I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 8, moon, border town.

They teased me a little young at the inn, but I'll be in Findaria in another two days. When we entered the inn the next day, nervousness ran because Will and Mal made a royal stand before Cyril, but neither Cyril nor this time Dan and I went to the room without complaining.

He gave me a slight glance and loosened his eyes slightly. It really does thrill me to have a slightly different atmosphere Cyril.

"Don't bother, not at all..."

That's what Will said with an attitude of good luck.

"Good day, Will"

Speaking with a giggle I dull,

"Really. Not at all because I'm finally free. Arsh doesn't even woke up!

and Will answered,

"Even though I'm separated, I won't allow Cyril alone"

Mal also says.

"You, that way! That's okay, right? You can go to the meadows fast."

Will's eyes are gentle.

"But I want to stay a little longer with Arsh"

"Oh, man, Arsh, I need you to hang out with me a little longer."

"Of course I am."

Will always cares about Mal.

Dan was running around alone in those almost traveling days. Our aim is a town called Maris in Findaria. It is a warm land, close to both Kilik and the Empire, a week's carriage from the Empire to the border, from where we head west for about three days and just hit the sea. From there to the capital of Findaria for five days, it is originally a land like a conservation site.

The cultivation of flowers and herbs flourishes, especially when two vegetable flowers bloom in spring, says it is as beautiful as laying a yellow carpet on spring greens. I didn't want to rush into something, but I wanted to see it as one of the candidates for the inn.

Starting there, I was going to take a slow tour of Findaria. Of course, I'm going to stop by Naz's on the way.

But Dan,

"I have something to do while I'm slowly looking around"

I said, I have no spare time to inspect the land. He stops by the commercial guild to check the price of the land, looks around the town, even outside the town. We enjoy a journey that has nothing to do while sightseeing the town. It's a relaxing journey to a country with no dungeons, no students, no adventurers. Most importantly, morning sword training is indispensable.

A week after I left, I got a brief check in the border town. It's finally time for me to say Findaria. Spring didn't come to Findaria. Sarah looked ahead with interest, but

"I wonder what it is."

I raised my voice. What's that? When we also looked, we saw the receptionists who would be waiting for someone. Why did you stand out, because you're wearing something good anyway. I mean, I guess it's noble. The people trying to cross the border also have an interesting view.

"I have a feeling it's troublesome."

Cyril looked unusual and nasty. Will answered Cyril like that.

"Ha, no Ricardo, no Justo."

"You have Justo. I'm just going to the dungeon. Well, thank you. Something good happened in a place like this. I don't know."

I thought Cyril was struggling to get over it, too. When I arrived in the spring, if I put out the ID paper and the receptionist checked, that would be the end of it. However,

"Dear Arshmalia and Margaret, please wait a moment."

That said, the receptionist gave instructions to someone and we became feathers to be guided to a separate room.


"At least you didn't get teased by some weird adult."

Cyril and Will are bumping into each other. Sarah seems a little nervous. Eventually it was the two seemingly high-status adults and Naz's father who showed up. Naz's father has a hard look. With a suspicious look, the three of them took thanks for the abbreviated but aristocratic one to another, who stood up and greeted us. What? I only frowned a little. Didn't this happen in the spring?

"Welcome to Findaria"

The two who say so, would one be in his late 30s, a man with a calm atmosphere and the other a man in his mid 20s. Each, unlike the Redhead Empire people, has blonde hair and eye colors in just as gentle shades as Naz.

"Thank you for your welcome"

Dan answers on behalf of. But nothing more, waiting for the other guy to come out, a man in his 30s, introduced himself this way.

"My name is Hoot Cosal. I keep the northern part of Findaria. This one."

"Kenan Snai, the three sons of the Snai family who keep the West."

This means that the Lord of the North and the Son of the Lord of the West came straight away. What business are those people on? Dan saw Naz's father, but his expression remains stiff. Marquis Cosal smiled so as to ease the tension between the two.

"Let's be frank. The magnitude of the Empire's trend over the last two years or so was not for every other person, either, Findaria. There were always international students from Merida in the middle of that event."

We opened our eyes. I was in the empire, full of things in the empire, and I never thought about how that would be seen in a country outside.

"It was also surprising that the international student was recited as an imperial aristocrat, but that party came to Findaria away from the student frame, and that's why it's not important to Findaria."

It was really candid.

"Especially Lord Arshmaria, you are the same marquis as I am, even though you will not have territory. Lord Margaret will also be the fiancée of the Crown Prince of Kilik. I also hear Lord Will is a candidate for the next ministry chief. Lord Sarah is the daughter of the chief of the tribe, and all the rest hold the title."

Marquis Cosal took a breath.

"There was no interference in the body of students coming to visit their friends' house in the spring, but there was more to come to Findaria than there was no longer a bondage of students, with plenty of things that hit the Imperial nobility and, so to speak, the nobility of Kilik. Not to mention Lord Arshmalia, the one called the Virgin. Ask them directly what they intend to do, and if you can add them to your hopes, that's why."

The Virgin. I think I kept my mouth open for a moment. Mal elbowed me and shut my mouth in advance.

"Not since I wanted to talk to you, but you'll be unfamiliar with Findaria, so be sure to take this Kenan"

It wasn't if I was surprised. It's not a matter of a place called the Virgin. In short, don't do anything unsolicited because we'll put surveillance on it, you know?

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