I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15 years old, it starts to compare the moon forces of 8.

Mr. McKenney and Will, called by the tribal chief, are back.

"What did you want? You mean Mal?

"It wasn't, it was about me. I was wondering if you could succeed me."

"" "" Succession?

Surprised. Cyril just opened his mouth.

"But Will, you refused to succeed the McKenny Chamber of Commerce, and yet?

"Now we're talking about Grandpa and Uncle. Dad was going to like it."

"So, what are we gonna do?

"Yeah, well, I'm thinking about taking it"

Oh, my God! I didn't even think about it...

"I didn't originally think of a future other than empowering myself as an adventurer. But you won't be able to be with five forever. All of us are going to travel anyway. I was thinking about going back to Merida, but if Mal stays in Kilik, I can stay in Kilik too. Above all, this country suits my skin."

"But McKenny's territory is a week further north of Lanote. Is it going to take four weeks from the Empire..."

Cyril is thinking hmm.

"Hey, what's an industry in McKenney's territory?

"Oh, Dunn, besides the production of the Dungeon's Demon Stone, you're a blacksmith because of the quality ore coming out. Looks like he's got a good sword on him. Originally, it appears that McKenny had a sales channel with the Empire due to its export. That's why I started dealing with demon stones. And then there's Kilik's only port. That's why the fishing industry is so exciting."

"Don't be the northernmost sea we've ever seen. I'd love to go."

Cyril wants to go anytime.

"Hey, let's go"


"You can take some more time off from school, if you want to come back to Lanote, you'll have to wait until next year. Then let's go now. If you might want to inherit the trail, you should look at the territory."

"Right. Then go."

"" "Let's go" "

Then Will said it a little hard to say.

"Oh, and then again, you might be bringing Sarah"


"Yeah. He's hard to say what he's trying to say, and he's alive with himself contained. In a highly assertive McKenny, he's giving up and being flushed. Mal had Arsh, and all of Merrill's people knew about Mal. That's why he grew up relaxed. But I can't help but wonder if Mal would have been like Sarah if he'd grown up here. So I wanted to get away from the realm once."

I looked into Mal's eyes. Sarah and I meet face-to-face. I thought you were cute, similar to Mal. Fun? Yeah, fun. You want me to do a stall with you? Yeah, let's do it.

"We're fine. Rather fun. I wonder what we'll do together."

"All of a sudden, give it a little bit."

"Hmm, you take care of it."

"He's my cousin. Say hi to Dan and Cyril."

Going to McKenny's territory was approved with great joy, even for us. I think it's important that you have a little interest in the territory. However, Hugo decided to go back.

"I'd like to follow you, but I'm not taking this opportunity. But you'll just need to go back to school and explain it to about one person. And there was a gain."

Hugo was relieved.

"Kilik's big deer skin is hard to get out of. With the load of demon stones, I was to get some accommodation. When you get your skin on a regular basis, there's so much you can think about."

"I'm going back alone, though."

"That's okay. I studied Kirik, and I'm going home with the load of McKenny Chamber of Commerce and the skin of a big deer. I didn't think it would help me to speak Kirik even though I was from the Empire."

That's fine. Glad you studied with me. That happened, but the tribal chieftaincy council was over, and finally the day of power comparison arrived.

The power comparison is tournamental. Split the especially strong one east-west and then decide the opponent with a scratch. This year the winner is Mal's dowry right. There are many participants, but it ends in a day. They say the last game is in the middle of a rough fire.

Most importantly, Mal hasn't said a word about marrying someone who wins. If Orlando wins, I'm just saying I can go to my wife.

"Don't worry, whoever comes, I'll take him down."

and the Australian Will, at the head of the west. Orlando will be the leader of the East.

Leave eight in the morning and finish. Oh, some boys have teased me on my first day. I'll win, I'll send you an autograph, but winning doesn't matter to me. Cyril hasn't competed, by the way.

"Waste is good."

Is that a waste of dowry?

Or is it useless to do it because I don't have one?

I was scared to ask. Cyril scared.

Afternoon. The venue is in full swing. Before the semifinals, there is a match between me and Mal. Kilik is also rare for women to fight. But he said there were more women to admire watching us fight.

"I'd like to have more girls who don't think they'll change soon, but who can give their opinions clearly. I want you to think it's okay for a girl to be an adventurer. You guys are so popular."

That's what Orlando's mother said. If the chief's mother asks you to, you can't not not not do it. Yeah, we fought. I've always been the one to lose to Mal, but you stuck with it all this time. And as the screaming cheers of women echoed, I knew I'd lost again. Yeah. Mal's strong.

With all that excitement, Will and the example boy are the semifinals. East is Orlando with boys from the southern tip of the territory.

"I'll take him down instead of Cyril. Even Arsh is my sister!

That's what he said and knocked me down. Brother! Orlando has won up perfectly dangerously.

With the darkness looming, there is a burning fire. How many games would they both have played today? It's a situation where you're already breathing on your shoulders. But in the dungeon, that happened many times. The two face each other quietly.

Khan. Two people pop up with the beginning signal. Combine and don't move. The force is antagonizing. Will leaves by twisting his body all the way. Take a distance and let him see the sword again as he tries to get over it. This time it will be a fierce meeting. Will attacks and goes. Orlando defends. Now Orlando attacks. The game lasted a long time. and Will's posture in combination collapsed slightly. Orlando immediately struck out and the victory and defeat were decided. The twirl runs.

But we both fall, don't stand up. Will manages to get up and make Orlando stand with a hand. The two men who lent me their shoulders were spared a cheer. In the meantime, Will said niggardly.

"Adventurers aren't sweet. I wonder if you can take Mal down."

Orlando was annoyed. Yes, I was focusing on this fight, but Mal said, "If you could beat me". No way, now? In the midst of a burning fire, a face very similar to Will's is chewing. The blonde shines under fire.

"Orlando, it's not the end, is it? In the dungeons, even if you're tired, the demons won't wait for you."

There, stood the goddess of battle.

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