I saw a young man named Kenan. At first glance it looks like you're smiling, but your eyes aren't. I am well worn. Merida would judge him a swordsman, but a noble three men in Findaria would be knights. Besides, the Marquis' son would have a high status there. I guess it's an unintentional job. But this way, too.

I glanced at Dan. Dan nodded and said this in a calm manner.

"It doesn't have a particularly big purpose, but if it's necessary, submit an itinerary. But no need for casual journeys, guides, etc."

Kenan was obviously muddled, and Marquis Kosal spread his hands like he was in trouble.

"It doesn't have a big purpose, but according to Elk, we're also thinking of doing business eventually. And when that happens, it's in the national interest, so you're free to do it."

Elk is Naz's family name. From visiting Naz's home in the spring, I guess I got a hearing in.

Okay, trouble. To be honest, I didn't think of it as such a big problem. But Dan said this without any hesitation.

"Well, even if they say so. I call it the national interest, but the fact that Findaria loses money in our business is not the first thing. I think Mr. Elk explained that to you."

When Dan looked at Naz's father, Naz's father nodded deeply. But the Marquis Cosal,

"Apparently Elk is buying about you guys, but youngsters who aren't even 20 yet. Besides, it has a title. Though I'm an adult, I'd like to put parents on it if possible. If anything happens to you, it's gonna be an international problem."

"Parents. Is that this young knight?"

That's what Cyril said. Loosen the edge of your mouth a little. That's what those eyes said we could protect each time you did. Two gaze bumps.

Cyril...... It's provoking, isn't it, this? Because of this, Dan is talking peacefully. I got a little headache. 'Cause we'd know Cyril was coming. But why don't you look externally?

The selfish boy of the Imperial aristocracy just seems to be trying to cause problems.

The situation is so funny that we, who were orphans, can only look like selfish nobles from the perspective of those we don't know, but I don't want to get into trouble because I want to be free even in Findaria, if possible. I'm in trouble.

"Isn't that nice, Arsh?"


"If you follow me. Whoever's here won't change what we want to do."

"Right, right"

"If you're a nobleman, you don't have to worry about your room."

Will niggered. Sure, it might be easier if you think so. To the words of Will, in relief, Marquis Kosal proceeded.

"Rooms, etc. The accommodation will also prepare the recommended items here, as well as the private rooms. You can stay at my Lordship Hall today. Of course, with Kenan at the forefront, we're going to get all the people we need right here."

Marquis Cosal gives us a glimpse when he says so.

"Be patient, do you mean? Much lighter though. Nevertheless, there will also be a need for samurai and those who work underneath. Let's get something worthy of dressing. If possible, each town will invite you to the mayor's hall. Especially this time there is Lord Arshmalia. Some towns will need your help."

My chest felt limp. Even though I had started, the treatment of the disease was hard. Even though the Empire has finally left my hand and the doctor can treat it properly. Didn't Findaria also send doctors to the Empire to train them? Also, weren't there more patients than the Empire?

When Cyril grabbed my shoulder, which had lost its complexion, he began to speak in a calm voice, not in an earlier challenging position.

"I'll be honest with you about this one. Do Imperial aristocrats travel to Findaria very often?"

As the story suddenly returned, Marquis Cosal tilted his neck,

"No, not many, but I sometimes come on trips. Normally, I don't know what that means."

"What I'm trying to say is, do we put protectors on all the Imperial nobles and invite them to the Lords' Palace?"

"No, that's not it. but you guys are young. Like I said at the beginning, there are also the Virgins, and some are important to Kilik. It means we can't treat them like normal nobles."

Cyril held his voice still.

"We are getting a title from the Empire. But I want you to understand that I'm not an imperial."

"With that said, you're an international student from Merida..."

"Exactly. I have been an international student in the Empire. I just finally made it to Findaria, where I graduated safely and wanted to come someday."

Yes, Cyril and Will had never been to Findaria yet.

"There's been a lot of things and we got our place in the empire, but that's not our nature. We're Meridans, we're adventurers."

Marquis Cosal looked at what had happened. Cyril said this to make it sound good.

"One. If you are wary of the influence of the Empire, it is not. We carry nothing in the interest of the Empire."

Look closely at Lord Cosal. And Cyril turned to Kenan. My gaze bumps.

"Two. We're adventurers. Swords and magic, only directed at demons. I've never happened unless they brought it in."

It's like you're the one doing the trick. Continue further.

"Three. Each of us is the highest level of adventurer. I don't need you to protect me."

Cyril glanced back at the Marquis Cosal again.

"Four. Disease in the Empire was prompted by the healing of a close person and consequently saving the country, but that is not Arsh's mission. I don't have the muscle to demand it as a matter of course in Findaria. Don't call Arsh the Virgin. Don't try to use Arsh."

I said that word for word, to separate. Cyril.

"Five. Therefore, there is no need for amulets, etc. As always, stay and travel in cheap lodgings at will. If that will is to be ignored and accompanied, it is not protection but surveillance, which we regard as a violation of rights. I don't think our journey will stand up to your nobleman."

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