don't even need to be told"

My father gave Kenneth a powerful nod back. Will went on to say.

"Later, Sarah, why don't you come with me to the Empire for the last year"

Sarah's eyes turned round.

"It's gonna be a good experience. If you can't study abroad, you can do an apprenticeship at your father's company. There's Louis, too. Just get out of here a little bit and think about what you want to do. Let's help our stalls on the day off. I have a shop in the Empire. It would be a good opportunity for the clans to expand their sights and ears."

"Do that, if you don't come back"

"The kind of guy who doesn't come back means he was unhappy even when he was here. Well, think about it. Hey, can we talk about this?

"Yeah, two years from now."

"Yes, I'll talk to my buddies."

Will walked out with a flickering wave.

"What, I didn't know you were thinking of those who stand up naturally..."

"Will's fellow lambs, they all do, Dad."

"Whatever you do, I want you to carry on the trail."

And Sarah, who was dropping Will off, said.

"Um, Dad. I want to go to the Empire."

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